The Regressor Wants to Become a Hero

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Ian arrived at Lampus just three days after departing from the village where the dark mage had appeared.

Had he traveled the ordinary route, it would have taken at least two weeks of arduous travel. However, by stopping at a city with a magic tower and using the warp gate, he significantly reduced the travel time.

“It’s over now; you may step outside the magic circle,” said the mage managing the warp gate, and Ian stepped out from the circular platform inscribed with complex symbols and patterns.

He hadn’t noticed while standing, but now he felt dizzy and nauseous. Knowing it was a temporary effect, he managed to endure it.

“Welcome, young master.”

A neatly dressed old man approached Ian. Ian’s face lit up with recognition.


It seemed that he was the only one there to greet him.

Then again, the people he had been close with were essentially just his siblings, a governess, a cook who secretly provided him with snacks, and one or two knights who had trained him.

Other than them, there were only servants, but Allford, who managed many of them, was someone he couldn’t forget.

He was glad to see him and greeted him warmly. Allford bowed with a kind expression.

“How long has it been? Have you been well?”

“Of course. And how have you been?”

“I’ve been well, as you can see. The villa is in a quiet place, and perhaps because there’s a ley line nearby, it’s very pleasant.”

“I was occasionally worried about you, but it seems my old fears were unfounded. I’m truly relieved. The head of the family will also be pleased.”

“I hope so.”

Allford gave a wry smile and gestured.

“You must be very tired from your long journey. Please, follow me. We’ve prepared warm water and a meal for you.”

Ian looked at Mael and Marie.

“Thank you. You’ve made the journey much more comfortable. Let’s meet again later.”

Because Allford was present, Mael and Marie merely bowed their heads in response instead of speaking.

Ian walked alongside Allford.

“It might be a needless concern, but I hope you aren’t disappointed that I’m the only one here to greet you.”

“I understand. Father is always out on a campaign, and my eldest brother is supporting him as the next head of the family. My younger brother is on a mission… something like that, right?”

“That’s correct. However, Lord Dior will be back today.”

Ian did not respond, and Allford did not speak further.

As they exited through the corridor, the sunlight struck them as if by magic.

The sudden brightness made him squint, as he had just come from a dimmer area.

When he opened his eyes slightly, he was greeted by a lush green landscape that rendered the fortress itself almost irrelevant.

Lampus had once been a frontline fortress, but as the defensive line expanded, it naturally moved away from the battlefield, so its peaceful appearance was somewhat expected.


How long has it been since I last returned? Including before the return, it must have been nearly 20 years since I came back to the family home. It has been a long time.

He walked through the place filled with childhood memories, overwhelmed with nostalgia, and entered the castle.

However, the atmosphere was heavy. Although it was a place with good memories, it also held uncomfortable recollections from after the coming-of-age ceremony.

At that moment, Ian’s gaze met those of the servants who were presumably cleaning on the second-floor balcony.

They quickly turned their heads away, but in that brief moment, Ian noticed the curiosity in their eyes.

‘They’ve probably heard stories about me.’

Ian Berger. The youngest prince who became a recluse after the coming-of-age ceremony.

A noble who abandoned his duties and left for a villa, becoming a drunken wastrel.

Ian could not deny the truth of the derisive comments about him. Everything said was accurate.

He would inevitably be the subject of such gazes and whispers for a while, so he had no choice but to get used to it.

There was no point in forcing people not to think that way; it was just a matter of gradually changing perceptions.

Since he had gone through the trouble of reincarnation, there was no reason to leave the unpleasant past as it was.

He squared his shoulders and walked with confidence.

Allford personally guided him to the room he used to stay in.

After informing Ian that a meal was prepared and he could come down anytime after freshening up, Allford left him alone.

Left by himself, Ian cleaned up in the bathroom attached to the room and changed into the new clothes that had been prepared. He then headed to the dining room to start his meal alone.

As he quietly ate while being watched by a few servants, someone flung open the firmly shut door.

A young man in a red suit, Dior Berger.

With a bright expression, he shouted in a booming voice.

“You’ve arrived, you fool!”


Ian stared at Dior and swallowed the food he had been chewing. He sighed.


“Yeah? Speak.”

“When there are people around, could you call me by my name? What do you think everyone will think?”

Dior grinned and looked around.

The people in the dining room were just a few servants. Since they had all been working in the family for several years or more, they were like family.

“Well, I suppose they’d think we’re very close siblings. That’s what I’d think.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Why, do you think they’ll look down on you? Don’t worry about that. It’s impossible, and it shouldn’t happen. If anyone ever dares to do so, let me know. I’ll take care of them.”

“Forget it. If such a thing happens, I’ll handle it myself.”

He couldn’t bring himself to ask for help for something so embarrassing out of pride.

Dior, with a satisfied smile, reached for a piece of bread and ate it.

“Right, that’s how it should be. By the way, when did you return?”

“Not long ago. I came, washed up, changed clothes, and started eating.”

“I see. In that case, since it’s been a while, we should visit Mother first.”


Ian nodded.

