Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Why wasnt Choi Yu-Seong taking Kim Do-Jins calls? Forget about answering such a question, it was Yu-Seong who wanted to question Do-Jin instead.

Why the hell would I contact you when I already know youre going to use me to kill Choi Woo-Jae and then abandon me?

Of course, he didnt actually say this out loud.

Ive been busy.

Although he answered with a smile, he thought it was a pathetic excuse, even for him.

Youve been busy?

Do-Jins red lips twitched as he looked outside. He didnt say anything, but it was obvious what he thought.

He probably wants to ask me why I would have time to leisurely watch others skills if Im that busy.

Nevertheless, Do-Jin couldnt say that out loud.

Well, whatever the situation, Do-Jin came all the way here to see me. It means Im just that important to him.

Yu-Seong thought calmly. Do-Jin needed him in order to murder Woo-Jae and take revenge. Considering this fact, Yu-Seong could afford to act somewhat boldly. After all, Do-Jins eyebrows were twitching, but he wasnt showing any violent emotions.


Do-Jins response was rather soft.

Although As Ive repeatedly said to you, Choi Yu-Seong, I am quite fond of you. So much so, that if you dodge my contacts for a long time like this, I would be very much disappointed.

Yu-Seong sighed with relief as the conversation was proceeding as he expected.

As I thought He isnt pushing me on it.

In a way, this was one of the more terrifying aspects of the original novels main character. Although Do-Jin was a prideful man with sharp eyes and an overwhelming aura, he wasnt just an aggressive figure like his appearance suggested. He was capable of cutting out any emotions, including his pride, to achieve his goal. And now, said goal was become closer to Yu-Seong by any means necessary.

Even if hes a returner, hes going to need some time to regain his strength.

Even if he regained his strength, it wouldnt be easy to reach Woo-Jae. It was the same as trying to break into a castle fortified with high walls and iron barricades.

He didnt know all the details, but Yu-Seong was sure that Woo-Jae didnt reveal everything he had. It was clear that Do-Jin also recognized that somewhat instinctively. Deciding to use the foolish and prideful Yu-Seong first was Do-Jins instinct of identifying an easy path to reach his goal.

Of course, if that doesnt seem to work out, hes going to reset everything and start over.

This was another scary aspect of Do-Jin. If his initial plan failed, he was decisive and skillful enough to reset everything and create an entirely new situation.

That was why Yu-Seong still had to lay low. He had somehow managed to deal with the awkward encounter today, but there was no way this conversation would end easily.

Do-Jins obsession with Yu-Seong was clear, in that he even visited Yu-Seongs house. It was evident that Do-Jin wouldnt leave until he had a satisfactory answer from him.

This isnt good. I shouldve naturally drifted away from Kim Do-Jin

However, difficulties werent usually solved as easily as one wished. Smiling bitterly, Yu-Seong avoided the silent returners black eyes that displayed none of Do-Jins current thoughts.

Would he just leave if I ask? Probably not, huh?

Strangely enough, even though Yu-Seong apparently had the upper hand, it felt like he was a rat cornered by a cat. He didnt know how to escape this situation.

As Kim Do-Jin stared at Yu-Seong with probing eyes, Jin Do-Yoon stepped forward to block his gaze. Although Do-Jin frowned at the interruption, he soon softened his expression.

Kim Do-Jin, there shouldnt be any reason for you to be here, right? Highly wary of Do-Jin, Jin Yu-Ri didnt miss the opportunity provided by her brother.

To some, it was unclear why Yu-Ri was questioning Do-Jin. It hadnt been long since he had returned to Earth after being a hero in another universe, but Do-Jin was famous in a different way from Yu-Seong. Everyone talked about how handsome he was, his gentlemanly mannerswhich he kept only for the sake of appearance, how he had Awakened at the E rank, and how he had ten initial skills.

He was even recognized by the Sword Master, one of the worlds top rankers. The media already paid attention to Do-Jin on both a national and international scale. The Korean government also expressed their stance, namely that they absolutely supported his growth. In other words, he was a super rookie and

a celebrity. He had the respect and love of not only ordinary citizens, but also players.

That was why the foolish Yu-Seong had been blown away when Do-Jin had complimented him without scorn. As an attention seeker, how could Yu-Seong not like the idea of becoming friends with the great Do-Jin? For Yu-Seong, this was another thing to brag about.

Of course, the Jin siblings repeatedly warned Yu-Seong of Do-Jins unexpected flattery, but the Yu-Seong in the past had simply ignored their warnings. But the current Yu-Seong was different. Therefore, he was very grateful for the Jin siblings standing up for him.

Buy me a little more time.

Considering Do-Jins various aspects, he wasnt an easy opponent to beat. He was a professional that had overcome all sorts of hardships while spending thirty years in another universe.

With his plot armor as the main character, hes much more dangerous.

While Yu-Seong was catching his breath, Do-Jin remained silent, as if he was pondering over something. Yu-Ri continued.

"If there's nothing to say, it would be appreciated if youd leave. There are many people waiting."

