277 Baby Boomers Conclusion
277 Baby Boomers Conclusion
I'm not sure how being balls deep inside Yasaka had become part of the negotiated settlement. I mean, a hundred year personal contract between Grayfia and Yasaka for the resources that the sub-dimension produced was expected, especially after the agreed upon regulated price. Giving the nine-tailed fox milf another child shouldn't have even been mentioned, let alone needed to have proof provided.
Then again, the sexually repressed queen of the youkai hadn't had sex since she had been impregnated with her daughter Kunou almost thirteen years ago. That wasn't a long time for a long lived race; but, she had also not had a lot of experience before then. Since she had lived a very sheltered life, the things I did to her had her declare eternal love for me, on the promise that I return regularly to ease her frustrations.
Not surprisingly, Grayfia was perfectly okay with this stipulation, to the point she added an addendum to the resource sharing contract. Apparently, I was secretly declared a national resource by the Satans, thanks to Ajuka's successful experiments. Grayfia wouldn't tell me how successful they were, only that he requested another sample to verify the results of the last one.
“OHHHH!” Yasaka moaned and collapsed on top of me, then she slid off of me and to my side. Her tails swayed happily over us as she cuddled into my chest and panted to catch her breath. “You really... have lust... as your aspect.”
I didn't bother correcting her assumption that I was still a devil. In her mind, sharing a child was enough to tie her faction closer to the devils and ensured the protection of her people. Grayfia would be releasing that declaration as soon as she returned to the Underworld, since it was one of the main reasons Yasaka had agreed to the contract in the first place.
Plus, they would be becoming mothers at nearly the same time to my children and that brought them even closer together. Like Grayfia, Yasaka was fully devoted to her family and would do anything she could to ensure the safety of her children, even if it meant defying everything they stood for.
“I'm glad I didn't disappoint you, your highness.” I said and kissed her cheek as I covered us under the blanket.
Yasaka tried to laugh and only wheezed, because she needed a bit more time to recover. “You've ruined me... for any other man, Issei. How could I ever be disappointed... by your performance?”
“Well, you could prefer female company.” I mused.
Yasaka wheezed a laugh again. “You're funny.” She said and closed her eyes. She took several deep breaths and calmed down, her body relaxing and almost moulding herself to mine. Her enormous breasts pressed into my side and she didn't seemed to want to move.
“It's going to be suppertime soon.” I whispered and held her with one arm.
“It can be brought to us.” Yasaka said and snuggled in as her arms hugged me.
I petted her hair and she let out a little contented sound, almost like a purr. I knew from her thoughts that the intimacy and closeness as she shared her spare time with someone, was what she missed the most, despite the sex being the best she ever had. I could understand that much, at least.
It was a little odd that she would allow herself to accept a relative stranger as a part of her life like this, since she barely knew me. Then again, I doubted there was anyone else that treated her with reverence and also like a normal woman that had desires and needs beyond that of a queen. How often did she interact with anyone besides other important people or underlings? Almost never.
When it was suppertime, the doors to her private chamber were opened and two servants carrying food laden trays, her daughter Kunou, and Grayfia entered.
“Momma!” Kunou shouted and leapt onto the bed.
I managed to catch the little blonde missile before she knocked the blanket off of us and stopped Yasaka from flashing the room, not that anyone there would have said anything about it. I tucked her between us, over the blanket of course, and the girl giggled as she was hugged by both of us.
Two trays were set up on the bed, one over my waist and one over Yasaka's, and the food was set up by the servants. Grayfia sat on my other side and gave me a look that was a mix of pride and amusement, probably because she had heard Yasaka's comment about my lust aspect.
Kunou started telling her mother all about the things she and Grayfia had been doing while the four of us ate the provided food. The little princess had fully embraced her inner child while playing with Grayfia and had a great time. Yasaka gave Grayfia a grateful look for indulging her daughter like that and Grayfia gave her a subtle nod in return.
When the food was gone, the servants took the dishes and trays and left. Kunou didn't want to leave, so Grayfia distracted her and I slipped out of bed and equipped my suit again. The envious look on Yasaka's face made me chuckle and I wiggled my fingers at her. She sighed with relief and climbed out of bed, fully dressed, and picked up her daughter.
