Act 2 Ch 23 End of the War Part 1
Act 2 Ch 23 End of the War Part 1
“It’s about fucking time you showed up.” Joffrey thought to himself as he leaned against Barristan.
As the remaining Stormlander soldiers ran towards the incoming Calvary their happiness turned to horror. The charging horseman immediately began to cut down the soldiers and trample them with their stallions. At the head of the army was a dazzling knight dressed in emerald armor with a helm adored with golden antlers. It was the armor of Joffrey's treacherous and recently deceased uncle.
“King Renly?” One of the soldiers asked before being cut down by the warrior’s longsword.
As the cavaliers routed the fleeing men-at-arms two riders made their way toward Joffrey who limped forward, leaning heavily on Barristan to stay on his feet. The two soldiers stopped a few feet from the shield wall of the Royal Guard who remained in formation still not certain that the newly arrived army was friend or foe.
“Let them through.” Joffrey ordered.
The dark soldiers immediately obeyed and separated into two groups creating a straight path to their king. The two riders cautiously rode forward but still glanced down at rows of stoic soldiers and their long spears that dripped with blood. Once the two riders were close enough they stopped and greeted the king.
“Your grace.”
“Your grace.”
They both said simultaneously.
“Who are you?”
Joffrey asked, pretending to be oblivious.
“Oh my apologies.”
The one said lifting the visor of his helmet while the other did the same.
“I am Ser Erwin Brax of house Brax in the service of house Lannister.” He said proudly.
“And I am Ser Theo Durwell of house Durwell in the service of house Tyrell.” He gave a proud tilt of his head.
“We have come to answer your call for aid, your grace!” They both shouted in unison.
Joffrey looked at the two young twat knights with a deadpan expression.
“A little late to the party don’t you think?”
He asked rhetorically and gestured to the scores of dead enemy soldiers all around them.
“O-oh right.” Ser Erwin stuttered.
“Y-yes, you’re correct, your grace.” Ser Theo concurred.
The two knights' bubbling attitudes quickly deflated at the king's words. Joffrey gave a side look to Barristan who was shaking his head in derision, clearly embarrassed by the young knight’s attitudes.
“Did you bring anything to report or what?” He finally asked, annoyed that he was being kept waiting.
“Actually yes!” The young Lannister knight perked up. “Your grandfather has asked me to relay to you that he should be arriving here on the morrow.
“That's different from the show.” Joffrey thought to himself.
“Very well.” He actually said. “I want you to relay my orders to your troops. I want any surviving Stormlander lords and soldiers that wish to surrender taken into custody without incident and brought to me. Those that show any resistance deal with as you see fit. Is that understood?”
“Yes, your grace!” They both shouted.
“Good, now go.”
The two knights turned their horses around and went to repeat the orders the young king had given them. Joffrey let out a tired sigh after the two young knights had left. Exhaustion was starting to take its toll on him and his wounds needed to be treated by a maester.
“Your grace, are you sure that's wise?” Barristan asked. “These men came here to kill you and sack your city. Should we really bother sparing any of them?”
The young king turned his head and stared into the old knight’s eyes.
“I think we’ve had enough death for one night wouldn’t you agree ser Barristan?” He asked solemnly.
The lord commander nodded his head in understanding.
“Yes you’re right, your grace. Come let's get you treated by the healers.” He said helping Joffrey into the city.
As the pair made their way through the city gate all of the Royal Guard stood at attention and saluted their king's safe return. Even Tyrion stood with his back straight as he looked down at his bloodied nephew. Seeing the deep cut that now ran down the young king’s face which continued to bleed, a feeling of sorrow filled his heart.
“Your grace, what are your orders?” He called out.
Joffrey turned and looked up at his uncle with a tired but determined expression. He straightened his back, moved away from Barristan and stood proudly in front of his soldiers.
“I want everyone to focus on treating our wounded. If you are injured and are able to walk then take yourself to the healers. If you are unable to then have one of your brothers assist you. After that I want the bodies of our fallen gathered, and taken to the silent sisters to be prepared. They’re to be handled in the utmost respect. Is that understood?!”
“Yes sir!” They shouted as one
He shouted back and his legs suddenly started to get weak and wobbly. Barristan quickly rushed forward and caught the king before he fell. Looking down at the bloodied and beaten young king in his arms a small but proud smile spread across the old knight’s face.
“Come, your grace.”
“Thank you Ser Barristan.”
As the kingsguard escorted his king into the city to be treated by the healers Tyrion watched the pair's backs as they left. Nodding his head to himself Tyrion knew it was time for him to perform his duties as hand now that the king was out of commission.
“You heard him, let's get to work, men!”
The Royal Guard slammed their spear shafts against the ground as one and then moved out into the tunnel to search for any of their wounded. As the men moved out and Tyrion was giving out his orders to his squire, no one noticed a certain knight creeping toward the dwarf from behind.
Ser Meryn Trant was slowly making his way toward the hand of the king, his hand grasping the hilt of his sword tightly. After he was only a few feet away he slowly began to draw the blade from its scabbard. Then suddenly a shout drew everyone’s attention.
“Have you already finished over here lord imp?” A voice called out.
When the group turned to the source of the voice, they were greeted by the sight of the Royal Guards vice commander Jacelyn, who had brought six armed soldiers in tow. Once they were only a few feet apart Jacelyn and his entourage stopped in front of the dwarf. Tyrion had a look of annoyance on his face from hearing the annoying moniker that so many called him. Though if one looked closely enough they would be able to see the look of surprise and relief he had upon seeing the one handed commander’s safe return.
“Indeed good Ser, have you finished up on your end?”
“Of course.” He nodded his head. “Has our king passed on any new orders?”
