The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 38: Beyond Good and Evil

Chapter 38: Beyond Good and Evil

Were changing bars from today onward. Its a bar called the Rockbirds Beak

It was night, a time when Seekers were being boisterous in the bars. I had summoned Alma and Kouga, and informed them that we would be changing our meeting place from the Orcs Club to a new bar.

Rockbirds Beak? Wa, wait a minute, Noel. Isnt that the bar where all the top B Rank Seekers gather?

Oh, so you know it. Thats right

When I nodded, Kouga shrank back with bulging eyes.

A, are you serious? Im just a rookie Seeker, but even I know that there are entry restrictions based on achievements and Job Rank. For us, even if we went into the Rockbirds Beak, wont we just get chased out in the end?

Normally, yes. But theres a loophole for everything. Isnt that right, Alma?

Alma, who had demonstrated how it was done in the past, laughed and shrugged.

Itll be fine as long as the regulars recognize our strength, right? Like when I beat that monkey up. But I think that it would be difficult with our current strength if the opponent is one of the top B Rank Seekers. Noel has ranked up, but Kouga and I are still C Rank

The difference between C Rank and B Rank was not absolute, and if the conditions were in place, it was possible for a C Rank to beat a B Rank. However, due to the benefits received from the rank up, the one with the higher basic specifications would be the B Rank after all. Even if the C Rank used tactics for the fight, he would probably be easily defeated if he was brought into a simple contest of strength.

Then, even if you want to change our bar, wont it be better if we choose a bar that matches our stature?

I smiled and shook my head at Kouga, who was frowning with worry.

Rockbirds Beak is a bar that matches our stature. Theres no need to compromise

N, no, but

Well, just wait and see. Everyone will welcome us

I sped up my steps and the two of them followed behind me. Before long, our destination came into view. I opened the door of the bar without hesitation.

At a glance, I could tell that the people inside the bar were fierce, experienced fighters. The sense of intimidation that they gave off was incomparably stronger compared to those in the Orcs Club.

The gazes that were directed at us, who were newcomers to the bar, were mostly full of piercing hostility. Either that, or they were expectant gazes, looking forward to the trouble that we would cause.

Hey girlie, youre an unfamiliar face. Where are you from?

Approaching me with a vulgar smile was a large, hook-nosed man wearing black armor. His face, which was covered in scars, was proof that he had survived through numerous battles.

I'm not a girl. Im a man

A man? Huh? Youre calling yourself a man despite having a pretty face like that? Even if you have testicles, youre still a girlie

The big man stroked the scars on his face as if to show them off and looked down at me arrogantly. It felt like Kouga and Alma were going to pull out their weapons at any moment so I forestalled them with my hand.

So, youll be a man if you have scars on your face, is that it? Then, you must have really wanted to become a man. Have the testicles grown out properly, girlie?

What did you say, you dipshit

I laughed coldly at the big man, who had turned red with anger, and raised my voice so that everyone in the bar could hear me.

I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Noel Stollen, a Talker and the leader of Blue Beyond. From now on, I'll be frequenting this bar. Thank you for putting up with me

At my declaration, the surroundings were instantly in an uproar, and angry jeers started flying immediately.

Dont mess around, newcomer! Just who on earth will recognize you as a customer here!?

Blue Beyond is a party thats connected to the Yakuza, isnt it!? Do you think that there is a place for such jinxes here!?

With a shitty, small fry Job like Talker, dont jump to conclusions!

Theyre an eyesore, throw them out immediately!

With the crowd heaping abuse on us, the big man smirked triumphantly.

This is the consensus of everyone here. If you don't want to get hurt, get lost

Thats barbaric. But I dont hate simple things like that

Arent you acting really cool for the likes of a Talker? Okay, lets go outside. Ill take care of you all at once

When the big man indicated to the exit with his jaw, I stepped forward.

Are you going to deal with us by yourself? What great confidence, Edgar, raid captain of Metalhound Army. Youve been assigned an executive role in your clan, but youve done well to fulfill your duties so far despite having such sloppy observational skills

The big man--Edgar showed a daunted look, but quickly regained momentum.

Hmpt, are you trying to say that you have perfect countermeasures just because you know who I am? Thats soft, you amateur. Ill show you the difference in adaptability between you and I--

I cut short Edgar's smug words and whispered in a soft voice.

Bruno if it's a boy. Katya if it's a girl. Aren't those nice names? I can feel the love inside them


Edgar instantly froze in place and the color drained from his face. I took another step forward.

You haven't told your allies yet, right? That you're having a baby with the woman you're going out with. Congratulations, Edgar. Let me be the first to give you my blessings

H, how, did you find out about that

Trade secret. Rather than that, you were picking a fight with me, right?

I looked up at Edgar, beaming from ear to ear.

If thats what you want, I'll be your opponent. However, just remember this. If you want to pick a fight with me, youll have to put everything on the line

You, you fu

At my implicit threat to harm to his family, Edgar had a complicated expression that was a mix of anger and fear. Of course, I had no intention of doing such insignificant things.

