The Redwood Saga

Chapter 10 - 9: Unova, Part 1

Basement Level of PNN's HQ - New Tork City, Unova Region

Alex thought long and hard about what he was about to say, ironically, more than he'd thought about what to say in an interview on live TV. He considered this next conversation one that was far more important.

He was on his way to his dressing room, where he'd left his bag, when he was suddenly tackled from behind, though the smaller form didn't move his larger one very much. Feeling a familiar press against his back, he smirked, even as dainty hands covered his eyes.

"There you are…so…how did I do?" He felt Jess giggle against him.

"You're wasting time. Do you know how many Trainers he interviews weekly? You could be in Opelucid by now." Her tone was teasing, but her words were true. He'd been dragging his feet a bit since coming back from the Dragon Mountain, and it became obvious why when he'd battled Connor.

Now he was dragging again, hoping to run into his friend and travel with him, the way they'd wanted to since they were ten, envious of Trainers in places like Kanto who started so early, but usually without a thorough education.

"I have one more thing to do here. Wait for me at the Pokémon Center. I won't be long, and then we can get to Driftveil." He felt her nod, and then slide off of him.

"I'm going to challenge Burgh, and then fly to Nacrene City, and get that Badge, while you waste time." She bopped his nose, then walked away, swaying her hips on purpose. He shook his head, then continued on down the hallway, stopping when he heard a creepy noise from a dark adjoining hallway, leading down presumably to the basement, or sewers.

"Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuk." Alex blinked, watching as a literal herd of poison type sludge monsters came towards him. "Mmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuukkkkk!" They cried continuously.

Then as they reached for his pocket, he understood why, and brought out the bottle of Luxray Musk. They stared at it, their sludge-eyes forming into hearts as they saw it. Finally properly creeped out, he threw it down the hallway, and he was pretty sure the Muk it landed on was devoured by the others.

Alex was just about ready to leave the city, after that display. The scent of a Muk was what gave people cancerous tumors in their lungs. If you left it in a sewer, and not open air, at least. This wasn't the first time he'd seen strange places for Pokémon to live while in the city. It was definitely a unique place, with unique people. You couldn't walk down the street without seeing someone his rural townies back home would call 'abnormal'.

He stopped again, before descending to the lowest basement of the building where the dressing rooms were. There was a…nagging sensation in his head, like a voice, but not, urging him to come towards it. Normally, his skeptical nature would make him ignore such a strange thing, but he could tell this one was tinged with worry, loneliness, fear, and many other negative emotions.

He followed the directions, and instead went to the penthouse of the building. Once he met the source of the nagging sensation, it guided him to another floor, where he surmised the employees of the PNN building lived. Living at work was illegal for many reasons, but only one group got away with it, claiming that their 'beliefs' would be infringed upon if it wasn't allowed.

He didn't have to guess which group was using freedom of belief to hide behind and abuse their workers. It was a play straight from the Acrean's own handbook, a truly disturbing read that his Gruncle had a copy of, and had let him peruse once.

Fuming inwardly after what he'd discovered in the two upper floor rooms, he once more descended to the basement, and the dressing rooms, two Pokéballs heavier. Several of the gathered aides were female, and rather attractive, but there was one blonde in particular who, in his opinion, came rather close to Jess in looks. A 'perfect ten' as the numerous male influences in his life would 'rate her'. She was very obviously holding a can of some kind of spray he had a feeling was made specifically to repel creepy men. She was about to say something, as she saw his eyes, drawn by pure instinct to her generous attributes, when Joey appeared between them.

"Oh, hello Mr. Redwood. Welcome back. We're here, as you requested." They were all very obviously still on edge and eyed him expectantly.

He was almost tempted to try to poke fun at them, just to see the reaction, but then he remembered the conditions he'd found upstairs. He sighed instead, saying "What have these zealots done to you people?"

The tension bled from the room, and the blonde lowered her can. Finally able to tear his eyes from her glorious cleavage, he closed his eyes, letting the pause grow as he calmed himself.

This took about half a second as he looked back up at all of them this time, saying "I called you all here because I saw the conditions you're forced to work in, and wanted to help...but then I discovered the conditions I can only assume you're forced to sleep in, as well." The group shared nervous looks. They'd been expecting some strange sexually oriented request, but his tone was veering towards rebellion against their employer. At a normal job, loyalty might have kept them from considering it. At this one, it was fear, and terrible living conditions, that kept them in line. The blonde girl, despite her looks, was no idiot. She knew a way out when she saw one, and this Redwood had sway with John Crimson himself.

The blonde was definitely gorgeous, but his momentary distraction was based on instinct as old as the human race, and those instincts had been controlled years ago, by pure willpower. His eyes did not wander as he met the eyes of each person gathered. The blonde raised a brow at him. They all did, as if they didn't quite believe what he said.

Alex turned to Joey then when nobody spoke, "I found your... 'apartment'. I'm guessing they gave you that 'room' because you're in charge? Well, the door was unlocked, and there were some shady people in there, stuffing your Pokéball into a bag, as there was nothing else of value in there except a sleeping mat." Alex held out the Pokéball. "You shouldn't leave home without it. It's dangerous to go alone." Joey took the ball, and it shook, opening, and revealing a Raticate in a flash of white.

Joey knelt down to his friend. "I'm sorry…" He looked up at Alex, "You're right…my Raticate is the best, in the top percentage of Raticate actually, and he should always be with me. But…" He looked back down at his Pokémon, "The higher ups don't allow us to let them out or have them on us. This building is owned by the Arcean Church, you see…and they don't allow Pokémon they don't control on their property...and since we all essentially live here and work fourteen-hour shifts…we have no choice but to leave them in their balls."

The blonde spoke up, then. "Even our bosses don't have Pokémon, but John Crimson doesn't work enough to miss his Ninetales these days. I know that during your interview, he didn't have his Ninetales on him though. Like Joey said, they're...strict about who can have Pokémon on them, on their property."

Alex had a good guess as to what she meant by strict. He was familiar with the Church's not-so-subtle punishments and knew what employees like these risked by asking for a raise, let alone bringing in their Pokémon. The disciplinary actions given out by Arceans were well documented. From physical beatings to psychological torture while they were hooked up to a Pokémeter, the very least they risked by involving their Pokémon was having them taken, and never seeing them again. There were rumors though, that sometimes, the Pokémon in question did return...but when they did, they were violent, constantly angry, and had a tendency to attack anything that moved, ordered to or not. In such cases, they had to be kept in their balls for safety, and anyone in the Church specializing in Pokémon health simply claimed they were fine. His granduncle had explained that these were the signs of Shadow Infusion, a highly illegal and immoral practice, but one the Arceans often used, or so the Professor claimed. He had refused to elaborate on how he knew that, though. The Church, of course, denied any such actions were ever given out. They denied any negative allegation, loudly and publicly. Even when hard evidence to the contrary was readily accessible. It was a good bet that if they denied something oddly specific, they were responsible for doing it. Often, one could accurately guess what they were guilty of, as their denials were usually focused on a very specific single misdeed, instead of vague ones.

More than that, they accused the people who reported these incidents of being the worst kind of scum. Pedophilia, thievery, drug use, any seemingly negative, and usually baseless, accusation they made was a total fabrication. Little more than an attempt to slander people. And yet, many humans bought into it.

When a large group of people picketed your neighbor's house and told you they were a pedophile, most people were gullible enough to buy into the lie. It was an effect of being in crowds. He'd written a report on it, once, back in university.

Alex considered the blonde woman's words. "That means he doesn't have Ninetales with him now. Joey. Let's go pay your 'boss' a visit."

Joey nodded, and the two left the room, and headed back up into the shooting studio. Arthur appeared alongside Joey's Raticate, acting protective over all of them. He'd had trouble forming his arms into swords, hence his use of Psychic and not Psycho Cut, but it didn't seem to be an issue now that he needed them.

He was readying a Night Slash, and as their group reached the studio, a pinkish white energy appeared within the dark energy on his arms, swirling into a Taijitu symbol on each arm, albeit a rather elongated one given their shape.

Neither Alex nor Joey seemed to notice the swirl of energy Arthur summoned, but their audience did. Most of the vacationing elite of Castelia were still there, partying in the now vacated studio, but John Crimson was in a corner, with an ominous older gentleman, clad in a large cloak that looked like it had been purchased from a movie involving one of those classic stereotypical villain types. Alex and Joey walked over to them, with both of their Pokémon out.

The older gentleman was wearing a badge upon his chest in the shape of Arceus' symbol that very obviously insinuated that he was a 'holy man' of the Arcean Church. What was strange, however, was the fact that he was wearing a hood, indoors. A flash of red gleamed from beneath the hood as the man raised his head to examine the two youths approaching him.

"Can we help you?" He asked in a gravely irritated tone, looking at Joey for an instant before moving his gaze to focus on Alex. Judging by the stoop in his back, and his voice, the man was older than he seemed. There was something familiar about him, in a manner Alex couldn't quite place. The cut of the robe's style, the gold and white mantle that surrounded his shoulders and almost looked like a castle parapet.

Alex was still smirking as he eyed the man, despite his growing feeling of unease, "No, not really. We have no need for any guidance in 'holy' matters. We're here to speak with Mr. Crimson." Alex pulled out another Pokéball that wasn't his own, an Old School crank turn type design that was as fiery in coloration as the Pokémon inside it.

Ninetales had led Alex into John Crimson's home and had been responsible for starting this entire situation, and Alex had figured out that the Pokémon had guided him there because 'Tailsy' as he was called, knew that his owner would soon need him thanks to a psychic premonition. He'd guided him to Joey's Raticate as well, just in time to prevent a theft. Alex knew better than to question a premonition of a Pokémon with latent psychic power. The ball opened on its own, and the Ninetales within appeared in a flash of fiery red light. He wrapped his tails protectively around John Crimson and snarled at the strange old man.

The old man glared at the aging reporter. " dare know the rules. Pokémon are not allowed at work, where they can be pushed around, and remember what happened the last time we allowed them. Leaving them at home is for their benefit."

John Crimson looked down at his Ninetales, who looked at him at the same time. It was obvious where Tailsy preferred to be.

"Can you confidently say there is no truth in what I'm telling you?" The old man limped towards the reporter, and that was when Alex noticed he had a cane in his left hand, though he couldn't get a good look at it, the familiarity only increased, nagging at his brain to remember why this man looked so familiar.

"Pokémon contain unlimited potential..." He continued, in his gravelly but charismatic tone made hoarse by age, "They do not belong in Human buildings, confined to wandering small spaces for hours at a time, every day. You may think leaving them behind is cruel, but is it not crueler to have them be bored for hours at a time, confined to a small space? Or worse, abused by some stranger when you're distracted? At least their balls can be infinitely entertaining and keep them safely in one place."

The old reporter kept his eyes on his fire fox. "I... I don't..." He was clearly struggling to argue against the relatively sound logic coming from the man.

That was when Alex realized who this old man was, as it all clicked in an instant. "Ghetsis…" He hissed quietly. He finally remembered. Long ago, when he'd been younger, he'd watched a video of the notorious villain, taken by way of camera phone, as he gave his first known public address, back when Team Plasma had appeared honorable, knightly, even kind. Their idealistic claims had drawn many to their cause. At first. Then they'd told people to release their Pokémon, something the vast majority of people and Pokémon had not wanted to do. That was when Team Plasma started setting them free by force, usually by stealing them.

He'd used almost exactly the same words now, and Alex too had once thought that he'd had a point, even though he'd been young. It had taken his Gruncle to set him straight by reminding him of one simple truth that every Trainer shared, and as he remembered that lecture, he started to repeat parts of it.

"Some people have them as pets...others use them to times we play together...other times, we work together..." The cloaked Ghetsis, Joey, and John Crimson were now looking at him, and Joey was grinning ear to ear. Every kid heard this speech at one point or another. Professors the world over went to classrooms all the time, making sure the next generation understood the world they lived in.

Alex stepped next to the old reporter and put a hand on his shoulder as he quoted his granduncle, "But the most important thing to remember about Pokémon, any Pokémon, is that they're our friends." He turned his glare to Ghetsis then, and Arthur joined him in standing between the man and John Crimson. "There are no bad Pokémon...just bad Trainers."

"Nonsense!" The shout from Ghetsis drew the small crowd of the live studio audience's attention to their little corner once more, and murmurs filled the air as they noticed the Gallade with the shining arms, and the strange symbol. Gilroy Redwood, who'd been chatting up several older ladies in the crowd who were gray, but still far too young for him, also noticed the symbol, and stared at it in awe.

Few remembered now what the sign of the Unovan Dragon's empire had been, long, long ago in Unova's golden age, but the Professor was a learned man with a specialty in ancient and unique Pokémon, and the myths surrounding them. He eyed his relative with a new respect. Perhaps he would be the one to do it...that would make the effort of setting this stage for him worth it. He didn't quite know what Ghetsis had on his belt these days, but given the rumors coming from the Victory Plateau, he had a good idea. He'd maneuvered his idealistic grandnephew here knowing that seeing the Church's working conditions would set him on the path to the truth of what was going on in PNN's headquarters. He was bonded to a Gallade, after all. If this kind of thing didn't tweak his sense of justice, nothing would.

Ghetsis continued, devolving into a rant as he slammed his cane into the mahogany floor of the studio. "Pokémon are meant to be used not played with! They're incredible sources of energy! Friends...pagh!" He spat on the floor then, glaring at the arrogant Trainer from under his hood, oblivious to the looks he'd drawn.

