The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 176: Chapter 176: Goblin Extermination(I)


Adriana knew her home, which she will live in for quite some time, so she took a look at her clothes, they were mostly gym clothes, loose and comfortable to wear.

She knows that she will need to get used to her new body, but because of the System, the adaptation will be much faster.

But now something important, how to get Luria, Ikiria and Lily back?

[During sealing to prepare them for Version 3.0, they confirmed their desire to have minimum requirements, losing all their strengths and advantages!]

[As such, everyone will be in a weaker Race, Ikiria will lose his Celestial Constitution, not the fault of the System, but due to the Laws of the World!]

[Lily will remain a demon, but an inferior version of the Breed, but not a Paranormal Creature!]

"Wait, will Ikiria lose her Celestial Constitution? Why?!" - Asked Adriana shocked.

[There can only be 1 Celestial Constitution of the same type, with only 1 person possessing it, more than 1 possessing the same Celestial Constitution is impossible!]

[Not to mention that the Celestial Constitution is linked to the Will of the Heavens and the world it appeared in, Ikiria is not from Earth, just as her World/Continent is not connected to this timeline, she will be a new existence in this universe as a whole and one cannot bring a Celestial Constitution!]

Adriana blinked for a while, feeling sorry for a cute beauty, but knowing her, she wouldn't mind, she had some minor problems dealing with the Will of the Heavenly Constitution, but it was simple as she far surpassed that will.

As for Lily, she was initially worried, as the Demon Race is naturally very strong, but that seems not to be the case now, perhaps it's due to the Tieflings, as well as some Demons captured along their journey across the Continents.

She filled the System's database a lot, then found a perfect race for Lily, but she is in doubt how much weaker it will be, but it shouldn't be too much, as even the weakest Demons are still strong compared to humans. .

Now Luria...

[Luria asked for a body restructuring, not being happy with his lean physique, thus returning to what he was before Chi Cultivation!]

"That!" -Adriana shouted happily as she raised her arms, she always loved muscles, of course, she loved Luria the perfect way she was, but those muscles just thinking about it made her drool!

"I want to see who will have the best muscles!" - Adriana said touching his biceps and stroking his abs.

She was smiling, but it was finally time for the price to summon them!

[Luria Whinter, Ice Elf(Uncommon) Level 10: Paladin]

[Summon Cost: C$10,000,000]

[Ikiria, Human(Common) Level 10: Ninja]

[Summon Cost: C$5,000,000]

[Lily, Lesser Demon(Uncommon) Level 10: Demon Sorceress]

[Summon Cost: C$15,000,000]

"C$30,000,000? It's not much, I can get it in a few months, but why is Ikiria so cheap? What prejudice is this?!" - Adriana frowned, unhappy with this difference in prices.

[Luria is an Ice Elf, her race alone has advantages linked to the cold environment, as well as the life expectancy is longer than humans!]

[Lily is a Lesser Demon, her race is born with great physical and magical ability, having many evolution options!]

[Ikiria is an ordinary Human from now on, with no racial advantage!]

"but what about those Classes? I get Luria being a Paladin and Lily being a Demon Sorceress but Ninja?!" - Adriana was confused reading this.

[The choice of Classes was allowed for the 3, these were your choices!]

"..." - Adriana was speechless, soon giving a light laugh, she really loves Ikiria.


Knowing what she needs to call her wives, Adriana started to plan, it's the year 2005, she doesn't remember that time very well, since she didn't live in this world and doesn't even know how the world's finances are working properly.

She knows a few things, about economic crises, some currencies that will be overvalued in the future and the like, but it will take years to make her any massive profits.

What's worse is that she focused a lot on learning about the 2020s, since that's the time she appears in the world, but she didn't expect the System to do that.

Whatever the case, Adriana has 80,000 Credits in the bank to use, she'll turn that into millions!

But soon she gave up, it will take a long time and she will have to focus on that, she currently wants to level up, since if it's really 2005, it means that it's a time where the Paranormal is stronger and being taken care of, since technology has started to fall into more civilian hands and spreading information became easier.

As such, this is the time when the Golden Order is at its busiest.

So for starters, Adriana decided to go buy some supplies to spend a few months in isolation, to reach Level 50 or 100, not to mention recovering several skills!

Adriana has a lot to do and she has made up her mind, her focus of power will be [Aura], as Chi will have even more restrictions, as well as to accumulate it, she will need time, just like ordinary Cultivators.

As such, Adriana won't waste time cultivating, even though she worshiped Chi, as the System won't compensate Chi Energy with Attribute Points, whatever!

And this was also another factor that prevented her from getting stronger, too many energies within her body, preventing her from transcending to a higher degree of power.

But here it will be different, she will use the [Aura] which is linked to Mana(MP) and Stamina(SP), all she will need to do is train the Aura Skill and that's it!