“I was planning to go after finishing my meal anyway.”

“Oh? That’s good. We can go together then.”

“I can go by myself.”

“Really? She’d be happier if we went together. Besides, I brought a gift from my mission.”

“…A dutiful son, are you?”

“And you, on the other hand, are a wayward son.”

Dior laughed heartily as he teased Ian. Ignoring him, Ian finished his meal.

As soon as he set down his utensils, Dior urged him to hurry, and Ian had no choice but to get up and head back to the station where the warp gate was set up.

* * *


Ian stifled a groan and covered his mouth. No matter how many times he experienced space travel, it never became any easier.

He staggered out from the warp gate, trying to calm his churning stomach.

Dior, watching from behind, clicked his tongue.

“Tut, so weak.”

“…I think I’m going to vomit.”

“Don’t just dry-heave. It’ll be troublesome if you really do. Look over there.”

Turning his head, Ian saw the gatekeeper with a worried expression, seemingly pondering whether he should bring a bag for him.

Ian swallowed hard.

“I’m fine.”

He took slow, deep breaths, which helped a bit. Dior nodded.

“Let’s go.”

Outside the station, a carriage bearing the family crest was waiting.

“So you planned to bring me here from the start.”

The evidence was clear when the carriage started moving immediately, even though the destination hadn’t been mentioned.

Ian gazed out the window blankly. The streets were bustling with people.

“Still so crowded here.”

“Well, it’s a city.”

Right. It’s a city, so a lot of people are only natural.

They were in “Ruth,” a large city located a bit away from the Lampas Fortress.

Initially, it was just a supply base for transporting goods to Lampas, but as people flocked to the area after defeating nearby monsters and purifying the land, it had developed into what it was now.

The place they were heading to was a district adjacent to Ruth.

After a while, the streets grew emptier, and the carriage stopped.

“We’ve arrived.”

Ian and Dior got out of the carriage upon hearing the coachman’s words. The first sight that greeted them was a tall, spiked metal fence.

It was high enough that most people wouldn’t even think of climbing over it. Along the fence, there were large bushes that obstructed the view inside.

As they made their way to the entrance, they encountered two fully armored Red Spear Knights standing guard.

Approaching carelessly might provoke them to draw their swords. However, Ian and Dior walked steadily towards them.


Despite their approach, the knights remained as motionless as statues. Instead, another knight emerged from a building by the entrance, placing his hand on his left breast in a gesture of respect.

“Welcome to the Garden of Rest. I am Altige, deputy commander of the 7th squad of the Red Spear Knights. What brings you here?”

Altige was aware that Ian and Dior were members of the Berger family and that Dior frequently visited this place. They had met a few times before.

Despite this, every time, the procedure involved confirming their identities as if it were their first meeting.

This was due to protocol.

The very existence of the 7th squad of the Red Spear Knights was for such purposes, and it was why they were known as the “Gravekeepers.”

Dior, understanding this, straightforwardly stated their affiliation and purpose.


With that, the two Red Spear Knights guarding the entrance stepped aside, allowing them through.

While access to the Garden of Rest was generally restricted outside designated hours, members of the Berger family had the exceptional privilege of visiting at any time. It was a sort of privilege.

Ian followed Dior through the entrance.

Upon entering the Garden of Rest, the first thing visible was a large monument, and the second was a vast field beyond it, adorned with shields set at regular intervals.

The monument bore the name and founding principles of the place, while the shield-shaped objects served as tombstones.

In essence, the Garden of Rest was a place created to honor the soldiers and knights who sacrificed their lives while reclaiming the lands of the fallen Xail Empire from foreign powers.

Ian and Dior, walking side by side along the solemn path, came to a stop in the center of the cemetery.

In front of them, unlike the other shields, stood a large and ornate shield. Ian’s gaze moved to the inscription on the shield with a heavy heart.

Verdie Berger

Ruler’s Era

2232.03.02 ~ 2268.03.22

-You’re here? Thank you.

Possessor of the glorious star.

One who protected many from the threat of the Outer Seas.

Proud wife of a noble husband and mother of three beloved sons.

May you find rest here.

Ian thought he had become emotionally numb from all he had experienced, though not entirely indifferent. However, it seemed he was mistaken.

Reading the inscription on the tombstone brought back memories of his childhood and made him feel melancholic.

Tears welled up as he felt as if he had committed a great sin by not visiting for so long.

He closed his eyes and bowed his head. When he opened his eyes again at the sound of rustling, he saw Dior taking something out of his coat.


“Oh, did you forget? Mother was a chain smoker.”

“No, I remember, but… you brought that as a gift?”

“Why not? And I heard these are the best in the capital these days. I bought them on purpose.”

Dior chuckled, placing the cigarette in the incense holder on the monument and lighting it.

Ian silently watched the cigarette burn. In the silence, Dior spoke.



“What is your dream?”


“What do you want to do?”

Was that why he came here with him?

If asked this question before his regression, Ian surely wouldn’t have been able to answer. But now, it was different.

Ian met Dior’s gaze and answered without looking away.

“A hero.”


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