The Red Hand

Chapter 385 – The Arch Devil.

"Too bad, it would seem I got stuck with the far less interesting fight." Silfana scoffed as she held the black-haired Phima up by the throat while looking at Penelope and Halifax's battle in the distance. "She got to fight a Demi-God and go all out, while all I got here were a bunch of weaklings!" She said as she threw one Phima at the other, causing them both to tumble to the ground in a heap. "Though I'll admit that tormenting these idiots is fun in its own right. So perhaps its not all bad." She smirked as she turned to Bathrumd, Melifious, and Ariel. "But enough playing with my meal. Shall we finish things? This farce has gone on long enough, and I think it's time for you to surrender, Princess."

"You should be able to tell that I'd sooner die than give in to a monster like you." Bathrumd said as he spit blood on the ground and readied himself for battle once again. He'd taken a few severe beatings and his body was covered in wounds that leaked blood onto his armor. "Besides, aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself? The battle isn't over yet!" He said as several earthen spikes shot up from behind the Vampire, which Silfana easily avoided by leaping to the side.

"Did you really think such lame tricks would have any effect on-" The Vampire paused as a magic circle formed next to her, teleporting Ariel and allowing the Demon Princess to engage her directly with her dual axes.


An explosion of magical and dark energy crackled as the three weapons clashed. Silfana hadn't expected Ariel to be teleported and was momentarily caught off guard as the two began clashing at high speed.


"Not bad, Princess!" Silfana said as she continued to deflect and dodge Ariel's attacks. "I should've guessed those magical twins would be capable of moving a person around!" She roared as she swung the Night Blade toward Ariel's chest, but just as she was about to land a mortal blow, Ariel was teleported again, this time behind her.

“You should've also guessed that it wasn't a once and done thing either!” Ariel said as she swung her axes down, forcing Silfana to contort her body out of the way before spinning around in attempt to kick the Demon, only to have her teleport away once again.

{How annoying!} (Silfana)


After witnessing Silfana's severe physical and martial advantage over the five of them, the two Phimas calculated that the best way to aid the Demon Princess and potentially win this fight was to keep her on the move. Thus with their powers and minds combined they were easily able to teleport her short distances in rapid succession, though this did mean they couldn't easily cast other magic while doing such quick feats.

"I'd normally condemn such cowardly tactics..." Bathrumd clicked his tongue in irritation as he watched Ariel warp around the Vampire at high speed, avoiding her attacks and preventing her from moving.

{But I think I'll take this.} (Bathrumd)

"Pride is useless on the battlefield, Bath, and think we're far beyond the need for such things here." Melifous said as he snapped his fingers, forming a set of playing cards in his hands.

"Finally going to do something, are we?" Bathrumd glared at him. Melifous had mostly sat the battle out, so far, and it had been getting on his nerves. “I was beginning to think you were content to sit back and watch. Perhaps you were going to write one of those awful poems of yours?”

"Now, Now, Now. Just like a good poem, one mustn't rush victory." Melifous laughed as he extended his hands and flicked the cards between them, shuffling them like a dealer at a table. "And just like a game of cards, one must properly assess the situation before making any moves."

{I'm not rushing victory. I'm rushing you, you slimy bastard! And don't act like your poetry skills are anything better than horrendous! Even I can write better ones and I hate them!} (Bathrumd)

"But all jesting aside, it is indeed time for me to step in." Melifous smirked as he stopped shuffling and drew a single card off the top. "It would appear luck is on my side at the moment! Let's see how the Vampire enjoys fighting a few more opponents!" He lit the card alight in a purple flame before throwing it on the ground just in front of Silfana, who noticed it and became confused.

{A card?} (Silfana)


The card erupted in a huge purple flame, causing Silfana to back off in fear of being burned. However, rather than cause damage, the flame acted as a portal out of which came a dozen large hulking, black-skinned monsters that Silfana instantly recognized as true Demons.