In addition to supplies, Adriana also thought of a Weapon, which she wants to use, with her current body, she can become a Boxer, but it would be kind of a waste.

She thought of making her body extremely tough like in the past, training Martial Arts a lot, but with a weapon and she's thinking of something heavier!

Adriana doesn't really like the Sword, it's very clich, as well as the Spear, even though it's less clich.

She also has the Glaive, a Spear Sword, very cool, but it's even more clichd than just the Spear.

She wants a simple yet powerful weapon, so she thought of Axes, Flails and Clubs, or she might invent a magic weapon in the future, but that's farther in the future.

For now, these are the 3 options, where Adriana found herself going to buy an Axe, as it is the easiest to get at the moment.

Adriana bought it at a general merchandise market, where practically everything is sold, buying a fire axe, much used by firefighters, the price was C$59.99, which is very cheap, thinking about the future, where this should cost a few 90~120 Credits.

She looked at her information:

[Fire Ax Common]

- Category: Weapon / Ax

- Damage: 4 (Damage Margin: 2~6)

- Scaling: Strength(STR)

Before there were many categories of items and it was confusing to some extent, but now it's different, items will no longer have bonuses on Attributes, at least not fixed bonuses of +1 or +10, but it may have percentage, but it will depend a lot on the item in question. question.

And now there are only 2 Item Categories and the System explained it to you well, being the [Normal Items], like the ax in front of you, where the Rarity varies from Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Mystic, standard of many games.

What affects in addition to the Damage or Defense varying from the item, would be the amount of Special Effects, which can be something passive or active, from greater bleeding damage, more pain and etc.

The other type would be the [Artifacts], which have a much higher percentage bonus, but they are not categorized and Rarities, but Tiers, ranging from 0 to 6!

Artifacts are much more powerful now and their range of effect is more focused on certain effects, it won't have something like Damage or Defense, but likely if it's a weapon or armor, it will have a bonus in Damage or Defense based on the Attributes of Strength(STR) or Stamina(RES).

Not to mention that now the Artifacts have something more, it would be "beyond reality", being able to cover more types of strangeness, effects that would normally be unthinkable, are now possible.

It could be said that Artifacts are things that go against reality as a whole, how the System came to be able to create such things is still a big mystery, but the important thing is that it is capable!

And her Damage using the ax is 4~13, which is pretty good since she's Level 1.

After shopping, spending a little over 900 Credits, Adriana looked at her "Cell Phone", which was a mechanism that the System created to help her manage her Bank Account, as problems arose in Version 2.0, about where she came from took so much money.

Not to mention that some asked where she had withdrawn millions without notifying the bank or anything like that, as a result, she told everyone to fuck off and no one dared ask for an explanation, since Adriana was practically a Goddess in that world.

It's not wrong to say that if she appears on some TV show and ends up saying that she doesn't like some company or product, the company or product manufacturers could literally go bankrupt!

Anyone would do anything to get into her eyes, gain her favor and friendship, as Adriana has been shown to be able to make an ordinary person have astounding power more than once, of course, it was a simple matter for her to give a few elixirs that would make anyone go from Level 1 to 100!

But now she doesn't have all that power and authority, so it's better to avoid problems, that's why this cell phone created by the System for this single function.

Adriana was sitting in her house, looking at her [Inventory] full of the items she will use, then asked about the Worlds the System is creating.

[It is recommended to reach Level 10 first before thinking about exploring any of the Worlds!]

"Okay, do you have any special recommendations?" - Asked Adriana smiling.

[It depends, what do you want to focus your development and growth on?]

"Right now I just want to Level up and acquire essential Skills!" - Adriana said thoughtfully.

[If applicable, I recommend creating a Scenario Dungeon, where you can adjust the time up to 5 times, thus receiving rewards in EXP, Items and even Skills!]

Adriana thought about the times she tested a Scenario Dungeon, there are several types, the restricted ones, which give greater rewards, where they limit your power and make you go through certain scenarios.

But there are those where they only create a challenge that can be adjusted to the difficulty, to receive rewards and can be repeated as many times as you want.

The System even has some saved scenarios, which were some of her fights, like against a certain Blood Elf, a Giant Ice King, an Orc Marshal frighteningly powerful, but insignificant in the face of her overwhelming power!

She can take on such individuals if she so chooses, but it's obvious that with her current strength, that would be suicide!

"System, maybe you have some Real Scenarios?" - Asked Adriana with something in mind.

[Elaborate your question!]

"Since you're creating multiple worlds, it means you're taking a very broad view of them and their situations, so you couldn't select a specific event and make it a Scenario, adjust its difficulty and give me a quest, I think it will be easier than spending more energy creating the scenery." - Adriana said calmly.


