Chapter 10: Skirts Are No Good For The Wild
Chapter 10: Skirts Are No Good For The Wild
Isadora shivered tremendously, the water too cold for her body. But there was no choice, for this was the only way to get clean.
Diverting her gaze she found the boulder where Rav left what he got her, clothes and a wrapped bread.
Her eyes surveyed the area, she was relieved they gave her space to care for herself and not hang around like perverts, especially Kraven, at least they had some decency in their actions.
Her mind was still rattled by the whole event, and it was quite clear she was stuck with these outlaws.
Being in a brothel was much better than staying with criminals. Even though she failed Kraven's silly game it doesn't mean she won't stop trying for her freedom, she just needed the right time.
With clattering teeth she stepped out of the brook, walking barefoot and quickly getting dressed. She wore the sleeve dress, before fixing the leather bodice in place. She reached for her boots and tied them before grabbing the bread and walking out.
She hurriedly chewed on the soft loaf, moaning as the taste hit her taste buds. Spotting the two men, she swallowed down the last of it quickly.
Kraven and Rav engaged in a discussion before glancing toward her.
"Skirts are no good"
Isadora stopped instantly at Kraven's declaration, a frown taking over her features.
"Why in the olden god's name did you get her a skirt?" he questioned, eyeing the material like he wanted to rip it to shreds.
"Is it not to her taste?" Rav asked, perplexed.
"Not mine" Kraven growled and Isadora scoffed, he turned to her and raised an eyebrow at her action.
Isadora glared at him, folding her arms, and refused to speak, but he only seemed amused by her silence.
Rav passed a look between the two, having a battle of glares. Kraven's amusement, and Isadora's anger.
He cleared his throat to ease the tension. "Shall we get going?"
"We should" Kraven replied, backing away with a look that said 'I'll deal with you later' before leading the way.
Rav walked beside Isadora, a moment of silence passing between them before he said. "Ignore him, he's just irritated about the Serpents,"
Isadora didn't respond, eager to keep to herself and not engage with criminals, the less she conveyed the better.
"I know you're angry, Kraven kidnapped you. But you're not caged like you were in that brothel"
Isadora passed a look at Rav who offered a small smile but she didn't return it.
"The brothel was better" she said walking away.
His words don't matter to her. He had no truth just like his friend.
Isadora whimpered in her sleep, her brow deepening in a frown and whispers haunted her ears and caused her unease, goosebumps engulfed her skin like a ghostly chill.
Her head thrashed side by side as she tried to disarm the sounds but it only increased—a voice calling her name in a haunting whisper.
She gasped awake, flashing her eyes open. Voices had haunted her ever since she left that brothel, she had no idea who they belonged to or why she kept hearing them.
"When you sleep, what do you dream about?"
At Kraven's voice, she sat up with a start, he was clearly in her personal space watching her sleep. He'd proved to be a big bastard each time and got on her nerves.
"You were making strange sounds again," he clarified in curiosity.
Isadora disregarded his question, her eyes scanning the burning wood, and at Rav asleep in a corner.
They'd walked for hours, mostly in circles to throw the Serpents off their trails; they would have kept on till dawn if Rav had not intervened for them to rest.
Kraven would have gotten more pleasure watching her fight with bushes each time her skirt got caught with it.
"When I ask a question you answer,"
Her eyes quickly veered to his eyes, the fire... causing hues to them.
Isadora remained silent, determined not to communicate, he might have her freedom but doesn't have power over her, so holding her pride in place she refused to answer.
Kraven grew impatient with Isadora's attitude, a new thing she improvised along the way and he wasn't having it. He was desperate to figure out what lay inside her head to the last detail.
He took her jaw and forced her to look at him and her eyes trembled under his cold gaze. "As much I love your stubbornness I am not in the mood for it right now"
She struggled to move away but his hold was too tight.
"Remember... you answer to me now. To be used as I see fit, in other words, your master" he mused and Isadora's irritation fueled but she remained unmoving.
"This world is not a pleasant place for what you are—just like me, an outcast. Best we stick together, don't you think, love?"
She narrowed her eyes at his words, wondering what he was getting on about, but he didn't say anything else and let go of her.
Isadora rubbed her hurting jaw, making sure she glared holes into his head. This situation only just increased her need to escape this man, she had a feeling he had terrifying plans for her.
"Tell me how you ended up in a brothel" he began, relaxing his back against the boulder behind.
Giving up her act to remain silent, she spoke. "I was sold by my family"
"How old were you?"
He nodded. "Why were you sold?"
"Because they discovered I'm a skin weaver"
"The price was higher, a mannfae with abilities is rare. Your family sold you for that gain. They couldn't wait to get rid of you it seems"
"You don't need to spell it out for me, Kraven!" she snapped angrily—trying desperately to ignore the sting in her chest.
Her family never loved or cared for her, and to be reminded of that damage was overbearing.
He licked his lips. "We're using names now huh?"
She huffed looking away.
"Tell me more"
"I'd rather sleep than talk with you"
He laughed. "Don't worry love, you'll enjoy talking with me more than you sleep"
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