The Protagonist System

261 Kamar Taj Reborn Part One

261 Kamar Taj Reborn Part One

I wasn't hesitant as I waved goodbye to my mom, Illyana, and Emma. They had to go back to the farm to get supper ready for Johnathan and I had to make food for my demon slaves and Doctor Fate. She had debated returning to her tower to install the new protections and instead decided to remain at my side as I went into the trailer to confront a group of horny demon women.

It was kind of surprising, actually. I mean, I was quite far away from their ideal image that they thought was the pinnacle of fatherhood for a powerful demon child to be the result of my taking them. Oh, and they fully expected me to rough them up first before claiming them and earning the right to breed them, too. It wasn't a fetish or a sexual kink, either.

Their mentality growing up was influenced by both the environment and the behavior of other demons, as well as a few of them having given birth before. As dissidents of their previous home dimensions, a few of them had been used a few times to try and break them of their disobedient ways. Obviously, it hadn't worked, because they wouldn't have been caged and kept prisoner if they were model demons.

“Gather around, everyone.” I commanded as I entered the living room and handed out prepared meals for them all. I saw more than a few searching looks and a lot of blushing faces, probably because every single one of them were wondering when I was going to start ravishing them and making them scream with pain and yelling with pleasure. They really do have a quite skewed view of what sex was.

I served Doctor Fate a meal as well and sat across from her at the enlarged table and her eyes kept going from me, to the large gargoyle-like demon, and back to my face. She eventually stopped and raised her eyebrows. I didn't need to use telepathy to know she was wondering how I was going to meet the large stone-skinned demon's expectations.

I just smiled and ate my own meal until my plate was empty. When I stood up, everyone stiffened and looked apprehensive. “As you all somehow know, the outer shell of the basement is finished.”

Polundara blushed and ducked her head a little while Yahcheth looked proud.

“I'm going to need a few minutes to properly prepare it for what it was intended for.” I said and a few of them gasped. I didn't correct their assumptions, since I was going to cheat like crazy, now that I could work underground and not be seen or detected. “Doctor Fate, would you like to observe?”

Everyone gasped, even her.

“I meant the preparations, not the acts that will happen afterwards... unless you do want to watch. I'm pretty open to what a woman wants or needs in bed.” I said and all the demons started chittering and whispering.

“I will watch...” Doctor Fate paused and all the demons leaned forward slightly. “...the preparations.” She said and a few of the demons sighed. “Perhaps I will add a few enchantments as well to help the process.”

“As long as it ensures success and isn't you trying to remove their dimensional anchors.” I said and her eyes widened. “Yes, I know about them, especially after the last world I was in.”

Doctor Fate gave me a conflicted look and then sighed as well. “I'll just observe.”

I held in my chuckle at her trying to subtly stop me from ensuring the demons about to be created would be Earth-bound and not bound to whatever hell dimensions their mothers came from. I motioned for her to come over to me and smiled at the gathered demons.

“I won't be long, since I am no longer bound to work at normal speeds.” I told them and put an arm around Doctor Fate's waist. “Dimetara, prepare yourself.”

The large gargoyle-like demon blushed and nodded as the rest of them whispered that they knew she would be chosen first.

I teleported Doctor Fate and myself into the covered basement.

“How did you...” Doctor fate shook her head. “Why did you teleport so unconvnetionally instead of using a portal?”

“Out of sight, out of mind.” I said and took out a generic wand. I needed a little more precision for this work and transfigured part of the front wall of the basement into a large opening that became a reinforced concrete hallway with thick walls, floor, and ceiling.

Doctor Fate watched, almost in awe, as I used magic she hadn't seen before to change the dirt and rocks into several large rooms on each side and I flew down the hallway to extend it and the reinforced concrete surroundings all the way down the farm under the driveway to the barn.

When I started shipping things from my factory inside transfer trucks, the exit from the underground facility would be hidden and covered up by having it inside the barn. Doctor Fate looked impressed at the ingenuity of having the entirety of the factory and warehouse underground and I wasn't wasting the space or stealing it from my neighbors.