{Of course...} (Silfana)

"Ya know, I'd heard the rumors that you had a few Demons bound to you, but I didn't actually believe it." Bathrumd growled. Taming, binding, or otherwise working with true Demons was a Taboo within the Kingdom, largely because the intent was to distance themselves from their ancient relationship with such creatures. Many did enter pacts with them or capture and bind them to their will, but this was heavily discouraged and technically illegal. The ten Demons summoned by Melifous were large, winged, and horned creatures that towed at nearly fifteen feet tall. Their bodies were muscular, and their eyes were pitch black, save for tiny red pupils that one could barely see.

"How can you have that many Greater Demons under your control?!?" Phima yelped. "Having even one is a great strain... But ten?!?


{It's not possible!} (Phima)

"It's not important how I got them." Melifous brushed them off. "Right now, all that matters is that they're going to tear this Vampire apart and help us win the battle." He snapped his fingers, giving the Demons the signal to begin their attacks. They were all unarmed, but their massive fists would serve as sufficient weapons and their magical prowess would be valuable assets nonetheless.

"If you think I'm worried about some weak trash..." Silfana said as she smacked the still teleporting Ariel away. "Then you have no idea what I'm capable of! Queen of the Night Lords, First Phase!" She activated her ability once again to change up her power set. The First Phase was physically weaker than the Fifth, but what it lost in physical power, it more than made up for by drastically increasing her magical ability, which is what she would need to banish proper Demons from the material world.

"Let me send you all back to hell!" Silfana flashed forward, covering her blade in a thin black power before swiftly cutting down half of the Demons in a single swift and elegant stroke.


"Not bad, but I wouldn't assume they're down for the count." Melifous laughed as he threw out more cards, resummoning the defeated Demons who seemed to laugh in a manner similar to Akagi as they returned.

{Great...} (Silfana)

"And don't go forgetting me!" Bathrumd said as he leaped into the fray, using his massive frame and strong punches in an attempt to take down the Vampire while she twisted and dodged out of the way of his and Ariel'sattacks while the summoned Demons also aided them.


The fight turned into a veritable mosh put as twelve fighters attempted to take the Vampire lord down. Ever time she'd take a Demon down it would be revived, although she noted that they became weaker each time they returned. However, it was difficult to focus on banishing the Demons as Ariel's teleporting attacks and Bathrumd's constant use of fire magic and sheer power left her little room for extra maneuvers.

"Stop dodging and fight us, you bitch!" Bathrmud screamed as he punched forward, only to have Silfana maneuver herself onto his knuckles, her boot scraping against the back of his hand.

"As you wish." Silfana smirked, flashing her fangs as she smashed her foot full force into his face, sending him flying backward, nearly crashing into the two Phimas and pulling Ariel out of teleportation and causing her to fall to the ground with a thud.

"And you know, while I'm at it..." Silfana twisted her body and grabbed one of the Demon fists that flew at her, spinning the Demon andknocking its allies away with its massive body before throwing it into the air. "Let's remove the rest of the trash." She laughed as she spun the Demon around, knocking the others away before throwing her captured prey into the air. "Aaaaand, goodbye." She smirked as she snapped her fingers, causing the flying Demon to bubble and bloat before exploding as black magic erupted from its body, the power raining down on the other Demons and vaporizing them.

"To kill so many Greater Demons so easily..." Ariel bit her lip in frustration as she got up from the ground and regrouped with the others.

{What the hell is this Vampire? How can she be this powerful?!? It makes no sense?!? We've landed only a few glancing blows on her! How is this possible?!?} (Ariel)

"Oh? That look on your face is hilarious!" Silfana laughed as she spun her blade in her hand in a bit of a fancy flourish. “I never do tire of seeing such a thing though.”

"Just what the hell are you?" Ariel growled. She was starting to get tired, and her magic reserves were getting dangerously low as were Phima's. The Princess-Regent hadn't been fighting Silfana for that long, but this battle was straining her magic severely as she had to keep barriers up at all times while also enhancing her speed, both of which severely draining activities. "No Vampire, even one who was truly a descendant of the Sun Emperor, could be this powerful!"

