Chapter 30: Welcome to the Prison!
Chapter 30: Welcome to the Prison!
Hugo Coppelius was born as the third son of a poor shoemaker.
His home environment was bad and day after day, he endured abuse from his father and brothers, and staved off hunger with only broth.
When Hugo went for the free appraisal provided by the country when he was ten years old, he was discovered to have the Job of Puppeteer.
With a surprised expression, the Appraiser gave an explanation about the Puppeteer Job in an excited tone. According to his explanation, Puppeteer was apparently a rare Job called a Dual Job.
It was a very special Job that had the characteristics of both combat type Jobs and production type Jobs, which normally never intersected.
However, that didn't necessarily mean that Puppeteer would be useful for Hugo's life just because it was a rare Job. If anything, because the common Jobs had been systemized through the research of their predecessors and there were also a lot of instructors for those Jobs, it was easier for beginners who had them to improve their abilities.
Conversely, people with rare Jobs had the major disadvantage of having to improve their abilities mostly through their own efforts.
Of course, Puppeteer was also that kind of Job. However, even thought his Job had only just been discovered, Hugo was able to intuitively understand how to handle it.
When he tried activating his Skills as a test, an army of puppets appeared in an instant. The Appraiser was even more surprised and praised Hugo as a genius. There were very few people who could handle their Skills so freely and perfectly from the start.
It was at that moment that Hugo felt as if he understood his place in the world.
When he was on his way back after the appraisal was over, Hugo decided to run away immediately without returning home. He decided to leave the city where he was born and set out on an aimless journey.
It was pure madness for a 10 year old child to set out on a journey alone.
As a matter of fact, he was attacked countless times by bandits, wild beasts and Monsters, and had even suffered from food poisoning and illnesses. But all of that was overcome by the strength of his Puppeteer Job.
After surviving several nights, Hugo began to think that he should take advantage of his high fighting abilities and started to make a living by exterminating Monsters. He became an official Seeker after he reached adulthood.
Although he didn't go to a training school, his abilities had already surpassed other rookies, and he piled up many achievements from the day he registered.
But Hugo never belonged to any particular party or clan
There was a type of Seeker called the migratory bird.
They basically specialized in working solo, and they would only join as a temporary helper during party activities. They drifted place to place, never setting down roots. That was what the migratory bird was.
Hugo was a migratory bird. Despite being an incredible Seeker, he mainly worked solo, and would work together with each of the many local parties in the various lands only once. That was how Hugo worked as a Seeker.
Because he had chosen from a young age to lead a life without relying on anyone, he also hated forming groups. But beyond that, the most important reason was that he didn't intend to work as a Seeker for long. Hugo had other dreams.
Hugo, known far and wide for being an excellent Seeker, was visited by headhunters every day from various parties and clans. He had even been invited by the strongest clan in the imperial capital, the 1st Star of Regalia,Supreme Dragon Squad, but of course he politely refused.
When Hugo was twenty years old, because of his work up till then, he had amassed a huge fortune. The reason why he had desperately scrimped and saved to scrape together so much money was to make his dream come true.
Hugo purchased an atelier for making dolls in a corner of the imperial capital. It was Hugo's long-standing dream to live his life creating hand-crafted artistic ornamental dolls rather than the rough soldier puppets for combat that he created through his Skills.
In the first place, Hugo was the type of man who didn't like conflict. Because he had been subjected to unreasonable abuse when he was young, it could be said that he hated conflict in and of itself. That was also why he was reluctant to continue working as a Seeker.
Hugo, whose dream had come true, devoted himself industriously to making dolls. And the finished products flew off the shelves. The more he made, the more the people who wanted them appeared. Requests for making the dolls came not only from men and women of all ages living in the imperial capital, but also arrived from people living in distant foreign countries.
Of course, Hugo's dolls were much more intricate than other dolls, but the reason why they were so loved above all else was because they held a mysterious charm.
All who picked up his dolls said the same thing. That when they looked at these dolls, they felt a warmth and an urge to cherish their families in their hearts.
Hugo hadn't intended for them to give that kind of impression at all. He was only making them as he wanted, but he must have unconsciously infused such thoughts in his dolls. Perhaps it was because he never knew familial love, but he had probably infused in them an ideal that he hadn't been able to experience without realizing it.
