Chapter 10: Sword Testing
Chapter 10: Sword Testing
Zemin Yan felt the burning eyes of the other children on him, some looked at him with disdain and others with sympathy, but they all thought the same thing:
"He's going to fail!"
Of course, Zemin Yan did not care, but he acted as if he was a bit intimidated by the stares, before smiling sympathetically at Hong Yu, as if he tried to look strong and optimistic.
Hong Yu felt a little warm in his heart at seeing the smile of Zemin Yan, it is not as if he did not know how difficult it was to be different from the others. However, Hong Yu did not change his expression, just nodded to Zemin Yan, after all, he could not show favoritism to any candidate.
"My name is Chu Yue, I am 10 years old, I am from Deer County, very pleased to meet you all!" Said a beautiful little girl with long black hair and rare blue eyes that seemed to shine like sapphires in the sunlight.
All the children looked at Chu Yue, some girls felt a little jealous and some boys only looked at the surface, seeing that she wore simple clothes, they ignored the little girl.
Chu Yue, unlike Zemin Yan, who smiled optimistically and showed courage, she bowed her shoulders and behaved timidly, not looking up.
Hong Yu sighed and shook his head a little regretfully, as Chu Yue's attitude showed her not decisive and timid character, it would be very difficult for her to pass some tests that measure willpower.
The other children said their names, so Hong Yu had already noted the names on a clipboard, this information will be investigated if these children were to become the pillar of the Celestial Sword sect.
"Now you're coming with me," said Hong Yu, entering the tent, surprising the children in the group and the children in line, as no disciple at the entrance actually entered the groups of children.
Hong Yu did not care about the common people's doubts, taking the children inside the tent.
"My sixth sense tells me that this group is different and according to the Master, I must guide the children to a different test," thought Hong Yu. He relied heavily on his sixth sense.
The "sixth sense" of cultivators is actually consciousness that has reached a new level, which meant that soon the Nirvana Palace in the mind would be opened. Soon, Hong Yu felt that these children were different as if they were the most talented of those hundred candidates.
The green tent is actually a spatial item, which creates a portal to the real place of proof, so the children noticed a silver light that seemed liquid surrounding the group and then a soft glow came out of that silver liquid, then the soft light disappeared, so the silver liquid seemed to vibrate, scaring some children.
Soon the silver liquid disappears and before the eyes of the children a wide-open field appears before their eyes, there was even a blue sky and without clouds, there was wind passing through the grass and could even be heard the sound of the birds.
"This is the dimensional space for the test," said Hong Yu with his sweet voice, there was seriousness in his tone.
Soon the children concentrated on a humanoid statue made of gold, which has eight arms, each arm holding a different type of sword, from the smallest to the large and heavy sword.
The swords had very dominating auras, as an overwhelming force was contained in each blade.
"This is the statue that represents our founder, who dominated all the swords. That's your first form. The test has already begun, you should approach this statue, so the statue of our founder will make an assessment of you, "said Hong Yu calmly, moving away from the group, observing everything from afar.
Hong Yu was there to accompany the group and to instruct them in the tests, but he would not do the evaluation, this pocket dimension was connected directly there is an item of Master Han and was also connected directly to the Heavenly Sword sect.
"Form a line and one at a time you should put your hand on the statue. No need to be nervous, this is a test that will tell you the affinity you have with the sword and what kind of sword is best suited for you, "said Hong Yu, who watched the children hesitate before the large eight-armed statue.
"The first will be Bohai Xiulan and the last will be Zemin Yan, now get organized. I'll explain little by little about everything, "said Hong Yu not expecting the children to organize themselves.
Bohai Xiulan is a handsome kid with healthy skin, rosy cheeks, black hair stuck in a formal coke stuck with a rich ornament, with finely drawn eyebrows and a soft chin. If it were not for his men's clothes, this boy could be a pretty little girl.
Unfortunately, there was arrogance in his little rosy lips and disdain in his gray irises, which made the beautiful image a little bland, also made people do not want to look at this handsome boy for long.
Bohai Xiulan smiled with superiority to the other children, mainly to Zemin Yan and Chu Yue, because the first one was orphaned and the second was a shy girl.
Zemin Yan just smiled at Bohai Xiulan with no fear and positioned himself in the bottom of the line, so Chu Yue looked shyly at the young Bohai and headed forward Zemin Yan.
Bohai Xiulan who is the son of an aristocrat of the Southern Province had never seen such a beautiful child when Chu Yue, but at the same time he felt that he should not pay attention to this beautiful girl since she did not have family support.
"Father always said, that a person without family support is not worth much to befriend" thought Bohai Xiulan standing in front of the queue, even if he really wanted to get close to Chu Yue, but his education would not allow him to approach, so he had a confused look, which looked like he was angry.
"Start the test!" Said Hong Yue, looking at the line with the ten children, a strange glow passed through his beautiful eyes and a wicked smile came to his lips, but quickly his face was the same as ever, the gentle face and elegant.
Bohai Xiulan walks a few steps forward and with a little hesitation, he touched the eight-armed gold statue, then one of the eight arms moved and the sword of that arm flashed with a blue light.
"Bohai Xiulan, Sword Wu Shu Dao (1) high-level affinity level with the affinity for the water element, congratulations, you passed the first test," said Hong Yu smiling at the handsome boy who sported a proud look.