Alex turned his hat backwards but did not smirk. He couldn't afford bravado against a threat like Ghetsis. "I knew this 'No Pokémon' rule was tied to Plasma filth..." He said, glaring right back, "The rest of Unova has accepted that Team Plasma was wrong, hypocrite. Your son helped dismantle your organization years ago. Move on already. This is just...sad."

Arthur's eyes glowed with Psychic energy then, and the robes on Ghetsis' ancient body flared up, revealing a full-size team of six Pokémon on his belt. He glared at Alex furiously as the rest of the room noticed this literal hypocrisy. He raised a hand to strike him, but then remembered the crowd was still watching, and he was still representing the Church, to these, their potential and wealthy donors.

"I'll meet you outside, boy…I will not be humiliated by some random Trainer from who-knows-where..." He thumped out of the studio, and down the stairs, muttering, "Not again..."

The room went silent, and all eyes shifted to him. Alex understood then and nodded to himself. Nobody here was actually good enough to beat Ghetsis, a man known for abusing his Pokémon, and attacking civilians. They knew he was a criminal, but none of John Crimson's guests were willing to ruin their night by involving the police. He'd forced them all to follow his absurd rules through fear. Yet another Arcean tactic, straight from their 'Prophet' and his 'playbook' but it was one that would backfire. Alex was not afraid of the aged villain, and Arthur was practically glowing with confidence. He was, in fact, literally glowing, beyond just his arms, but Alex was too busy planning to face Ghetsis to notice the aura of light around his Gallade.

Alex hurried down to meet him outside, emerging to his Cofagrigus' Shadow Ball as soon as the building's doors opened. Luckily, Arthur was there with his Night Slash from his glowing, swirling arms. A second slash followed the first, slashing right through the tomb Pokémon's ghostly body. It fainted in a single hit, but Ghetsis already had his Bouffalant and Bisharp out. Blaze joined Arthur as Alex threw his ball, giving them the type advantage, as they'd practiced.

A pair of double Brick Breaks from Arthur into the charging Bouffalant and his partner damaged the Bisharp, but took down the bull Pokémon completely. Blaze finished off the Bisharp with a timely Flamethrower that was launched so fast mid-flight, it couldn't have been dodged.

Their training weights were off now, and they were benefiting from the long hours of wearing them in so many battles with Trainers on the road into Nimbasa, and then the Boulevard to Castelia.

As Ghetsis recalled his Pokémon, Alex did the same. This slippery bastard would claim the battle was unfair if he'd left them out during the next round. His notorious Hydreigon appeared, and Alex brought out Shruikan without hesitating.

Shruikan had been training solely for the Opelucid gym, and the battle against the Gym Leader, Iris, and now his weights were off as well. His minor temper flare during the battle with Connor had been smoothed out, and now his sole wish was to evolve. Anything that would help him get experience, he did willingly, trusting his Trainer to lead him on the right path to attaining flight. All he could do now to honor his fallen father was prove that the strength he'd inherited was worthy of recognition.

It was clear Shruikan was unusual somehow, his granduncle had muttered something about 'Pokérus' when he'd examined his ball, but hadn't explained what that meant, exactly. Alex figured that only flames from a Legendary Pokémon like a Moltres would be strong enough to evolve his Shelgon, so he'd been listening carefully to the world news, waiting for a Tamer of such a Legendary Pokémon to appear within his reach. For now, a fight against this Hydreigon would be a good test of how much stronger he was after so many battles.

Dragon Trainers were common in Unova, and Shruikan had seen some serious battle time. The two dragon types traded furious Dragon Pulses, and Shruikan rolled out of the way of them, firing back when he could, but both of the arm-heads on the fierce dragon type would launch Dragonbreaths as well, whenever he stopped. Ghetsis wasn't obeying League rules, and Alex adjusted accordingly. Shruikan's Dragon Pulse was, by now, a ball of dense energy, similar to his teammate's moves like Energy Ball and Mud Shot or Water Pulse, but Ghetsis' Pokémon used a stream of that energy, wild and uncontrolled when it spewed from one of three mouths.

When Shruikan's attack blocked his Dragonbreath so easily, it infuriated the barely tamed Hydreigon, and all three heads attacked at once. Shruikan used Protect, taking the hit, and then retaliated with another dense, swirling Dragon Pulse, scoring a direct hit on the other dragon. It went down slowly, but Shruikan followed up with another Dragon Pulse, and ended the round.

Ghetsis' Drapion met a similar fate at the hands of Terra's Earthquake, and the old man laughed, then, in disbelief. "I didn't expect to need him for this. This was a routine security check for the building…it should've taken five minutes, and now I'm Battling a boy in the middle of a street whose pushed me to this..."

It was a summer night, and the foot traffic on the Castelian street had stopped to gather around the two Trainers duking it out. The crowd had only swelled when it heard Ghetsis was involved, his hood now fallen, many people recognized him.

What nobody could believe was that another Trainer was beating him, and he wasn't even a Champion. Ghetsis had evaded capture for years because of his power, and now, he was being beaten in public by a relative nobody. It also helped that Alex and his team were on point with their type counters, and the fire of youth.

Ghetsis hadn't intended this battle to last past that first surprise Shadow Ball, but he'd forgotten about the glowing Gallade. The crowd gasped then, as he called out his ace, and Alex stared in horror at the monstrosity they had all heard was long gone. A forced fusion of Reshiram and Kyurem, by way of machines, specifically the DNA Splicers. Man's last attempt to reunite the Original Dragon had only resulted in a forced fusion with either Zekrom or Reshiram, never both.

Alex knew what he had to do then as he recalled Terra and brought out Shruikan once more, and his energy seemed to flare and focus as the crowd cheered him on. As hot as White Kyurem's Ice Burn was, Shruikan could handle hotter when he used Protect, and countered with a Dragon Pulse, hitting the abomination hard enough to stop it in its tracks.

Flames burned bright as the body of Kyurem connected to Reshiram's power, and it became apparent that Shruikan had merely stunned the Legendary Pokémon. As it readied another Ice Burn, it gave Shruikan time. The white half of the Pokémon seemed to be reluctant to listen, as if Reshiram was yet within, and aware of his chance at freedom. Kyurem had zero issues taking down a Shelgon, though. Even if it was at Ghetsis' order. The human was strong, and dragons respected strength.

The fused dragons had been slowed long enough for Shruikan to aim an attack at the DNA splicer that was forcing the two together, as destroying it would likely break them apart. A brief fiery golden aura that nobody seemed to notice surrounded Shruikan, and his Dragon Pulse turned red as he condensed the energy before his mouth and fired the sparking ball of pure dragon power at the 'wings' on the ice dragon's backside, as he gave the Dragon Pulse the necessary spin to curve in the air and hit where it needed to hit. The point where the man-made item was fusing the two Legendary dragons. As soon as that happened, the lines connecting Kyurem and Reshiram were torn apart by the Dragon Pulse's explosion of energy. As they glowed bright white, one dragon became two, Reshiram was freed with a majestic roar, and the monstrosity that was Kyurem roared right after, freezing the feet of every nearby human before it stomped off to the north, through the city, leaving a trail of icy terrain in a line straight to the Giant Chasm.

Life had just begun to return to the chasm, but now, it would surely vanish as the product of man's desire to war with each other, which had split the Original Dragon apart, returned with an icy vengeance.

Reshiram examined Alex for a long moment, and a noble, strong telepathic voice echoed in his skull, and his alone, "Come to the Victory Plateau...the time has finally e..." It gave him a last look over, then blasted upwards as its tail propelled it easily through the air, and headed north as well, but towards the Pokémon League, to his Tamer. The Champion.

Ghetsis stared at the shattered DNA machines on the ground in pure disbelief, and then rage. "You fool…what have you done!? You've ruined any chance of uniting the Dragon!"

Alex just shook his head. "My truth is stronger than your skewed ideals. You only want the Dragon for power, but the more you take by force, the less you will truly have. Over and over, you have been shown this lesson, by each of Unova's many Champions. It ends here. You will never have the chance to cause strife like this again."

Arthur held Ghetsis in place with Psychic as Alex freed most of his team from their balls. Cofagrigus and Hydreigon stayed, but the rest left with Trainers from the onlooking crowd. Not even prison was able to split up Trainer and Pokémon, which meant the guards of their prisons had to be serious Trainers, lest they be overwhelmed. The police arrived with their various partners, as Castelia was quite diverse, and Ghetsis was finally taken away in cuffs. Hopefully he'd stay there this time.

With the PNN crew now outright demanding the allowing of Pokémon teams in the building from their Arcean overlords, Alex decided to move on, assuming that their issue with the Arcean's rules was over.

Beating one of their enforcers made it clear that he was ready and willing to back them up against any threat they received from Church members, and with Pokémon of their own, he hoped the employees would be able to avoid feeling threatened. The Church backed down against public displays like Pokémon Battles like the one he'd just had. Under no circumstance was it okay for an Arcean owned building to be visited by police. Their image could not be tarnished.

Alex met up with a worn-out Jess again several hours later at the Pokémon Center, and the two began the long trek to Driftveil as he explained what she'd missed. His street brawl with the former Boss of Team Plasma had gained him some more popularity, and many Trainers wanted a chance to face down the man who'd split apart White Kyurem and lived to tell the tale. They spent most of the journey battling, as always. When they finally crossed the bridge into Driftveil, they headed for the Pokémon Center, and the next morning, were ready to hit the gym.

Or rather, Alex was. Jess went into the Clay Tunnel to train her Serperior, while Alex and his grass and water types, both of whom were quite at home surrounded by earth, steamrolled through Clay's miners. It didn't take the Underground Boss long to realize this latest challenger was taking out all of his Trainers in his maze of a gym challenge, on purpose, before coming to the Leader.

Clay muttered to himself. "Smug little…"

The Swampert got a Potion and Elixir, before the black and white clad Trainer in his modern style hoodie finally approached Clay's platform, which then lowered into the mine, descending into a truly massive cavern, at the bottom of which was a standard ground themed battlefield, with the League approved layout.

Hydrus had honed his Water Pulse against the ground types, and his Mud Shot against the steel types, until the two Moves were at equal strength. By the time they reached Clay, Alex felt confident they could pull off a dual type Move, if they had to.

The Underground Boss looked over his challenger, as the lift descended. "You 'aint here for a regular ol' Battle, are ya son?"

Alex shook his head, and Clay nodded. His giant white hat nodded with him, and Alex resisted smirking as he continued. "In that case, I'm goin' ta hafta get my oldest friend ta wake up...I saw how you rumbled my Miners. This here field of mine can handle any Moves you have, so don't be worried about lettin' 'em loose. It's my job to make sure yer ready for what lies ahead. From here on, the Gym Leaders will be usin' a special kind o' Move."

Alex nodded. "Burgh mentioned something about that. We've been practicing a kind of dual typed Move...but once I see yours, I'm sure we can replicate it."

Clay chuckled. "Them there Plate crystals you discovered from the Dragon Mountain; we've always known they were somethin' special. Unovan Gym Leaders have been perfecting these kinds o' Moves with similar crystals fer years. Yer the first to try'em for Mega Evolution, but whoo nanny, boy, you've started a trend."

Alex shrugged, as they finally reached the bottom of the mine. "I just pointed it at my Charizard...he did the rest."

Clay looked him over for a moment, then sighed. "Yer more involved than ya know...but once you master yer dual typed Move, you'll understand. It takes two, fer that kind o' power up."

Clay took his side of the field, and Alex waited patiently on his for the older Gym Leader to hobble on over to his spot. Once in the box, his posture straightened, and the pickaxe he'd been using as a cane was swung around effortlessly, before being slammed in the ground.

He drew his first Pokémon, and Alex saw a full team, waiting for him. Clay was usually regarded as a hard Gym Leader to beat, with how effective his 'double Earthquake' strategy was, for Trainers gullible enough to accept a Double Battle with the Underground Boss, but in a one on one, Alex assumed his strategy would probably shift. He reached for Hydrus's ball, and smirked, as he saw what Clay threw out first, true to form.

A massive Krookodile appeared across the field, and as the two ground types locked eyes, Alex knew, the Battle had begun. Hydrus looked at Alex, and made a pleading face, but he shook his head. He wasn't going to use Connor's crystal for Mega Evolution. He did intend to return it; it was vital for Gren's power after all. "You can handle this, Hydrus. Get close with Aqua Jet, and then use Water Pulse!"

Water surrounded the Swampert's entire body, and the usually slow on land mudfish sped through the air, as his hands formed his Water Pulse. Clay wasn't one to just sit and take a Move like that, though.

"Krookodile...counter it with yer Dark Mud Shot!" The dark and ground type made a similar motion with his claws, and between them, a projectile of dark energy and ground energy swirled together in a Taijitu pattern that was familiar to Alex's eyes but seeing it in a move was a first for him.

Hydrus's Water Pulse was dense enough to meet the dual typed projectile, and then cancel it out with type advantage, and an explosion. Both Pokémon slid back to their sides of the field, as their moves collided.

Alex changed tactics then, to a move that probably should always have been classified as dual typed. "Muddy Water!" Hydrus inhaled, and then spewed a Water Gun at the ground. He raised his hands then, and the wave of water and mud surged towards Krookodile.

"Sand Tomb!" Clay said, as the Krookodile buried itself in its own Move. "Now while yer under there...rock'em with an Earthquake!"

