Chapter 10
Chapter 10
If compared to something, it was like the middle of a forest that was dense and grown thick with trees. Or maybe, a maze that was left for several thousand years without a custodian.
If a Human were to visit this Moul Labyrinth, they would probably harbor such an impression.
Ivy and plants that cover the stone underground walls.
Tree roots that overhang the walls as if to suppress them.
In this underground place, that sort of stuff entered Ninos field of view.
However, Nino displayed no sort of reaction to that.
At most, it was a labyrinth where the Majin used magical power to forcibly apply decorations in order to appease their own preferences.
Without saying any reasons that would only add on to the list of likely reasons, she didnt feel the need to even understand.
Its an invader!?
Is it an invader!?
Its a woman!?
While raising worthless shouts, three Goblins jumped out from the crossroad ahead.
Wielding rusted iron swords so as to be intimidating, they unanimously shouted things.
There was no mistake that those Goblins are Goblins employed at this Moul Labyrinth.
Although it was good that they were given iron swords that didnt suit them, maybe they were negligent in the maintenance, or maybe they were unable to understand the method of maintaining them to begin withIt was probably something like that.
Then again, even if they had sparkling iron swords, it did not change the Goblins fate.
Nino shined the curved swords that were in both of her hands.
In the way. Same even if resist. Will be destroyed.
She did not stop moving forward.
She did not lose any of her walking speed.
There was not a speck of hesitation.
Nino walked and passed through the gap of the Goblins that were shouting, going *Kii kii*.
A passing breeze, and a twinkling light.
Nino thought that they stood in just the right spots.
Her right hand and her left hand, she made a small sweep with each of them once.
With only that, the heads of the three Goblins danced in the air. Together with the sound of her curved swords being sheathed into their scabbards, the Goblin bodies collapsed to the ground, but Nino didnt have any strong feelings about it.
If its on the level of Goblins, since they would without a doubt die if their heads flew, she didnt feel the necessity to go out of her way to turn around and check.
The Goblins just now came from the rightIn that case, its to the left.
While muttering that, Nino turned left at the crossroad.
Even if someone were to ask her to explain how she came to that conclusion, Nino was unable to.
The words that she muttered just now, they were given nothing more than It felt like that-kind of feeling.
However, Nino was a young woman that moved while leaving it all to her instinct.
It was simply that sort of thing.
Nn, a stairway.
When she made a satisfied-looking smile on her mouth, Nino went down the stairway.
The level that she descended to, as expected, it had a view that had no difference from the upper level whatsoever.
Then again, even if it had changed, there was no change to Ninos displeased-looking expression.
*Kotsun kotsun* Nino walked without any intention of hiding her reverberating footsteps.
Without paying attention to the surroundings at all, she continued on without minding the ivy and trees that unnaturally interrupted the passages.
Because of that, she didnt notice the magic trap that was placed there in order to consign intruders to oblivion.
The center of the passage
The moment that Nino tread her foot there, an alarm going *bii, bii* echoed, and spearhead-looking things made from stone came flying towards Nino from both walls all at once.
It was a deadly trap meant to entomb those that reached this far.
The Beastia that learned of its activation with the alarm sound shuffled about and gathered.
Another fool was caught up in it.
Such an unnatural wall, even I wouldve thought it was suspicious.
Possessing wolf heads and hairy bodies that was similar to wolf fur, the Beastia approached the trap while saying such things.
Their leather armor and iron swords were, as expected, goods supplied from the master of the Moul Labyrinth similar to the ones the Goblins had.
Clad in those well maintained equipment, the Beastia arrived at the location while thinking that it was strange that there wasnt the smell of bloodand raised surprised voices.
What the heck is that!
Nn, in the way.
Ninos mutter entered the ears of the Beastia who had expressed befuddled faces.
What was there was Ninos figure without a single wound.
And then, countless pebbles were scattered about.
Even the Beastia understood that she did not dodge the spearheads.
However, they were unable to understand what she did.
The reason the Beastia assembled was to do nothing more than to dispose of the corpse.
It wasnt to look at such an ambiguous spectacle.
Because of that, not a single one of them arrived at the thought of drawing their swords.
You, what did you, do?
Cut it.
With those words, the black-haired Beastia at the lead finally understood what she had done.
She cut up the trap.
She cut up all of the countless spears that were unleashed at high speed that would normally create situation of one being full of holes.
The countless pebbles that were scattered about displayed that it was not a bluff.
That was the ruins of the spears.
Even if they were told to do the same thing in the same situation, the Beastia shouldnt be able to do it.
The black haired wolf BeastiaAulock announced that to Nino.
I am, Aulokk. You are?
As if crazy about something, Aulokk drew near to Nino.
The curved swords that were Ninos hands shined.
While the other Beastia stepped back out of fear of those, only Aulokk drew closer to Nino with unsteady steps.
Doing that, he stood in right in front of Nino.
While the other Beastia gulped with nervousness, Aulokk got down to one knee.
And then, looking up at Nino, Aulokk shouted as if he were delirious with fever.
NinoNino. Ive fallen for you, I love you! Please become my mate!
Dont wanna.
While the other Beastia solidified from the shocking confession, Nino kicked Aulokks chin up.
Aulokk went face up just like that, and came down and fell over with a sprawled out pose.
However, when he immediately got up, he clung onto Ninos feet while still on his hands and feet.
Why! I dont mean to boast, but I groom my fur with orange juice everyday! Even prey, Ill procure a lot of it for you! Even my fur, its black without a single mix of anything else!
Dont wanna.
Nino stepped on Aulokk that was clinging onto her.
The stepped Aulokk desperately shouted despite that.
Are you worried about the difference in our races! Its alright! Its because Ill murder anyone that has a problem with it!
Dont wanna.
While being ground and trampled under her foot, Aulokk shouted with teary eyes.
Then starting from friends! No, even from being acquaintances is fine! Please!
Having the word pitiful come to her, Nino finally removed her foot there.
Right at that moment, Aulokk used all of the strength in his body and got up.
So I got you to understand!
Nino pointed her finger at Aulokk who was expressing a whole faced smile on his wolf face.
Dont know. But, if you swear loyalty to Demon King-sama, wont destroy you, maybe.
If I swear, will you become my mate!
How about friend!
How about acquaintance
There, Nino had her gaze wander about as if worrying over itand then muttered a few words.
Well, thats fine.
Although she implied a feeling of it wont become anything more than that though, she answered like that.
After Aulokk made a fist pump without noticing her real intentions, he bared his ferocious fangs at the other Beastia that were still befuddled.
Hey, dammit! You guys also better listen to what my Nino say-guu.
Being kicked in between the thighs, Aulokk crumbled down and started to twitch and tremble.
When Nino stepped on Aulokk with her foot, she asked the Beastia while still expressing a displeased look.
Since its interesting, maybe Nino will endorse you to Demon King-sama. What will you do?
The Beastia murmured.
However, they already lost the will to oppose her.
A total of twelve Beastia.
All of them changed sides as Ninos subordinates.
Chapter 11
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