273 Baby Boomers Part One
273 Baby Boomers Part One
“Let me get this straight.” Sona said, her voice full of disbelief. “That huge blast of demonic energy that nearby crushed everyone in the school, that you somehow stopped with a glowing rock you made out of nothing, was from Satan Lucifer losing his mind and he was so deranged that he attempted to kidnap his own sister and murder her unborn child, which is against some of our most scared laws.”
“You skipped the parts where he wanted them to finally be together and to replace the abomination in her belly with his own.” I said and she frowned. “But, essentially yes.”
“Why?” Sona asked.
That let me explain about what happened before my death, where I went around offering certain things, as well as presents, and then I sacrificed myself as I culled one of the worst hellspawn pits in the Underworld. The final offer being to Grayfia about not having the time to make love to her properly. I didn't curse that time, just so they didn't think I was being disrespectful about it.
After that, I returned from the dead and then the incident with the Phenex Clan happened and Grayfia's orders to take care of it by any means possible. That started a cascade of much smaller but not less significant events that led to Grayfia's orders being clarified and how much leeway they gave her.
She left and something else must have happened in the Underworld with the Satans, because the next thing that happened was Sirzechs showed up and said he was free and was going after Rias. Since I couldn't allow that, or allow him to hurt anyone else with his powers, especially my children, I telelported him to the moon and that was that.
Everyone in the room stared at me, their faces showing disbelief, and I let them process everything I said, without explaining how exactly I had dealt with him. It was a lot to go through, especially the revelation that Sirzechs and Grayfia were both free and could act on their own initiative without restrictions.
The teleportation circle at the corner of the room lit up and Grayfia appeared in a flash of light. That alone wouldn't have surprised anyone, not after the huge magic signature that had been released at the school. It was the fact she was smiling that threw almost everyone off and their stared shifted from myself to her.
“Welcome to Kuoh Academy, Satan of Foreign Affairs, Lady Lucifuge.” I greeted her and stood to bow to her.
“Thank you, Issei.” Grayfia said and her smile didn't lessen as she walked over to me.
Before I could ask her why she was there, just so everyone else in the room would know, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I did not balk at the public display of affection, even with so many witnesses there, and kissed her back.
Grayfia broke the kiss and noticed the shocked looks on everyone's faces as she didn't let me out of her embrace. “Before you freak out, I am under orders to do everything I can to discover Issei's method of impregnation and to use it to benefit the entire devil race.”
Surprisingly, all of the shocked looks disappeared as they all understood the implications of her orders. How that simple line eased all of their concerns was a bit of a mystery, then I remembered they were all devils or reincarnated devils that had been raised under strict orders for nearly their entire lives.
“Is that why my brother went crazy?” Rias asked.
Grayfia stiffened and narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean he went crazy?”
They all started talking at once, trying to tell her about what happened, both as witnesses and about my story of what led up to it, and I briefly touched Akeno to get the scene from the beginning and then shared it with Grayfia. She didn't show anything externally as she watched the scene in her mind; but, I could feel her hidden reaction as Sirzechs let out his full sis-con personality without restrictions.
How are you showing me this when you are in this vision? Grayfia asked me.
This is Akeno's point of view.
I responded and added the scene of what happened after I teleported Sirzechs and myself to the moon.This time Grayfia did shiver as she watched her ex-husband be consumed by the awesome power of a black hole. I also added in my own thoughts at the time about if he had maintained a physical form, he could have gotten away. His conversion into an energy construct was actually detrimental to his fighting ability in that kind of an environment.
Remind me to never anger you. Grayfia thought when she watched me return to the ORC to heal everyone. How did you do that?
It's a supreme biological manipulation power. Healing is only one aspect of it. I thought to her and showed her some of the things it could actually do as I used it to modify plants to grow and mature faster, as long as it had the proper nutrients and access to enough water, and how I had given some people a 'basic enhancement' package to reinforce them and protect them.
Would that work of devils? Grayfia asked as she pretended to listen to Sona's Peerage tell her all about how many students were affected by Sirzechs' power going out of control.