" ok" - Adriana said with a pout and soon started to think about what would be better, naturally she doesn't want a riddle scenario, she doesn't like to use her head very much.

That is, obviously she chose a combat scenario and then the System showed her several scenarios for her current level, it was even demarcated in colors of Green, White, Yellow, Orange and Red!

Difficulty levels, obviously!

Adriana knows that she has attributes that should belong to a Level 20, the problem is that everything is balanced, so she doesn't have the strength of a true Level 20.

Therefore, she decided on a Yellow difficulty.

[Scenario Quest!]

[Title: Goblin Extermination!]

[Type: Combat] [Difficulty: Normal/Hard(Yellow)]


- Goblins, Lv.1~6 (0/30)

- Great Goblins, Lv.8~12 (0/3)

- Goblin Shaman, Lv.15 (0/1)


- Significant amount of EXP!

- C$500~2,500

- More rewards depend on the final evaluation!

Adriana looked at the mission, not finding it difficult, Goblins are very weak creatures, the problem is in their numbers, but she is particularly used to facing large numbers of enemies.

This is due to the fact that she doesn't find any enemies to match, even inside the Dungeons, so she started to have fun in war scenarios, or her against entire armies!

So Adriana accepted this Scenario without any problems and is now here, in what appears to be a village from the Middle Ages.

There are a few people around, they all seem to be very attentive and afraid.

'System are they real people?'- Asked Adriana in surprise, this is the first time she has met people within the Scenarios.

[The System has made a breakthrough in creating artificial intelligence, so treat them like NPCs, but are identical to real people!]

'I see... can I technically bring some of them with me?' - Adriana asked curiously.

[It won't be possible, because their bodies don't have a soul and are only being maintained by energy, if the energy runs out, they will magically disappear!]

Adriana understood and decided to ignore it, but the System said something she should be careful of.

[All NPCs still have a varied intelligence level created for the Scenario, if the Player says what they are about, the System will not be responsible for what the NPCs can do!]

'Wait, you mean they believe they're real?'

[This is a Scenario simulating reality, what would be the fun of them knowing that they are fake and only serve for the benefit and growth of those who challenge their Scenario?]

Adriana didn't say anything else, which made her very thoughtful.

"Oh, adventurer, finally our request has been accepted, thank you very much!" -An elderly man who was practically crying with joy went to Adriana, holding one of her hands.

"No problem, how about letting me know where the creatures are?" - Asked Adriana a little awkwardly.

"But of course, follow me, I'll show you where these things always come from to torment us!" - Said the Chief of the Village walking in a hurry.

Soon they arrived at a house with a big pile of firewood, there is fresh blood on the floor.

"Here, there were frequent sightings of these despicable beings, but Homer, who is our lumberjack, always took care of 1 or 2 of them without problems, scaring anyone else, so it was never a big problem, at least until last week" - Sadness stamped across the man's face, followed by a tear that he quickly.

"Oh, old me getting sentimental, sorry. But Homer who was like a son to me ended up being brutally murdered by these things, I look forward to giving them the most brutal death possible!" - Said the Chief of the Village clenching his teeth angrily.

"Be assured that I will!" - Said Adriana, who was soon surprised, the old man spoke so well that she even got emotional.

The Village Chief smiled and said. - "I see that you use an ax as a weapon, wait a moment!"

He then ran into the house, soon coming back holding an axe, then said with emotion. - "That was that brute's favorite ax, I hope it's useful and that it helps you kill them all!"

Adriana was surprised to be given a weapon right off the bat, wondering if this was a System thing.

[Not! The System has nothing to do with this additional reward, this is purely at the will of the Village Head NPC!]

Adriana stopped thinking and said. - "I will accept it with pleasure!"

[Homer's Ax Common]

- Damage: 6 (Damage Margin: 3~9)

(Note: This ax has been swung by the Woodsman Homer for decades, with the death of its owner the ax cries out in bitter rage!)

- Special: +1~3 Damage to Goblin-Type creatures!

'But no fuck!' - Adriana was amazed that this ax has an effect, the Head of the Village smiled contentedly with her having accepted it.

And then he began to say where the Goblins most often appeared, explaining in as much detail as possible some places where they could be hiding.

On Adriana's [Map], several bluish circles began to appear in areas not yet discovered, points of interest to explore.

She particularly liked this new mechanic, it really feels like a game, so she thanked the Village Chief and went with her new ax replacing the previous one, or it will deal 7~19 Damage!

Damage Margin: Base Number + Strength (or attribute the weapon scales), so with the sum, we will have -50%~+50%.

Example: 14 + 12 Strength = 26 = 13~39 Damage margin!

(Note: There are Artifacts or Special Effects that can increase the minimum Damage dealt in percentage, with a maximum of 100%, that is, each hit will be the maximum of the Damage Range!)@@novelbin@@

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