The Vampire King's Possession

Chapter 45: 45. Falling Chair

Chapter 45: 45. Falling Chair

The guards immediately stood to their feet as he walked in, and the rest of the servants bowed. Mauve did not know what to do and she seemed to be the only one not paying any respects so she stood to her feet.

Jael pulled his seat and sat with a loud sound. Mauve sat down too and that was when she realized nobody had moved. Confused about what to do, she stood to her feet again causing the seat to fall.

Mauve reddened and tried to pick up the chair, but it fell out of her hands with a loud sound. Mauve was on the verge of tears at this point. She tried again and it fell, Mauve wanted to roll into a ball and die. 

The eyes on her back made it seven times worse, she could hear their laughs even though the hall was quiet. She should give up at this point, she knew especially since her vision was blurry but somehow she couldn't stop, not when the chair was still lying on the floor.

She heard a familiar chuckle and a guard rushed forward and lifted the chair upright. Mauve couldn't even say thanks, why didn't he help her before she embarrassed herself? She dropped with a plop on the chair, she did not care if she wasn't supposed to sit yet but she knew if she stood any longer her legs could fail her.

Mauve slowly lifted her head to see Jael looking at her with an amused expression, she immediately brought her head down. He must think she was pretty stupid. She would blame him.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw him wave his hand downwards and the guards said, "Sire," in unison before they retook their seats.

The servants moved quickly, setting up the plates and dishing out the meals. Mauve's mouth watered as she watched, she didn't even know she was this hungry. Her eyes scanned the table, making sure to make no eye contact as she studied them.

She did not want to make a move before anybody else, she wanted to make sure she won't embarrass herself further. It was pure willpower that was keeping her glued to her seat, she wanted to run away from this place and never return.

She wondered why she felt this self-conscious and nervous. She had eaten with Jael before and nothing this horrible ever happened. She didn't even have to worry about doing something wrong.

She sighed and tried to forget what had happened, she tried to concentrate on the meal in front of her and how she was going to devour it. 

Jael leaned forward, picked up his cutlery, and dug into his food. She looked at the rest of the people at the table and saw that they were eating too, only then did she begin to eat. 

Mauve took her first spoon and almost made satisfactory noises but thankfully, she was able to stop herself in time. She chewed slowly and swallowed.

"Where is Lady Jevera?" Erick suddenly asked halfway through the meal.

Mauve's head jerked up as her mind did some calculations. She quickly brought her head down but her ears were wide open as she listened to the conversation unashamedly. After all, if it was private, Erick wouldn't be discussing this during the second meal.


"I said, where is Lady Jevera?" He asked again, his pitch was slightly higher but not enough to cause a scene.

A servant stepped forward, "She left for the Lord's house as soon as she returned from the human kingdom." The servant said, her voice sounding a little shaky.

Mauve studied her face, she recognized the servant. She was the other female servant. She had her head down as she spoke to Erick.

"Did she say when she would return?" Erick asked.

The maid shook her, "No," she left without prior notice and had not informed the Sire she was leaving."

"Was she accompanied?" 

"Erick!" Danag called.

The maid nodded, "Luthan and Phill accompanied her. They returned the same night. According to them, she had arrived at Lord Levaton's castle without incident."

"I see," he said and waved his hand. The maid took a step back. "Why did you let her go?" Erick asked, he glared at Jael as he spoke.

"Erick!" Danag called. "Control yourself."

Jael continued his meal as though he had not heard any part of the conversation.

Mauve saw Erick's temple visibly tic. "Your grace," he called.

Jael slowly lifted his head to look at Erick, feigning ignorance. "Yes, Erick. How can I be of help to you?" He dropped his cutlery and leaned forward.

"Why did you let her go?" Erick asked again.

Jael raised a brow, "And who might you be asking about?" He picked up the knife and fork and sliced the steak.

"Lady Jevera."

"Are you deaf, Erick?"

He closed his eyes, "No, Sire."

"I beg to differ because unless I am the deaf one, you must have heard Yasmin. Your cousin is her own vampire, she can leave without my permission just like she moved in without it."

"Yes, Sire." Erick bowed his head.

"Danag," Jael called softly.

"Yes," The head guard replied.

"I understand he holds your reins now and no longer the other way around but I would prefer it if it doesn't exceed outside your private space. It doesn't look good when he doesn't listen to you."

Danag stood to his feet and slammed the table. Mauve jerked in fright but at least she didn't scream. "I apologize on his behalf and I take full responsibility for this. It won't repeat itself." Danag said.

As soon as he was done talking before he could sit down, Erick stood up and walked to Jael. He got on one knee and said, "I let my emotions get the best of me and for a second I feared that you were treating the humans better than your own kind. This is not enough of an excuse to be disrespectful toward you and I hope you will accept my apology."

He pulled out a knife from his boots, raised his shirt, and sliced open his gut. A scream erupted from Mauve. 

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