Chapter 16: Crazy... or a Genius
Chapter 16 - Crazy... or a Genius
"Cliffnotes version Taylor." Once again, using what could only be considered a 'Mom Voice,' Emilia growled, leading me to make the logical response of cutting to the chase.
"With the introduction of Arkadia Coins as a viable currency, it won't be long until all of Earth's different types of money become obsolete, so wanting to be ahead of the curve and knowing that currency had to be in hand in order to be exchanged, I had you two transfer everything to my bank account, along with what Dad had in his."
Understanding the logic behind my decision, Emilia released me, took a single step back, crossed her arms under her breasts, and glared as if to say, 'Continue.'
"I needed a way to create a physical representation of the digital numbers in my bank account, so I checked the value of B-Coin...I don't need to explain what that is, anyway; when I saw the value was still stable at the moment, I bought 7.7 B-coin using all the money we had."
"I see, that makes sense, Babe; you don't know, but technically, all that Cryptocurrency is is a string of unique data. By buying up a bunch of highly valued data, he could then put it on something like a flash drive or external hard drive before using that as an exchange item for Arkadia Coins." behind Emilia, Brenden completely understood my logic and reasoning.
"Considering you aren't shitting bricks right now, your crazy idea must have worked, so how much did you get?" Stepping up beside Emilia, Brenden quickly placed his arm around her waist and calmed her down, but not without directing an essential question at me.
"360 Α-Coins, originally the price was higher, however...." I didn't respond immediately and instead swiveled around to reveal my monitor to Brenden and Emilia.
What was on screen was enough to cause me to feel faint from shock, and even Brenden felt his heart start accelerating.
Within less than five minutes, the monetary value of B-Coin had dropped, and I don't mean by a few dollars; no, it had PLUMMETED from 472,000 dollars per unit a couple of minutes ago, all the way down to a measly 827 dollars per unit.
The real-time graph showed a massive red line going downward, and the statistics on the screen indicated that B-Coin had lost over 99% of its initial value.
It was only then that the genuine risk in my idea kicked me like an angry mule. Had I been even a few seconds slower in my execution, I would have lost everything my family had spent years earning.
"Holy f***...Taylor...I know I should be scolding you...but the fact that you only lost 45,000...ok, now that I say those words aloud, I am still kind of angry, but it's only a fraction of our money when speaking comparatively." Exhaling loudly, Brenden broke out of his stupor and looked at me as if I were a bigger freak than usual.
"I have to admit; you got me this time; I never would have thought of an idea like cashing everything out to exchange....wait...TAYLOR PRECIOUS METALS, QUICKLY CHECK THE VALUE!" Partway through his statement, Brenden's facial expression distorted with worry.
Emilia and I mirrored his reaction as I spun back around and brought up a popular metal trading site to check the value of Gold, followed by Silver and Platinum.
Fortunately, our fears weren't corroborated; instead, our mood instantly soared, as the value of all three metals had inflated massively, adding multiple more zeroes to their price per ounce than before the saturation was completed.
Before the Saturation, Gold held steady for months, sitting at the low 12,000 USD mark, and even when I had cashed that bar earlier, that was what the value was determined to be. But now, according to the trading site, it was valued at over 120,000 USD per ounce.
Silver, although WAY less expensive when compared to Gold, settled at only around 60 dollars per ounce; however, now it had spiked the most out of the three metals and showed a value of 8000 dollars per ounce. That number alone caused metaphorical dollar signs in my eyes, as all the Silver in the safe belonged to me, considering I wasn't nearly as wealthy as Brenden and Emilia.
Lastly, there was the Platinum Bars, which Emilia pretty much owned since it was her favorite metal; with an original value of around 2,200 USD, it was now sitting at 28,000 per ounce.
The three of us stood in stunned silence for a few minutes as our brains attempted to catch up to what we had learned. Within that silence, each of us rapidly tried to calculate how much money we had magically made practically overnight.
'I spent so much time collecting Silver, even going so far as to melt down everything into kilo-bars...and now...hah...haha, I own 23 kilograms of .9999 fine Silver...thats 35 ounces per Kilo... that's 805 8000 dollars per ounce...hohhhh, haha...'
"Cha-ching..."Unable to contain myself, I bounded out of my chair, rolling on the ground, and sped across the office on all fours toward my bedroom, more importantly, to the safe.
By the time Brenden and Emilia came back to their senses and arrived in my bedroom, I had covered the floor with metal, organizing it in the most Obsessive-compulsive manner possible.
All three metal types were organized and placed in neat piles arranged by size, one for each of us.
Mine had 23 palm-sized shiny silver bars, with their weight and purity marked clear for the world to see, and was by far the most immense pile, considering how large the 23 bars were.
Emilia's pile had a single Kilo bar of Platinum, followed by 7 one ounce bars.
And last was Brenden's pile containing 18 one-ounce bars and a single 1-kilo bar of pure Gold.
Dropping down onto the carpet with their piles of metal laid out in front of them, Brenden and Emilia were practically drooling, not unlike myself, who was in the process of rubbing a bar of Silver against my cheek and whispering it sweet nothings like it was my lover.
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