The Protagonist System

270 Transactions

270 Transactions

It was actually an enjoyable time as I piled picture upon picture on my mother's lap and told her all about the various children I had fathered on multiple worlds. It also let me remember how much fun I had on the more successful worlds and that my time hadn't been wasted, even on the ones where I had been shunted off much sooner than I had planned.

I didn't mention that we had an invisible guest join us, either. I had detected Grayfia teleporting into my room, using the same coordinates she had used to let me retrieve Sona's gift, and she came down the stairs to stand behind the couch that my mother and I relaxed on.

Miki was in heaven as she admired the pictures and she filled several photo albums with them as I told her about them. She didn't ask where the albums or photos came from or asked how I was doing magic if I wasn't a devil anymore. She just accepted it and wallowed in how much her little boy had accomplished during his many lifetimes.

I kept an arm over her shoulders and told her about one of the better worlds I had been in, Harry Potter, and how I was the best Harry Potter. It made her laugh and I showed her some of the photos I had given out to fans and she giggled at the one with my head in the mouth of the Chimera.

“Oh! And this is me defeating that world's darkest dark lord.” I said and handed her a picture of a group of griffons standing proudly around the body of a clearly dead sheep.

“You didn't!” Miki exclaimed and covered her mouth to muffle her laugh.

“I totally did.” I said proudly, posing like the lead griffon, and her laughter escaped her hands. I told her about how it came about and how I had gathered all the soul pieces together in my special amulet, switched the complete soul into the sheep, and the griffons had a grand old time competing in the best chase ever.

Miki enjoyed hearing the story and cuddled into my side. “Tell me more about that world.”

I smiled and did exactly that. As I did so, I felt a strong and dainty hand rest on my shoulder. I briefly patted it after pretending to scratch my head and I continued with my stories, knowing full well I was probably making both women very horny. I mean happy. Yes, happy.


Rias Gremory didn't know what to do as she huddled under the blanket on her bed. Her Pawn had killed... no, not her Pawn. Issei had died and her Evil Pieces had returned to her possession. She had thought his solution to her problem was the best, because she was benefiting from it, no matter what happened. She also thought there wouldn't be any fuss about it and she had been very shortsighted about that.

How was she to know the entire Phenex Clan would doubt the spells already cast to show off she was both pure and pregnant? Also, Issei had been discovered as the father immediately, thanks to her idiot brother letting that secret out as soon as he heard about it. Despite him caring about her, in his sis-con and obsessive way, he didn't really care about her as a person or her feelings.

Rias glanced down at her large breasts and moved enough to let them part, then stared at the small bush of well-trimmed crimson hair between her legs. That's all he really cares about. She thought and contemplated using one of Akeno's toys to fix her virginity problem, then sighed. No, she couldn't ruin Issei's plan like that. She needed to stay pure and give birth, so she could keep her dignity.

Of course, the news was all over the Underworld already. The Phenex Clan hasn't been quiet about her situation, especially Riser, and he had been very vocal about calling her down to the lowest for spreading her legs for any male she had easy access to. That hurt her feelings because it wasn't true, even if she did want Issei to take her in that way.

Her brother was all over the rumors in the press, both in print and on the television, and he had released an official statement with her spell results that showed she was with child and also hadn't had sex, so everyone was talking about it. Issei had been right about some people believing it was an immaculate conception, like the original Biblical God's son being born to a mortal woman, only this time for a devil.

That really had some people talking and the Devil-net was full of both detractors and supporters, which was usual, really. They were always going on about something and her special pregnancy was just the latest thing for them to argue over and comment on.

Rias couldn't help but think about the few comments about her having her body changing into a motherly way, with her breasts getting larger, her hips expanding, her emotions changing, and she had none of the benefits of getting into that condition in the first place. She fully agreed with them, too. She hadn't felt Issei's wonderful tool plunging into her depths and she would regret that for the rest of her life.

On the positive side, the contract between the Phenex Clan and Gremory Clan was officially cancelled. Rias could get married to whomever she liked now and was still a virgin, too. If her future husband was hung up on the no sex part before marriage, she had that covered.

On the negative side, Issei's plan that Riser wouldn't want to marry her because she was pregnant with another person's baby, had worked too well. It did exactly as he intended and also applied to pretty much every other male devil in the Underworld, too.