We went outside to the back of the house and Yasaka, Kunou, and Grayfia settled down on the chairs there. I walked forward a little and closed my eyes. I knew the center of the dimension was focused on the house, since this was where Yasaka lived and was the focal point of her channelling energy. It was the 'home' aspect of her magic that made it possible, which spread to the sub-dimension to anchor it.
This was similar to the Underworld, so I let my powers reach out and grab the dimensional anchor. Yasaka groaned and moaned at the 'touch', because my metaphorical magic hand was holding her connection to both the anchor and the sub-dimension.
With a little twist, I popped her out of the link and removed her as the power source. Yasaka gasped at the feeling of being unplugged so easily and gasped again when she felt me connect the sub-dimension right into the Earth's ley lines that ran under the youkai's territory. Yasaka stared at me as I throttled the connection up to coax it to enhance the sub-dimension's size to support the youkai's various races.
“Wh-what... what are y-you doing?” Yasaka asked, her voice shaky.
“I'm fixing the dimension's stability.” I said and thought about my wards for protection and hiding magic use. It was but a thought to have a ward stone come into existence and to add the proper rune sequences to add a magical shield to the dimensional barrier that would exclude and repel anything or anyone that wasn't approved to be there.
Like the index reference book I created for Madam Pince in the Hogwarts library, I created a permissions book for the wards and linked it to the wardstone. Once that was done, I let my hold on the dimensional anchor go and a massive blast of magical energy flooded into the sub-dimension.
Yasaka sucked in a huge breath in surprise, as did Grayfia, and little Kunou had wonder on her face as she felt the sub-dimension expand by hundreds of miles. We could hear many voices shout in surprise as they felt the sub-dimension become a full dimension and the magic protections I created snapped into place.
Almost immediately, several servants rushed into the backyard with reports of dozens of youkai and even an entire Oni village being shunted out of the youkai's hidden home. Yasaka gave me a squint-eyed look after hearing that, so I handed her the ward book.
“Anyone that has hostile intentions towards you, or your people as a whole, cannot enter your home dimension.” I said and showed her the exceptions given on the first page, where my name was engraved in the page and Grayfia's was written in. “You can add their names to the book to allow them entry, assuming you want them to attack you or your children without restriction.”
Yasaka growled and snapped the book closed. “How dare you threaten...”
“Stop that!” I spat at her and she caught her breath as my magic flared, surprising her. “Queen Yasaka, I am NOT your enemy! I'm protecting your people better than anyone else ever has. The only threats against you that can reach you here, where you and your daughter are SAFE, are those you intentionally write into the book!”
Yasaka glanced at Grayfia's face and saw her disapproval.
“Our part of this contract is fulfilled. Your dimension is stable and no longer requires you to maintain it with your own energy.” I said and walked over to stand beside Grayfia. “If you have any legitimate complaints about the terms you already agreed to, or wish to cancel it, you can contact the Foreign Affairs office and make an appointment.”
Before Yasaka could respond, I swirled my hand and created an orange portal with the sling ring and pulled Grayfia though it and closed it. We were in her new office and I felt her put her arms around me to hug me from behind.
“Issei, don't be so harsh on her.” Grayfia whispered in my ear. “She has had little to no reason to place her trust with devils and it's been like that for years. You can't expect her to change her expectations after a single day.”
I sighed and turned around in her arms. “I just don't get why I'm immediately distrusted if anything happens around me.” I complained and hugged her back. “I do my best to help, prove that I'm both capable and can handle things, and I'm the first one that's blamed and I'm getting sick of it.”
Grayfia gave me a sympathetic look and kissed me. “Do you want to get lost doing some paperwork for a while? It should distract you until the meeting with the Phenex Clan this evening.”
I nodded and let her go as I took out the paperwork for today's meetings, with her attache case, and gave them to her. I even did up a little report about this last interaction and handed her that as well, since it was appended to the contract with Yasaka.
Grayfia accepted them and walked around her desk. She sat down and I walked around to her side to assist her as much as I could. She was the one handling the organization and I followed her directions as she told me what to do with the stacks of files and papers that were scattered all over the office.