"Hydrus, Earthquake as well!" Alex countered, and as the Krookodile popped up from the damp sand it had used as a shield, the two ground typed Pokémon built up the energy in their hands and slammed them down. The entire mine rumbled, as pieces of earth smashed into other pieces of earth, but ultimately, it was Hydrus who got the lucky hit, as one of his jutting rocks nailed the Krookodile in the stomach. Alex capitalized on the opening. "Now Aqua Jet!"

Hydrus barreled into the dark ground gator, driving him across the field with what was essentially Tackle, but with water involved. Clay wasn't giving up though. "Krookodile. Tie it down with Grass Knot!"

"Ice Beam, now!" Alex said, and as the Krookodile tried summoning the grass energy, Hydrus froze him solid with a beam of ice to the face, at a very close range. "Boss Clay's Krookodile is unable to Battle! The round goes to the Challenger, and his Swampert!"

Hydrus roared as the Miner referee called the round, but Clay didn't waste time. "Seismitoad! Yer up!"

Alex grimaced as he saw the Gym Leader's choice and knew that if he wanted Clay to play into his plan for this match, he needed to switch. "Hydrus, well done, take a rest." He said, as he called the mudfish. He seemed almost disappointed, but Alex wanted to draw out the Underground Boss' secret weapon. "Terra! Start us off with Seed Bomb!"

Terra appeared in a flash of green, opened his mouth, and drew the grass energy into his body, instead of condensing it. From the ash tree on his back came several oar shaped seeds, limned in grass energy. They began perforating the field as they came near the Seismitoad.

Clay had only a second to counter, but that was all he needed. "Hyper Voice!" The burly water and ground typed toad opened his mouth, and with nothing but sound, turned away most of the Seed Bombs.

A few managed to get through though, and Alex spoke again. "Seed Bomb! Bombard it until it falls, Terra."

Clay grimaced. "Dodg'em with Rain Dance! Then hit it with Ice Punch!"

The Seismitoad managed to dodge most of the projectiles with its odd dance, and as water began drizzling over the field, the Seismitoad got faster. Then, it charged at Terra, leaping across the field, its right fist encased in ice energy.

Alex smirked. It was a quadruple weakness for both sides, the winner would be whoever managed to hit harder. "Just before it strikes...Wood Hammer!" Terra crouched low as the relatively slow toad came for it.

As the Seismitoad punched, Terra whirled in place as he caused a circle of the earth beneath him to spin rather than try moving his massive bulk. The rotating turtle dodged the icy fist and brought his green glowing armored head around to hammer his opponent with Wood Hammer. Terra had a slight bruise where he'd slammed the Seismitoad, but otherwise, he was still fine. Clay, however, was less fine. His eyes were wide as his Seismitoad was sent hurtling across the field from what was arguably Terra's strongest move, aside from Frenzy Plant. Alex hadn't wanted Clay to take advantage of temporary exhaustion, and thus had gone with the self-damaging move instead. As Terra was still fresh, it hadn't hurt too much.

Clay recalled his Seismitoad, and glared across the field at his smirking opponent. "I think it's about time someone knocked you off yer high horse! Mamoswine!"

Alex gave the command as soon as the ice mammoth appeared. "Seed Bomb!" Terra didn't waste time, and in the perpetual light drizzle, his grass moves seemed stronger. A storm of green oar shaped seeds hammered the bulky mammoth, and it groaned, one front leg bending, as the super effective onslaught hurt it, but didn't bring it down. Alex hadn't expected a KO, as Mamoswine was a tank like Torterra. All they had to do now was survive.

"Mamoswine! Shake it off, an' then use Icicle Crash!" Clay gestured at the Torterra, and his Mamoswine began charging, as the bone-white tusks became encased in ice.

Alex and Terra kept their smirks consistent. "Protect." A barrier of green energy kept the Icicle Crash from landing, as the Mamoswine struggled against it. Once the Moves ran out of power, Alex called his counter. "Wood Hammer!"

The rebound off the Protect had left the icy pig mammoth open, at which point Terra headbutted it. It didn't sail like Clay's Seismitoad, but Alex's starter once more brought down a member of his team.

"That Torterra o' yers is somethin' else, son. I admit, y'all have quite a bit o' power on yer belt...but it'll take more'n power to win in my Gym! Golurk! Yer up!" The Underground Boss tossed his next contestant, and he was quick to go on the offensive. "Take it out! Ice Punch!"

Alex grimaced, as he learned the hard way that Clay did in fact have a TM for that particular Move. The Golurk rocketed forward, its feet folding up rapidly into its skirt armor as one fist extended, and clocked Terra right on the jaw. He winced, but weathered the hit, and readied himself for the counterattack. "We can't let it hit twice! Frenzy Plant!"

"Toooorrrterra!" Green energy radiated from his grass tortoise's shell, and then, rapidly, it surged into the ground. Once more, the mine shook, and the onlooking Miners had semi-traumatic flashbacks as they recalled the last time their precious mine had been filled with vines, by the soon to be Champion, Rosa. That had also been around the time Clay had acquired his icy TM.

Golurk had been one of several on Clay's team who had been on vine clearing duty, and it was for this moment that Clay had gotten them used to punching through a Frenzy Plant. He only made one miscalculation, and that was the difference between a Serperior's vines, and a Torterra's.

Golurk found itself inexplicably stuck against the disturbingly sturdy dark green vine, but before its simple brain could process what had happened, the move hit, and took the ghostly ground type down.

"Return, Terra." Alex said, as he gave his battle worn partner a rest. Clay recalled his fallen automaton as well and shook his head. "You shoulda kept 'im out, son. Yer Swampert ain't goin' ta fare well 'gainst what's comin'."

Before Alex could draw his ball, Hydrus popped free, onto the field, and slammed it with nothing but his bare fists. The mine shuddered, not quite as hard as when Earthquaked, but still enough to be impressive. "Swaaaaaamp!"

"I wouldn't underestimate my Pokémon, Leader Clay. They can hear you. I know what's coming, and so does Hydrus. This was always the plan." Alex said, with a smirk. He turned his hat backwards.

Clay arched an eyebrow, narrowed his weathered orbs, and threw his next ball. "Big talk. But talk is cheap, son. Come on an' try backin' up yer words." What appeared next was a Flygon, and the lingering rain shifted to sand, and then mud, as Flygon appeared, but failed to summon the Sandstorm. For the moment.

Hydrus wouldn't have minded it either way. He liked rain, and sandstorms. "Ice Beam!" Hydrus fired the second his Trainer finished saying 'ice', and the Flygon had little time to dodge. One wing froze, dropping it to the ground, as it struggled to right itself.

"Flygon, use Giga Drain!" Clay said, as he grimaced and gave the command. The temporarily grounded Flygon raised its tail, and from it radiated the vampiric grass typed energy meant to damage and heal. Hydrus winced as he weathered the hit, and like Terra, fell to about half his strength.

"Delaying the inevitable. Ice Beam!" Hydrus fired, right as the Flygon freed itself and dodged, but the mudfish kept firing, and two beams later, it struck the ground dragon once more with its quadruple weakness, and sent it crashing to the ground, fainted. The ref called the round, and Clay brought his last ball out.

"It's been a minute since I've had cause to call on this here Excadrill...time to wake up, ol' friend! We have a serious Trainer, fer once." At his words the unmoving sleeping form of the Excadrill opened and glanced at Hydrus. Slowly, it rose to its full height, putting them at eye level to the other. Excadrill flexed his claws, and Clay called the first strike. "Start us off strong, an' don' let up! Drill Run!"

"Dodge! Hit it with Water Pulse once it gets close!" Hydrus nodded, and formed the dense sphere of water, as the still Drill Running Excadrill continued to whizz past Hydrus, into the ground, and then up again.

Hydrus crouched low and waited for the earth to tell him where the violently spinning Excadrill was coming from. Then, he turned, and whammied its face with the condensed water, sending it sliding across the ground back to Clay's feet. "Right then." Clay said, as he looked down, and then at his challengers. "It's about time we got serious. Ground on the right, Steel on the left. You know the drill! Crush Claw!"

Alex's brow furrowed, and then he realized what was coming. The problem was that Hydrus needed a moment to charge his own dual typed Move, and Clay's was the kind of attack that took focus to dodge, with how fast it was. The Excadrill came for Hydrus, claws limned with differing energy types, as he charged forward.

Alex resorted to his usual strategy, as he needed to buy time. "Earthquake! Then start charging." Hydrus nodded, and responded immediately, once more shattering the underground battlefield. He saw quickly that the Excadrill was barreling through the jutting rocks coming for him with his dual claws, but in the upended chaos of the field, Hydrus had stealthed away behind a larger boulder and began fusing his Mud Shot and Water Pulse into a single, balanced sphere of energy.

"There! See the glow, Excadrill? Crush Claw that boulder, an' anythin' behind it!" Clay crowed with triumph in his voice, but Alex was ready.

"Hop back, Hydrus. Then fire it." Clay's triumphant expression faltered, but it was too late. Excadrill crushed the rock with ease via its steel limned claw, and the ground typed one surged forward, only to meet a similarly dual typed move, an impossibly dense sphere of water and ground typed energy, that the Swampert had tossed up, and then punched in his opponent's direction.

There was a boom, and a cloud of dust covered the field. When it cleared, the field was in one piece again, Hydrus stood, damaged but victorious, and Clay's strongest Pokémon lay unconscious on the ground. The Underground Boss recalled him then. "Well done, ol' friend. Ya did good."

Clay grabbed his pickaxe, and then hobbled to the center of the field. Alex met him halfway and gave Hydrus a Hyper Potion. "Well done, son. You an' yer team 'ave got a lotta potential. What dream are ya aimin' for that gives you an' yer partners such drive?"

Alex scratched Hydrus' under chin as he answered. "The top, Leader Clay. I'm going to try to become Unova's latest Champion...and then, I'll be entering the World Tournament."

Clay smiled at that. "I remember the World Tournament. Brought all kindsa folk on down to Driftveil, back in the day. It's been a minute since we hosted it, but now yall have that fancy new buildin', I guess ya don't need ol' Driftveil."

Alex shook his head. "Your TM vendors and Move masters are second to none in Unova, and the old PWT building is still battle worthy, isn't it?"

Clay shook his head. "Not since Nate and Lance had a go, and their dragons all but tore it down in the process. Listen, son if you plan on winnin' the World Tournament, yer gonna need to do a lot more trainin'. I've seen Leon Battle, an' he aint alone in usin' Moves to keep his partners from bein' damaged. You've gotta master that, an' with only four Moves, get a win. Still think yer World Champ material?"

Alex nodded. "We're just getting started. The latter half of Unova will take my team to where it needs to be for the Elite Four, and two Champions. I'm sure I'll find ways to get stronger after that, too. Red did. Maybe I'll hang around the Clay Tunnel's deeper levels for a bit, once I'm at the top."

"You become the Champ, an' you'll be welcome in my tunnels whenever ya like. Here's yer Elite Quake Badge. I'd give ya an Earthquake TM, but yer already stocked up, from what I've seen. Good luck against Skyla, an' a word o' advice...don't try usin' Rock Types against her. She's ready for'em. She'll never admit it, but she's less ready fer Electric Types."

Alex nodded again. "I have one that can sweep her Gym...he's due for some training anyways. Thank you for the Battle sir, until we meet again."

Alex took the elevator up to the top level, just in time to see a certain fiery redhead walk into the Gym, a bit muddier, and she looked like she'd just crawled through a cave, but otherwise, as beautiful as ever.

He waited in the stands as she and Serpi rumbled Clay in a similar manner Alex had. He did eventually bring Serpi down, and that was when Empolia stepped in, and won her Trainer the Gym Badge with a timely evolution into an Empoleon.

Before they left Driftveil, Alex and Jess paid a visit to the southern part of the city and acquired the TMs for their teammates that they yet lacked. The two spent several minutes loading up their balls with the TM's instructional video guides on how moves worked, and it was only once they were done, that Alex noticed a trio of figures by the old Pokémon World Tournament building.

A trio of older gentlemen were battling in the old World Tournament building's main hall, as the stage was long since broken by the ferocity of the matches there. The new stadium was shaping up to be much more impressive, like the one at Wyndon Stadium. Still, this old building was used for battling by Driftveil's less than upstanding members of society, but today, the famous Triple Trouble Trio were offering a prize before they each finally retired.

Alex approached the men, and when he asked about the challenge, they revealed that they'd been battling all day, giving out their old elite versions of the Trio Badge, from their predecessor's era. The last ones had never all been given out, as the challenge had ended abruptly, and now these spares were offered by the League as counting towards the current challenge, until they ran out at least. They had one left, the pair discovered, and Jess sighed. Alex wanted it bad, she could tell, and his team was itching to battle strong opponents again.

She'd finally outpaced Alex in badges, but she saw the look in his eye, and knew he couldn't resist battling them. It was the perfect chance to train every part of his team. The trio accepted his challenge, offering him their final badge if he could beat them in three six on six gauntlets, one battle against each of them.

Alex agreed, and Cress was up first. He demanded a double battle, and so Terra and Leo teamed up to effectively wipe out his line up with a few Seed Bombs and Thunder Fangs. Leo covered for Terra's ice weakness by hitting those who might know ice moves first, and his Seed Bomb was strong enough to finish off most of them as well.

Cilan also wanted a double battle, which meant that Blaze and Shruikan were up. With a pairing of Flamethrower and Fire Fang, Cilan's team didn't even have a chance. That left Chili, and his fire types, who wanted the glory that came with a one on one battle.