We flew back along the long hallway and I made enough rooms for the demon slaves to have their own places, including extra rooms inside them for their own smaller breeding pit and to house their children. They thought I was going to be a normal master for them and they couldn't have been more wrong. I was going to meet their expectations and then I was going to blow them out of the water.

I added the main factory floor and then the storage warehouse, ensured they were easily accessible by vehicle as well, and flew back towards the house. Doctor Fate followed and didn't say anything until we were back in the house's basement and I added a vault-like door and hid it behind a set of standing shelves that I stuck to the vault door. If you didn't know it was there, you would never find it.

“You've been planning this for a while, haven't you?” Doctor Fate asked.

I nodded and put the wand away.

“Your magic skills are prodigious.” Doctor Fate commented.

“I'm pretty sure I've regained everything I've lost over the years.” I told her and put my arm back around her waist. “Then again, how would I know if I'm missing anything if I don't remember I'm supposed to have it?”

Doctor Fate took a deep breath and let it out. “I noticed you didn't expand anything.”

I smiled crookedly. “I'm saving that to show off.”

Doctor Fate huffed. “Of course you are.” She said and glanced down where I stuffed the wand. “I don't suppose...”

I took out a copy of the book on transmutation I bought back in Familiar of Zero and flipped it open to the right page. “I didn't need to rob the criminal organizations and their clients. It was just convenient to do so.”

Doctor Fate looked at the spell to transfigure normal pebbles and small stones into brass. “How does this solve your money problems?”

I chuckled and teleported a small stone into my hand. I waved my hand at it and it transmuted into brass. Another wave, and the metal changed to gold. “Once you know the chemical composition of gold, you don't need the middle step of changing the stone to metal first.”

Doctor Fate took the gold nugget from my hand and she waved her hand over it. “It actually is pure gold.”

“Yes, and it's weak, since it has no impurities.” I said and poked it with a finger and it dented. “That's easily solved by smelting it and sprinkling something in and then letting it harden again.”

Doctor Fate nodded and handed it back to me. I chuckled and opened a small portal and dropped it through and closed it. She gave me a searching look and I smiled and shrugged.

“I think I will take my leave.” Doctor Fate said and waved her hand in a circle and a swirling orange circle appeared and opened up into a portal back to the tower.

“Let me know if you want help constructing the Sanctum Sanctorums.” I said and she nodded and stepped through the portal. “Aren't you going to stick around and see how I'm going to handle the demons?”

“No, I don't want to know.” Doctor Fate said.

“Are you sure?” I asked and shifted myself into looking like a pterodactyl. “It's going to be funny seeing their reactions.”

Doctor Fate chuckled and shook her head. “Goodbye, Clark.”

I changed back and waved to her as the portal closed.


Dimetara was shocked when she was teleported from the trailer and into her very own breeding pit. It was exactly how she had envisioned it, with stonework galore, many perches for her to sit on, and had a great Gothic feel with dark crevices everywhere that she could hide in and pounce from.

As she watched, the human did something with pieces of metal and a wand and then her breeding pit that was a grotto, or a small cave-like area, became ten times as big and the close perches that were barely above the floor were now fifty feet up and became even more perfect for her. She would definitely enjoy teaching her children how to fly from such nice places.

“Master, you didn't have to...” Dimetara started to say as she turned and looked at the ugly thing, only to gasp as the human grew to twice his height, tearing his clothes apart, and his body distorted and became the epitome of gargoyle magnificence.

Even his protuberance grew and changed to become both engorged and reformed into something that had Dimetara drooling from her orifices. His wings looked strong and capable of carrying her easily, which made her feel faint. She had always been the biggest of her kind and she had never once met anyone even close to her size, let alone someone that could pick her up and carry her.

Atlas lunged at her and she punched out automatically, her instincts not allowing him close without earning the right, despite him being her master and already having it.

“I will not be so easily conquered!” Dimetara shouted and jumped at him to pummel him with her fists and claws extended. She fought with all of her might and she would show this arrogant male that she was worthy of having his child.

