The Wolf Is Fierce and Cautious

Chapter 102 – Fourth Day Ghost House

On the third day, everyone stayed inside the ancient Ming-style mansion.

The fourth day, early morning.

As usual, the air wall rose.

Everyone's consciousness became blurred.

When they woke up again, they were already standing outside the mansion.

The sky was as dark as a tomb.

The sound of crows flapping their wings cast an ominous shadow over everyone's hearts.

The mansion had been restored to its original state, no longer in ruins, but the dim, eerie lights inside only added to its creepiness.

It seemed to directly tell the visitors—yes, this is indeed a haunted house.

The wooden door at the entrance was weathered, and the plaque above was so faded that only the word "Wang" could be vaguely seen.

There were no other words.

So this indicated the owner of the mansion was surnamed Wang.

Frost covered the stone lions outside the door.

"Damn... it's so cold..."

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