"Next!" Said Hong Yu as Bohai Xiulan approaches him and stands on his left side watching the other children.
Seven children had taken the test, two children achieved fate with the Tai Ji Dao sword (2), a child with a medium affinity for the earth element and the other child by the fire element. A child who had the destiny intertwined with the sword Shuang Shou Dao (3) and medium affinity with the wind element, which was an almost perfect combination for a sword cultivator.
The other 4 children had a fate with the Saber Dao (4) and low affinity with the wind element, which was not too bad but compared to the result of Bohai Xiulan and the child who has the sword affinity Shuang Shou Dao, it seemed that the outcome of these children was mediocre.
Of course, all the children passed, but it was as clear as day that the treatment they will receive from the Celestial Sword sect will be quite different, depending on the elemental affinity and the swords each child might have on the test.
Now the time came for Chu Yue, she felt very anxious and her heart beat hard, she was cold and her little hand trembled because after seeing the result of the last four children, she was afraid that she had a poor rating and be disapproved.
"Chu Yue is your turn," reminded Hong Yu, frowning, he was unhappy with the girl's fearful attitude, that was not a good attitude for a sword-cultivator.
Chu Yue wanted to go forward, but his legs seemed to weigh hundreds of pounds because he could not take those few steps to touch the golden statue. Her beautiful blue eyes flashed with tears, she was going to fail before she even tried!
"Do not be nervous. It's just you think that there is only you and this statue. Miss Chu, just remember that this is your life and your destiny, no one can steal it from you. "Zemin Yan's voice sounded over her shoulder, so she felt the small, thin hand of the boy on her shoulder.
So Chu Yue feels push in her body, so her feet moved forward and she is standing before the frightening eight-armed statue, even with her heart racing and her hands shaking, there was a desire and a determination in her beautiful eyes blues, which diverged much from her beautiful and childlike appearance.
Chu Yue breathes deeply and extends his soft hand, touching the golden statue, then one of the arms moved and a sword shone with a gray color.
"Chu Yue, Tien sword (5) medium affinity with the double element light and shadow, congratulations, Miss Chu you passed the first test," said Hong Yu with happiness, but there was a strange look in the beautiful gray eyes of this disciple Sword Heavenly.
Chu Yue almost fell on the ground in surprise and relief at the test result, but one arm propped her back, so she saw a luminous smile on Zemin Yan's common face. Chu Yue's child and girl's heart pounded, she blushed and a sweet feeling pierced her young heart.
"Thank you, young master Zemin," Chu Yue said with a shy look, moving away from Zemin Yan.
"I just said a few things, it was not a big deal, you did all the work," Zemin Yan said simply as if he did not notice Chu Yue's flushed face.
Chu Yue did not respond, just looked shyly at the thin, common-faced young man in plain clothes, but she did not know why she felt so close to this little boy she had never seen.
"Next!" Hong Yu said impatiently, there was an icy glance watching Zemin Yan and Chu Yue, but the other children did not notice, for they thought that the disciple Hong was only impatient with the two children.
"Good Luck," said Chu Yue quickly moving away from the scene, giving a few glances to the young Yan, who was already looking at the stone statue.
Now there was only Zemin Yan in front of the gold statue, everyone was looking at that thin kid, who had a nice aura.
Bohai Xiulan had a disinterested look, the boy who chose the sword Shuang Shou Dao had a slightly interested eye, Chu Yue looked anxiously at that lonely boy in front of the golden statue, the other children were eager for Zemin Yan to fail the test so that they felt better about their own failures.
Soon, Zemin Yan put an end to the suspense and touched the golden statue, but the disaster the children expected did not happen, but something strange happened.
"Is that the sound of herons?" One of the children asked at the sound of birds, the sound was soft and almost ethereal, but it was so melodious that it touched the soul.
"Look, a sword is shining like a little sun with golden light!" Another child said pointing to the eight-armed statue.
"Is this Chien sword?" Said Hong Yu with surprise, for this, was the most useless sword among all the swords, but it never generated such a manifestation of satisfaction of this statue!
"Zemin Yan, Chien Wood Sword, high affinity with sacred power, congratulations, you passed the first test!" An old loud voice like thunder ran through all dimensional space, scaring children looking everywhere but not they saw no one.
"Hong Yu, salute the Master!" Said Hong Yu bending slightly forward, suddenly a man between the ages of 40 and 50 appeared before the children emerging from the void.
Zemin Yan had a bitter feeling and apprehension in his heart, he wanted to pull the ear of the little wolf that is inside his clothes because it was the fault of that little shameless!
He just wanted to pass median grades and not call attention, but how would he know that sacred power could be measured ?! Are not there only eight primary elements?
Zemin Yan feels very much mistaken now, since, when sacred power was part of the primordial elements ?!
(1) Sword WuShu Dao: Saber water song.
(2) Tai Ji Dao: Tai Chi Saber.
(3) Shuang Shou Dao: Wide and heavy saber.
(4) Saber Dao: The classic Chinese saber has a length of 0.81m and weighs 0.9kg.
(5) Sword Tien: Double-Edge Swords (JIAN)
(6) Chien Sword: Used for training, both TAI CHI and WU JIAN.
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