Such battles also came with humiliation, as Hydrus smashed down each of them with Water Pulses and Mud Shots. Blaze had been watching Chili's match, as he had wanted to battle other fire types, and he was instead astounded to see the little Mudkip he'd never seen as much of a threat, or ally, prove how strong he'd become after their last three Gym Battles.

Chili then questioned Hydrus's strength, saying that only Rare Candies could've gotten him to such heights. Alex denied his accusation, and flashed his recently acquired badges. Between road battles and his weight training, Hydrus had become a legitimate threat, and a key battler on his team. Eventually, the hotheaded brother withdrew his accusation, at insistence from the other two. Accusing a Trainer of using such things was serious, and incidents without proof were not taken lightly. One could end up in just as much trouble for falsely accusing a legitimate Trainer.

With the pair several badges heavier, they set off for Mistralton City, and their next Gym Badge.

The path took them through the Chargestone caves, and they found that even coming slightly close to the humming electric crystals made them zip away. The only thing the crystals didn't shy away from was electric types, and rocks, and Alex found out why, when he finally cornered one, and poked it. It was burning hot, and he marveled at the energy within, amazed that someone hadn't already found a way to harness it.

Compared to Clay, the scientists and hikers within the caves were extra experience for the two Trainer's less used Pokémon, and Arthur began seeing some battle time as well, for after Skyla, would come Brycen, and it would be up to the Gallade and the Charizard to give Alex and his team the second to last step on their road to the top of Unova.

Alex wasn't concerned about the flying type loving Gym Leader in Mistralton. By all accounts, Skyla was a bit of an airhead, who had almost lost her Gym license back in the day for handing out Badges in what she'd called 'air battles'. The rumor was that an aspiring Trainer had set her straight when she'd claimed he'd lose against her, and he insisted on a regular battle anyway, and scored a win. Since then, she had reportedly become a bit of a flake, shirking her duties and challengers to fly in her plane as often as possible.

When they exited the Chargestone Caves, Alex and Jess opted to camp outside this time, as most of their teams were still fresh. Jess had been training up her Flaaffy with her Iron Tail against the rock types in the caves, and once they found a spot to camp out, they began working on their electric Moves. Leo helped and got in some practice as well. He'd been taking out Unova's various flying types throughout their road battles, and Alex had promised the Mistralton Gym would make him genuinely powerful. He was also the only one still wearing the weights, and he snarled, willing to Bite whoever tried removing them. His coat had grown long enough to cover them with his fur, and it was unimpeded enough for electricity generation, and conduction. The weights were designed to raise his attack and special attack simultaneously, the only downside was that he was much, much slower.

As the sun set, the humans decided on a movie to watch via their available devices, and while Jess had several romcoms, Alex had insisted that they study Brycen, and his Beartic, which meant the movie of choice was Enter the Beartic. Alex and his father hadn't had many things in common, but the explosion of martial arts movies back in the day had been one thing they'd shared a love of. One movie became a marathon, and though Jess made it through The Way of The Beartic and Fist of Ice, she was asleep for the finale of Brycen's four-part Kung Fu saga, the long-awaited Game of Ice.

Seeing she and her Pokémon were well and truly conked out, Alex found his primarily nocturnal Luxray, and the pair descended into the town. They came across a Pokémon Battlefield on the outskirts, where they found two Trainers going head-to-head. To Alex's eyes, one was using a freshly evolved Magnezone that had probably benefitted from the Chargestone Caves, while the other was struggling along with a tiny Joltik.

The Trainer with the Magnezone had red hair, a thin build, and confidence in his step, while his opponent seemed stressed by the imminent loss in his future. He had glasses, the same hair color as most of humanity, a similarly thin build, and it was then that Alex realized these two were newbies, fresh Trainers who weren't completely green, but still had several shades to go before they lost their green entirely. Alex knew he also had areas to work on, but he could tell these Trainers were fresher than he was in many ways. Most of his experience had come from an education, but these two seemed like they were taking advantage of the summer to train and travel Unova.

Alex watched quietly, his arms crossed, as the Magnezone claimed victory with stronger moves. Not long after their victory, the thin redhead Trainer waved at Alex and Leo from where they were watching and greeted them with a cheery hello. Alex stepped forward then and addressed the victor of the match.

"Hello there. I take it you're training your Electric Types for Skyla, right?" The redheaded teenager nodded, and then his eyes widened as he saw what Alex was standing next to.

"Holy Heracross! Is that a Shiny Luxray!? Wooow! So cool!" The excitable Trainer ran over and offered his hand for Leo to sniff. Leo, as usual, seemed disinterested, but that didn't dissuade the Trainer. "Can I petim?"

Alex shrugged. "He doesn't bite...but you'll know if he doesn't want you touching his fur." The Trainer appeared to take his vague answer as a yes, and while Leo did enjoy the scritches, his sharp eyes were locked on the Magnezone, who was still on the field. Leo trotted away suddenly then and took his place on the opposing side of the field. Electricity bristled through his fur, as he snarled at the Magnezone, who spun up its magnet arms in response. The air crackled as the two electric types revved up.

The redheaded Trainer watched, and then grinned. "Seems like he wants to Battle." He turned to Alex then. "I'm Rick. Rick Astley. Me and my friend Drake here are traveling Unova, to try to become stronger, and stop Team Plasma!"

Alex arched an eyebrow. "I'm Alex Redwood. Team Plasma was disbanded, Rick. Nate, Hugh, and Rosa took them out rather effectively years ago."

As he spoke, the other Trainer, Drake, approached, and pushed up his glasses. "Actually, we ran into them up in Bostonia. They almost stole our Pokémon, but we managed to win in the end. We came down here with one of Interpol's Agents, but he's gone to see the Champion now, so we're just getting Gym Badges at this point."

Alex nodded, and his eyes shifted to the other Trainer. "You probably found a training camp, if they were as far north as Bostonia. Skyla is pretty good at blocking Electric Moves...and Bug Types are weak to Flying Types. Are you sure a Joltik is the best choice?"

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Drake shrugged. "It's all I have with a type advantage right now. That, and my Carkol." Alex winced. A Carkoal had a quadruple weakness to Skyla's ace, her Swanna.

At that moment, the two Trainers turned their heads as Rick suavely action swirled into his Trainer box on his side of the field. "I'm ready for more training! Let's do this!"

Alex nodded, and trotted over to his side of the field, when he noticed Leo scratching uselessly at his back. His eyes narrowed as he saw the aforementioned Joltik attached to Leo's back, leeching strength from his Luxray. "Oi! Drake, was it? Recall your Joltik."

Drake raised his Pokéball, then paused. "But eating electricity makes him stronger!"

Alex's eyes narrowed. He could remove it himself. "Leo. Thunder Wave. Aim upwards." The paralyzed Joltik fell off shortly, overwhelmed by the much stronger electric move, and Leo snarled at the tiny bug, sending it, and its fresh Trainer, running away. Drake had his Pokéball out, but the agile and tiny Pokémon dodged the recall beam, and seemed to be enjoying itself, despite its paralysis and the effort it was taking on its Trainer.

Alex looked back at Rick. "I'll let the fresher Trainer strike first." "Lux. Ray." Leo added, sounding rather impressively sarcastic for a Pokémon. The Magnezone spun up its 'hands' quicker, and sparks now flared over it, as well. Unlike Leo's golden ones, they were blue and white, with their intensity. Being a steel automaton, Magnezone could charge up as much as it wanted without fear of overloading. It made the final evolution of the Magnemite line rather intimidating in a battle.

"That mistake will cost you. Magnus! Use Flash Cannon!" The Magnezone began charging the strong steel typed move, and its electricity formed the outer layer of the dense sphere of steel energy.

Alex took the opportunity to get his primarily physical attacker closer to the floating steel type. "Close in while it charges! Double Team!" Leo charged forwards, splitting himself into several mirror images, as the Magnezone prepared to fire. The cyclopic orb shifted between each of the five thunder cats, fired, and then realized it missed. It began charging another Flash Cannon, but it was too late, by then. As Leo closed, Alex shouted, "Fire Fang!"

Flaming fangs sank into the lower leveled steel type, and as it was building up energy, it lost control of the heavy Flash Cannon, and its center of gravity, as it began spinning in the air. Rick tried to stay calm and gave an order. "Right yourself! Switch to Thunder!"

By the time Magnus righted itself and dispersed the steel energy, Leo was already in position for his reacquired move that he'd learned from his sire but had forgotten since leaving the breeding ranch. With a Heart Scale, it had been remembered in Driftveil City. "Finish it, Leo. Double Kick."

The Luxray shifted under the electric discharge of the off-balance Magnezone, and aimed both kicks upwards, simultaneously, sending Magnus high into the air before it came crashing down again, fainted.

Rick recalled his Magnezone with a sigh. "I guess I need more training."

"I'd say we both do." Drake said, as he returned, Joltik in hand, and safely in its ball.

Alex nodded sagely. "I can see how you survived Clay, but Skyla, while a bit of an airhead, is not an incompetent Battler. Did you guys train in the Chargestone Caves?"

Rick and Drake looked down, and then away from Alex. Rick spoke first. "Yea, I mean, we trained on the wild Pokémon...then came out here."

Alex nodded. "Go back and find the Trainers you missed along the way. That will get you where you need to be for this Battle. If you manage to catch up, I'll be on my way to Icirrus City after my Battle tomorrow. Keep training. Maybe I'll see you on Victory Road."

The two newbies retired for the night then, and Alex did the same, as battling the Magnezone had given his Luxray a bit of experience. The next day, Jess challenged the Mistralton Gym first, evolving her Flaaffy on Skyla's warm-up Trainers. Her hair was thoroughly mussed after all the wind turbines and air cannons she'd ventured through, but she emerged from the Gym one Elite Badge heavier.

Then, it was Alex's turn. As he walked in, he heard an exasperated sigh. "Another one!? Already?"

Alex set his eyes on the speaker and found it to be Skyla. She was a bit older than her Bulbapedia page displayed, and lines of silver were woven into her red hair, or what he could see of it from under her flight helmet and goggles. "I'm here for a challenge, Leader Skyla. Against your best team."

Skyla sighed, as she'd been about to climb into what appeared to be some kind of plane, though it was heavily modified, and customized. "My team is resting. Come back at noon."

At that moment, Leo decided to burst from his Pokéball, and he roared at Skyla. Her Pilot and Bird Trainers murmured at the sight of the dazzling gold and black Luxray, and even their Gym Leader seemed impressed. "Interesting. Seems your Luxray is as eager as you are, unfortunately, you can't get an Elite Badge until my team is ready, and I have time for a flight before they're done resting. Just come back later."

Alex shook his head, as Leo did. "We'll wait right here. Don't take all day, I want to get to Brycen today too."

Skyla let out a deep sigh, hopped in her plane, and flew away as one of the walls of the Gym opened to admit her and her flying machine through. Alex and Leo ended up waiting an hour and a half, right next to the Gym door, before Skyla and her Trainers finally came back inside.

"Wow. You really sat here the whole time. You're either very patient, or very boring. Oh well. Let's get this over with. I want to squeeze another flight in before dinner." Skyla's far too cocky tone caused Alex and Leo's eyes to narrow slightly, as she hopped in a cannon, and glided via wingsuit to her spot at the far end of the Gym.

Mistralton's Gym setup was similar to the others Alex had experienced, and as with Marlon, Leo's ferocity tore through the flying typed Trainers with ease. Alex switched in his Charizard for a few of the tougher looking fliers, but as usual, healed and revitalized his partners before they reached Skyla, and her battlefield. The platform she waited on rose upwards once they landed on it, and they were brought to the Gym's upper level, where she had an entire field at the ready. The sky was clear above them, and the roof was still open from the Battle she'd had up here earlier.

Jess watched from the Gym stands alongside a few other Trainers, as Alex had during her own match. The locals of Mistralton rarely got to see Skyla battle so often in the same day, and Alex wondered how such a lackadaisical person had become a Gym Leader. It was obvious she preferred being a pilot.

Alex threw Hydrus out first, and Skyla grimaced, before throwing her own ball. As with Burgh, Elesa, and Clay, he'd done his homework on Skyla's partners, and was not surprised to see her grass and flying type come out in response. She took the initiative as well, and called the first move once their referee was done announcing the two Trainers. "Alright Jumpluff, Energy Ball!"

"Water Shot, Hydrus." The Swampert grinned and charged up his attack. The water energy became half ground typed, and the two swirled into a pattern similar to the one Clay had used. Alex had done some reading and recognized it as the old symbol of Unova's long fallen Dragon Empire. He found it fitting, for moves that were dual typed, and as the sphere of dense double energy hurtled towards the Energy Ball, the moves collided, canceling out as type advantage did its work, and caused an explosion.

That was when they countered. "Hydrus! Use Dig!"

"Fairy Wind!" Pink sparkles filled the air, and Alex grimaced as it washed over him, as well. The move missed his partner, but it did clear the area of the smoke and dust.

"Hiding, are we?" Skyla said, mockery in her tone. "You can't stay down there forever."

"Actually, we can., we don't need to." Alex smirked, and then pointed at the Jumpluff. "Ice Beam!"

From directly below the Jumpluff, the earth opened, to reveal the hidden Swampert. Ice formed in his maw, and it nailed the Jumpluff with a critical hit, giving Skyla's latest challenger an OHKO. Hydrus jumped back up onto the field then and slapped his fins together as he readied for more. Alex spoke up, then. "Return, Hydrus."

