06 Club Activities
06 Club Activities
Magic was downright easy. Once I learned the main underlying mechanics, that mostly contained pre-designed ritualistic circles, there wasn't really anything I couldn't do. The only real limit was my own magic reserves. Learning how to do things was pretty easy, thanks to Grayfia's extensive knowledge.
Creating effects with imagination based Devil magic was as simple as imagining what I wanted and building up the magic to do it. With that combined with my Karma based abilities, I could pretty much do anything I wanted, as long as it benefited me in some way. Karma was a bit funny that way. When I checked my Karma points, they were at a solid +100.
Considering my previous actions, I had made up a significant amount of lost points and I suspected that when Akeno and Kiba returned, I would gain another smaller amount, considering they were the main pieces of Rias' Peerage. I already had Koneko firmly in my corner, so there would be no real gains there, besides the benefits of being with a pretty girl like her.
Two hours later, my contract had been fulfilled and Grayfia gave me a satisfied nod. I bent over at the waist and took her hand, kissed it with as much aplomb as I could, and thanked her with as heart-felt of a voice as possible. The pleased look on her face let me know that I had achieved what I set out to do.
I walked over to the teleportation circle and used my magic to change the standard destination to the one on my task list, stepped inside, and activated it. It didn't take a lot of magic to activate an already existing magic circle, so I disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared in the bedroom that appeared to be decorated by a teenage girl.
I didn't freak out when a mountain of a man stood up from the bed and glared at me. “Good evening, Mil-Tan! I am a Gremory Devil and I have been assigned to help you tonight.”
The massive man's glare didn't lessen. “They sent a new person? I was expecting Kiba-san to spend time with me. The new season of Magical Girl Seven was released and we were going to watch it together.”
I held up my hands and shrugged. “I'm sorry, Mil-Tan. They sent me here specifically because I was new. They thought you would want to meet the newest member that you could summon.”
Mil-Tan's glare didn't lessen. “Did they also tell you what my constant wish was and that they never fulfilled it in almost two years?”
I smiled and nodded. “You want to become a sexy magical girl with big boobs and an ass that would make men cry when they saw it.”
Mil-Tan looked surprised for a second, then started to cry. “It's my fondest wish!”
“What would you give to have it become real?” I asked.
“Anything! I would give anything to become what I've always wanted to be!” Mil-Tan pleaded.
“Then let's work out a deal that will benefit the both of us.” I said and Mil-Tan beamed a smile at me that had no place on the face of such a hard-looking muscular man that could fold me into a pretzel.
When we worked out the contract that was a mutually binding one, much to Mil-Tan's pleasure, we agreed on what it was actually worth to the man-that-wanted-to-become-a-woman and set the final terms of the exchange.
Once it was signed, I reached up and touched the muscular man on the shoulder. When I did, I mentally asked for my current Karma Point total. It was at +250 and I asked what I could buy with so much.
A screen popped up and I didn't bother trying to read through everything. I mentally chose the search option and looked up both Gender Switch for a Party Member and Customize Character options. I was not surprised that the cost of both combined was 220 Karma points and the Magical Girl add-on was and additional 30 points. That just seemed how my new life was turning out.
“All right, Mil-Tan. Show me the drawings and videos of what you wanted to look like.” I said as I made him a temporary party member.
Mil-Tan dug through the many sheets of paper he had and handed over the drawing that he liked the most. We also watched several of his favorite episodes of a magical girl show. Afterwards, I spent a good fifteen minutes tweaking everything in the Customize Character screen to make the new Mil-Tan look exactly like what Mil-Tan wanted to look like.
“Is anyone going to question why you transformed from a big muscle man into a beautiful and sexy woman?” I asked him.
“No, I have been reclusive after I chose to reveal myself publicly. No one accepted me for who I was and I had to hide ever since.” Mil-Tan said, sadly.
I gave his shoulder a squeeze. “I'm sorry that they were too shortsighted to see the person you are inside.”
Mil-Tan gave me a quite intense look. “You aren't judging me.”
“No, I'm not. You are who you are. If you feel like you need to be a girl, who am I to say you shouldn't be who you were meant to be?” I asked him and the intense look increased to become almost oppressive. “When you do become a woman, I can't let you have sex with me.”
Mil-Tan thought about that. “Would another exclusive contract work for that?”
I chuckled. “Only after I give my virginity to someone I care deeply about. After that? I'll be happy to have sex with you after your transformation.”
“Not before?” Mil-Tan asked, a little upset.
“At the moment, you don't have the right equipment for me to enjoy myself properly.” I responded.
Mil-Tan didn't need any time to work out what I meant. “You feel about my new form what I feel about it myself. It's necessary to change it for us to be happy with who I am.”
