Chapter 141: Sincerely Yours
Daniel eats the meal prepared by Reignleif as he ponders the damage he has done with his reckless behavior. The stateroom is smaller than his room in the Citadel, so it becomes quickly crowded if too many people try to remain inside to watch over him. As such, his companions have been taking turns while he recovers. Those with other tasks have focused their attention on those projects, which includes Daniel’s usual clingiest consorts, Hekate, the dragons, and even Doephluev.
As such, Kera’tai is the one sitting with him now, resting from her own efforts to train for strength with the legendary Stalvaltan Guards.
“Any word on the Grand Duchess?” asks Daniel, since he heard about what happened.
“She's awake as well and asking after you,” replies the Chi’rinnis mage. “Everyone felt it was safer for her to recover without magic, and Duchess Yanidere has been upkeeping all of the business meetings in her place. So far, there have been no major issues.”
Daniel nods, absorbing her words.
“Also, Ahok believes she has finished the device you asked for, so she'll be sending it on the next shuttle.”
“Thank you. I'm sorry I'm out of commission for so many important things.”
Kera’tai smiles sympathetically. “You really gave everyone a fright once again, Daniel. Geirahoel was quite insistent on turning Neith into a female. I think Ryuo is also in agreement now…”
Daniel’s expression turns downcast. Reignleif has visited him plenty, explaining curses more thoroughly and why Daniel needs to be more careful. “Even dragons are wary of treasure that comes too easily,” she had said.
However, both Geirahoel and Ryuogriar have refrained from speaking to him, which has certainly not gone unnoticed by anyone. And, after Geirahoel fled the room, Daniel is certain that he has truly upset them this time. They may want to punish Neith, but they also are hurt and disappointed that Daniel broke his promise again.
“Do you mind telling me where Ryuo and Geira are now?” asks Daniel gently.
Kera’tai hesitates for a moment. Daniel tries to treat his companions as if they’re the only person in the world when they’re being intimate, but at the moment, he is worried about the discord he himself sowed in his family.
That said, the Chi’rinnis woman’s hesitation isn’t because of that, but rather…
“I think… Geirahoel left. I haven’t heard where she went, but I’m pretty sure she isn’t in town or on the airship anywhere.”
Daniel tenses, and she continues, “Ryuogriar has been attending meetings with Yanidere, but I think she’s currently resting in the lounge.”
Daniel nods. “I see…” He wearily climbs out of the bed, and Kera’tai stands up to be ready to help him. She does try to insist that he rest, but he needs to start repairing the damage.
“You should rest, Daniel. We don’t know what the full effects…”
“I’ve been sitting around too much, and I owe some very important apologies.”
She hesitates, but she understands where he’s coming from. And, he starts with the person right in front of him. He takes her hand and kneels in front of her, surprising the young chieftain’s daughter.
“Kera’tai, my unofficial first mistress in this world…”
She scoffs at his remark, since it is technically true. Even Wenlianna, Gwen, and Treia didn’t officially express affection for Daniel the way Kera’tai did before she met him.
“I am truly sorry for the concern and worry I have caused. I thank you sincerely for taking care of me after my blunder, and I will strive to learn from this experience and be more mindful of how my actions affect everyone.”
She nods, and he kisses her hand. She adds gently, “I’m working on getting stronger as well, Daniel. Don’t be surprised if I challenge you to a fight one of these days…”
He laughs softly. They both know the intended meaning of that statement. He jokes softly, “I am the Harbinger of Calamity, muhdame. I haven’t even used any real magic yet.”
She bursts out a laugh, “Pu-hah! Hahaha! Very funny, Daniel. But, I think it was ‘Apostle of Despair, Harbinger of Woe.’” She leans down and kisses him affectionately. The kirin-woman then adds softly with a playful edge to her tone, “I haven’t rued that day even once.”
Daniel smiles, comforted by her kind words. She then helps him back up to his feet, and they walk towards the lounge. She teases him along the way, “Besides, I think you should really fear the children of the Harbinger of Calamity. I have seen the power they wield over you.” She snickers deviously, rubbing her own abdomen eagerly.
The mechanic can’t help but laugh softly. “Yes, yes. I will be defeated in no time at all, at this rate.”