“He commanded us to focus on treating the wounded and to look for any survivors. After that we are to gather our fallen and have them taken to be prepared for their burial rights.”
“I see.” Jacelyn said bring his hand to his chin. “Well if the king orders it then it is done!” He shouted happily.
The other six Royal Guards slammed their spears down as one in agreement.
“Best we get to work then.”
He said and then the six Royal Guards encircled the hand and his squire and walked them down the stone steps. Ser Meryn Trant’s eyes burned with cold fury at the interference of his duty as he watched the imp and the simpleton boy walk away. He slowly released his grip on his hilt and turned and walked the opposite direction. As the Kingsguard walked away Jacelyn was giving the disgraceful knight a side eye that could have burned a hole through his back.
Joffrey had been very clear before the battle that his uncle was to be protected at any cost, and to keep a close eye on both Preston Greenfield and Meryn Trant. He had been warned that there might have been treachery in his ranks. At first Jacelyn thought that his king was being paranoid, after all Kingsguard are sworn to serve the king and queen alone. But now after seeing such obvious killing intent he understood Joffrey’s concerns, and would report to him what he had just witnessed when they were alone.
Jacelyn then turned and looked over the wall seeing the scores and scores of dead soldiers. He watched as the royal guards were making their way around the bodies, and finding any of their fallen comrades that remained with them.
“Well I better do my part too.”
He said to himself as he turned and made his way down the stone steps and joined up with the Hand.
[Maegor Holdfast]
At the same time the Tyrell and Lannister army were finishing off the remainder of Stannis’ host, a messenger was running to Maegor Holdfast to inform them of Joffrey’s victory. As he burst through the wooden door an over eager young man managed to frighten all the noble dames and their handmaidens. The hound and the rest of the guards all drew their swords expecting intruders to have breached the walls. Before they could split him in two the young man shouted his message out with glee.
“The battle is over!” He yelled. “Joffrey won! His men threw those wretched Stormlander dogs back into the sea!”
The room soon erupted into cheers as the young maidens hugged each other crying tears of joy. Sansa stood up and made her way over to the messenger.
“And what of Joffrey?” She asked, her voice filled with concern. “What has become of my beloved?”
“Ah,” The young man stood proud, puffing his chest out. “Our king himself went out and faced his treacherous uncle all on his own. He even slew him in single combat!”
Sansa yelled, reaching out and grabbing the young man by both of his shoulders.
“Is he alright?!” Was he injured at all?!”
She asked frantically, shaking the young man making his head snap back and forth.
“He suffered some injuries in the battle but Ser Barristan Selmy himself is taking him to get treated.” He said as Sansa continued to shake him.
“You should have opened with that from the beginning, you imbecile!”
She screamed before throwing him out of the way and made a beeline for the door. As she made her way out of the room she was followed by her handmaiden Shae. The rest of the room continued to weep and celebrate their survival as the young future queen left, but as the others cheered one did not.
Ser Ilyn Payne the King’s Justice watched intently as the northern dame left the room. His eyes narrowed and soon he slowly walked after her while everyone else was distracted. After he slowly made his way out of the room he turned and made his way down the stone corridor following the sounds of footsteps ahead. As he continued to walk down the hallway the sounds of the two women became louder and louder. After walking for a few minutes Ilyn finally found Sansa and her handmaiden stopped at the end of a corridor clearly confused on which way to go.
While the two women discussed which path they should take, the bald man slowly approached them. As he got closer he reached down to his belt and began to draw his dirk that he kept at his side. But just as he drew the blade a hand reached out and grasped his wrist. Ilyn Payne quickly spun around in confusion only to find Sandor Clegane standing behind him. Before he could even make sense of what was happening, Sandor broke his wrist and seized him by the throat. He quickly dragged him into another corridor out of Sansa’s sight who had turned around at the sounds of their struggle.
Sandor slammed his body against the stone wall and lifted him off the ground with one hand.
“Hello you ugly fucker.” He said with a crooked smile.
Due to his lack of a tongue Ilyn couldn’t respond and just thrashed his feet as the hound held him up. Sandor then reached down and drew his own dagger and stabbed it into the mute’s heart. Ilyn's eyes went wide in shock and pain as blood spewed out of his mouth covering the hound’s pauldron. As life slowly drained from the bald man’s body Sandor pulled him close until their faces were only a few inches apart.
“You shouldn’t have tried to touch the girl shit head.”
He said his voice dripping with anger and spite before pulling his knife out and tossing the dying man aside. Sandor then calmly wiped his blade clean on Ilyn's leather breeches and then made his way out of the room. As he came out of the room he found both Shae and Sansa continuing to argue which way was the right one to get out of Maegor Holdfast. Seeing the two women arguing, Sandor slowly made his way over to them.
“You ladies lost?” He asked
The two women turned to the sound of his voice and found the giant of a man standing before them. While Sansa greeted him with a smile Shae looked slightly afraid.
“Yes, actually we are Sandor. Do you know how to get to the healers from here?”
She asked with a kind courteous voice that the hound was not used to hearing. Most women ran or hid at the sight of him and his burned face, but Sansa had long grown used to her sworn shield’s appearance. Clearing his throat he turned and began making his way down the left hallway.
“This is the way to get out of the Red Keep.”
He said calmly as Sansa and Shae began to follow him.
“Thank you ser.” Said the older woman with her thick Lorathi accent.
“I’m not a knight woman.” He said sternly without turning around.
Shae backed up after hearing the hounds tone. Sansa quickly came over and put her hand on her handmaiden's shoulder to reassure her. After a moment the group continued to make their way down the hallway, neither of the two women having noticed the fresh blood on the man’s armor.
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