I moved closer to look up into his eyes. “I didn't say I couldn't enjoy it, just that I prefer the fairer sex. Nothing beats how they react to stimulation down there, as you probably guessed.”
Mil-Tan smiled and looked happy at my qualification. “You're right. I'm ready for the change, Issei.”
I nodded and spent my Karma Points to enact the changes to my chosen party member. Because I had only changed the appearance of his character and the gender, none of his original stats were changed. He was still just as strong, just as fast, and just as powerful as he had been in his other body. Making him magical was like a small added bonus that didn't really make much difference in the end.
The bright glow faded and the tall muscular man was now a completely naked five foot six inch tall woman with long blonde hair and body curves that every woman on the planet would envy. Mil-Tan blinked her eyes, that had ridiculously long natural eyelashes, then she looked down to see the massive and quite impressive rack she had.
“They're REAL! I have REAL BREASTS!” Mil-Tan yelled and cupped them.
I tried to not watch her grope herself and couldn't help myself grow hard as she moaned and fondled her very large and very real breasts. When one of her hands slid down to between her legs, it didn't take long for her to cry out in ecstasy and she came with a huge squirt over the carpet. She collapsed backwards onto her bed, barely breathing, and she stared at me with adoration on her face.
“Help... help me.” Mil-Tan whispered and held a hand out to me.
“Another contract. Oral sex and I'll put you into contact with another Magical Girl that will want to make you a part of her entourage.” I said right away and took her hand.
“You are making me fall in love with you for giving me everything I've ever wanted, Issei.” Mil-Tan said and pulled on my hand.
I fell onto the bed beside her and she kissed me deeply, then she pushed me down and spread her legs. I dove in there and she cried out loudly at finally feeling like a woman, then she came, and came, and came again. She was apparently very sensitive and she eventually pulled me away from her drenched opening and brought me up to lay beside her.
“I will... save myself... for you, Issei.” Mil-Tan promised.
“I look forward to it, Mil-Tan.” I said, honestly.
Mil-Tan kissed me and licked the inside of my mouth to taste herself. “I even taste like a woman.”
I couldn't help but chuckle at that. “Let me guess. You've had some liaisons where they complained.”
Mil-Tan nodded. “I know you're going to say they were not worthy.”
“They weren't.” I said and gave her another kiss. “I'll have that contact information for you tomorrow.”
“You already know who will want the new me?” Mil-Tan asked.
“Besides me?” I asked and she giggled. “Her magical girl name is Levi-Tan and she can show you how to use your magic properly, since I have no clue how to teach you to use magical girl spells.” I said and grinned. “She also produces her own television show and I'm sure you are going to make a ton of money as a guest star and I will get a quarter of your salary.”
Mil-Tan laughed and gave me another kiss. “You sneaky little devil! You manipulated me!”
I laughed as well. “Of course! I'm not above benefiting myself as I help someone as wonderful as you. Why shouldn't we both get everything we can from this relationship?”
Mil-Tan rolled onto her side and easily pulled me up onto my side to face her, which she noticed. “I'm still as strong as I was when I was male? How?”
I reached out and caressed the cheek of her face. “I only changed what you looked like, Mil-Tan, not who you are. You are still you and you always will be.”
Mil-Tan blushed deeply and I could almost hear how loudly her heart was beating. “Issei, I really... I'm really... I'm falling for you.” She whispered and looked into my eyes. “I love you.”
I gave her a tender kiss. “You know I can't confess the same. Not yet, anyway.”
“I know.” Mil-Tan said and smiled. “I'm just the first to say it.”
“How did you know...” I stopped and saw her fighting to not laugh. “I'm supposed to be the manipulative one, you sneaky magical girl!”
Mil-Tan giggled girlishly as her hand went down to the bulge in my crotch. “Oh, and what's this? I think someone is very appreciative of his contract's fulfillment.”
I laughed and put a hand on hers to stop her. “We have to save that for later, remember?”
“Can't I have a little peek?” Mil-Tan asked, teasingly.
“I shouldn't tempt you until you accept Levi-Tan's offer. After that, you can see what I'm hiding.”
“And taste it? And feel it? And ride it until I pass out?” Mil-Tan asked with another giggle. She really was fully embracing her new role.
I laughed and sat up. “Go to sleep, Mil-Tan.” I said without agreeing, even though we both knew I wouldn't refuse her when it was time. “You have a big day tomorrow with your official debut.”
Mil-Tan nodded and let my crotch go. “Goodnight, Issei.” She said and grabbed the blanket I handed to her and she pulled it over herself.
“Goodnight.” I said and stood, then leaned over the bed to give her another tender kiss.
“Issei.” Mil-Tan said as I walked over to the summoning circle. “Thank you. For everything.”