"So I can only visit when I have something to say?"

"Why are you being stubborn? Its like you are a little kid. I dont understand why you are acting this way.

"I just want to speak with Choi Yu-Seong."

"Youve been trying to contact him a lot lately."

It seemed the confrontation was going to go on for a while until Do-Jin spoke.

"...Choi Yu-Seong, you really did become a player, huh?"

Do-Jins question was direct. Although Jin Yu-Ri could've been shocked by his knowledge, her expression didnt change.

Instead, it was Jin Do-Yoon, who wasn't taking part in the conversation, that shortly showed agitation. And even though Do-Jin was looking at Yu-Ri, he took that as confirmation

"I guess I'm correct."


The brief silence that followed was deafening.

Do-Jin was different from Choi Min-Seok. Nobody had a reason to provide Yu-Seong's information to Do-Jin. Do-Jin only had several clues to confirm Yu-Seong's Awakening.

'He's a monster.'

Yu-Ri was barely able to calm down her pounding heart.

"Didn't your other siblings come and visit you? For example...yes, Choi Min-Seok."

Do-Jin's follow-up question was just as sharp as before. It was as if he had a hidden surveillance camera that followed Yu-Seong. Yu-Ri thought theyd give too much away to Do-Jin if the conversation continued this way.

"...But why have you been talking down[1] to us since you arrived?"

She frowned as she criticized his manner of speaking, showing that offense had been taken.

"Because I wasn't talking to you. Weren't you listening until now, Choi Yu-Seong?"

"...I sure am listening."

Yu-Seong entered the conversation. "Both of you, please step aside. I'll talk with him."

"But, sir..."

Do-Yoon glanced at Yu-Seong with concern, but he eventually nodded slowly and stepped back. On the other hand, Yu-Ri looked at Yu-Seong apologetically, but her eyes showed the trust she had in him.

'Did she realize that I wanted her to buy me some time?"

Yu-Seong smiled with amazement at Yu-Ri's quick thinking. While Do-Yoon looked at Yu-Seong with a guilty expression over his mistake, it wasn't that big of a problem.

"After all, everyone will soon realize that I became a player..."

Yu-Seong stroked his chin as he intentionally spoke out loud to make sure the Jin siblings and Do-Jin heard him clearly.

As the hindrance in front of him was dismissed by Yu-Seong, Do-Jin openly started to observe him. It didn't feel that bad.

'Kim Do-Jin scanning me this openly means that he still regards me as insignificant.'

Do-Jin's appearance today was certainly unexpected. But did that mean he was more fearsome of an opponent compared to Choi Woo-Jae?

Do-Jin was a hero that saved an alternate universe and would one day kill not only Woo-Jae but also countless villains and monsters that threatened this world. He sure was an extraordinary figure, if one read the stories about him.

'Of course. He's the main character.'

But that was precisely why Yu-Seong thought it would be easier to handle Do-Jin than Woo-Jae.

'I know Do-Jin very well.'

Yu-Seong had watched over Do-Jin longer than anyone in this world, based on the novel [Modern Master Returns].

Yu-Seongs initial disconcertment had all but disappeared. Indeed, the Do-Jin in the future would have overcome hardships even more perilous and cruel than when he was a hero in an alternate universe and, ultimately, would have become incomparably strong and far more indifferent. But the Do-Jin now was not remotely that perfect being. Rather, perhaps due to the aftermath of exploring a different world, he had developed some weaknesses. Although he was a difficult person to handle, it wasn't entirely impossible.

"I'm going to ask again. Why didn't you respond to my messages? Also...if you've become a player, it would've been nice if you had told me about it."

"I told you. I was busy."

"But a simple message would've been..."

"It's been only two days since I went through the Awakening."

It was actually four days since the Awakening, but there was no way Do-Jin would know since he couldnt read minds and see if a person was lying.

I had to learn about my abilities and plan how Im going to handle them. Isnt it normal for a person to be busy when dealing with that?

Youplanned? Do-Jin askedand unknowingly made a mistake.

Although Yu-Seong was laughing inwardly, he responded with a serious face.

Hey, what do you mean by that? Do you mean Im not the type of person thats capable of making a plan?

Some could say he was being childish, but what were they going to do about it? The man in front of Yu-Seong was the returner, Do-Jin, and the only weapon Yu-Seong could use against him was their peculiar relationship, which Yu-Seong knew everything about.

Did you think so poorly of me?

Yu-Seong didnt raise his voice, but he spoke as if he was highly offended. Do-Jins expression stiffened even more. His cold eyes now didnt reflect any emotion at all. He was dry and indifferent.

Staring into Do-Jins black eyes, Yu-Seong prayed inside.

Please dont get mad right now, I beg you.

If Do-Jin went on a rampage, then Yu-Seong could lose his life. Of course, Do-Jin would probably be risking his life as well. After all, he was still in the middle of regaining his full powers that were lost when he returned from another universe.

But arent all main characters like this?

He would find a way somehow.

