Chapter 29: Trapped Ship
Chapter 29: Trapped Ship
The Clown Pirates' exploration on Arctic to find the coldest temperature have failed. Now they are on their way back to their ship with the wolves help. Buggy is really on a bad mood now after failed to reach the coldest area.
"Damn, if only i have Aokiji's power, then i wouldn't get frozen to death."-Buggy
"Aokiji? Who's that?"-Mantis
"A Marine Vice Admiral, he is one of the strongest candidates to be the next Admiral after Sengoku."-Buggy
"He must be very strong then. Is that why you think you can go to the coldest place if you are as strong as him?"-Cricket
"No, it's because of his devil fruit. He ate the Ice Ice Fruit, he is an ice man, so he won't need to worry of getting frozen, as he himself is the ice."-Buggy
"Ice? So he can make ice?"-Mantis
"Yeah, and he is a logia, so he can turn his body into ice to avoid any physical damage."-Buggy
"Logia? What's that?"-Mantis
"You don't know about devil fruit types, huh? Well, there are 3 types of devil fruit: Logia, Paramecia, and Zoan. Mine is a Paramecia type devil fruit."-Buggy
Buggy then explain the devil fruit types to Mantis & Cricket. Knowledge about devil fruits isn't spread too well among people. Many people thought devil fruits are just myth, even in Paradise. So it's not strange for Blues' people to never heard about devil fruit at all and didn't know it's types.
"What an interesting power, maybe i should eat a devil fruit too."-Cricket
"Yeah, if there's a cute & pretty power, then i will eat it."-Mantis
"You can eat it if you are willing to lose your ability to swim. You know, i actually have a regret for that, because i was a good swimmer, but now i can't even swim anymore."-Buggy
""...""-Cricket & Mantis
"I think i won't eat it now, i like diving, and i don't want to stop."-Cricket
"Yeah, i still want to swim on the beach every once in a while."-Mantis
"Good, i really don't want you to eat devil fruit or no one will be able to help me if i fall to the sea."-Buggy
"Maybe now you need to tie a rope on your body when you're on the ship, Captain."-Cricket
"Did you think i am a kid who can't be careful on the ship?"-Buggy have a tickmark
"It's just for safety measure."-Cricket smirk
*BONK* Buggy knock Cricket's head, and make a big bump beside his chestnut like hair.
"Damn, bastard."-Buggy
"Hahahaha, now he have 2 chestnuts on his head."-Mantis laugh at Cricket
The Clown Pirates continue their way to the ship. They're rather far, so it will take some hours, or maybe they'll even reach it tomorrow because it's almost night already. On their way, they encounter a group of giant walruses, and think they need to fill their supply again.
The pirates & wolves then attack the walruses and succeed to kill 2 big walruses. The wolves are elated, they've never hunt such a big game like this. After they dismantle the walruses, night really come, so they set up their camp.
Just like in their lunch, the pirates give some meat for the wolf pack. The wolves leave and return to their den with the meat pieces. The pirates cook their meat and eat before they sleep. They use the walruses & seal skin as blankets, and it's really warm.
The wolves actually return when the pirates sleep. The wolves also take a sleep outside the tent, around the warm firecamp. They all wake up the next morning and eat breakfast before resuming their journey.
They keep going to where their ship is located. It need some more hours for them to reach the coast. However, they have another problem now. Their ship is trapped by the ice, the water under the ship has been frozen.
"Damn, we need to break the ice now."-Buggy
"I hope it isn't too thick."-Mantis
"It shouldn't be, because it's just 3 days 2 nights since we left."-Cricket
"Stop talking and start working! The ship won't come out on it's own."-Buggy jump to the ship
"Aye aye."-Cricket
"What about the wolves?"-Mantis
"Give them some meats and let them go!"-Buggy
Mantis give the wolves some meat for their pack and release them.
"Woof woof?"-Alpha
"Take it, and don't worry about it! You guys have helped us, so it's your payment. Just don't get yourselves killed in the hunt, alright?"-Buggy
"Woof! Woof woof woof."-Alpha
"Yeah, i believe you. You're the leader, so you need to protect your family."-Buggy
The Alpha howl, and the other wolves also howl rather loud. Then they bite their meat and leave the coast.
"BYE WOLVIES, TAKE CARE!"-Mantis wave her hands
"Alright, let's start our work!"-Buggy
The Clowns then take 3 pickaxe to break the ice under their ship. They start to break the ice around the ship, and also make a way out because the surrounding water also get frozen.
They keep breaking the ice while moving their ship slowly. They need to be careful and really break the ice into small pieces. If it's too big, it can damage their ship while they move it.