“You're welcome, Mil-Tan.” I said and held a hand towards the floor to cast the transportation spell. I disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared in the Occult Research Club. I wasn't surprised to see that Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko had already returned. Grayfia stood off to the side and looked a little bored.
“You were gone for a long time.” Rias said with amusement on her face. “How is Mil-Tan doing?”
Kiba looked a little embarrassed at foisting his normal client off onto me and Akeno smiled briefly before she frowned.
“Mil-Tan was a little exhausted after I performed an enthusiastic session of oral sex on my contracted client.” I said and walked over to sit down on the couch across from Rias and Akeno. The looks of shock on their faces was worth the misdirection. As far as they knew, Mil-Tan was still male. I let them stew on that for several seconds before I burst out laughing.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Rias said and motioned to Grayfia. “My brother's wife has been waiting for your return.”
I nodded and stood again, walked over to Grayfia, and took her hand. I led her over to the couch I sat on before and sat her down, then I sat beside her. “I assume you know why Lady Grayfia chose to stay here.”
Both Akeno and Kiba sighed and nodded.
“I explained what happened and what you were doing.” Rias said.
“Being mean to teach her a lesson.” Koneko said, cutting to the heart of the matter.
“I was actually angry at Rias for what happened, then Grayfia took full responsibility and explained Rias hasn't done this on her own before. I couldn't in good conscience hold either of them at fault for a mistake that neither of them had ever made before and didn't realize the consequences.” I said and leaned in to kiss Grayfia's cheek. I stood and walked around the coffee table and knelt in front of Akeno.
Akeno immediately blushed and I knew Rias had already told her what I had done to her when I was in that same position in front of her. Instead of shying away like I thought she would with witnesses around, Akeno leaned forward to take my hands and pulled herself to the edge of the couch as she spread her legs for me.
She had a bit more space between her thighs than Rias, so she was wider down there and I easily fit as she pressed herself against me. Her arms went under my school uniform jacket to caress my back.
“I'm sorry how things turned out today, Akeno.” I said with sincerity and hugged her. “I was hurt and scared and I lashed out at the person I thought had intentionally abandoned me. You did the right thing by defending your best friend from a verbal attack, one I wasn't gentle with at all, and Rias should feel honored to have such a strong young woman like you as her Queen to protect her.”
Akeno blushed again. “Issei, I... I overreacted. I didn't understand why you were being mean and vicious; but, I have never seen Rias so hurt and wanted you to stop.”
I ducked my head slightly. “I know. Lady Grayfia, she...” I stopped and lifted my head to look into her eyes. “Like I told Rias earlier, you have to wait until tomorrow for me to get more flowers and for me to ask for your forgiveness.”
Akeno glanced at Rias and saw a slight nod, so she smirked at me. “I'm not sure you can handle me forgiving you like that.”
I had to chuckle because I could feel her dampness coating the front of my pants. Instead of speaking, I slid a hand down to below her waist... and then quick as a flash, I hauled my hand back and slapped her right on the ass with a loud crack.
“AH!” Akeno gasped and jumped slightly, then she moaned and leaned against me. “Ohhhh!”
I cast the cleaning spells on us both as she recovered from having a nice orgasm, then I carefully let her go and eased her backwards to sit properly on the couch beside Rias. The redhead looked amused at the contented face on her best friend.
“I guess it's part of your aspect to understand what we like.” Rias commented.
I shrugged and stood. “I've only been a Devil for less than a day. I'm sure I'll figure things out soon enough.”
Rias nodded and motioned to Kiba.
“You'll forgive me if I don't accept such a close apology.” Kiba said to me.
I chuckled and walked over to hold a hand out for him to shake. “I'm sorry for how I acted. I was trying to keep a personal distance as I argued with Rias. It wasn't until after I talked with Mil-Tan and gained a very important pearl of wisdom that I realized my mistake in my characterization of Rias' Peerage.”
Kiba shook my hand. “What was that?”
“Most strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.” I said and saw the approving looks on Grayfia and Rias. I walked back to the couch and sat down. I was quite tempted to put an arm around Grayfia to give her a bit of hidden and public affection, then decided against it.
We had really pushed the boundaries of propriety with what we did and that was without witnesses. I wasn't going to ruin everything for a one-arm hug.
“I am glad you have all worked this out to my satisfaction.” Grayfia said and stood. “Heiress Gremory, I will keep this matter private.”
“Even from my brother?” Rias asked, a little surprised.
Grayfia briefly looked at me and looked back at her. “It was a family matter and it is resolved. No further action or intervention is required.”
Rias stood, so the rest of us did as well. “Thank you, Grayfia.”
Grayfia gave her a quick hug, nodded to Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, and then me. She walked over to the teleportation circle. “Good evening.”
“Good evening.” We replied and she disappeared in a flash of light.
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