Despite the congratulations she received on getting out of her marriage contract, no one else was going to step up to try and have a relationship with her. Thankfully, they didn't see her as damaged goods, they just thought she would be unavailable for the length of the pregnancy and for a year or so afterwards, because she would be taking care of a baby and wouldn't have any spare time for anything else.

Rias sighed at that thought and moved back to huddle on her side and hugged herself. She remembered how she had reacted after Issei reminded her he wasn't a part of her family anymore and she had recoiled from him trying to show her affection. It had been an automatic reaction, because if he wasn't hers like she thought he was, then who was he to her?

She felt a little guilty that Koneko had supported her and hadn't let him kiss her goodbye, even though they were supposed to be dating. She wouldn't say where she was getting those full sized cakes from, either. Koneko also wouldn't say why she started carrying around that stylish backpack, either.

Rias sighed and closed her eyes. She had to search through her feelings and she wondered what she was going to do now. She had thought Issei would be the at her side; but, he wasn't a part of her Peerage anymore and his words didn't have the same weight to them as they used to. How was she supposed to know he wasn't lying to her if he wasn't bound to her?


I finally managed to put my mother to bed, after I promised to be there in the morning. She had missed me the previous day when she woke up late and I apologized for wearing her out. I told her she would never have to worry about that ever again and that I wasn't going anywhere, now that I was back.

I returned to my room with Grayfia's invisible presence behind me and I shut the door. I locked it, just because, and turned around to look right at the spot where she stood.

“You can see me?” Grayfia asked as her spells faded and revealed her wearing a normal skirt and blouse. Her hair was also down and not in her usual hair style, so she looked much more appealing and not as repressed as she did in her maid uniform. Her face was still as stoic as ever, though.

“As soon as you appeared in my room.” I admitted and her eyebrows rose.

“How?” Grayfia asked.

“It's like a permanent detection spell being cast all the time around me.” I answered.

“Can you teach it to me?” Grayfia asked.

I thought back to what happened when we first met and Akeno had called her to deal with me. “Are you proposing a contract?”

Grayfia's face went a little red and I could tell she remembered those first transactions well. “I doubt you will benefit from that, since you are no longer a devil.”

I smiled at her mistaken assumption. I might not physically be a devil anymore; but, that didn't mean I didn't have devil magic. I flexed it on my lower back as if I was going to take flight and Grayfia gasped when 12 pitch black bat wings popped out.

“H-h-how?” Grayfia asked in a whisper as she approached and her hand reached out to gently caress one of them.

“I regained my Devil Magic back a few worlds ago and maxed it out.” I said, a bit proudly. I didn't explain that it was thanks to my Adventure Card and how I had topped it off after all of the experience points I had gained over the worlds and things I had done.

“You... maxed it out?” Grayfia asked, her voice full of wonder.

I smiled and held a hand off to the side and formed a ball of Holy Lightning, making her gasp again, and I changed it into a solid ice ball before it could harm her by its proximity.

“Your body can handle the power now.” Grayfia said as she remembered my short conversation with Sona about needing a hundred years for my body to contain the excessive magic I had absorbed back then.

“I also died here, so any crimes or judgments I gained before that, should be cancelled after giving myself capital punishment.” I joked as I dismissed the ice into nothing.

Grayfia huffed as her hand ran along my wing and she slid it over my shoulder to place her hand on my neck. “I could argue that coming back so soon has mitigated any sympathy your sudden death caused.” She said and looked into my eyes as her other hand found my waist and held on. “However, I would be lying.”

I could feel her emotions rolling through her and her face didn't change, even when I put my arms around her and hugged her. “You've had a lot of experience keeping your emotions in check, haven't you?”

“I was a maid for Lucifer himself, the first Satan.” Grayfia admitted and her body pressed against me from thigh to chest. “If I didn't maintain self-discipline at all times, he would use everything I revealed against me.”

I briefly touched her mind with my own and knew what she wanted. The deal with the Phenex Clan was reasonable and I was glad she had negotiated down from me having to marry Lady Phenex.

“Do you want me to do the same thing you did, now that you're a Satan?” I asked.

“Hell no.” Grayfia whispered and kissed me. It was chaste at first, as if probing to see what I would do, and I wasn't going to disappoint her. She had her King's permission for me to get her pregnant, after all. I changed the kiss into a deep and passionate one, making her shiver and her grip on me tightened as her body responded to mine as I became aroused.

