The Young Lion

Act 1 Ch 10 A Failed Coup Part 2

Act 1 Ch 10 A Failed Coup Part 2

As the final northman soldier was killed Ned Stark stood alone with a dagger at his throat. The gold cloaks retracted their spears and stood at attention. Ser Barristain still looked around confused at what had just unfolded. The hound wiped his sword clean on one of the northern’s clothes then turned and looked toward his king.

“Ser Meryn Trant take lord Stark to the black cells.” Joffrey said, looking at all the pointless bloodshed with disdain. 

The kingsguard did as commanded and grabbed the hobbled man from Littlefinger and dragged him out of the room. Joffrey then turned his attention to his other guards and soldiers.

“Ser Barristan you shall have the command.” 

Ser Barristan stood at attention awaiting his king’s order.

“Take these men with you as well as our other soldiers and seize the stark’s household. Kill any that resist but I want no pointless bloodshed, harm none that surrender.”

“As you wish your grace.”

“And no one is to harm the Stark girls, their septa’s or the river dance master Syrio Forel, am I clear?” He said looking all his guards in the eyes to get his point across.

“Yes, your grace.” They said in unison.

“Good, now go.” He said as he turned to sit back down on his throne.

He waited for all the guards to exit the room, before letting out a sigh. His mother then came to his side, looking at her son with pride for his decisive actions. Joffrey looked over the bodies of the dead soldiers that laid before him. Their bodies were still warm and he had ordered even more to be slaughtered. He thought of Eddard with utter contempt, all this needless death just for an old man’s selfish pride. That's when Cersei chose to speak.

“You did well my dear.” She said, still smiling. “Though you mustn’t be so merciful, Sansa and Arya sure but the others are of no consequence.” 

He looked at his mother with a hint of disdain for her apparent apathy of human life.

“I told them if they resist to kill them, but I see no need for slaughter if it's not called for.” Joffrey said calmly.

“Yes my dear, but a good king must set an example so his enemies learn to fear him.” She said confidently, pretending to be wise.

“Yes, if I recall my “father” did something similar, did you think he was a good king?”

“No, but if you-” before she could finish he raised his hand to stop.

“I’m sparing as many as I can because then the northerners will be more inclined to come to the table to negotiate. Remember it's not just the north we have to deal with now. Do you understand?” He said, giving her a knowing look.

Cersei nodded her head. Her little boy really was thinking three steps ahead. Of course she congratulated herself on raising such a wise young king.

“Mother, I want you to go to Tommen and Myrcella. Make sure they stay safe until this is all over.” He said sternly so she understood this wasn’t a request.

“O-of course my dear.” she said before exiting the hall to go to her other children.

He then turned his attention to his remaining kingsguard.

“Ser Boros, please do something about the Northerner's bodies. Take them away but make sure they are treated with respect”

“Yes, your grace, it will be done.” He said before turning to leave with his fellow kingsguard.

Left alone in the throne room Joffrey brought his hand to his forehead, and buried his face into it. All the deaths that could have been avoided, and the many more that were to come in the following months. His memories of dealing with death and brutality in the marine corps served him well. He had learned a long time ago how to shut his heart to avoidable massacres. 

[Cut to Stark household]

Arya and Syrio are training together with wooden swords. Arya had improved dramatically in her swordplay. As they train Lannister soldiers are killing Stark guards and doing so quickly. As servants are packing the girls' things to send them back to Winterfell, soldiers swarm them from behind. Holding swords and daggers at the men’s throats, they drop the luggage and put their hands up in surrender. 

Ser Barristain walked up and nodded his head to take the men away. The soldiers drag the servants away still at knife point but unharmed. As more soldiers arrive and the old kingsguard lead them inside the building. As all the chaos is unfolding Sansa and her septa are talking in her room. Sansa is taking some time to play with her lion cub that her prince had given her. She had chosen to name her Nimue. As Sansa played with her little friend her old septa reprimanded her.

“Sansa dear you must start to get ready, we are leaving the capital today.” She said as she continued to fold her lady’s clothes.

“I don't want to go, I want to stay here with my prince and my little Nimue.” Sansa whined.

“We have already been over this.” The Septa said, holding her forehead with aggravation. “This is your father’s order, and you can’t bring that beast with you.”

Sansa sneered at her old septa for calling her little cub a beast. It was a precious gift given to her by her prince, but she had to obey her father’s commands.

“I’m sorry little one.” she said, kissing the cub's forehead almost about to cry.

Just as Sansa was starting to get up to get ready her and her Septa heard fighting going on outside. 

