This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Yu Shu couldn't help but laugh out loud. She hadn't slept all night, reading all about "how to spend the money after winning the lottery". She now knew that for large deposits, the interest rate could be negotiated with the bank.

When Yu Shu arrived at the bank, she was shown to the VIP room and received personally by two deputy presidents. She was told the president was away, otherwise he would have come too.

Yu Shu put the money in a 2-year fixed deposit at 5% annual interest, with monthly payout of interest.

200 million yuan, 10 million in interest per year, 830,333 yuan per month, 27,777 yuan per day.

Money does make more money after all!

Yu Shu couldn't help but scream and stomp her feet in excitement!!!!

After letting it all out, Yu Shu opened the door and stepped out. Only the manager and a wealth advisor named Yu were left in the hallway. The manager eagerly came up to greet her, while the advisor tucked his hands in his pockets and stood there looking less enthusiastic.

Yu was the only one who didn't try to sell her any wealth management products, even showing his approval when she insisted on the fixed deposit account.

Yu Shu knew she didn't have the expertise to evaluate complex financial products, and her emotional state after the windfall would not allow clear-headed decision making either.

No matter how persuasive the bank staff were, she was firm on fixed deposits.

With past debts of over 100,000 yuan, Yu Shu was afraid of losing control over the money, having read countless overseas cases of lottery winners losing everything to gambling, drugs and risky investments, ending in tragedy.

She planned to use the 2 years to learn self-control before the money controlled her.@@novelbin@@

On the way out, they passed by a room full of rice, flour and oil. The manager immediately offered her to take anything she wanted.

"Or just give me your address and I'll deliver it over." The manager helpfully added.

"Um...I'm good for now, thanks." Yu Shu smiled politely.

"Sure, please contact me anytime you need anything."

"Excuse me for a moment." Advisor Yu strode over with his long legs, took an old canvas bag from the corner cabinet, and brushed off some flour on it before presenting it to Yu Shu with both hands. "This would suit your style perfectly."

The bag looked rather outdated, with a vintage military green base color, bright red trims, and 7 large yellow characters that read: "Souvenir for Savings Over 100 Million Yuan".

It did strangely match her current attire though, Yu Shu thought. She was wearing cheap clothes randomly bought from street stalls today - an oversized black cotton jacket, thick dark blue cotton pants, plus a low-quality brunette wig. With this bag, her outfit would really come together.

"Thank you." Yu Shu took it and slung it casually over her shoulder, stuffing the bank books and deposit certificates inside.

No one would believe this was real anyway. The same bags could be found all over online shopping sites.

When they reached the bank entrance, Wealth Advisor Yu sincerely gave his first advice: "I suggest you leave here immediately."

"I know, I'm calling an Uber now aren't I?" Yu Shu took out her phone, but was shocked frozen by the messages and news alerts popping up.

[Breaking] Shocking news! 320 million yuan jackpot won in A City East District!

[Latest updates] Come look! Full footage of the 320 million winner buying the ticket!

[Nearby news] 320 million! Hear what the lottery ticket stand owner has to say!


The convenience store where Yu Shu bought her ticket was exposed. The owner had given the surveillance footage that night to media, and done interviews...

Yu Shu felt extremely relieved to have kept her mask on the whole time due to her chronic pharyngitis. At least they didn't catch her face clearly on camera. But her build and outfit could still allow people who knew her to recognize her.


Would bad people target her? Dare she return to her rental apartment? What if colleagues exposed her identity?!

Robbery? Kidnapping? Blackmail?

Just as her life lottery dream was beginning, she didn't want it turned into a suspense thriller!

Wealth Advisor Yu cleared his throat. "May I have the honor of taking you to the airport?"

"Yes, please, go!" At the moment Yu Shu seemed to have lost her articulacy, only managing to spit out one word at a time.

"Than...thanks!" Buckling her seatbelt in the passenger seat, Yu Shu's voice was still shaking, almost biting her own tongue.

"You're...welcome!" Yu jokingly imitated her speech pattern. "I just wanted an excuse to skip work."

"!" Yu Shu shot back.

Hey, she was giving him a legitimate reason to play hooky!