{Its like I'm fighting Hadrus or my Father! How can one Vampire that isn't the legendary Progenitor of their kind be this powerful?!?} (Ariel)

"There are many reasons, but it really comes down to the fact that I've been preparing for this fight for a millennium." Silfana said as she swung her blade, creating a dozen glowing magic circles above her head. "I've pushed myself every day to get stronger, to find a way to reclaim my birthright." Her gaze grew fierce as she continued. "And now, when everything I ever wanted is within my grasp..." She snapped her fingers, allowing blasts of black energy to shoot forward from the magic circles. "I won't let ANYTHING get in my way!"

{Not good!} (Ariel)

"P-Protect us, Oh barrier of light, Holy Shield!" Phima chanted a protective spell, encasing the five of them in a large barrier that groaned under the weight of Silfana's attack. “S-Second shield!” The other Phima chanted the same spell and added an extra layer.

“That... That was close...” Melifous said as a bit of sweat dripped down his forehead.

“Good work Phima!” Ariel turned to praise them, but paused as she noticed there strained expression.

{That attack is too powerful, they can't hold it back for long.} (Ariel)

“Melifous! Why are you not helping?!? You've got magic so do something!” Bathrumd growled

“I'm sorry but resummoning and controlling ten Greater Demons kept me a bit preoccupied!” Melfious replied with a vaguely threatening smile. “Perhaps things would be a bit easier if you actually managed to hit anything with those big meaty mitts of yours!”

“What did you say?!?” Bathrumd fumed. “Come over here and say that again, you-”

“STOP!” Ariel screamed, causing both to pause. “Fight between yourselves later! Right now we've got something far more important to worry about!” She said, pointing to the Phimas.

"No... Good...Its... Too... Much..." Both Phimas fell to one knee as they struggled to hold the barrier together, visibly straining under Silfana's assault. No matter how powerful they were, and even with their abilities combined, the Vampire was simply too strong. Silfana was using Akagi's power to strengthen her own natural abilities, abilities that she'd spent centuries refining and then boosting further with Queen of the Night Lords. No matter how powerful the two Phimas were, they were simply no match for the Vampire Empress, and it was only a matter of time until their barrier shattered like glass.

"Melifous, can't you summon more Demons?" Ariel asked him about reinforcements.

"No, she destroyed them utterly with her attack, and thus I can't revive them, at least not without using most of my remaining power." Melifous shook his head.

"Then just attack!" Bathrumd growled. "You're a mage, aren't you?!? Insteading of sending summons to fight how about you do it yourself!"

"I'm the kind of mage that understands that our opponent will shrug off just about any mundane attack I use against her." Melifous sighed as he shook his head. "I specifically used those Greater Demons rather than attacking directlybecause they were specifically enhanced with magical protections. I can tell that whatever spells I sling at her will be dispelled or ignored, so it would be a waste of magic."

"So you're all bark and no bite." Bathrumd scoffed as he flexed his fists. "Then maybe you should just sacrifice yourself to give me an opening. One good punch and that bitch will go down."

"Well, I'd like to see you-" Melifous paused as Ariel yelled at the two of them again.

"AGAIN! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE FIGHTING!" Ariel screamed at them. "Phima won't last much longer! We need to do something to take her down, or we're finished!"

{How can they fight each other when a greater foe is standing before us?!? If we fall here, then not just the Demon Kingdom but the entire WORLD will be at risk!} (Ariel)

"Please... Hurry..." Phimas' complexion began to turn white as she was pushed to the brink of collapse.

"Melifous!" Ariel barked at him. "Use that."

It took a moment for it to click as to what she meant, but once he understood his entire body trembled."You... You're serious?" Melifous gave a nervous laugh, understanding exactly what she meant. "If... If we do that, then..."