However, to a fool like Edgar, who had the misconception that he was the only one who could unilaterally trample others underfoot, I knew from the start that this kind of threatening words would have an instant effect.

Theres a famous saying: the end justifies the means.

Hey Edgar! Whats wrong!?

Edgar's companions had noticed that there was something wrong and were starting to get up from their seats. It would be troublesome if his allies came over. Without a moments hesitation, I whispered to Edgar.

If your allies come over, Ill regard it as the signal to start the fight. I wonder if youve steeled your resolve?

D, don't come here! Its okay, I can deal with it by myself!

Edgar had obeyed obediently. Now that he had done that, he was no longer an enemy.

It seems like you want to avoid fighting with me. Thats a wise decision

You, you Demon

Demon, huh. It has a nice ring to it. It doesn't feel bad. By the way, if you have no further business with me, then you're in my way. Can you please move out of the way?


Edgar only ground his teeth and growled, but didn't move. I shrugged my shoulders, snorted in laughter, and then --I fixed him with a murderous glare.

Out of my way. I'll kill you


A shriek escaped from Edgars lips as he jumped out of the way. I boldly walked down the path that had opened up in front of me and sat down in an empty seat. With shocked expressions, Alma and Kouga also came in behind me.

The other Seekers had no choice but to acknowledge me for being able to silence Edgar. In their hearts, they probably detested us, but they understood that it was dangerous to recklessly tangle with me.

Edgar was one of the prominent heavy-hitters in the Rockbirds Beak. Normally, it would not be easy to make him back off. For me, who had done just that, there was probably no one who wanted to carelessly get involved with me and suffer a loss.

Noel, with what happened today, I finally understand. You're the scariest person Ive ever known

Its vexing but I feel the same. Noel, youre completely a villain

I smiled wryly at the two of them, who were expressing their earnest thoughts.

That's unexpected. There's no one who's kinder than me, you know?

As expected, eating and drinking at a new bar was novel and appetizing. For the sake of ingratiating ourselves with the boss of the bar, whom we would be imposing on from now on, we ordered only expensive food and drinks, so Alma and Kouga were in a good mood.

We had succeeded in entering the bar. But my most important objective had not yet been met. I kept an eye on the door of the bar as I sipped my wine.

Eventually, the door opened and new customers came in.

They've arrived, it's Sky Winged Knights

It was the first time I had laid eyes on them, but they looked just like their descriptions in Lokis information. With the leader, Leon, leading the way, he and his three allies entered the bar.

Now, how should I make contact with them?

As I was thinking about the various possible patterns, a completely unexpected development occurred.

Oh, it's Alma. Eh, weren't you a rookie? What are you doing here?

One of the party members, Ophelia, the elf, had reacted after seeing Alma.

Alma, is she an acquaintance?

Talk Skill: Link

After I sent that telepathic communication, Alma sent back a response.

Shes Leishas friend. I only met her once

Hmm. Leisha's friend, huh

Noel, be careful. That elf has a misunderstanding about Noel due to bad rumors. Theres a possibility that itll end up in a fight. Well, I dont particularly mind getting into a fight. I dont like her anyways because she slandered Noel


Misunderstanding, huh? That's convenient for me. It's ideal for sparking an incident.

Also, one more thing

There's more?

The word on the street is that Noel is a girl

Is, is that so?

That's inconvenient. Well, whatever. No, that's not good, is it?

Good evening, Ophelia

When Alma replied, Ophelia approached our table.

Are these two people Alma's allies?


Hmm Theyre both unfamiliar faces. Im surprised that all of you didnt get chased out

Everyone was so kind. They welcomed us with a smile and even gave us sweets

Ophelia furrowed her brow. It was clear that what Alma had said was a lie. It was faint, but I felt wariness mixed with hostility from her.

Speaking of which, I didn't ask you for your party's name, did I?

That's right. My party is Blue Beyond

What did you say!?

Alma giggled at the surprised Ophelia.

Sorry, Ophelia. For keeping quiet about it

Th, then, that woman over there is your leader?

As she had pointed at me, I nodded diligently.

Yes, I'm the leader, Noel Stollen. In addition, let me make a correction. I'm a man, not a woman. Never forget it since this is your last warning

Noel StollenSo, youre that

She must have heard very atrocious rumors about me. Ophelias face was clearly showing hostility. She was hostile and disgusted to the extent that it felt like she would shoot me with her bow at any moment.

Oh dear, what a scary face. Is there something that you want to say to me?

......Nothing in particular. If you're so concerned, why don't you put your hand over your heart and listen?

I put my hand over my heart as instructed, and then tilted my head.

I can only hear the sound of my heart though?

A man who sold his allies into slavery, youve got some nerve saying something like that

Ohh, is that what youre talking about? They were good nourishment for me because they were sold at a high price to the Yakuza. As expected, allies are the most valuable assets, am I right?


The moment the enraged Ophelia reached out to grab me, Kouga kicked aside his chair and stood up. His hand rested on the handle of his blade.