His mudfish looked back at him, seemingly disappointed. "You'll come out again. Now return."

"Swamp." He muttered, as his ball converted his matter to light, and then shifted him to his own personal pocket dimension.

"Mandibuzz! Fly with me! "

"Leo. You're up."

The Luxray and Mandibuzz appeared simultaneously, but this time, Alex moved first. Leo's weights had finally come off, and the thunder cat was more than ready to rumble. "Let's go with Thunderbolt!"

Skyla smirked. "Protect." The barrier of energy summoned to shield the vulture Pokémon was black in color, and the Thunderbolt smashed uselessly against it. "Don't let it strike again! Air Slash!"

"Dodge and use Thunder!" Alex said, countering as she had. Leo dashed skillfully out of the way of the rapidly fired Air Slashes, and once the Mandibuzz paused her assault, he roared and struck back by bringing down a massive bolt of plasma from the sky. The move hit the Mandibuzz hard, and the difference in level between her and Leo became obvious as the Mandibuzz fainted. Alex smirked. "I wonder if I can get a single hit on your whole team...Hydrus! Let's find out!" The rapidly switched Swampert mirrored his Trainer's smirk, and Skyla's eye twitched, as Alex purposefully poked her last nerve.

"I'll show you a single hit! Archeops, use Earthquake!" As Skyla switched, so too did her opponent, and once more, Hydrus took the field.

"Show them what a real Earthquake looks like, Hydrus."

Both Pokémon raised their fists, infused them with ground energy, and then brought them down. It was immediately evident that the Swampert's was stronger, and the Archeops leapt backwards into the air awkwardly as it dodged the roiling mass of earth.

The dust built up, as the tremors finally stopped, and then from within the cloud, there was a loud thump. "Ice Beam!" Light blue energy lanced a path through the dust as Hydrus planted his fists, aimed for the noisy gliding Pokémon with his fins guiding him, and fired.

Once more the icy beam struck home, but Archeops held on, despite a frozen wing. She was forced to land amidst the rubble of the field, but she seemed to be just as quick on the rocky terrain as she was in the air.

She hid behind a boulder, and Skyla grimaced, as she saw the defeated look in her Pokémon's eye. "We're not done, Archeops! Agility!" Her Trainer's voice brought her focus back, and her eyes flared with a brown aura, as she used her predator's mind to increase her speed.

"Muddy Water." Alex said, from the other side of the field. Hydrus once more hammered the field with his fists, and water erupted from the broken earth. It surged up rapidly, and while Archeops tried dodging, one could not simply avoid a wave like that. The damage caused the faint, and the Pilot referee called the round.

"Ready another Ice Beam, Hydrus." Alex said, smirking.

Skyla's eyes narrowed, and she threw her next ball. "Drifblim. Get in close."

The oversized blimp Pokémon closed the distance easily, spinning past Ice Beams. Alex expected a grass Move then, perhaps something outlandish like Vine Whip, but Skylaa's next command only brought fear, for Hydrus, as Alex knew it was going to hurt, and he couldn't stop it.


The Drifblim blew itself up without a second thought, and since it had a lot of HP, that damage transferred to Hydrus, taking him down with the Drifblim in a single move.

When the smoke finally cleared, Alex chuckled, but there was little mirth in it. His Swampert remained standing, hiding behind a hastily constructed, and now melted, wall of ice from the readied Ice Beam that had taken the brunt of the damage, and left just enough health for Hydrus to hang on to consciousness with. He'd shielded his head with his forearms while firing, and they still smoldered, as silence fell over the field.

The crowd watching them was silent this time. Murmurs began soon after though, and the referee broke the silence. "Drifblim is...unable to Battle. The Challenger from Derrion wins the round!" The two Trainers recalled their partners, as a new round began.

"All the versatility of a dual type...and you just blow it up." Alex's eyes narrowed as he once more switched Hydrus for Leo. "This is your best team, right? They all seem...younger...than Clay's or Elesa's or Burgh's teams."

"And compared to them I'm also the youngest. Only Marlon is as fighting fit as I am." Skyla said, as she flourished her next ball. "Braviary! It's your time to fly!"

"Thunder." Alex said, as Skyla called for a dodge. Evidently, her knowledge of electric types was lacking, or she would've never tried to dodge a Luxray. Leo's golden eyes stayed fixed on the brightly colored bird, and with a roar, once more the heavens boomed, and a bolt of plasma struck the flying type.

Leo arched an eyebrow, as the wounded, but still raring Braviary cawed, and Skyla called her counter as she realized he was still up. "Thrash!"

At his Trainer's command, the Braviary's eyes gleamed red, and his rage was unleashed upon Leo. He dove in fearlessly at the thunder cat, cawing as he struck and slashed over and over. Leo took several hits, before Alex called their own move. "Thunderbolt!"

From that range, the hit was inevitable, and type advantage once more did its job, as the Braviary let out a final caw, and then fell to the field. Leo panted, and then roared, placing a triumphant paw on the fallen war eagle. His intelligent eyes fixed on Skyla, as if he knew what Pokémon she had left on her belt, and was more than ready still to face it, even after a thrashing.

"It's up to you, Swanna!" Skyla said, as she threw her final ball. "Use Aqua Ring!"

Alex rolled his eyes, as she set up her electric defense early and obviously. "Thunder." Leo roared, and a massive bolt of plasma shattered the shield. The air hummed with electricity, and the Swanna seemed panicked, as it sensed the oncoming storm that was the Luxray below.

"Stay agile!" Skyla ordered, "Sky Attack!"


Leo filled the air with electricity, but the swift Swanna was hard to hit, and Leo realized that it had figured out his attack pattern. He smirked, and purposefully let up on the Thunderbolts, appearing to be out of breath as he did. Skyla perked up. "Charge it now!"

Swanna curved in the air, and then came in rapidly towards Leo. Alex smirked. "Thunder Fang."

Leo leapt, and delivered a single, perfect bite as his electricity surged through his fangs. He crossed the Sky Attacking Swanna's path with his leap, and the water and flying type landed behind him, before crashing to the ground.

The Pilot monitoring the match spoke up. "Swanna is-"

"Wait!" Skyla said, as the injured, but still conscious flying type struggled to its feet. Leo looked at the ref and rolled his eyes. The Pilot shrugged, and then motioned for the Battle to resume. "This is it, Swanna! Hurricane! Then combine it with Scald!" The scorched bird flapped weakly into the air, but seemed strong enough still to Battle as it raised its wings towards Leo.

A ferocious tornado of wind appeared around Leo, and the Luxray snarled, as the flying typed Move hit him. The weakened Swanna had enough power left for a Scald as well, and soon, the tornado was a hot, watery prison.

By the time the attack faded, Leo was panting hard, and seemed to have been burned. Skyla clenched a fist in victory as she saw the condition, but Alex's smirk simply widened. "Oh, you've gone and done it now. Focus your rage, Leo...Thunder Fang!"

His strength was undiminished by the burn, as Leo felt a surge of power from his guts. His electricity flared over him as he summoned the power for a final strike. All at once, it shifted to his fangs, and the thunder cat was a blur, as he zigged, then zagged, and leapt for the Swanna, who hadn't flown all that high from where she'd almost fainted. He burst through the wind wall of the Hurricane with a roar.

This time, Leo brought her down, and he blinked several times as he panted heavily with the Swanna's neck in his jaws, before his Trainer saying his name got through his predatory instincts. He blinked again, and spat out the Swanna, who was caught by Skyla, and fed a Revive. Her more serious injuries lessened, and the Gym Leader applied a Potion as well, before recalling her ace.

She stood then, and turned to the challenger, as he gave Leo a rare Full Restore. After stocking up on everything else, the expensive cure-all was something he only had so much of. Skyla awkwardly scratched her head as she said, "You played on my temper...and it cost me the chance to whittle down your Luxray. A little more, from my Drifblim perhaps, and our dual typed Move would've finished you."

Skyla tossed Alex the Elite Jet Badge, and he caught it, before placing it with the others. "I still had an entire team behind Leo. Not to mention my Swampert. Have you actually gone on a journey with your partners?"

Skyla nodded. "Yea, we flew all over the world for a few months, before coming home."

Alex arched a brow. "No, I mean like...walking. From town to town. In a place you've never been, with just your Pokémon next to you. Maybe try that, if you find yourself losing too much in the near future."

As Skyla's brow furrowed with his forewarning, Alex departed the Gym and met up with the other Trainer to beat Skyla today, leaving the crowd to murmur as they also departed. The hour was late, and everyone who knew Mistralton's Gym Leader knew she would be flying well into the early evening after a day with two losses in a row.

After getting so far in one day, the pair decided to rest in Mistralton before the long hike to Icirrus, and while they enjoyed sleep and dinner, Connor spent the night catching up to them after detouring to Virbank City, for the Elite Toxic Badge, and some necessary training for his Garchomp.

Gren had handled Clay, and now Tonitrus, his Elektross, had swept Skyla's gym as well. She remarked that she hadn't seen so many strong Trainers in one season since Team Plasma first formed, and when Connor asked her to elaborate, he learned that he had finally caught up to Alex and Jess.

They were away from the Pokémon Center, sparring against each other, alongside their Pokémon, and a pair of younger Trainers he didn't recognize, with what seemed to be their own teams. They barely knew the basics of martial arts, but they had once taken such lessons simultaneously at their hometown's dojo. Though they sparred hard, their movements were sloppy, compared to a professional, and lately sparring together rather than training specific team members had become more enjoyable, as it often led to other things. After the martial arts saga that was Brycen's movies, they had both been eager to try out several of his more useful moves.

Each of their Pokémon was having a battle south of the Mistralton Pokémon Center, atop the large hill above the Chargestone Cave's exit. Their Trainers were fighting each other too, and Connor didn't know what to make of the strange sight. He'd never seen a Torterra and a Serperior coaching a Gallade and a Braixen as they battled each other.

It was fortunate that Alex and Jess noticed his presence, as the two had been eye-locked for the past minute, and the amateur karate sparring was devolving into something else. Any later, and her brother would've likely stumbled on something that would have probably started another grudge match between him and Alex.

"Connor…you finally caught up, hmm? Are you after your Splash Plate crystal, then?" Connor smirked and shook his head before responding to Alex.

"I have a new one. Keep yours. You'll need it more than I will." Alex felt slightly guilty at taking it now, as he had intended to return it. He hadn't even let Hydrus use it, though his Swampert clearly wanted to. Alex scratched his hat, and then turned it forward.

Connor continued, "Each Trainer only needs one Plate crystal…usually…and they can Mega Evolve any Pokémon of a matching type. At least, that's how they do it in Gaulia. Kalos is catching on, but they still rely on Mega Stones. So really, keep it. I don't mind."

Alex listened, shrugged, and then smirked. "Good, you know, I'm glad you'll let me keep it. I learned about these Plate crystals when my family vacationed in Alola for a few weeks, and since Draconis Mons, I've been trying out some new...techniques...with them."

He held up a crystal like Connor's then, but instead of blue, it was brown, had the ground symbol within it. "I was actually given this by Kahuna Hapu…even though I didn't have a Pokémon, and made it clear I wanted a Fire Type. At the time. Or maybe even a Grass Type. She just shrugged and gave me this. I knew it wasn't a Z-Crystal, but I didn't realize what it was until I came back from Draconis Mons. I convinced my granduncle to send it to me when I passed through Undella."

Connor's face had regained the similar look he'd been wearing in their last battle, a persistent frown, as Alex had spoken. "Wait, so one of the Kahunas just gave you a crystal?"

Alex smirked, "No, I helped her hatch a Mudbray. In fact, I spent several days of my vacation helping her out, so that was my reward." He'd been too young to battle and had accepted the crystal regardless of the fact that he was unable to use it. His Gruncle had liked it, so he'd let the old man hang on to it. Until now. Evidently it was not a Z-Crystal, or so the Professor had told him, which probably explained why the Kahuna had given it away relatively easily. His Gruncle had theorized that Z-Crystals might also be capable of triggering a Mega Evolution, but these Plate crystals were different. They came from a much stronger source than Necrozma.

Connor crossed his arms. "Well, go on then. Show me this 'new technique'." He was clearly skeptical that Alex had created anything truly new. Finding undiscovered Mega Forms was one thing, but new Pokémon Moves were an entirely different trick.

Alex chuckled, and responded by summoning Terra over to them, and after mega evolving, the giant grass turtle used the crystal's power to combine grass and ground energy into a single, balanced ball, turning his Energy Ball into a dual-typed attack. He fired it then, and the dual explosion left a massive swirling crater in the landscape.

Connor just stared at the massive crater. It was bigger than anything Gren's attacks could make. "That can't be legal…"

Alex shrugged. "Clay did something similar against us." He smirked, lifting his hat slightly. "After that, I found out that anyone participating in the League's new challenge is allowed to use whatever Moves they wish, in whatever manner they please, as long as they stick to four per Battle. Technically speaking, what I just showed you is classed in the same strength bracket as a Z-Move. Something the Alolan Trainers do. Mine just don't seem to require interpretive dance to use."

Connor's frown deepened. "Those Moves require motion to unlock them…so how are you bypassing that?"