As they reach the lounge, he hesitates at the door. He’s not afraid of Ryuogriar, even though she is far more powerful than him as a dragon, and that she is obviously angry at him. However, he has faced far worse encounters many times, including superior officers ‘upgrading’ him for mistakes he had made. And, unlike any other situation he has found himself in before or since, there was no such thing as making excuses for some of those officers. All he could do was shut up and take it and explain how and why they should let him resume doing his own job.
This encounter with Ryuogriar is the one he dreads most, since she is the most mature, and as such, most articulate in how she is going to reprimand him.
Daniel opens the door, and the two walk into the lounge.
Presently, Vaergraes, Treia, Gwenesphia, Roeta, Magnir, Veiranoei, a handful of knights, and Yanidere are all scattered around the room, either in small groups or alone to talk and relax.
Seated in the center of the room on the lounge sofa is the platinum dragon matriarch and Second Empress of the Fievegal.
She looks directly at Daniel, and her expression is relatively cold, though certainly to be expected, all things considered. She sets down the papers that she was reading over, standing up and curtsying. “Your Grace…”
Daniel’s heart feels like it tightens for a moment. He’s definitely hoping she’s just punishing him, and that he can fix what he has done. He has too much to lose now, and he was reckless. Never has it been so clear to him.
Daniel approaches her, and he kneels. “Ryuo-mukori… I deserve that. I deserve reprimand, punishment, house arrest… I was reckless and foolish. Please… give me one more chance to fix my mistakes. I owe everyone here an apology, and I don’t deserve your trust with my promises, but I ask you to help me be the person you think I am. Please correct me. I will accept whatever punishment you see fit.”
Everyone else watches quietly, and Ryuogriar stares down at him with the same cold expression. She finally growls, “Leave us.”
It is the most emotionless and distant her voice has ever been.
Kera’tai tries to nervously defend Daniel, “R-Ryuo, Daniel is…”
The dragon looks at her, and she flinches. It’s clear the second highest-ranking Empress is no longer having fun or playing around.
“Do you have something to say that can change the past, Kera’tai? No? Then there is no reason to speak.”
“L-Lady Ryuogriar,...” starts Vaergraes, possibly the only other one who has the seniority of character to speak to Ryuogriar on an equal level outside of the inner circle of the Fievegal.
The dragon looks over her shoulder, retorting with the same vicious coldness she has had the whole time. “If none of you want to confront what happened, then you should expect it to happen again. There are only two who stand above me in the Fievegal, and I will be speaking to one of them. Alone. Do not make me repeat myself.”
The knights, Yanidere, and the three gatonine empresses make their way out without further hesitation, while Kera’tai and Vaergraes linger a little longer. Vaergraes finally yields, and she bows, walking out of the room, leaving only Daniel, Kera’tai, and Ryuogriar.
The blonde dragon glares at the Chi’rinnis woman with her icy gaze once more. “Kera’tai…”
“I just… If you’ll only listen…”
“I have listened. I have heard it all before. Daniel has come accepting the punishment I see fit. If I am to kill him, then that would be my prerogative, no?”
Kera’tai winces, gently gripping Daniel’s shirt at his shoulder. He makes eye contact with her, nodding gently. “It’s alright, Kera’tai. Ryuo-mukori is right.”
The Chi’rinnis finally relents, and she nods silently, bowing to Ryuogriar and making her way out.
Once the room is clear, Ryuogriar sighs. “I suppose you don’t know why I’m actually angry, do you?”
Daniel replies quietly, “Some combination of my thoughtlessness disguised as protecting everyone and not asking for help.”
She is quiet, looking to the side. She finally nods. “That’s the most of it…”
They both remain in silence for a moment. Daniel is the one to speak first this time. “I know I can’t just keep apologizing. And, I know I can’t protect everyone forever. I just… it was a long time before I had anything to lose. And this time… When I saw the emblem on that ring, I felt like I knew what it was, but as soon as I touched it, it vanished.”
“And, the curse’s immediate effect was delayed by Nemaisol,” remarks the dragon, finishing the thought herself.
The mechanic nods once in confirmation.
“Why did you feel the need to confront the spy by yourself? Especially after making a show of letting her go? What if she had attacked you. If the assassin’s words are to be believed, she could have killed you before Neith could defend you. And, he doesn’t specialize in defense.”