But the the ice is just too thick. They assume that it's because the ice is actually the big ice blocks that move, and then merge together, that's why it's very thick.
Even after some hours, they've only move their ship for 200 meters. There are still a few hundred meters to go, and it will take more hours. If they have more people, then it will be faster, but they only have 3 people here.
The pirates keep doing their work even when it start to get dark. They've work their way to 1 km, but it's still just a third from total distance. They take some short breaks, and keep working at night to avoid their ship get frozen again. Surprisingly, the wolves actually return to check on them, and decide to accompany them.
However, their night work seem to disturb some locals. Suddenly, a loud roar is heard, and the ice shake. Then, from the sea, a massive orange tentacle come out, followed 5 more massive tentacles. After the tentacles, a massive Octopus head come out, together with 2 more tentacles.
"W-what's that?"-Mantis fall on her butt while shaking
"Kraken?!"-Cricket widen his eyes
"Ah that's right, i forget that this guy live here."-Buggy is still nonchalant
Mantis hide behind Cricket, and the wolves hide on the ship while whimpering.
"It's useless. Did you think that we can outrun it?"-Buggy
"T-then what should we do?"-Mantis
"Let me talk to him."-Buggy walk forward
"".....Huh? HUUUHH?""-Cricket & Mantis
Buggy ignore the 2 and walk to the Kraken.
"Captain is going crazy, let's run, Cricket!"-Mantis
"Wait! Let's wait here, he know what he's doing."-Cricket
Buggy keep walking toward Kraken, and the Kraken see him.
The Kraken roar at Buggy, but he keep walking until he's close enough. Then the Kraken use one tentacle to slam the ground where Buggy walk. Buggy just jump to the side after feeling the Kraken's intention, so the tentacle didn't hit him.
"Whoa there, buddy, calm down! Can't we talk this out like any civil person would do? What's the problem unti a deep sea creature like you decide to go up here?"-Buggy
"We disturb your sleep? Well, sorry about that, i don't know that you sleep near this place. But as you can see, we just want to take our ship out from the ice."-Buggy
"RAWR RAAWR!"-Kraken
"Do it at day? We can't. If we do it just at day the water will freeze again at night, so it's not too effective."-Buggy
"I know it's knot your problem, but at least you need to symphatize a bit to our problem."-Buggy
"Find a solution? Hmm... Ah! Then how about this? You help us take our ship out and the problem will finish fast right? You are very strong, so lifting a ship won't be a problem to you right?"-Buggy sweet talk the Kraken
"Rawr? RARARARA, RRAWR! RAWR RRAR RAWR!"-The Kraken get flustered with the praise, but he still refuse to help
"Hmm, then how about we cook something delicious for you? Our cheff is very skillful, so she can cook a very tasty treat for you."-Buggy
The Kraken is now tempted by Buggy's offer, but it's still not sure. Buggy then give the Kraken a sample of Mantis' cooking, and the Kraken taste it. The Kraken feel like it fly because of the food, it really like the food, so it agree to Buggy's proposal.
"That's good, but you may need to catch something yourself if you really want to eat a lot."-Buggy
"Raawr raawr raaw."-Kraken nod
"That's great, we don't have many ingredients after all."-Buggy
Buggy then walk back to his ship and tell the deal with Kraken to his crewmates & wolves friends who stare at him dumbfoundedly.
"Captain, you really understand what animals say don't you?"-Mantis
"More or less, if the animals can express themselves well like this guy or Alpha."-Buggy
"Are you really human, or animal in disguise?"-Cricket rub his chin
Buggy get pissed and knock Cricket's head multiple times until his chestnut hair burried by his bumps. After that, the Kraken lift their ship and carry it to the sea. Then it dived to catch some bug fishes while the pirates preparing the cooking tools, and the wolves also help them.
"Can't we just run away?"-Cricket
"I'm not such an ungrateful person, and i will do what i've promised."-Buggy
The Kraken then return with many giant fishes from deep sea, and also some more giant octopuses. It actually bring it's family like this is a trip to the park. But well, they bring the ingredients, so there's no problem.
It's Mantis' first time cooking so many food ingredients, but she feel challenged, so she cook with vigor. She cook the food fast even if it's her first time, and it's still delicious like usual.
Cricket & Buggy also take out all their drink barrels for everyone to enjoy. Then, it all turn into a party, with Buggy & Cricket sing Bink's Sake, while the wolves & Krakens dance happily. It's an unbelievable sight, but it happen. Their last day on North Pole will be very memorable.
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I've upload Chapter 49 there today. /CaptMermain
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