It was ironic to Hugo and he had mixed feelings about it, but he had no complaints about his work being valued. Artists that were widely valued were extremely rare. Most artists disappeared without ever becoming known to others and some were only valued late in their life or after they had died.
The young and successful Hugo was undoubtedly loved by the god of art.
But it seemed that Hugo was not loved by the god of fate--
On that day, Hugo was on his way to deliver a completed doll to his client. Although it was limited to within the imperial capital, the 22 year old Hugo took pleasure in hand-delivering the dolls, which were like his children, to his clients without relying on a delivery company.
Upon entering the luxurious mansion that belonged to his client, Hugo--lost consciousness there.
When he came to, he found himself collapsed on the floor inside the mansion and his surroundings were soaked in copious amounts of blood. And right in front of his eyes were his client's entire family and their servants' corpses.
The corpses corpses had been mutilated horribly. Specifically, their skin had been stripped off and affixed to mannequins like how a taxidermist would stuff an animal. And the contents of the corpses were scattered all around Hugo.
While Hugo was stunned with shock at the much too abnormal circumstances, the military police had appeared immediately. Apparently, someone who had passed by in front of the mansion had heard screams and had reported it.
Hugo was arrested as the culprit in this horrifying incident.
Of course, he desperately claimed his innocence in both the interrogations and the trials. However, his claims were disregarded and Hugo was sentenced to death after several trials
There was no evidence at the scene of the crime that showed the presence of any culprit other than Hugo. The judge concluded that Hugo had become mentally ill from making too many dolls, which resulted in him committing that atrocious act.
The news that Hugo was now on death row spread immediately throughout the imperial capital. The various newspapers wrote sensationalized articles about the bizarre crimes of the genius doll maker and referred to Hugo by this name:
The worst grotesque murderer in recent years, the Leather Mask(Blood-Covered Taxidermist).
The prison cell was dark and damp. The stone walls and floor were hard and cold. There was no such thing as a bed, only casually placed straw. And a bucket for defecation.
In a corner of this prison cell, sat Hugo Coppelius.
His previously highly touted handsome visage was nowhere to be found. His hair and beard had grown unchecked and his body had become thin and weak. His appearance in his rag-like clothes was closer to that of a zombie than a vagabond.
Two years had passed since then.
In reality, the current Hugo was just like a zombie. He had lost his will to live, and didn't even budge an inch when a fly stopped on his face.
The death sentence had not yet been executed as the Appraiser Guild was investigating Hugo's Job for academic research.
But the two-year investigation was finally coming to an end. When it did, Hugo's sentence would probably be executed promptly.
He was no longer afraid to die. Rather, he couldn't wait.
Number 103! Get up! You have a visitor!
After that unexpected yell, the guard opened the prison door.
Hurry up and stand!
Pulled up forcibly by the guard, Hugo reluctantly stood up. The guard carefully checked the collar fitted on his neck.
The collar was an item made from Beast materials and had the effect of causing the consumed magic power to run amok whenever the wearer attempted to use a Skill. In other words, instead of being able to use the Skill, the out-of-control magic power would cause indescribable pain.
Alright, no problems with the collar. Let's go!
Hugo's hands were tied with a rope, and then he was pulled along by the guard.
The meeting room that they arrived at was separated by thick iron bars. His visitor was already sitting on the other side of the bars.
I'll allow you a five-minute visit starting now! Don't cause trouble!
The guard stood in the corner of the room and urged Hugo forward with his jaw. Hugo sighed and then sat in a chair in front of the visitor.
......It's you again, Noel Stollen
On the other side of the bars, Noel smiled audaciously.
Hugo, did you lose more weight? I know that the food here is worse than pigs' leftovers, but you still need to eat properly. I'll be troubled if you die
So that I can become your ally after you get me out of here?
Hugo sighed again at the cheerful response.
This was the third time Noel had come to visit. It was letters before that. The subject was always the same. "I'll get you out of here, so become my ally", he would say.
I've said countless times that that's impossible. My sentence has already been rendered. That authoritarian Justice Department will never overturn their judgment
There any number of ways to deal with something like that
Noel declared confidently.
Although Hugo was saying that it was impossible, he wasn't able to totally laugh it off. In the first place, the fact that Noel could easily meet with a death row inmate meant that he must have used some sort of back-door channel.