Yes and not really. Basic devil physiology is already enhanced well past the point humanity could safely achieve without genetic modification, so anything I modified would kind of be redundant. I explained and she mentally nodded.
It took several more minutes before the story had been relayed to Grayfia to everyone's satisfaction and she asked each of them to give their versions of what happened, just so she could report on it all and say that she had investigated thoroughly and be truthful about it.
I also helped her by documenting it all and creating the reports for her in my inventory, marked and indexed of course, and she sent me a grateful feeling for saving her so much work. I would hand them to her when no one was paying attention and included my own observations as additional notes.
“Thank you all for your cooperation and for your help. I'll return to the Underworld to take care of reporting this to the other Satans.” Grayfia said and both Sona's and Rias' Peerages looked grateful and relieved. They did not look forward to having to face the Satans themselves, not really realizing Grayfia was one herself, despite how I had introduced her.
“I'll handle modifying everyone's memories.” Sona said.
“Gas leak?” I asked and she nodded. “You really should have someone fix those old pipes before there's another one.”
One of her Peerage giggled at my joke and I smiled at the white haired Momo Hanakai.
Sona knew what I was doing and went with it. “It would cost too much to tear apart the entire school to fix a single pipe we would have a very difficult time finding without checking every single one of them and all their joints and connections.”
“That's assuming it's inside the building after you've already done a cursory check, too. It could be underground or seeped in from somewhere else.” I added and Sona smiled, clearly planning to embellish the explanation as much as possible.
“I'll get right on that.” Sona said and stood. “Rias, I apologize for not getting here sooner...”
Rias shook her head. “You don't have to apologize, Sona. Teleporting here after feeling that pressure would be stupid and a huge mistake.”
Sona looked at me, because I had teleported in after feeling it. She knew Rias had just insulted me and she wondered what I was going to do about that. I slightly shook my head and she nodded.
“Thank you for stepping in and handling that so quickly, Issei. I owe you...” Sona started to say.
“No, you don't owe me anything. I was protecting my unborn children.” I interrupted her.
“Putting up a ward stone to protect the students didn't do that.” Sona countered and I couldn't argue that. “I owe you and you can't argue it.” She nodded at her Peerage members. “Let's go.”
Sona and her girls left the room and no one else moved.
Grayfia looked at Rias whom was still laid out on the floor, as were the other three people in her Peerage. “Why are you not getting up? Did Issei's healing not work completely?”
Akeno let out her trademark laugh. “Ufufufu. It's nicer laying here than on my bed.”
Yuuto nodded. “How did you make the floor so comfortable?”
“It's a cushioning spell usually used to stop yourself from being injured when you fall on a hard surface.” I said. “It's supposed to be temporary and should fade in an hour or so.”
“That is a useful spell.” Grayfia said and looked into my eyes.
I smiled crookedly. “We do have a lot of unfinished business to conduct and I don't mind adding that in at some point.”
Grayfia knew what I was implying and she barely hid her blush, since the last time I taught her something, we had shared a nice little romp in bed to complete the deal and we both gained from it. She had a minor power boost and I gained some Karma Points, because it had changed how she handled things from that point forward for as long as she lived.
“I think I need to visit the site where it happened.” Grayfia said and I nodded as I covered us in a bubble of air. “Heiress Gremory, your family will be contacted about this incident and you do not have to worry about it.”
Rias sighed with relief. “Thank you, Grayfia.” She said and then looked embarrassed. “I mean, Satan Leviathan.”
Grayfia smiled. “Grayfia is fine. We have known each other for all your life, after all.”
Rias looked surprised for a moment, then she smiled as well. “We have, haven't we?”
Grayfia nodded and then nodded at Akeno, Koneko, and Yuuto. “Good day, all of you.”
“Good day.” The three said as one.
“Issei, if you would?” Grayfia asked and I stepped with her to the moon. She let me go and shivered at the bleak landscape and winced as she felt Sirzechs' energy signature. “He really did try to go into battle mode where he is nearly invulnerable to physical attacks.”