Alex smirked. "It's not about motion, for mine. It's about balancing energy and combining Moves and Types that work well together. My Granduncle gave me some insight about the League's ultimate Challenge back when I was learning. He said that it was unlikely that it would ever start up again but wanted me to know what his master had taught to him anyway. I combined that with the dense ball of energy technique, the one you use too, and that's the Move. I asked Clay about it, and he said anything goes in this League Challenge. Only the strongest Trainers have a chance of beating it."

Connor recalled his Greninja, and left for the Pokémon Center, still not accepting that in such a short time, his rival had gotten so far ahead. Then he recalled the plan, and rightly surmised that since getting his full team together, Alex had begun battling as many people as possible and trained by himself constantly.

Since returning from the mountain, Jess had joined him in said training, and her team had gotten stronger as well. She left Alex atop the hillside that overlooked the town to train and went to prove it to her brother. They were long overdue for a match, and she needed to practice using these new dual typed moves as well.

The next morning, as they were leaving Mistralton, and getting ready for another day of hard Trainer battles, Connor joined them again. "I owe you two an apology. I've been acting strange since I got back."

He looked at Alex. "I forgot, you know, about our promise to travel together…but you're right, we're rivals second and friends first. Teach me what you know. Both of you. Help me catch up." Evidently, Jess had finally, and literally, beaten some sense into her brother.

Alex accepted his request for help immediately, as did his sister, and in the first battle they came across, Alex used Hydrus, and mega evolved him for the first time. Awed by how strong his combined water and ground type Water Shot was, Connor asked again how legal this could be.

This time, Alex's opponent explained. She was partaking in the new League challenge as well, it turned out, and ever since the battle against Lizardon had gone viral on the PokéNet, Trainers with such crystals had been using them as Alex had, with varying degrees of success, the world over. The trend was catching on, Professors were scrambling to record all the new Mega Forms being discovered, and as the Plate crystals grew more popular, it seemed they would be even rarer.

As Connor continued to watch Hydrus, who stayed mega evolved for most of that morning, he noticed something about their dual type attacks. Other Trainers used them as well, but they looked different from Alex's. That was when Alex decided to stop for lunch and explain what he and Jess had discovered about those kinds of attacks.

Only Pokémon of a dual typing could do them without a partner, and when in a double battle alongside another Pokémon of similar strength, a Pokémon with only one type, like Luxray, could combine attacks as well.

With these new attacks, Alex was usually unstoppable. That was largely because his Pokémon had each learned a move that formed their natural energy into a sphere. Each of them had learned how to condense it into something more powerful, with Terra's instruction.

In Terra his Energy Ball had gotten stronger with the ground type, and now in Hydrus, his Water Pulse had as well. Blaze had been practicing forming his Flamethrower into a condensed sphere, but without a flying type move that could form a sphere, it remained a single typed attack. As far as Alex knew, only a move like Aeroblast would suffice, but they didn't have a Lugia around to teach that to Blaze. There was footage of Aeroblast on the Pokénet of course, but that apparently was not enough for Blaze to successfully copy a Legend's signature move.

Leo also remained without a dual type move, though with his strength and speed powering his Thunder Fang, he didn't seem to need one. He'd considered combining Leo and Blaze as fire and lightning, but balancing two spherical moves from two Pokémon was beyond them. For now.

Arthur was a walking symbol of his typing balance, even if he didn't know Psycho Cut yet, and Shruikan wouldn't be one until he evolved. His Dragon Pulse remained as strong as ever though. Arthur had focused on trying to make his Shadow Ball a physical move by condensing it, but ghost energy was hard for him to control.

His orb was smaller than the others but seemed to do more damage than an ordinary Shadow Ball, at least. Charging it left him wide open for a counterattack though, as Delphi, Jess's Braixen, repeatedly showed him.

"You know," Alex said after pausing to eat lunch, "Nobody ever examined Greninja's new form for a change in type. Judging by those shuriken, I'd say he was part ice."

Connor raised a brow at him, "Oh, and your Torterra was examined?"

Alex nodded. "The Professor examined both him and Hydrus back at the ranch, and both remained part ground upon Mega Evolving."

Connor looked at his Pokémon, then shrugged. "I would think the Dark typing would make more sense."

Alex smirked. "So, try teaching him Dark Pulse and find out."

Connor glanced at his starter. "Gren, Dark Pulse." The Greninja sighed, and then formed a ball of dark energy in his palm. He continued to eat with his free hand.

Alex chuckled. "Weak. Very weak. You need his full focus for combining the types, he's still mastering this Move." Hearing him, Gren's eyes narrowed, and the ball of swirling energy tightened, forming into one similar to his Water Pulse.

"I think he's saying he knows how to do that." Connor said, mockingly.

Alex's smirk widened. "Alright, now combine Dark Pulse and Water Pulse in one single attack." Gren stared at him for a long moment, then looked away. "That's what I thought." Alex said, still smirking.

Connor sighed, "His Ice Shuriken are just…a trick he knows. They're not a dual type Move."

Alex nodded. "They're an Ice Type Move. Meaning he used Ice Type Energy to turn the water into ice. If he balanced that energy with water, then they'd be even stronger. Perhaps make the edges ice, and the inner bits water?" Alex looked at his sleeping starter. "Terra. Show him how it's done."

The large turtle rose with a yawn, and then began stomping away beside Gren, to find a spot that could handle the destruction this training would cause. Connor was busy examining his Pokédex, and then made an 'aha' sound as he displayed the page on the only known Greninja capable of mega evolving. It was only slightly different to how Gren appeared in that form, and the largest difference was evidently based on the Greninja Trainer's hair color.

Alex shrugged. "Water and Dark. you're right. In either case, combining darkness and water should be quite strong...if you can manage to do it."

It was Connor's turn to smirk triumphantly now. "Watch me." He joined Terra and Gren, and had his Pokémon focus on Dark Pulse instead of his Ice Shuriken.

They came to Icirrus later that day, around noon, exhausted from the constant battling on the previous route. They rested at the Pokémon Center then, and Alex left at dusk to challenge the local Gym, not wanting to wait until the next morning. He found Jess and Connor already outside Brycen's Gym, and another challenger was already battling his Beartic. To Alex's eye, it was the same Beartic that had starred in Brycen's smash hit martial arts movies, and he felt Blaze's ball shake with anticipation. He too had watched the movie marathon, acting as one half of a heated 'pillow' for the humans, and time had only made the ferocious ice type that much stronger.

"Icicle Crash!" Came what looked to be Brycen's final move, and it slammed into the Trainer's Serperior, knocking it out with a single hit.

"The Challenger from Aspertia is out of usable Pokémon! Sifu Brycen is the victor!" The crowd around Icirrus cheered, and Alex turned to Jess, who seemed to have just noticed him, as Brycen was inundated with fresh challenges from eager Trainers who had managed to crush every Gym Leader up to Skyla but found Brycen to be an indomitable ice wall. The aged movie actor had a cane to get around these days, but the fire in his eyes was as intense as it had been in Enter the Beartic.

"Brycen has been using only his Beartic for his Battles." Jess said. "Nobody has been able to beat him so far. Alex watched as the Gym Leader healed up his partner with an Elixir and Potion combo.

When he was done, the old ice typed master turned to the crowd. "For those just arriving, I will repeat the rules! I have one Elite Freeze Badge left; from the last time this challenge was around. Once it is won, I will retire. All further Battles will be against my son, who will be taking over as Gym Leader." The ice typed Pokémon Master then tossed his cane and dropped into some kind of martial arts stance. "Who among you has the power to take me on!?"

Alex and Connor stepped forward immediately, as did several other Trainers, but it was Connor who Brycen selected. "We will have a one-on-one Battle. Your name, Challenger?"

Connor raised Gren's ball as he answered the oldest Unovan Gym Leader still in action. "Connor Gladstone, of Derrion Town."

Brycen let out a near-invisible flurry of punches, that ended with a swift roundhouse kick-twirl, and his Beartic's ball being sent soaring onto the field. "Well Connor...I hope you choose wisely. My Beartic is more than ready for Fire Types!"

Connor smirked, and summoned Gren to the field. The two Pokémon locked eyes, and Connor moved first. "Double Team. Then close in for Brick Break!"

Brycen nodded, as if he expected this. "Beartic...Play Rough with them."

The polar bear roared, and its fists began glowing with a sparkling pink energy, swinging through the various clones of Gren as they came close, and missed their strikes. Brycen mirrored his Beartic's movements, and the two were in perfect sync as they diverted the real Gren's Brick Break with a simple paw movement, before the Beartic hammered the lithe Pokémon through his guard in response, with Play Rough. The massive ice bear tossed Gren around like a toy, his paws limned with fairy energy.

Connor countered, wincing as Gren was sent skidding backwards on the temporary Pokémon Battlefield. Another one of those, from Brycen, and Gren would either faint, or be close to unconsciousness. "Rock Tomb!" Gren made a sign with his fins, and four boulders came crashing down on the Beartic, but Brycen was just as quick to counter.

"A taste of their own medicine, then. Brick Break!" With a flurry of movement, the Beartic smashed each of the boulders, and seemed unfazed by the damage it had taken. "Now close in with Aqua Jet, then use Superpower!"

"Gren, use Mat Block!" Water surrounded the Beartic as it charged forward, and Gren redirected the Aqua Jet with his Mat Block. Once the energy faded from the frog ninja however, the Beartic began radiating an intense aura of fighting energy. His muscles bulged, as they were pushed to their limit.

With a roar, it brought both paws down on Gren, and the watery ninja frog fainted. Connor stared at his ball for a long time, recalled Gren, and then left, heading straight out of town. Alex was the first one up next to take the Trainer box. "Well now, someone is eager. A moment, while we recuperate. And what is your name, Challenger?"

"Alex Redwood. Also of Derrion Town." He said, as he readied Blaze's ball. He could feel the heat his Charizard was giving off already, and he was glad that this Battle would be a one on one. Blaze didn't really need warm-up Trainers at his level, all he wanted, was a challenge. He recognized a fierce warrior in Brycen's Beartic, and was eager to conquer him.

"Another from northern Unova. Interesting. More and more Trainers keep coming down, and with such strong Pokémon…" Brycen grinned, as he nodded towards the ball in Alex's hand. "I can feel the heat from here...why don't you let your Fire Type out, before its ball breaks?"

Alex smirked. "Blaze." He spoke and tossed the ball. His Charizard appeared in a flash of red light, and as he stared across the way at the rejuvenating Beartic, who was nomming a Sitrus Berry or three, his tail flames turned blue. That shift in color drew the ice bear's attention, and their eyes locked. Brycen glanced at his partner, and chuckled.

"Seems your Charizard has caught the eye of my Beartic...interesting. Perhaps this will be our final Battle. We are ready to begin, if you are." Brycen said, bowing in unison with his Pokémon as it once more took the field. It was a standard battlefield, icy of course, but a temporary affair, set up in the middle of Icirrus Town. Both Brycen and Beartic bowed, and then fell into a fighting crouch, gesturing for the fire lizard to come for them.

Alex and Blaze shared a look and nodded simultaneously. The Charizard glowed red, as he ascended to his Mega Form. "Stay in the air...then Heat Wave!"

Brycen stayed calm and focused, as the temperature in his normally chilly town rose rapidly under the combination of Drought and Blaze's strongest move. "Beartic...keep it cool with Icicle Crash!" The polar bear roared, and icy slabs of frost surrounded him like a shield, keeping the ice type from the worst of Blaze's heat.

Alex smirked. "Bathe the field. Flamethrower!"

From his aerial position, Blaze flew over the field thrice, torching it with flames hot enough to turn rock into slag. Brycen quickly realized his ice type would be burned if he stayed on the field too long and shifted strategies. "Take to the air as well! Aqua Jet!" Water surrounded the Beartic, and it rocketed into the sky, higher than Hydrus had ever been able to lift his bulk. Alex made a circle motion with his finger, and Blaze stayed away from the water shrouded ice bear, circling it in the air. "Now, Rock Slide!"

The water faded from the Beartic, and was replaced by shards of empowered rock appearing from seemingly nowhere, before hurtling towards Blaze. Alex, like Brycen, stayed just as cool, but his hat did get turned backwards as the battle began in earnest. "Dodge in close! Then Seismic Toss!"

Blaze maneuvered expertly through the rock shards, and then grabbed the Beartic. With an impressive aerial flair, he circled, and with his momentum brought the heavy ice type up and around, before he sent the Beartic hurtling towards the ground. The entire stage rumbled as Beartic landed from the super effective move and got up slowly. It shook its head, and then growled.

"Rock Tomb!" Brycen said, as he solidified his fourth move for the battle. Instead of going for Blaze, the rocks encased Beartic this time, providing a shield from any more flames. "Now, from your bunker, fill the air with Rock Slide!"

"Dodge, Blaze." Alex ordered, and the Mega Charizard used his speed to stay ahead of the rapidly fired stones. He smirked down at the Beartic, and roared, which caused the Beartic to snarl in response.

"Wait, Beartic! Don't get-" But Brycen's words were too late, as the angered ice bear hurled one of the Rock Tomb boulders at Blaze, who dodged it so easily with his Mega Form's speed, he did an unnecessary loop around it, before coming down, rapidly, towards the Beartic.

"Finish it off, Blaze! Blast Burn!"

The Mega Charizard landed, punching the field hard, and a horizontal arc of fire burned towards, and through, Beartic's hiding spot. The Rock Tomb became molten lava, and the ferocity of the ultimate fire move ended both Beartic's and Brycen's careers as Pokémon Battlers in a spectacular eruption of flame.