Personally, I thought it was odd for Sirzechs to consider his marriage to her as a tertiary consideration, behind being his Queen and his Maid, and she continued to tell him that she felt the same way. Grayfia was lying her ass off. Sfter she had birthed their son, Millicas, her family had shifted in her priorities to become first and she had been severely disappointed that it hadn't done so for Sirzechs.

I saw the recent scene with Grayfia telling him about Rias still being pure and Sirzechs being embarrassed about how happy that made him. He hadn't been that happy at the birth of their son and he also had been too busy to continue his husbandly duties after producing an heir, which disappointed her even more and continued to disappoint her to this day.

“Do you want a daughter as the first contract between us?” I asked when she finally broke the kiss to take a breath.

“Yes, please.” Grayfia whispered breathlessly before she dove back into kissing me with everything she had.

Sirzechs was a fool to disappoint such a wonderful woman and I was going to take full advantage of his stupidity. I carried Grayfia to my bed and it changed into an appropriately styled one for someone of her status, then I stripped her off and kissed and licked her everywhere.

The little noises she made as I had fun teasing and tasting her, kept me rock hard the whole time I explored her body. Have you ever heard a cute moan pass the lips of a stern and stoic woman? It was so erotic that I couldn't hold myself back and tore my own clothes off to ravage her. Grayfia loved every second of it.


Sona laid in her bed and she fingered herself vigorously. She had felt frustrated and turned on ever since the chess match she had almost lost. It had scared her at the time, because she had almost lost her freedom, then he made a mistake and she capitalized on it and turned the game around, only for him to squeak out a tie instead.

“OHHHH, FUCK!” Sona cried out and came hard as she gushed over her fingers. She relaxed and panted as she laid there in a huge puddle of her fluids and she didn't care about how dishevelled she was or how exhausted she felt.

No one else had ever come so close to claiming her and she had wanted to fight him again, only for him to flee before she could force him to keep going. Was he afraid of losing or was he afraid of winning? It had been difficult to tell from the expression on his face and she also wondered what kind of transportation magic he had used to escape her like that.

Sona took several deep breaths and closed her eyes as she thought about him. He had been a huge pervert and was the reason she had left his recruitment to Rias, whom only kept an eye on him and didn't actively pursue him. It wasn't until he was murdered by the filthy crows that his entire attitude changed and he apologized to half the school's female population, herself included.

When he continued to prove he really was repentant, Sona had started to give him more of her attention. He was starting to become interesting, and that surprised her. Why was him being nice to the girls making her feel like she wanted more of his attention as well? It didn't make sense.

Then the idiot blew up the abandoned Catholic church, was sentenced to death for over 30 murders, and he killed her precious sister for threatening to memory wipe his mother.

After that, he killed Kokabiel and revealed the traitor's plot to restart the next Great War, gave Akeno her father's severed head as a present, gave herself Serafall's Peerage members, and then he had sacrificed himself to cull one of the largest hell beast breeding pits in the Underworld.

Who in their right mind does things like that? Sona asked herself as she let her mind float in post-orgasm bliss. A noble idiot, that's who.

She felt a giggle bubble up her throat and she didn't try to stop it. She laughed out loud and her emotions settled into resolve as she decided to send her familiar to keep a close eye on him. She wasn't going to push him into another chess match right away, either. That had been a mistake and showed off how desperate she was for someone to best her. She didn't want that, not really.

Sona wanted someone she could hold stimulating conversations with, an intellectual contemporary that she would never grow bored with, because they wouldn't be more interested in her body than her brain. Not that there was much to her body, anyway. Her breasts were only moderate and nowhere near those of her Queen, Rias, and Akeno. Her ass wasn't much to compare to theirs, either.

She sighed as the bliss faded away and her mind had worked overtime to bring her back to reality. If a man didn't like her for her brains, then she didn't have much else to offer, which was why she was so adamant that she would never marry anyone that couldn't beat her in chess.

A quick cleaning spell fixed her soaked mattress and sheets, drying them, and Sona pulled a blanket on to cover her nakedness. She was too tired to bother dressing in a negligee after such a rigorous masturbation session and drifted off to sleep as she wondered what Issei was doing.

If Sona had known he was currently impregnating the replacement Satan of Foreign Affairs to prove he could get anyone he wanted pregnant, she would have had her familiar keeping a close eye on him already.

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