"Thank you~"

"You're welcome~"

Yu Shu had wanted to escape to a warm southern city, but the nearest flight was to Capital.

Well, north was fine too - they had heating, she could visit the Imperial Palace in the snow!

"First class, thanks."

While waiting to board, Yu Shu express mailed her apartment key back to the landlord, telling him she was moving out immediately and forfeiting the deposit. Everything left in the apartment he could keep or discard.

She also informed her supervisor on WeChat that she was quitting. Her supervisor sent back a series of question marks then immediately called. Yu Shu declined the call and replied she should consider Yu Shu as having deserted her job. She then blocked her supervisor.

So satisfying!

Don't blame her for being cold. If that woman had bullied her less before, she wouldn't be so blunt now. Her mid-30s supervisor was a mean-spirited woman who took advantage of Yu Shu's financial constraints, targeting her at work and allowing no breathing room. After work she would further mock and belittle Yu Shu just to assert her superiority. Yu Shu had long suspected something was mentally wrong with this woman, for her to be so against Yu Shu when she had not offended her at all.

Just thinking about never having to see her supervisor's face again, Yu Shu's mood instantly soared with liberation~

Yu Shu didn't plan on returning to this city again. She had no friends here and nothing worth keeping in the rental unit.

Okay, let her correct that. She wouldn't be coming back here in the short term. But in 2 years she would return to spend those 2 hundred million yuan.

200 million yuan...200 million yuan...200 million yuan...

It was just...

Yu Shu had to muffle her own mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud again.

The public transport Yu Shu had taken the most was green trains, followed by high speed trains and planes only once.

This was Yu Shu's second time on a plane. Her first was during college on a winter break budget trip, desperate to check plane travel off her bucket list. She had agonized before picking out the cheapest red-eye flight option that landed at 2am into an icy night. Shivering uncontrollably in the cold wind afterward she soon fell severely ill.

As the flight attendant personally led her through the VIP channel this time, Yu Shu took a look at the long line queuing at the normal gate and felt a slight superiority high tide through her.

Oh wow, so this was what it felt like to be rich and privileged!

Different modes revealed the class divides of society. Train stations were always filled with the smells of instant noodles and sweat, floors greasy, travelers exhausted lugging piles of luggage around. People crammed into train cabins and washrooms. Many uncouth types would take their shoes off and sprawl across seats to sleep at night, snoring thunderously.

High speed train cabins were cleaner, more spacious and quiet in comparison. First class plane passengers were different from any she had seen before though, well-dressed, graceful, seemingly unruffled even if the sky collapsed.

Maybe it was just her, but Yu Shu felt the flight attendants here were prettier than those in economy class too.

After takeoff, the flight attendant handed out refreshments and drinks. Only then did Yu Shu realize she hadn't eaten or drank anything since last night in all the excitement. Now somewhat calmer, she felt starving and parched, as if she could swallow an entire cow!

Yu Shu quickly downed a can of Coke in one go, unable to hold back a loud burp. She furtively looked left and right to see if anyone had noticed before sheepishly fumbling to zip up her cotton jacket tighter - she had gotten rich too fast, etiquette still needed time to catch up.

Cola failed to quench her thirst. Yu Shu ordered another glass of water and a small snack, unable to keep up the image of elegance and grace anymore. Anyway, no one here recognized her, so she wolfed down the two snacks to temporarily satisfy her hunger.

Her behavior clashed with the refined atmosphere of the first class cabin. The other passengers only glanced at her once, without staring for too long. Only the passenger across the aisle kept gazing at her intently and unabashedly. But there was no malice in his eyes, just simple curiosity.

After swallowing the cookie in her mouth, Yu Shu pretended to glare at him ferociously: "What are you looking at? Never seen a newly rich before?!"

The man shook his head solemnly and answered earnestly: "No, I haven't."

Yu Shu chuckled at his honest, candid manner. She burst out laughing: "Well, neither had I before today."

The supremely comfortable first class seats calmed Yu Shu's frenzied mind. Nearly twenty hours without sleep, constantly on high alert... As soon as she relaxed her taut nerves, Yu Shu soon fell asleep amidst the smooth flight.

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