"And so the wheel turns." Brycen said, as he recalled his Beartic. "The next generation burns to the top with all the fury of a Ho Oh...but be careful, Trainer. Never forget who brought you this far. Concentrate too much on your goal, and you will miss out on the glory that awaits a Champion."

Alex bowed in the Unovan style, clenched fist to open palm, and he felt proud as Blaze mimicked him, as his Mega Form faded away. "We will take your words and your lesson with us, Brycen. All the way to the top."

Brycen smirked, and then threw something shiny towards Alex. When it became clear the throw was less than perfect, Blaze flapped into the air, caught it, and then handed it to his Trainer. Alex nodded, as he examined the Elite Freeze Badge, and the last of its kind, according to its former owner. Evidently the new Leader's badge would look different.

Jess had left after the epic final showdown with Brycen, staying just long enough to watch the Icirrus Gym Leader pass the mantle to his son, before walking off into the sunset beside his Beartic on what was likely their last journey. She unintentionally followed Brycen for a while but lost him as he headed north onto a snowy mountain just north of Icirrus.

While tromping around on the base of the mountain, she found a lost female Snorunt, and after convincing her to come along, named her Lassi, gave her several TM related lessons, and then evolved her into a Froslass with her remaining Dawn Stone. She got the finest Exp. Share money could buy, as Jess would require her skills for the Opelucid Gym. They would have to train hard, to even stand a chance against a Leader like the Dragon Master.

The route between Icirrus and Opelucid provided much in the way of experience. Even the wild Pokémon were strong, and by the time they arrived in the city, the trio's respective partners were all ready to challenge the Dragon Master, Iris.

Several Hours Later - Opelucid City

Opelucid City at sunset was an awe-inspiring blend of hydroponics alongside modern and ancient styles of housing. The older buildings tended to be white and carved of stone, while the newer ones were more modern, and typically black, or a dark gray made from modern materials. The newer buildings also tended to be further away from the town's center and seemed mainly to be housing units.

The Gym stood over the city, like a twin headed draconic guardian. The dragon's heads were identical, one black, one white, and they depicted the Original Dragon, or so the locals of the city said. The interior had even been remodeled to incorporate two more dragons, and the Dragon Tamers dueled atop their moving limbs, as they trained under the current Gym Leader, and former Champion, Iris. The dragon statues within the gym seemed to be even more detailed depictions, also of the Original Dragon of Unova.

Shruikan made effective use of Double Edge and Dragon Claw on the narrow limbs of the white and black statues. Iris's Dragon Tamers all paused, as Alex and his rapidly rolling Shelgon took down the first Dragon Tamer, and then his counterpart, solely for the experience. A Potion and an Elixir, and the pair were ready for the next level, and once more, they rolled through the Dragon Tamers, ignoring their mastery and strategy with nothing but pure ferocity. Iris smirked, as she watched from above. "This Trainer is…"

Before long, he was at the head of the dragon, and the forehead of his white dragon statue slammed into her black one with genuine force, and the noise they created as they clashed signaled to all below that the true challenge was about to begin. Every single Tamer in the Gym had underestimated the unassuming Shelgon, and had fallen to his merciless onslaught. When Shruikan had been on his back legs, Hydrus had stepped in for a few rounds and made good use of his Ice Beam. As a Mega Swampert, not even dragon types could withstand him, and he'd masterfully combined his unparalleled grappling strength with a close-range Ice Beam several times, usually against Druddigon.

The warm-up Trainers never saw who else was on his belt, and Blaze was thoroughly disappointed that none of them had a Dragonite. Or a Flygon. He smoldered from within his ball, and his opinion of the Gym lowered, as the only one with genuine flight-capable dragons was the Gym Leader herself, who started off strong with a Hydreigon. When Alex had asked for her strongest team, the Gym Leader that kept the unworthy from Victory Road had retrieved only four balls.

She called the first move and seemed eager to battle. "Hydreigon! Use Dragon Pulse!"

"Show them a real Dragon Pulse, Shruikan." Alex said, smirking from under his hat's brim. He was wearing black travel pants similar to Hilbert's in style, and his recently cleaned white hoodie with a black and white Taijitu swirl on the back covered his top. The smirk hadn't faded once, since he walked into the Gym.

Shruikan's dense sphere of deep blurple energy rolled through the wide area of the Hydreigon's attack with ease and hammered it in the chest. Unlike Skyla's Pokémon, Iris's were strong enough to take several hits, and Shruikan's only seemed to make the Hydreigon angrier. Iris's partner had a much higher stat total, but given what Shelgon's stat total was, Alex was confident they could pull out a win.

"Use Hyper Voice!" Iris ordered.

Alex countered with, "Into your shell! Then roll in close and Brick Break!"

All three heads of the Hydreigon roared, and the entire Gym shook in response. The air seemed to crack with thunder, but only Shruikan remained seemingly unaffected by the noise, as he sheltered from it. Once the damaging reverberations stopped, he shifted into a forward roll, and as he built speed, his shell began to glow an intense brownish orange with fighting typed energy.

The Shelgon bounced himself once, and then sent himself straight into the Hydreigon's jaw, belonging to the main head. "Now Dragon Claw, Shruikan!" Alex said, and the Shelgon reacted instantly, clawing the larger dragon across its toothy maw with critical effectiveness. Hydreigon roared out in pain, and then fell to the ground as Shruikan rolled back to his side of the field.

"A Shelgon is an interesting choice...but there's something about yours that's...special." Iris said, with a tilt of her head.

Alex shrugged. "Actually, he's one of my most average...compared to the rest of his species. He's not the biggest, but he's definitely the most determined to evolve. I've seen him run down his energy many times, and he still hasn't evolved. You might be right, but I don't think I'll know for sure until the time comes for him to reach the final stage."

"Let's see if we can push him over the edge, then. Salamence! It's your turn!" Iris tossed her second ball, and the male dragon type snorted, as he saw his opponent was still a Shelgon. "Use Dragonbreath!"

"Dragon Pulse, Shruikan." Alex replied.

Blue flames engulfed the Shelgon, or they appeared to, at first. "Now fire!" Alex said, smirking. Iris was about to chide him, and say his Shelgon was likely down already, but then her Salamence's flames rippled, and parted, and that strange sphere-like version of their Dragon Pulse burned through the weaker attack.

Salamence poured even more flames against it, and it eventually spun out of energy, just before Salamence ran out of breath. The Dragon Pulse had kept the Shelgon from the worst of the dragonfire.

"Shruikan! Dragon Dance, get some air, and then use Rollout!" The armored ball of dragon growled an affirmation, before curling into his shell, and becoming rollable. He rolled himself in an infinity pattern, glowing as he grew stronger, and when he faced his head towards the floor, he used Dragonbreath of his own to propel him upwards. He activated the next Move his Trainer had called, bringing him down on the taller dragon type's head with the type weakness he would one day also be vulnerable to.

Salamence had not been idle, and had kept using Dragonbreath throughout Shruikan's rolling, but somehow the dense dragon ball kept dodging the flames. "Keep on rolling! Dodge whatever they try next!"

Iris's mouth was a thin line. "Dodge this. Our perfected Move! Imperial Rage!" Her slightly damaged Salamence was in the air in moments, and from his angle, he bathed the field in far more intense dragonfire. Alex recognized an Outrage attack, but apparently, there was another level of power to that move he'd been unaware of. Iris watched the Shelgon eagerly, hoping the heat would be enough to finish it, or evolve it.

Today was not Shruikan's time, and as he kept himself covered in building rock typed energy, he used it as a shield against the dragonfire. It hurt with about normal effectiveness, which for this improved version of Outrage, was a lot, but Shruikan was tanky enough to take the hit. Another would end him.

"Into the air again! Before the next wave! Rollout!"

Shruikan burned into the air towards the Salamence, who smirked at the ground bound Shelgon, knowing well from experience just how high one of them could get with a Dragonbreath boost. What he didn't expect, was Shruikan's flames to be hotter than his Dragonbreath had ever been, as a Shelgon. The Salamence's eyes went wide, as the rolling ball of rock energy hammered him in the jaw, flipping him out of the sky and rolled him all the way to the 'floor' that was the two foreheads of the dragon statues. The rock typed move's annoyingly fast building power, type advantage, and damage from gravity all combined to faint the Salamence, to Iris's disbelief.

From above, atop a carved Haxorus head, one of the other Dragon Tamers shouted, "Master Iris's Salamence is unable to Battle! The round goes to the Challenger!"

Iris's face was unreadable, and the woman still in the prime of her life, if a bit more wrinkled, watched as yet another Unovan steamrolled past her. She recalled her Salamence, and then threw her third ball. "Dragonite! Put this Shelgon in its place."

Alex smirked, as with a roar, and a flash of red, a very impatient Charizard took the field. The Dragonite's resting rage face solidified as he locked eyes with the fire lizard, and remembered a different battle, cut far too short. The chance for another match like that was more than enough to motivate him. Blaze nodded at the Shelgon, who turned to his Trainer. Alex recalled him and shrugged at Iris. "He refused to Battle any of the other dragons here...maybe he was waiting for one who could fly." Blaze snorted blue flames in approval, but his eyes were still locked on the Dragonite's. He'd been wondering if the battle with the Beartic had made him improve, and this Dragonite was the bar by which Pokémon in Unova were measured, before they even got close to the Victory League.

The male specimen of the Dratini line narrowed his eyes at the fire lizard pretending to be superior to a dragon type and looked back at his Trainer. He nodded once, and Iris looked at Alex. "Have him Mega Evolve. You'll need to, if you want to stand a chance."

Alex raised the flame crystal, but nothing happened. Blaze gave him a backwards side-eye and shook his head. The Dragonite snarled from across the field and got into a battle crouch. Blaze smirked and readied himself for an aerial duel against a dragon type worth fighting. "Looks like we're keeping things even."

Iris shrugged. "There's that legendary Charizard honor. You'll regret not taking the chance now. Thunder Punch!"

"Dragon Pulse." Alex said, and Blaze gathered the power in his maw. It was different than Shruikan's, and Iris's eyes widened as she saw the condensing orb turn red with the ferocity of a mastered move fueled by a fresh rivalry. The difference between Shruikan's and a fully evolved special attacker like Blaze was shocking to experience.

"Dragonite, hit the orb instead! Don't let it land!" The angry looking dragon side eyed his Trainer in the midst of a Battle, and by the time his eyes were back on Blaze, the sparking orb of dark crimson draconic energy was already within striking distance. The Dragonite heaved, and had to burn more power, as he slowly managed to shift the orb away from him with a thunderous fist.

The Gym shuddered, as the Dragon Pulse smashed into a wall, but the Battle continued. "Speed up with Dragon Rush, don't let it aim!" Iris's Dragonite growled an affirmative, and bluish-purple energy surrounded it as it zipped around the still ground bound Charizard, whose eyes kept tracking it as it moved.

Alex nodded. They could play the distance game. "Heat Wave!"

Iris didn't look worried, as her Dragonite's untarnished scales and superior typing kept it from being harmed much. "When it's not looking, close in and Thunder Punch!"

"Be patient, Blaze...Heat Wave!" The Charizard nodded and stayed in his same readied position that he'd fired the Dragon Pulse from. As the air became even hotter, he stopped tracking the Dragonite, and waited for the attack to come. He'd expected it from behind, but his respect rose for this dragon type as it came from his front.

Blaze was the member of their team who enjoyed battle the most, and he lived for matches like the one he was currently in. Essentially, he was in his ideal zone, and as the Thunder Punching Dragonite moved the superheated air with his resistant bulk, Blaze felt where he was coming from, and with a much faster shift in movement, dodged the move entirely.

He leapt into the air and away from the electric attack, as the counter came, all in the space of a few moments. "Dragon Pulse!" This time, the sphere of super effective energy was not red, but it was still dense enough to boom as Blaze launched it, and as the Dragonite tried to catch it and hurl it away, the rotating sphere began to spin the dragon type, before it sent the oddly proportioned flyer hurtling into a lower part of one of the stone dragons.

A few moments later, it zipped up to the battlefield again, bruised and battered, but still ready to fight. "Using the heated air to feel out our attack...that's clever. You're going to do well at the League...assuming you can survive the rest of my team."

Alex gave her a deadpan look, but his tone had far too much confidence. "Oh, I came prepared for your Haxorus."

Iris sighed, and tried to shrug nonchalantly, but Alex could tell he was touching a nerve. "This is the problem with being so famous. Everyone knows what you use and can exploit your weaknesses." She met Alex's eyes then, looking far too confident for someone with one Pokémon left. "Maybe you'll show us one we haven't covered yet."

"Blaze." Alex said, returning his focus to the round at hand. "Get ready to counter hard, with that new Move of yours." The Charizard grinned, and with a motion straight out of Enter the Beartic, he fell into a fighting crouch reminiscent of Brycen's style of kung fu.

Iris blinked, as Ash's Charizard had never done anything like this, and Charizard Trainers weren't exactly common, in Unova. "Once more Dragonite! Dragon Rush around it!"

"Heat Wave!" Without shifting from his position, Blaze intensified the air again, and the Opelucid Gym became truly hot within. Oddly enough, neither the aspiring Dragon Tamers, nor Alex, minded the heat. The stands from this Gym were well protected, and doubly reinforced, but the shift in temperature was gradually increasing even in the nosebleed seats.