Elf lady, violence is bad. Even if he's like this, he's my important boss. If you want to do that, you had better have an appropriate amount of resolve

What a loyal dog. You're wasted on a leader who sold his allies into slavery

You can say whatever you want about me. But, you better choose your next words wisely. --Don't make me draw my blade


At Kougas intimidation, Ophelia flinched. To be able to overwhelm an opponent of a higher Rank, as I thought, this man was outstanding.

By the way, Alma had stood up at the same time, but she had smashed her nose into the back of Kouga's armor and was bleeding from her nose. She currently had her head back and was looking at the ceiling with tears in her eyes in order to stop her nosebleed.

Ophelia, is something wrong?

The leader, Leon, had come over with a worried expression to see what was going on.

Your ally suddenly reached out to grab me

When I answered first, Ophelias face turned crimson, but she closed her mouth as she couldn't refute what I said.

Is that true, Ophelia?

S, sorry. The blood kind of rushed to my head

I see

Leon turned to me and bowed gracefully.

Our member did something inexcusable. I'm really sorry

I don't particularly care. But, you better discipline her properly so that it doesnt happen again. Even dogs stop attacking people once theyre trained. Are your allies lower than dogs?

Lower than dogs, you said?

Terrifying anger was boiling up. Leon, who had raised his head, had a presence like a fierce god.

Those words youve just said, can you take them back?

Are you going to take a defiant attitude now? You have such great sense of morality, dont you?

I apologize for being rude. Ill lower my head as many times as you want. But, nevertheless, that shouldn't be a good reason for you to insult Ophelia

In short, you want make it so that both parties are in the wrong. What a schemer you are. As expected from the great leader of Sky Winged Knights, the strongest party among B Ranks

When I made cynical remarks with a sarcastic tone, Leon frowned in displeasure.

You are

Leon, theres no point in talking seriously with him. Because this guy is that infamous Noel Stollen. As expected, it looks like those rumors were all true

At Ophelias words, Leon nodded, in surprise and also in agreement with her.

I see, so you're that

To think that you like to gossip, youre just like a girl. Do the members of Sky Winged Knights play house as a side job? Or maybe you play with dolls?

You're the worst. Those who cannot value their allies aren't qualified as Seekers

I inadvertently burst out in laughter at Leon's entertaining speech.

If you're talking about my qualifications, it has been issued to me ages ago. Or is it useless unless I get your approval? Dear me, I hadnt noticed. Apparently, Sky Winged Knights aren't just at the top of all Seekers, but it seems like theyre even in a position where they have power over the Seeker Guild

You can continue living your life by insulting others like that. But, one day, you'll receive your just deserts

Oh my, have you become God this time? You're a little bit too haughty. It's better for you to know your place. Otherwise, one day, you'll receive your just deserts

When I parroted back his words, Leons shoulders trembled in rage, but he said nothing more. He turned on his heel quietly and left the bar.

Leon, wait a minute!

Ophelia chased after him. Their other allies, who had finally noticed that something was going on, followed behind Ophelia and left the bar too.

Shall I give both of you the answer from that time?

When I said that without preamble, Alma and Kouga tilted their heads.

What are you talking about?What happened?

I'm talking about the method to earn huge achievements quickly. ......Surely the two of you haven't forgotten about it, have you?

The two of them were shaking their head vigorously, but I couldnt help feeling doubtful. They had forgotten, hadn't they?

In the first place, achievements are relative. They only have meaning when theyre compared to someone elses. In other words, if we can prove that we're better than other outstanding Seekers, it will be considered an achievement

Oh, I think I got it

Alma muttered, then showed a troubled smile.

Noel is an evil person after all

Eh, what do you mean? I don't understand

Kouga was slow on the uptake, so I continued the explanation for his sake.

Beasts cant be cajoled by my verbal skills. But its different for people. No matter how strong a person is, the moment hes ruined, the fall is instantaneous. Then, youre free to do whatever you wish to him

Oh, I think I understand too

Kouga, who had finally understood, made an expression like he had swallowed something bitter.

Noel is an evil person after all. In short, what you're saying is that in order to earn achievements, it's easier to target people rather than Beasts, right?


I raised my finger and smiled cheerfully.

I'll have Sky Winged Knights become our stepping stone

The title of this chapter is 99.99% a reference to Nietzsches book, Jenseits von Gut und Bse(Beyond Good and Evil), published in 1886, which critisizes the philosophers of his time for using the traditional dogmatic premises when considering morality and how they framed things as good person vs evil person. His book talks about denying a universal morality for all human beings and going beyond good and evil and considering perspectives from the person. In other words, what is good and evil cannot be universally applied based on norms imposed by others and they depend on the situation and perspective of the person.

To portray what he is saying in simple terms, let's say there were 2 men who both killed someone. One of them did it in cold blood for selfish reasons but the other did it accidentally while trying to protect others. You cannot slap the same label of "evil" for taking another human's life on both men and give them the same punishment, but must consider their situation and perspective. Kinda the basis of the justice system, huh?

And of course, it's really the theme of this novel, isn't it? What Noel does is evil to others but we all know that he's mostly bluffing and putting up a front and not actually evil at heart. Right? RIGHT!!??
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