“It's hard to believe he fell so quickly to his desires after fighting them off for so many years.” I commented as Grayfia cast several spells and took out some papers and wrote out her findings. “Here are the rest of them.” I said and took out the stack of witness statements and the report of the incident.
“I want to hire you as my assistant.” Grayfia said as she accepted the clean and concise typing on the reports that match the paperwork she handled back at the office.
“You just want to get out of doing most of the paperwork yourself.” I said with a smile.
“Of course I do. What kind of administrator would I be if I didn't?” Grayfia asked me.
I had to laugh at her deadpan delivery. “Touche, madam. Touche.”
Grayfia observed the mile-wide crater. “I'm not sure how to handle fixing this. Back on Earth, we could use excavating machinery and some magic to smooth it over and make people forget it was supposed to look a certain way.”
“That is a bit difficult to do in an airless environment, isn't it?” I asked and had an idea. “What about an asteroid impact? There's no atmosphere to blunt it, so even a small one could cause this much damage.”
Grayfia looked thoughtful and then nodded. “That's a good idea.” She said and cast a spell and the very center of the crater highlighted. “It needs to be placed there.”
“Understood.” I said and closed my eyes as I searched for a nice one to fit my criteria with my clairvoyance power. It couldn't be too big, or it would be questioned as to why no one saw it approach. It also couldn't be too small, so it took a few minutes to find a good one. “Found one.”
Grayfia gasped when a beachball-sized asteroid appeared in front of us and hovered there.
“We just have to simulate the impact to make it look authentic.” I told her.
“Why would you simulate it?” Grayfia asked. “Just fly out a few miles and throw it hard.”
I blinked my eyes at her for a few seconds and then laughed at the simple solution. “You are as brilliant as you are beautiful.”
Grayfia blushed slightly at the sincere compliment and put her arms back around me. I stepped with her and the asteroid out ten miles and aimed for the spot that was still highlighted by her spell, and I chucked the asteroid. Since there was no air resistance in space, the thing would have broken the sound barrier a few times before it hit the moon and a huge plume of dust soon followed.
We watched as the dust took a long time to settle, since the gravity was so low, and we both smiled at the result. The crater was just over a mile in width, covering the previous crater, and Grayfia ended her spell. I stepped close to check to see there was no other evidence, like footprints or whatever, and then brought us back to my house.
“You're not going back to the school?” Grayfia asked.
“No, I went to check on the gas leak.” I said and started to strip my clothes off. “Plus, I have important and time sensitive negotiations to start with a Satan of the Underworld. That's much more important than spending the rest of the day at school.”
Grayfia started to strip off her business suit and skirt as well. “Won't you fall behind if you miss your afternoon classes?”
“It's only gym class and I usually avoid dodgeball as much as possible.” I said and finished stripping, leaving myself naked and hard.
Grayfia licked her lips as her eyes dropped to my erection and she finished pulling off her bra and panties. “I really should get back to the office to file the reports.”
“You're compiling them and that takes a while.” I said as an excuse and picked her up to carry her to the bed. “It might even take until suppertime.”
Grayfia gave me a very sexy look at the thought we wouldn't be done for almost six hours. “Perhaps the negotiations for the Phenex Clan settlement might take working well into the night.”
I chuckled and laid her on the bed, gave her a tender kiss, and smiled knowingly at her. “You do realize we will have to try to get Lady Phenex impregnated once and then we need to wait to see if it worked completely and would give her a son to replace the ones I stole from her.”
Grayfia caught her breath at what I just implied. “We... we could...”
“We will be in negotiations for years, possibly decades, to work the whole thing out. It could be such a shame if some of those guaranteed children turned out to be female and we had to keep working together to try to give Lady Phenex the three sons the settlement would require be provided.”
Grayfia gave me a look full of desire with a hint of love mixed in. “I believe I would have to work very closely with you, for as long as necessary, to ensure the settlement is completed... to everyone's satisfaction.”
Especially hers. I thought. It was left unsaid and was heavily implied, so I grinned at her agreeing and kissed her like we were teenagers and couldn't get enough of each other. She was as into it as I was and we had a great time.
Who knew that lengthy contract negotiations could turn out to be both highly profitable and enormously fun?
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