Iris smirked. "Let's end this, Dragonite! Whirlicane!" The dragon type ceased his movement behind the Charizard this time and raised his arms. With a combination of Whirlpool and Hurricane, it sent a storm of wind and water hurtling upwards around the fire type. "Thanks for the shift temperature. Now the Whirlicane can get bigger!"

Blaze remained still, as he resisted some aspects of the move, and was damaged by others. Whirlpool was not the strongest water attack though, and he was expecting the Dragonite to attack through its own Move once he was blind to what it was doing outside the vortex.

"Now, Dragonite!"

"Get ready, Blaze." Alex said, still smirking. He couldn't see his Charizard at the moment, but he wasn't worried. The two Trainers shouted the same move at the same time. "Thunder Punch!"

Dragonite came barreling through the wall of wind and water, fist shining with electricity, as he went straight for the Charizard's stomach. Blaze took a page from Terra and flared his wings just enough to ride the circular current of the wind, dodge the punch, and land his own. Electricity sparked up the Whirlicane, and Alex shouted a follow up attack, hoping his Charizard was still up. "Dragon Pulse!"

Within the tornado of wind and water, the two Pokémon were locked claw to claw as they used Thunder Punch on both claws. As Alex called the move, Blaze opened his maw, and once more a dense sphere of crackling red dragon energy formed in his mouth. Iris wasn't done yet, though. "Dragonite! Once you have it, Dragon Rush up through the Whirlicane!"

Blaze continued charging the move, and the dense sphere of energy came close to the Dragonite's face, as it did as it was ordered. Blurple energy shrouded both Pokémon as they ascended up through the vortex. Iris's voice came again through the roar of wind. "Seismic Toss!"

The Dragonite took the move it had learned from the last Charizard he'd faced and began trying to throw his current opponent. It was at the apex of their flight that Blaze was finally ready. "Finish it, Blaze." Alex said from below, and before the Dragonite could make the throw, there was an explosion.

The Whirlicane's top blew away and the dual typed Move faded as the power of the Dragon Pulse blew both it, and the Dragonite who'd made it, away. The dense red orb rotated the Dragonite all the way to the floor of the battlefield, and though he fought it, trying to use Dragon Claw to toss it away, he only changed the trajectory of the dense orb as it spun him once again into a wall of the gym, and the impact left him smoldering. Blaze landed then, and roared, shaking the Gym with the force of it.

No call for the round came though, and as Alex looked around expectantly, his gaze was drawn back to the Dragonite rising from the crater the energy sphere had made on impact. He landed back on the locked dragon statue heads, roared back at Blaze, and then fell, fainted.

"Master Iris's Dragonite is unable to Battle! The round goes to the Charizard, and his Trainer!" Came the ref's voice, and Blaze's wings slumped, as he heard it. He was panting hard from that one, something he did not do too often these days. He gave his Trainer another side-eye, and then nodded. Alex nodded as well and recalled his truly badass Charizard.

Iris stared at him, as she did the same. "I hope you brought your best for my Haxorus...he won't go down easily."

Alex pulled a green and brown ball from his belt this time, and Iris' brows furrowed. She'd noticed the color scheme this Trainer had with his Pokéballs, and this one signified a grass type, by her guess. "Your Haxorus is probably the strongest Pokémon out of all the Gym Leaders in Unova, and according to my research, your starter." He leveled Terra's ball at her. "I brought my starter as well. It won't be an easy Battle, you're right...but you will go down."

He finally turned his hat backwards, as he tossed the ball. "Terra! You're up!" His earth turtle appeared in all his grassy glory, stomping the field as he took it. "I only really needed him for Marlon's Gym...he's had a bit of a vacation up until now...though if I'm honest he trained harder than most of my team all along the way. Try not to break the Gym, bud. These statues are pretty cool."

"Terra." He replied, with a snort.

"It's down to you, Haxorus! Start us off with X-Scissor!" Iris said, as she threw the ball. Alex grimaced, as he'd hoped she wouldn't have anything for a grass and ground type, but alas, that proved not to be the case. The axe-headed dragon roared, and then charged Terra, as his face blades began glowing with bug typed energy.

"Earthquake!" The Haxorus' eyes went wide as it heard the counter, and Terra rose up, before bringing his massive legs down on the field. The entire Gym rumbled, and while the armored Haxorus tried to dodge, Terra only let him think he'd dodged, before ground energy infused rocks rose up from both sides, and hammered him in the head, and the legs. The Haxorus spun in the air, and then fell, as he lost focus on his move.

By the time the axe headed dragon was up again, Terra had closed the distance. "Wood Hammer!"

The Haxorus tried to strike again with X-Scissor, using its claws this time, but Terra shifted the stone beneath them, and made his bulky form dodge as he rotated in place, and brought his thick head around for the move. The Haxorus was properly hammered, and sent flying back towards Iris, skipping across the field.

"Woah...someone ate their vitamins as a Turtwig." Iris said, eyeing the grass turtle. She shifted her gaze to Haxorus then, who was damaged, but still ready to battle. As he rose, she gave their next move. "We're not done, Haxorus! Dragon Dance!" The Haxorus made an infinity symbol pattern where it stood then, as its body twirled, spun, and then increased its power.

"Start charging it up, Terra. One good hit will end this." Alex said, and his partner rumbled an affirmative, as he began weaving and condensing ground and grass energy into a sphere. Out of all of his Pokémon, Alex was aware that Terra had the best understanding of how to form such energy, and layer it so it did the most damage possible.

Iris's eyes widened as she watched the symbol appear within their opponent's attack. A symbol of a long-forgotten empire, and the Original Dragon, as well. "We're out of time, Haxorus! Rush it and use X-Scissor!"

Alex grimaced, as he knew his slow, and still charging earth turtle would be taking the hit. He also knew Terra's defense was more than tanky enough to weather at least one super effective hit. The empowered dragon charged them once more with a roar, swinging its axe head as it did.

Terra's tail twitched, as he nonverbally showed his Trainer, he was ready. "Wait for it…" Alex said, as the Haxorus closed. It leapt, and with a twirl, brought its head down towards Terra. "Now Terra!"

Terra didn't need to be told twice as he launched the dense energy sphere and withstood the recoil like the earthy turtle cannon he was, when using this move. As the bug infused blade of the Haxorus met the balanced sphere of grass and ground energy, there was a stalemate of power. Type advantage and blades capable of slicing steel struggled to overcome the sheer power and density of Terra's attack, and indeed Haxorus did manage to cut into the dense combined energy sphere, but in the end, all it ended up doing was blowing up the dual typed sphere in Haxorus's face.

The dragon was slow to rise, and Alex saw it had enough fight left for another move, thus, he called one of their own. "Seed Bomb!" Oar shaped seeds covered in dense green energy balls flew from Terra's tree, and pounded the dragon back into the crater. He fell onto his back, tongue lolling as his eyes became Poliswirls.

Iris recalled her starter Pokémon, and then crossed the somewhat rumbled battlefield to her challenger. She handed him the elite version of the Legend Badge then. "That interesting Battle. Perform like that at the Victory League, and you might even be a challenge for N."

Alex thanked her, and departed, only for Jess to arrive next. She performed slightly worse against Iris than Alex had, with two faints on her own team. Chari had not been able to handle her Dragonite like Blaze had, but Empolia had humbled the dragon with a quadruple effective Ice Beam moments later. Her match actually went quicker, but the end result was the same as Alex's. The fiery redhead strolled out of the Gym with a win, and much needed experience for her teammates.

That, only left Connor. Unlike Alex or his sister, he only used Gren and his Ice Shuriken for this Gym. Gren easily swept the warm-up Trainers, all of them, and then managed to dance and dodge Iris's moves while whittling her dragons down with their ice move.

As she and Connor departed the Gym for the Pokémon Center, Iris saw the trio regroup down the block, and realized that all three of her latest victors were traveling together. In them, she saw a familiar sense of friendship that mirrored her own, back when she'd been younger. The northern Unovans kept a subtle eye on her, as she made a call in the Pokémon Center to what Connor said had appeared to be Marshal, the fighting typed specialist of the Elite Four, and former Champion Alder's strongest apprentice.

The three didn't think too much of it at the time, but when Nurse Joy turned up the Pokémon Center's communal TV as a news broadcast aired with breaking information, their eyes widened. Alex recognized Haley, the blonde from PNN, as the one giving the report, and he was glad that, apparently, the formerly underutilized interns had gotten a promotion at PNN.

"A new story breaking now, out of Opelucid City, home of Dragon Master Iris, longtime Gym Leader of the Opelucid Gym. We're told that, just moments ago, she gave an address to her Challengers and fellow Dragon Tamers in the Gym. We'll play that for you, now."

The screen shifted, and they saw Iris in what looked like vacation wear for somewhere warm, addressing her Gym. "When Leader Drayden asked me to take over the Opelucid Gym, I didn't think I was ready. He asked me many times, before I accepted and I only did so after Haxorus and I climbed to the top, and became Champions. Today, I saw the rise of the next generation first hand...and it occurred to me that I don't want to spend my golden years constantly losing to hotshot Trainers who know what's on my team with a five second Pokénet search. That's why I'm currently stepping down as the Opelucid Gym Leader. All challenges will be postponed until the Pokémon League can send someone qualified to stand in for me. I wish you all good luck with your training."

The screen shifted back to PNN, and Alex kept watching, thoroughly hooked now, as apparently, there was more. "A shocking and upsetting retirement from one of Opelucid City's strongest Trainers. More in this hour, we have news from the Victory League as well, in a similar vein, as longtime Fighting Pokémon Master, Marshal, also announced his retirement from the Elite Four of Unova. His departure leaves Shauntal, prolific author and Ghost Type Pokémon Expert as the new longest standing member of Unova's Elite Four. Our sources say he did pick a replacement, unlike Iris, but the new member of the Elite Four declined an interview."

The camera shifted to John Crimson then, and Alex smirked, as he spied a bit of leftover steak, hanging about in the glorious moustache. "Sources close to Elite Four Marshal claim that he and Iris shared a call today, and reached this decision to retire early together. There have long been rumors around Alder's strongest student and the Dragon Master who once reigned as Champion, and it seems that today...the rumors have more fuel for the flames."

Jess chuckled and drew the boy's attention away from the screen. "I guess...we did that? Think they know which Trainers are responsible?"

Alex shrugged. "It's PNN, so probably."

They glanced back at the screen, as Iris returned to it. "Sources from Opelucid City say that lately, only a few Trainers have made it past Iris to reach Victory Road." Haley continued, "It seems that just an hour ago, the third Trainer in a row to sweep Iris's team today finished their Battle, and prompted the retirement. No word yet on who these Trainers are, but we will continue monitoring the story, for the potential rise of a new Champion from among these promising Challengers."

Connor finished the last of his meal then, and grabbed his bag. "We should move. Now. Before the reporters find us, and swarm us. They can't get onto Victory Road without Badges, so we should be safe if we camp there. I don't need media distractions right before a League match."

Alex and Jess shared a look, then nodded in agreement. They'd been eager to have a room to themselves, but Connor had a point. The Victory League was no longer a goal on the horizon, but the step right in front of them. In a few minutes, they were packed up, and on their way out of Opelucid City. They passed through the Badge Gate, and as it rose behind them, they turned towards the maze of caverns, hidden lakes, and mountainside cliffs that made up Unova's Victory Road.

On Victory Road, Arthur got the most use, as Alex intended to try to sweep the Elite Four with his Gallade. He had grown strong enough to match Terra and Blaze mostly because every single night he'd honed his attacks, at least until he ran out of energy for the day. But in a brief four hours, the Gallade was refreshed, and ready to go again. Having him tanking each Elite Four member would leave his Ice Beam wielder in Hydrus and his armored ball of dragon fresh for whichever of Unova's former Champions he ended up facing.

As they traveled the sparsely populated mountain, Alex finally shared with Connor and Jess the theory behind his variation of a dual typed attack, and what Professor Redwood had known about it. Alex began explaining the concept behind the balanced pattern of energy, referred to in ancient times as a Taijitu Move, a pattern of attack that had apparently originated in Eous. His deep baritones rang throughout their chosen cave in the mountain, and after masterfully following them, a figure eventually appeared by their campsite, stepping obviously and unthreateningly towards the three Trainers that had rolled through each Unovan Gym Leader's best teams with ease.

He was getting on in years, but his hair was still a red mahogany color, streaked with gray. He wore a lab coat, under which he had a blue shirt, and between the edges of the coat, a crest could be seen hanging from a thin rope around his neck. It was a pendant with the very symbol Alex had been describing.

"So, you think you know about Taijitu Moves, hmm?" The man's voice was dripping with sarcastic wit. "What makes you think you kids are strong enough to handle Moves like that?" They wordlessly held up their collection of badges within their badge cases, and the older man scoffed as he saw them. Connor's did hold his gaze longer, but only because he had Kalos's regular set as well.

"Right. Badges. There were eight to get in Kanto. I earned ten." He shook his head, and smirked. "I know you, Alex Redwood, and I know your granduncle. He hasn't told you everything about this Challenge, has he? Just enough to be dangerous. Of course."

Alex eyed the stranger, who'd invited himself to their fire. He seemed familiar, but Alex couldn't place him in the dim light. "And who are you then, if you're smarter than my granduncle?"

The man grinned. "I'm Professor Oak, one of the people who first discovered that combining Moves was even a thing Pokémon were capable of doing." He looked around, and then lowered his voice. "I'm the person the Pokémon League sent to educate you, as I can't erase the knowledge you already have. So pay attention, because none of you are supposed to know this yet."

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