She was right, too. I lost myself in the drudgery of organizing an filing paperwork and I pretty much shut my brain off as we worked and it really was a great way to calm down. Almost before I knew it, it was time to head over to the Phenex Clan's mansion to negotiate the settlement's terms and how they would be handled.
I'm not sure how being balls deep inside Lady Phenex had become part of the negotiated settlement. It was only supposed to be the same procedure I had used to impregnate Rias Gremory and instead ended up being done the traditional way. That wasn't really a concern, however. It was the look of desire on Ravel Phenex's face as she watched us and her thoughts about not being able to wait for her turn.
Yes, her turn. Apparently, Lady Phenex had snuck into one of the clauses that if she was pregnant, then it fell to her daughter to use the next implantation to double the chance there would be a Phenex male born. She was also fairly kinky, thanks to how her brother and previous King had sex with the other members of his Peerage, as well as multiple women in his bed and then full blown orgies.
Of course, Lady Phenex knew exactly what had been going on in her house and hadn't curbed her children's behavior or tried to stop it in any way. They were devils, so why would they? Sin was their bread and butter and a lot of devils seemed to forget that their minds and magic thrived on indulging in it.
Or wallowing in it like Ravel, whom leaned closer and licked her lips as my divine member plunged into her mothers gushing womanhood. I leaned up and braced on my arms on the bed to drive myself even harder into the milf's eager opening, with it clenching tightly to milk me as quickly as possible.
“That's so fucking hot.” Ravel whispered and laid down with her head on her mother's stomach and her eyes locked onto where I was joined with her mother. She licked her lips again and I knew she was silently praying I'll slip out accidentally and give her access, so that's what I did.
I pulled out a bit too far, freeing myself completely, and thrust forward as Ravel gasped at seeing her wish come true. I plunged right into her mouth and kept pumping, making her moan. She sucked on it happily as Lady Phenex groaned in disappointment, because I wasn't pumping myself into her.
I had to lean back and rested on my knees and pulled Ravel towards me, then I pulled out of her mouth and shoved her face into her mother's clit as I plunged back into her blistering hotness. Both of them moaned happily and I kept going, giving the both of them what they really wanted. The best sex of their lives.
Ravel was soon naked and my perfectly formed penis claimed her virginity. She cried out, because I had numbed the pain and enhanced the pleasure, then she had her first real orgasm and screamed with pleasure. Lady Phenex hugged her from underneath and whispered that the next one would be better with her help.
She pinched her daughter's nipple with one hand and the other slid down to rub and play with her clit. Ravel came again with another scream and her body locked up momentarily. She sighed when it was over and she gave me a look full of shock and greed. I kept going of course, since I didn't want to disappoint her. Or her mother.
Needless to say, by the time I had to leave to go home, Lady Phenex was pregnant with a boy and Ravel was pregnant with a girl. Both were extremely happy about it, too. I couldn't tell if it was from the sex or the success of the implantation, though. My parting words about the female child not qualifying for part of the settlement, had the both of them look thoughtful.
I returned home in time to ask my mother for forgiveness. My new job had a few unexpected delays and I couldn't get away until late. My excuse that I even had to skip half the day at school to work, let her forgive me. Miki brought me into the master bedroom and she asked me to tell her all about what I did all day.
I joked that I did the contract clients and she laughed, so I told her about the contract negotiations with Yasaka and how I had repaired the place she lived and fixed it for her. That settled my mother's thoughts about if I was lying to skip school and I kissed her deeply and then stripped her off, bedded her, and went to sleep.
I had been bedding a lot of women lately and I couldn't really complain about it. Things just seemed to work out that way, especially in this world full of gravity defying breasts and near hentai levels of sexiness. I was almost positive that I was near the limit of how circumstances could twist to give me access to more women, even if I wasn't actually looking for more.
Maybe my perks and bonuses were working overtime because I had dealt with some of the major threats already? What was left? The Khaos Brigade, Trihexa, The Hero Faction, and maybe the EXE dimension that members of the Old Satan Faction wanted to invade. Oh, the Old Satan Faction! Yeah, I needed to visit Koneko to copy the USB info from her hairclip and then I could deal with all of that.
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