But he couldn't take Noel at his word just because of that.
Your face tells me that you don't believe me
That's only natural. I know that you're special. With that in mind, its still impossible to get me out of here
It's best that you don't underestimate me too much. The preparations to release you are already well under way. I'll show you a glimpse of my power
Noel suddenly snapped his fingers.
When he did so, a door on his side opened swiftly, and another guard ran in. That guard was infamous for inflicting unjust violence on prisoners. Hugo had also suffered at his hands many times.
D, did you call, Master Noel?
Understood! I'll bring it immediately!
The guard ran out again and then returned bringing a teacup on a saucer.
Sorry to keep you waiting! It's tea!
Hmm, good work. I'm done with you. Get out
Yes! I understand! Call me anytime if you have something you need!
The guard bowed politely and then left.
Noel sipped his tea gracefully in front of Hugo, who was dumbfounded.
Good tea leaves. They sure extorted a lot with the high taxes
......Unbelievable. Did you threaten that guard?
Thatis wrong
When Noel turned his gaze to the guard on Hugo's side, the guard's face turned blue and his teeth could be heard chattering.
All of the guards in this prison listen to what I say. Everyone from top to bottom
......What did you do?
Trade secret
He wasn't sure he understood, but he could tell that Noel was doing something on a grand scale. Maybe there was a chance that he might actually get out of here. But Hugo didn't feel particularly happy about that. He no longer had the will for that.
What's wrong? Aren't you happy?
......Supposing that I do get out of here, then I'll be very happy. But unfortunately, I still can't become your ally
First of all, I've hated the Seeker profession from the start. And above all, I have too long of a blank period. Even if I become your ally, I'm unlikely to be of any help
I'll make efforts to make you come to like it. I'll train you to fill in that blank period
......Don't say such absurd things. But if you get me out of here, it'll be a fact that I'll owe you much more than I can ever repay. So, at that time, please let me repay you in other ways
Hmpt, as if there are such other ways
Noel crossed his arms and snorted unhappily.
Well, fine. We'll revisit that topic another time. I've a small request for you today
Request? For me, in my current situation?
I plan to establish a clan in the near future. But the current party name is a bit unlucky. I was thinking of using this chance to change the name. So what I'm asking is, do you have any good ideas?
Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you think about it yourself?
Aren't you an artist? I'm asking because you seem like you would have some good ideas
That's what you say, but you aren't trying to make me feel attached to the clan by getting me to name it, are you?
Yes, I am. Is that bad?
Hugo frowned at Noel, who had easily and shamelessly confessed.
I won't think of a name for the clan
Come on, you're such a stingy guy
......You're a person who's like a snake. Cunning and merciless, you cajole people then swallow them whole. Seriously, what a terrifying young man
I'm a snake?
Noel raised one eyebrow in anger, but soon became absorbed in thought.
......No, a snake, I see. It's not bad. ......Hmm, not bad at all
What are you muttering about?
You gave me a good idea. Thanks, Hugo
For some reason, Hugo got thanked with a smile. When he tilted his head in bewilderment, Noel stood up.
It's about time for me to go back. By the way, if you say right here and now that you'll become my ally, I'll instruct them to improve your food. How about it?
No thank you
Hmpt, I'll come again. Until then, be well
After Noel, his visitor, had left, Hugo was brought back to his prison cell again.
Inside the dark cell, laughter suddenly bubbled up.
Hahaha, really, what a ridiculous young man
When he laughed, his dry lips tore and blood seeped out. How long had it been since he had laughed like that? Such human-like emotions eased his numbed heart.
Me, a Seeker again, huh......
A final POV chapter for Hugo to finish Part 1. Looks like itll still be a while before he joins. Is it just me, or am I the only one who isnt 100% convinced there isnt more to Hugos backstory?
A brand new clan name is coming! If you read back all the way from Noels arc, youll realize that the author has been setting up this snake reference throughout this entire Part 1 by sneaking in several snake references innocuously.
Translating this novel has truly been an interesting experience that has taught me a lot and allowed the introverted me to chat with many interesting people. I hope to be able to continue doing so and thus humbly ask that if you have enjoyed my work, to please consider supporting me on Patreon. Thank you so much in advance.
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