Questions Answered, Questions Gained
[You have Notification(s)]
‘Should check that out’
[In pre-tutorial 1 Wis = 10
Please note that endurance recovery will be instant after the battle during the pre-tutorial
All skills will lose their levels and only have grades after pre-tutorial]
‘This is temporary? Strange but all right’. Another ping went off in his head.
[Please move onward]
Arthur did and found another goblin. Short story made even shorter he killed another goblin. Then another and then one more for good measure.
He gained 3 new skills for all three. They seemed pretty basic but he doubted that they wouldn’t be useful.
[Parry {Common level 1}, Counter {Common level 1}, Chop {Common level 1}]
He tried to figure out what they did more and out of the blue another blue screen popped up.
[Block- 30% chance of blocking an attack. This vastly increases against weaker opponents.]
[Slash - A diagonal attack. Scales with Strength. The quickness of the attack scales with agility]
[Parry- 15% chance of deflecting an attack. Successful parries can grant an opportunity to counterattack]
[Counter- Only useable after a parry (Successful). Deals extra damage. Scales with Strength]
[Chop- A Downward blow. Deals more damage compared to a downward slash.]
Well, most of those were expected. The percentage of success was nice to know however.
‘Ok, I need some core skills probably, right? Thrust seems like a nice skill to know.’
A series of pings went off in his head. Arthur was starting to get annoyed by those. He should probably start ignoring those and periodically check his notifications.
[Continue Forward]
Another goblin charges at him after he took 8 steps.
He readied his stance, a plan of action already forming in his mind, he parried the first strike a guaranteed success since the goblin was only level 1. He immediately countered, this time with a thrust through the goblin’s chest. Dark red blood spewed out when he removed his sword.
[You have slain a Goblin (G grade level 1)-Experience gained]
[Swordsman{tutorial} (G grade level 2-->3)]
[Human (G grade level 2-->3)]
‘It took more experience this time.’ Arthur thought theories forming in his mind.
It might be due to the fact of how easily he killed the goblin, or because the goblin was lower level? Maybe both?
The system kept changing every time he got a new notification. Was it self-learning? Assuming it was a program or A.I.
[Parry level 1-->2]
[Counter level 1-->2]
Already? Slash and Block haven’t levelled up even though he goth them first. Was it because he used the other 2 more? Then again parry and counter are a chain of moves. A short one but still a chain, they might have a collective XP pool.
[You have gained 20 stat points]
10 for each level. Good to know. He didn’t distribute them as he didn’t know if he might need them in a pitch.
[Your Endurance has gone up by 300]
100 for each level? Seemed a bit excessive. He still didn’t know how much endurance a good fight would take. He opened his status and clicked on his stats just to check if there was any hidden information. He played detective games before dammit! He knew he had to click everything aggressively. His stats opened and new messages flowed
[For pre-tutorial 1 wisdom = 10 mana instead of usual 100 since skills cost more mana afterwards the regular ratio will be set]
[Stat increasing skills or titles like {Star-Touched Generation} will not be effective during the pre-tutorial]
Clicking on his levels made more message flow
[Pre-tutorial will only last till G grade level 5]
[Since Profession is locked for now Race level = Class level = Grade level instead of average of both]
A screen popped up before he could click any of the other parts of his status.
“Aww no fun system”
The system did not respond. He did get another message to continue however and continue he did. This time he was met with 2 goblins .They like all of their previous brethren charged forward in sync, down to the tone of their war cries.
“Come on guys, ganging up on others is unfair you know”
The 2 showed no signs of stopping clearly marking them as evil. They split up after a few strides, approaching from opposite directions. Arthur chose to meet 1 of them head on instead of waiting for them. Rushing at the one on his right he quickly parried the first strike and thrusted, jabbing sword into the ugly creature’s neck. Turning back to block the other goblin’s chop attack. Pushing it off he slashed at its neck, to his surprise the goblin managed to duck and thrusted. The stone blade pierced through his clothes drawing blood. The pain made him gasp but Arthur pushed through and with a heavy chop severed the goblin’s head almost into 2.
Only then did he look at his notifications
[New skill Thrust(G grade) unlocked{Common level 1}]
[You have killed a Goblin(G grade level 1)]
[Block level 1-->2]
[Chop level 1-->2]
[You have killed Goblin(G grade level 2)]
[Bonus experience gained for killing a group of enemies]
[Swordsman level 3-->4]
[Swordsman level 4-->5]
[Human (G grade level 3-->4)]
[Human level 4-->5]
‘Well shit 2 from 1 battle? So bonus from 2v1 and probably extra from the level 2 goblin’
[Pre-tutorial is ending. Do you wish to upgrade class?
Y/N ]
He obviously clicked Y and got a bunch of options
[Veteran swordsman {Common} – You have gained more knowledge on the blade. Cutting through monster like butter. You specialize in all swords. +12 free stats per level]
Yaa no. The description sucked, the rarity was common and if it was an upgrade Arthur felt that it should give more than 12 points per. A 20% increase felt a bit small. Perhaps it was the usual though for G grade.
[Bladesinger {Uncommon}-Primarily focusing on agility the bladesinger moves with grace. Every swing sings a song of your sword dance. Lose your longsword for 2 one handed slashing short swords. +15 to free stats and +3 agility per level]
This looked promising. It confirmed that he could higher rarity classes at this grade and objectively speaking it was much better. The only thing he was iffy about was the ‘lose your longsword’ part. He had grown used to the weapon and didn’t want to ditch it just for a ‘better’ class. Add the fact that Arthur doubted that G grade classes could really affect his long-term future that much, he wasn’t much inclined to take this class. He would if the next class sucked but looking at the name, he doubted that
[Knight {Uncommon}- You focus on your longswords and great swords dealing more damage when wielding one and less when using any other weapon. Specializing in heavier attacks you plow through the enemy ranks with unparalleled resolve. +15 free stats and +3 strength per level]
Yesss. Let’s goo. He got, in his mind a perfect class. It focused on his longsword; his strength and Arthur was pretty sure that most of his attacks could be considered heavy attacks if he put enough force in it. IN other words, there was no reason to hesitate.
Clicking on the Knight option he was greeted with a slew of messages.
[Knight class selected.
Class skill- Path of the sword gained
All skills will now no longer have levels. They now scale with predetermined stats and understanding of core Principles
Initiating Tutorial.
The world lit up like a flashbang and Arthur was transported to what looked like a woodland forest.
[Please reach G grade level 15 by 2 weeks
Failure to do so will result in death
You and four others are present in this Area
After 2 weeks main Tutorial will start with all other still living humans]
[Time left: 1:6:23:59]
“Ok Arthur you got this, just like any other video game. It is time to grind”
[Arthur Black]
[Race-(human(G grade)-level 5
Class-Knight(G grade)-level 5
Profession- N/A
Grade: - ‘G’ level 5
Strength-5 Intelligence-10
Agility-10 Widom-5
Vitality-50 Perception- 10
Endurance-700 Mana-500
Free points:50
Race:- Identify{Unique},Language{Unique},Star-Touched Generation{Unique}
Class:- Block{Common}, Slash{Common}, Parry{Common}, Counter{Common}, Chop{Common},Path of the sword{Uncommon}
Profession: - N/A
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