An hour later, after a long and glorious fight where they had traded blows and wounded each other, her strength eventually gave out and she reluctantly submitted to his prowess. Dimetara presented herself to the victor and the most wonderful feeling filled her. She moaned the loudest she had ever moaned in her long life, then she felt all her wounds heal as powerful magic engulfed her.

She started to help him breed her and loved the feeling of his stone-skin flesh slamming against hers and the grinding sounds drove her to heights of pleasure she never knew were possible. How was he doing that? Even she didn't know it could feel like that and she had been bred dozens of times.

That was when she realized the truth. She hadn't been bred before and only used to make mediocre demon spawn. Her birthing sac had been used and abused and none of the others had ever cared about how she felt during the whole process.

Now? Now she knew what it meant to actually breed with someone worthy to give her a real child and not produce fodder that would never make anything of themselves. The children she would produce with this worthy breeder would surpass even her own legendary accomplishments.

Someday, master-willing, her children would return to her home dimension and would show the other demons exactly what it meant to be a demon born to become someone that matters.


The next nine encounters were nearly identical in composition, with only the type of demon Clark changed into being different. Apparently, even if they had been bred before, they weren't going to submit without a fight, even if they were eager to have him claim them.

Also, the types of pregnancies created were sometimes far different than a traditional pregnancy that a human woman would have. That was perfectly understandable, considering that none of the female demon slaves were anywhere close to having human DNA, which actually worked in their favor.

Kryptonian DNA was normally so robust and unforgiving that it wasn't really compatible with any other species, with it's only weaknesses being two main things: Kryptonite radiation of various types and the esoteric energies classified as magic. Since demons themselves were magical in nature, their bodies were almost perfectly primed to accept any foreign DNA to make their various species stronger.

Needless to say, when their mate told them after their first session that they were pregnant, almost none of them believed him and he had to repeat the procedure to make sure. The only one that only had a single encounter with him was Yahcheth, because her pterodactyl-like physiology, which was very close to a bird's, let her know that her body was primed to lay a large clutch of fertilized eggs.

The demon slave was also quite shocked when her current breeder stayed with her and helped build an appropriate nest, then he held her dewclaw with his own as she laid those eggs. All 12 of them. A full dozen viable ones! It was unheard of for anyone to have so many in a single nest and she hadn't even struggled while her body worked overtime.

Yahcheth had no idea what that feeling in her chest was and she didn't question her instincts as she pulled her breeder... no, her very first mate... into the nest and cuddled and hugged him to her chest. She didn't let him share in roosting on her eggs, since he didn't have the undercarriage that was designed for such things. She did whisper her thoughts to him and he looked pleased, so she was happy.

When Clark told her that he had accelerated her fellow slaves birth cycle to let them all be born at the same time in a week, her happiness was almost too much for her to handle. He had laughed and said that the others felt the same way and he looked forward to seeing what they could do as actual mothers that could take care of their children instead of being breeding stock that would never meet their offspring.@@novelbin@@

Yahcheth had always regretted that she was never allowed to teach the next generation what she knew. She had never seen their first steps, their first spread of wings, their first successful flight, their first successful kill, or their first consumed soul. Yes, she was definitely looking forward to becoming an actual mother and had much more to give to her upcoming family than she was allowed to give before.


Making ten demon slaves pregnant was a lot of damn work. I was mentally and physically exhausted by the time I returned to the trailer and felt a little lonely that there was no one else there waiting for me. I showered and put on a robe and went to my bedroom to change for bed, only to pause when I opened the door and saw a pretty blonde girl laying on my bed.

“We need to talk.” Illyana said, her face red. She opened the matching robe she wore and she was naked underneath. “I'm too young to be a mother...”

“...but, not too young to want to experience the same thing as the others.” I said and she nodded. “Then, we'll take our time and see where things go from here.”

Illyana licked her lips when I opened my robe and dropped it to the floor. Her eyes went to my waist and she blushed as I grew hard for her. Neither of us said anything as I walked over to the bed and climbed onto it. She opened her arms and her legs for me and I slid in close and kissed her and felt her wetness as I pressed myself against her.

She kissed me like she was a drowning woman and needed air and I didn't discourage her. If she wanted things to be a little rough, I was perfectly okay with that.

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