7.41 – Remote Pleasure I
7.41 – Remote Pleasure I
The first half of the date ended up being totally chaste, the two of them chatting and enjoying themselves in the market without more than mild flirting. Of course, the time did eventually come where an opportunity presented itself, and Zoey couldn't help herself from seizing it.
They'd wandered from the part of the market where stalls and stands dominated into the more established storefronts. In particular, they'd been checking out clothing stores. Dressing up for today's date had reminded her that her wardrobe was lacking, so she'd been especially eager. Not that she wouldn't have enjoyed clothes shopping with Maddy regardless. Who wouldn't enjoy watching their girlfriend trying out various cute outfits?
It wasn't even Zoey's fault that their date veered into lewder territory. Not fully. Maddy had been deliberately teasing her throughout, wearing progressively shorter skirts and flaunting them for her audience of one. Not that the stores they'd visited sold any truly scandalous clothing, but that didn't mean Maddy couldn't draw her eye if she wanted to. The way she twirled to show off the outfit, sneakily using the air to lift the fabric just enough for a glimpse of her panties underneath, was without a doubt intentional.
So, yeah, Zoey's thoughts had been on the topic. Finding the right segue was the difficult part, though. She didn't think Maddy would mind if she pounced her outright, even without an excuse, but finding a natural in was more Zoey's style.
The idea popped into her head while she was sitting outside the dressing room, the sound of shuffling fabric coming from the cubby as Maddy was in the process of donning her next outfit.
The Wand of Remote Pleasure.
Its testing was a long time overdue. Though the item was outdated in some senses, coming from a shard of lesser advancement, it was still likely the most powerful one they had in their arsenal. Because of its origin. It was a 'broken item', affected by the shard-eater's destabilization of the realm they had found it in. Which was part of the reason they hadn't used it in preparation for the last shard: hesitance over its stability. Fe had assured them that it was safe, and Zoey trusted her professional judgment, but still. Cognitively, she wasn't worried something would happen—else the idea of using it on Maddy would never cross her mind—but the item's strange origin had meant she wasn't in a huge rush to test it.
Now was the perfect time, though. Of anyone on the team who would enjoy a "Wand of Remote Pleasure", it would be Maddy.
Pulling the item out of her inventory, Zoey studied the two pieces of the ensemble. First was the remote, a small rectangular slate that fit in her palm and had three controls: an omni-directional spinning ball that seemed positioned for her thumb to naturally rest on, a button, and a switch that could toggle between five separate states.
Fe's item analysis had identified what each of the controls did. The button toggled the remote's counterpart on and off: a 'power button'. The omni-ball allowed Zoey to influence the wand's behavior, affecting the vibration pattern, direction, frequency, and so on, giving her direct input on what her partner would feel by spinning it around. And lastly, the five-stage switch that changed the actual intensity.
According to Fe, that last switch affected the strength of the vibrator in both a literal and magical sense. Toggling between the levels would indeed change how strong the buzzing was, as expected, but more importantly, the higher stages would create pleasure more effectively than any mundane toy should be able to. Like Zoey's own sensitivity-enhancing magic. Flipping that switch all the way up would, without a doubt, instantly bring Maddy to her knees.
Assuming Maddy was interested in testing the item.
Somehow, Zoey thought she would be amenable to the idea. After all, walking around with a hidden vibrator rated low on scandalousness compared to being fucked atop a busy diner's table like the last time they'd been out together—regardless that during that event, they'd used illusions to mask what had been happening.
As for the vibrator itself, it was light pink in color and was of an insertable design, not one that would be attached to her panties. Zoey hadn't been especially experienced in these matters, but she knew how toys like this were supposed to be used—though she'd never owned one herself. As far as toys went in her past life, she'd owned the classics: a strap and a dildo. More adventurous than some, a lot less adventurous than many. So this would be a fun experiment even from a mundane standpoint, magical aspects not included.
Again, assuming Maddy was interested.
A grin slipping onto her lips, Zoey scouted left and right to make sure she was in the clear. The shop attendant had left them to their own devices a while ago and was chatting with another customer a dozen feet away, showcasing a frilly blue dress to a brown-haired woman.
Taking the opportunity, Zoey slipped past the dividing curtain into Maddy's dressing room.
The blue-haired mage squeaked and covered her chest as Zoey stole her way in, though she was perfectly modest. Or, she had her bra and panties on. Not perfectly modest. Modest by her standards.
"Zoey!" she protested. "I'm getting dressed!"
She knew context mattered, but even so, she found it funny that Maddy could be so flustered at being caught in her underwear after the things the two of them had done together.
"Sorry, sorry," she said, averting her eyes if just for politeness's sake. "Just had an idea I wanted to run by you."
"That you couldn't through the curtain?"
"It's a more involved idea," she said casually, presenting the two items in her hands and bringing her eyes down onto Maddy's face. "Shard's coming up soon. Shouldn't we give it a test? Probably should've earlier, honestly."
An arm still unnecessarily covering her chest, Maddy's eyes widened as she looked at the Wand of Remote Pleasure. "Um," she stammered, cheeks heating up as she came to terms with Zoey's suggestion. "You mean now? During our date?"
"Seems like a good opportunity."
"M-Maybe. What's it do again? Empowers a random skill?"
"That's what Fe said." And she trusted Fe's assessment.
"Am I the right person to use it on, then? Seems like something Rosalie or you would get more benefit from." She trailed off leadingly, giving her a questioning look.
Maybe from a purely utilitarian perspective, she was right. But Zoey had a stammering exhibitionist in front of her, and something as silly as 'the buff would be better on someone else' wasn't going to stand in her way of making her girlfriend's knees shake out in public.
"You're a mage, which means you're skill based. I'd argue you are the best target, even if Rosalie is—Rosalie." As in, a prodigy that few in the world could compare to. "You or me, at least, are best," Zoey conceded. In fact, for having a random skill boosted, it would inarguably be her who was the best target. Goddess-boosted skills, and all that. But again. Exhibitionist girlfriend quivering at the idea. She couldn't care less about efficiency. She waggled the phallus-shaped object at Maddy. "The attendant's gonna catch me if I stay in here too long. I'll let you decide."
Handing the relevant half of the toy to Maddy, she grinned then flipped open the curtain to leave. She stole one last glance at the girl in her underwear, wide-eyed and blushing as she stared at the vibrator in her hand.
She smirked. If she knew anything at all about Maddy, her decision was already made.
Sitting on the bench outside the dressing room, Zoey was pleased to see the attendant still chatting with the other customer. She hadn't been caught sneaking into Maddy's cubby.
Two minutes later, Maddy emerged with her newest outfit on display … and a distinct lack of a vibrator in her hand. Zoey knew she hadn't left it behind on the cubby's bench; it was equipped. Her smile widened, and, naturally, Maddy's blush deepened in response.
"What do you think?" Maddy murmured, curtsying while spreading her newly donned skirt out.
"Gorgeous, as always," Zoey replied—and, forgoing any other pretexts, hit the power button on the remote to bring the vibrator to life.
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