{We're... That...} (Melifous)

"We're all dead if we don't try, so what do we have to lose?" Ariel replied as she held out her two axes, slamming them together and combining them into one larger axe that looked more akin to a halberd. "Either way, we'll have a monster to deal with..."

{I've never used Nefiel's true form in real combat before... Father... Your power still flows through its blade, so guide me...} (Ariel)

"What are you two talking about?" Bathrumd asked. "Do you have some sort of trick up your sleeve?"

"Not a trick." Melifous said as he flicked his wrist and made a card appear between his fingers. "Rather a card." The card in question contained the symbol of a five-headed Hydra, something that Bathrumd instantly recognized.

"Oi! Oi! Oi!" Bathrumd grabbed Melifous' hand. "Is that what I think it is?!? Don't you even think of bringing HER here!" He yelled as he stormed toward the cartomancer. "You'll only make things worse!

Do you have any idea what she's going to ask for to handle this problem?!?"

"We don't have a choice, Bath!" Ariel yelled as she grit her teeth. "I hate asking her for a favor just as much as you, but when the alternative is the destruction and enslavement of our people..." She said as looked at the ruined battlefield around them. "Whatever she demands... I will bear the cost myself... This is my responsibility as Regent."

"You're absolutely certain you want me to call her?" Melifous asked as his hand trembled. "She could very well become a bigger problem than this Vampire..."

"Do it. Call her." Ariel said with both determination and a hint of fear in her voice. "Call Sariel."

"Oh fuck! I never thought I'd actually have to use this dammed card!" Melifous cursed the Devil for having given him it but decided to put all reservation aside and channeled his power into the card before throwing it forward just as the barrier broke, rendering both Phima unconscious from the magical backlash.

"Not a bad barrier." Silfana praised the two girls for putting up a good defense. "But in the end, it was still as fragile as they were."


Thunder cracked as the thrown card hit the ground, causing the dirt beneath it to boil and writhe as the grass around it caught fire.

"Another summon?" Silfana scoffed. "As if another Demon is any match for -" She paused as a power far stronger than that of the Greater Demons washed over her, the Vampire tensing up slightly as she realized what was coming was not just some ordinary Demon.

{What?!?} (Silfana)

"I see the present I gave you was of use." A woman's voice echoed out from the card as it erupted into flames that exploded skyward. "I must say though, I wasn't expecting you to ever actually reach out to me. But this is a most auspicious day!"


{If that is what you want to call it, Devil...} (Ariel)

“Melifous, I'm sorry for dragging you into this.” Ariel said without facing him. “Please forgive me.”

“In for a copper in for a gold!” Melifous laughed nervously. “I knew that Devil wouldn't give that card if she didn't know it would be used, so its fine, Ariel.”

Out from the towering inferno emerged a tall, brown-skinned woman with red eyes, two red horns, and large black bat wings sticking out of her back. Her outfit reminded Silfana of her own, though it was also similar in nature to a military-style coat, and the aura she gave off was more akin to Akagi, though nowhere near as dark or all consuming.

"I take it that whatever is going on up here must be pretty dire if you're relying on me for aide." She laughed as the fire disappeared, leaving her standing in from of Silfana with a confident and sure look on her face. "So what's so important that you'd actually put yourself in my debt?" She looked around, seeing the bloody and ruined battlefield as well as the red sky. "I see you've all been busy. How nice of you to invite me to the party. Though I tend to enjoy being part of the killing rather than seeing its aftermath. I'm not like Jehora after all."

"Sariel..." Ariel bit her lip in both fear and anger.

"Oh! It's been a long time since I've seen you." Sariel smirked as she turned to the Princess. "You've grown so much since I last saw you! Its even more clear as day that you've come from my blood! If I didn't know better I'd even think you were one of my first generation children with those eyes of yours!" She laughed. "So what can I do for you, my dear descendant? How can I be of assistance?" She asked. "You know that I do love helping my family." Her eyes shown for a moment as her lips curved into a nasty smile. "After all, family have to help each other out, don't they?"


Arch Devil Sariel!


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