Luck and fate always took the side of the main character. However, since it would be hard to kill Yu-Seong when the Jin siblings were guarding him right now, the shrewd Do-Jin would rather wait until Yu-Seong was alone.

Anyways, it would have been bad if Do-Jin left angrily. So although he preferred not to, Yu-Seong thought that he had to maintain a certain distance from Do-Jin.

I dont have enough strength yet.

That was why he had to continue to speak. His eyes didnt betray the fear he felt inside. He desperately calmed his pounding heart, the same way he had done when he was facing Woo-Jae.

He knew one thing. Considering that Do-Jin approached Yu-Seong intentionally, Do-Jin wasnt able to turn his back on him.

But is that always true?

As mentioned, Do-Jin was capable of resetting everything and generating a situation more favorable to him. Groaning inwardly, Yu-Seong used his trump card.

My father complimented me recently. I told him it might be thanks to you

Yu-Seong lied through his teeth. It wasnt a total liehe had gotten the present from Choi Woo-Jae because he actually did receive some recognition from Woo-Jae.

Do-Jin pondered over what Yu-Seong said. Was it a simple coincidence that Yu-Seong suddenly became a player?

It was highly possible that Woo-Jae was involved in this. Therefore, Do-Jin didnt take long to think of the Awakening Stone. Nowadays, the Awakening Stone wasnt something one could acquire just because they had the money, but.

Trying to figure out what was true and what was not, Do-Jin formed the most plausible scenario in his head. The name of that scenario was undoubtedly hope.

There was only one thing left for Yu-Seong to doto act like the rascal Yu-Seong would do. Instead of appearing rational and calculated, as Do-Jin expected, he had to speak as if he was the king of the world and better than Do-Jin.

It was my mistake. You were just a liar that considered me trash, just like everyone else. Get out of my face. Youre no different from all the other losers that are only interested in my money and family.

His voice trembled as he spoke. Truthfully, it was because he was scared as he said it out loud, but the message was delivered clearly to Do-Jin and the Jin siblings.

The young masters really angry.

Do-Yoon and Yu-Ri looked at Yu-Seong wide-eyed. At the same time, Do-Jin, who had been staring at Yu-Seong indifferently the whole time, turned silently and walked out of the room. Yu-Seongs mind raced in an instant.

What? Hes just leaving? Should I chase after him?

That wasnt possible. For his safety, it was better to drift away from Do-Jin like this and stay close to the Jin siblings. While he was greatly confused by Do-Jins actions, Yu-Seong sighed.


Suddenly, Do-Jin let go of the doorknob and ran back to face Yu-Seong, his expression still indifferent.

I apologize. I didnt understand what you were going through.

The returner had just said something that no one had expected to hear from him. Hearing that, Yu-Seong almost screamed from joy. Of course, he didnt express it either.

I have to pretend like Im not afraid of anything. Yes, just like Kim Do-Jin.

Yu-Seong mimicked Do-Jins indifferent expression and tilted his head arrogantly. Do-Jin frowned as he looked at Yu-Seong.

Yeah dude, Im the rascal Choi Yu-Seong.

Although he wasnt a rascal himself, the body of the previous Yu-Seong remembered perfectly how to do things. It was natural that he was confident in his ability to go wild.

Ill reach out to you later. And when I do, I hope you respond. If not

Do-Jin didnt finish his sentence. Instead, he turned to Yu-Seong, his eyes glinting dangerously. Although Yu-Seong didnt say anything back, he stiffened as if he were prey in front of a hungry snake.

That assholes really pissed off.

In the [Modern Master Returns] novel Yu-Seong woke up in, the author described Do-Jin the same way repeatedly.

[Enraged as he was, Kim Do-Jin smiled, his eyes glinting with danger.]

When Do-Jin was really angry, he didnt frown or display his emotions, he didnt even seem interested.

I would be extremely disappointed, Choi Yu-Seong.

Imagining what Do-Jin would say if he got disappointed, Yu-Seong gulped unconsciously.

It depends on what you do.

Fortunately, Yu-Seongs words still came out smoothly. Do-Jin snorted and turned away.

Damn it. I didnt want to look nervous.

Had Kim Do-Jin noticed?

Although Yu-Seong was worried, his concern only lasted briefly. Instead, he stopped Do-Jin from heading out.

Just a second.

...What is it? Still frowning, Do-Jin turned to Yu-Seong.

I said, it depends on what you do, Yu-Seong repeated himself.

I honestly dont understand what youre talking about.

Why are you acting like you dont know anything? Didnt you come here at least knowing what were doing right now?


Do-Jin looked confused. But then, his eyes narrowed, as if he had realized something. Yu-Seong beamed and shouted inwardly.

Give me the amazing skills a main character would have.

He was the rascal Yu-Seong and also a reader that had finished the original novel. Moreover, he never held back from pulling various tricks or stunts.

And that was how Choi Yu-Seong won this round against the returner who had saved another universe.

1. Korea speaks differently according to the person one is talking to. If one is talking to an elderly or a respected person, they have to talk differently compared to when the interlocutor is a kid

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