Chapter 242 Live Long And Prosper.
It was Esong, she explained to herself, his negative influence had got to her, it was the only explanation for this madness. She slapped herself, small tiny slaps which would not alarm anyone but seemed to be those of someone who was attempting to wake themselves up. Still, the camera men and Blad looked at her with questions in their eyes.
"Are you okay, governor?" Blad asked her softly, in a concerned tone and he looked at her the way Cecily often looked at Justin when he fell down or showed her his barely grazed fingers after a training session with Lora.
"I am okay, the crepes are ready." she recalled the pancakes Mina made and brought them out as well. On one tray she stacked pancakes and on another crepes and welcomed the visitors to help themselves to a few.
"No eating," Mr. Rodney told his employees though, "You can save them for later, we are here to work."
"Yes sir." they could only watch Blad take small bites out of his crepe while they were filled with much jealousy and envy.
Blad smiled at them and said, "Don't worry, I am sure it will be sweet even later. Although, I think the crepe taste best when it's warm and fresh."
"Isn't it your first time eating a crepe, what do you know?" One of the camera men mumbled.
Scarlet gave Severus his very large breakfast and when the hound saw the two camera men staring at it's large stacked bowl filled with a variety of meat, It eyed them with disdain and wariness before it turned around and gave them it's back.
One of the camera men pointed at Severus and stuttered with disbelief in his eyes.
"Tsk, tsk, even the dog could see could see your greed." Blad commented.
"Nobody was going to steal the dog's food." the second camera man blurted. "What do you take us for?"
Mr. Rodney banged on the kitchen island with his knuckles, "What are you doing?" he said sternly. @@novelbin@@
"Sorry boss." they lowered their heads and went back to monitoring the footage
Blad, looked at Mr. Rodney, the stern boss of BSTV and all three other televisions. He was one of the commoners on the Blue star with wealth and some influence. The man however was what the governor called a workaholic, he was always working. Nobody worked overnight more than the television employees.
"You share a similar name with my son, Rodney." he said.
"I have heard." Mr. Rodney replied.
"To differentiate you, people use Mr. when addressing you and junior when addressing my son." Blad added. "I have told him to add Minister to his introductions so that people drop the junior, I don't think a grown man should be referred to as junior."
Mr. Rodney who was busy typing, replying messages, giving out orders and firing one actor from the shooting of a soap opera was not in a conversational mood. He glared at Blad and said, "Go away."
Blad frowned but he left, of all the Rodney's he had ever met, this one was the grumpiest of them all.
If Scarlet could hear Blad's thought, she would remind him that he had only met two Rodney's, his son and this one.
"Governor, it's time," Rodney indicated with his index finger, moving it in a circular motion. It was his wrap up whatever you are doing. It was always followed by a count down of his fingers which meant we are going live in three, two one.
Scarlet switched to governor mode, and she smiled like the perfect smiley face emoticon, "Good morning, citizens of the Blue star and those from other stars in the empire who are joining us on this lovely day. It is my hope always that every morning finds you in good health and wealth. I have three brief announcements to make, first, the final and official date of Christmas as approved and stamped by authorities from our capital and all interested star planets is the seventh day of the first month of every year. I know that you have heard about many conflicting dates which have been changed suddenly but this is the final and official announcement which also has my stamp of approval. Secondly, leading up to the last three days of Christmas, the governor's castle will be holding an event known as the Christmas baking tournament. The details of this tournament will be shared on our official communication star net page and on BSTV later today. Lastly, the last football match of the winter season will be taking place on Christmas eve, that is the day before Christmas. I encourage you all to be there and support our local sport and home teams. Thank you for listening, may we be blessed and may our empire live long and prosper."
Immediately, the television went into a commercial break and she breathed out, loudly. Scarlet could only liken her condition to someone that was wearing a waist trainer and it was suddenly taken off and she could breath easier.
"Okay," Blad nodded, "That was good, you were slightly nervous and you added a few words to the speech but you delivered the message well. Where did you come up with the may we be blessed and may the empire live long and prosper thing?"
"It just came to me." she lied with ease.
She really did not mean to say it but the speech had no closing lines and she improvised. She wanted to say what Esong said after his press briefing on the accident but she could not recall accurately what it was and she went with what she had heard many times before on earth.
"It could be a Blue star slogan," Blad mumbled, "It should be added to all official announcements I think, maybe we should....."
"Speech man, move," Mr. Rodney shouted at Blad and he rolled his fingers.
That guy had been wasting the governor's time when she should have been getting into the right mood to begin cooking.
Blad would have retaliated but the cameras turned green again, indicating that they were live not on BSTV but the live broadcast channel on star net.
Blad stayed around for the shooting of the live broadcast for some reason, he found a chair in the kitchen and plopped himself down comfortably. He was puzzled by the way Scarlet blossomed into an entirely different person when the live broadcast started. She was not the same stiff faced fake smiling woman she was during the official announcement.
"Hey guys," she waved at the camera, her voice had a slightly high pitch, she was smiling widely with most of her teeth exposed and her body was vibrating. She was radiating happiness and excitement.
"Have you missed me? I have missed you all so much." she made a heart finger and even blew some air kisses at the camera.
[I have missed you so much my beautiful chef, I am coming to Blue star to meet you as soon as you open up the planet for visitation.]
[Your chef's outfit is different, it looks like a sponsored outfit.]
[Where is baby Justin our assistant chef and official taster?]
[Did Certified gold really die because he was shot by a space pirate.]
[I dare you to marry me!!!]
"So many comments and over sixty two million viewers already, wow, I feel so loved guys. Oh, it's sixty five viewers now, wow, let's clap for ourselves." Scarlet squeezed her eyes shut and clapped her hands.
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