“Listen” the Septa said both becoming quiet and the sounds of fighting getting louder. 

“What's happening?” Sansa asked, frightened, picking up her cub and holding her close.

“Hush child!” The Septa snapped before grabbing Sansa and pushing her into one of the cupboard’s. “No matter what you hear, don't make a sound you understand!?”

Sansa nodded her head clearly frightened and near tears. The Septa then shut the cabinet and then walked back to her room and pretended to be working on her embroidery. As her shaking hands worked on the cloth the sounds of fighting grew closer and closer. 

Suddenly all the fighting ceased and she heard footsteps creep in front of the door. The door burst open and inside walked the Hound and his hulking figure. His brow raised looking at the frightened old woman working on cloth in a chair. He slowly walked over to her till he stood right in front of the chair towering over the woman.

“Where’s the Stark girl?” He asked

The old woman ignored him and kept working on the cloth. He then seized the woman by the neck forcing her to stand up. 

“Do I need to repeat myself?!” He asked as he drew his dagger holding it to the woman's neck. “Where’s the Stark girl?!”

“I don’t know and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you.” She said before spitting in the half burnt man’s face.

The hound looked enraged and pressing with his knife caused a drop of blood to come out of her neck. Though the woman remained defiant and didn’t say a word. The hound’s face then relaxed and he put his knife away.

“You should really thank the new king the next chance you get.” He said before back handing her, knocking her unconscious. He then handed her to the guards outside the room. “Take her”

He looked around the room one last time before he was about to exit.

“Meow” he heard and turned over his shoulder with a slight smile. Sansa was trying to get her cub to be quiet when she looked up as the hound was standing in front of the cabinet doors.

“Hello little bird” He said before opening the doors and grabbing her.

Back to Arya training with Syrio. He is giving her instructions on her form as he taps at her with his wooden sword. Suddenly five Lannister soldiers led by ser Barristain enter the room. Syrio and Arya stop practicing and turn towards the soldiers. 

“Practicing swordplay I see.” He said, giving the young girl an approving nod. “Come with me Arya, your father would like to see you.”  

Arya starts to walk toward the knight but is stopped by her dancing master.

“And why is it that lord Eddard is sending Lannister men instead of his own? I am Wondering” He said, shielding the young girl with his body.

“I have no quarrel with you sir but the lady must come with us.” He said calmly

“My father wouldn’t send you.” She said now suspicious picking up a wooden sword. “And I’m not going anywhere with you!”

Barristain just let out a heavy sigh he truly didn’t want to harm a child. He then drew his sword while Syrio moved Arya behind his back and away from the soldiers. The old knight tilted his head at the gesture before turning around and taking a sword from one of the Lannister soldiers. He threw the blade to Syrio who dropped the wooden sword and caught it. Syrio and Arya looked at him slightly confused. 

“A dance of steel must be fair.” He said.

“Ha, Just so.” Syrio said with a laugh before giving a respectful head tilt to the old knight who returned the gesture.

The two fighters circled each other with their swords raised at the ready. The dancing master makes the first move, jabbing his blade out, to which the kingsguard parry’s and redirects for an overhead strike. Which Syrio twirls and dodges on hairs breath before going for a stab to the bottom left side. Ser Barristain twisted his body allowing the strike to miss him before going for a counter. The two continued their back and forth dance, the movements so swift and beautiful that one might have mistaken it for a waltz rather than a deadly duel. Syrio unfortunately made the first mistake. After over-extending with a thrust Barristain guided his blade into the dancing master's hand, slashing his forearm making him drop his sword. Barristan then held his sword at the sword master's throat who slowly went to his knees. 

“Please kill me quickly.” He said with labored breaths tired from the intensity from the short duel. 

“What is your name sir?” He asked respectfully.

“I am Syrio Forel, first sword of Braavos.” He said proudly.

“I’ll be sure to remember it, it's been a while since someone has given me this much of a workout. Luckily for you my king doesn’t want pointless bloodshed.” He said before hitting the dancing master with his pommel.

Syrio fell to his side unconscious but otherwise unharmed. The Lannister soldiers had already seized Arya and picked up the man’s unconscious body. The kingsguard and the soldiers made their way back to the Red Keep. The northern servants were placed in the black cells in chains. While the Starks girls were taken to separate chambers and held under guard. The full report was made to the king, that the mission had been a complete success. 

“Good, the worst case scenario has been avoided.” He thought as he heard the report sitting on his throne. “Now I just have to let a spider have a conversation with the old wolf.”

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