“Can I explain through a slightly different story, Mukori?”
She cocks her head, still wearing her cold expression, but she nods once.
“You know the videos on my phone, now, how they’re fictional and drawn by hand using technology more advanced than my phone, in some cases. Well, we had interactive versions of that, where the player controls a character. You can experience the adventure without the fear of harm or death, similar to when we all “visited” Sundenelle’s palace.”
“What does this have to do with you getting cursed?”
“I have been telling myself -lying to myself- that everything is a video game. When I killed Mul-... Mulmon… the Red Knight, I wasn’t brave. I was delusional. I drowned out my fear by repeating that it was all fiction. A really realistic fiction. I did the same with Lugrae, when Morthybargaron led the assault on the Citadel… All of it. Somewhere along the line, all of it started to blur together.” He looks at her. “I come from a safe world. A comfortable world. I don’t have the instincts to fear magic, to be wary of curses. I look at a dragon and feel wonder before I feel fear. I see a spirit…” He gestures at the light spirit hovering around his collar, who is watching the conversation without any input. “And, I think of how cute she is. It never really sinks in how powerful even this tiny little being is.” The pixie-like being giddily hugs his hand when he moves it close, and Ryuogriar watches.
The earthling takes another breath and sighs. He looks up at Ryuogriar. “When I receive affection, it really does feel like a dream. It feels like I’m still some loser, dreaming an impossible scenario that would never happen. I’m happy, but a part of me is afraid of losing it all if I don’t prove that I’m actually a part of it, and worse, I want to protect everyone, even from my own anger and fears…”
Ryuogriar hears him out, and she ponders his words. He adds sincerely, “I’m not trying to make excuses, though I suppose that’s all it really amounts to. I will atone however you wish, but please… even if I don’t deserve it, please give me a chance to see the future with you… I do need you. I… I need you to be real… and not… a dream…” The mechanic tries to fight it, since he’s not fishing for sympathy, so much as asking for a chance for forgiveness. However, his efforts are unsuccessful, and a tear slips down his cheek. He looks down and away, trying to hide it.
The dragon immediately cups his cheek with her hand, pulling his face to look at her. She stares into his eyes for a long time, and he can see tears wavering in her own gaze. She is still hurt and angry, but because it comes from a deeply-seated love, just as Daniel’s disappointment in himself does.
She squeezes his cheek a little, digging her nails into his skin ever so slightly as she states seriously, “I am real. Your children are real. The pain you made me feel is real. You are not dreaming. Take responsibility and make it up to me properly.”
“What do you wish for?” asks Daniel. “Anything in my power is yours.”
Ryuogriar continues to hold his cheek, looking to the side only with her eyes. She ponders her next words carefully, and then says seriously, “Very well… I don’t hate you, Mukori. I want you to know that… I want you to know that you are and will continue to be my Mukori.” She holds his other cheek tenderly, now completely in control of his head with her hands.
Daniel doesn’t feel the slightest fear.
The dragon matriarch continues, “Make it real, Mukori. Take me as your wife.”
Daniel’s eye twitches, and her own gaze narrows in a light scowl. She continues, “This isn’t a joke, nor an attempt to antagonize anyone. I am not your real wife, and so, you do not restrain yourself as a husband.”
She can undoubtedly feel Daniel’s cheek muscles shift and tense when he hesitates, and she takes a breath and sighs. Her grip squeezes a little more on his head, and she replies with the same iciness to her voice that she had before, “I have told you the terms, Mukori. Your atonement is to make peace with Hekate and make me your wife. Then, I will accept no more of these broken promises.”
Daniel lets his eyes wander for a moment. It’s a completely rational request, and she’s forcing him to commit more meaningfully than simply apologizing and making promises. He’ll have to go through the entire process, however Ryuogriar wants to go through with it. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but…
Now, he feels a moment of fear.
He isn’t afraid of Ryuogriar, but it’s at this moment that he realizes she’s asking him to fully give himself to her and their family.
The last time he truly felt this fear was when he first signed up for the Navy and was about to ship out. It was a fear of commitment, as well as a fear of change, combining together to make him anxious.
If he’s learned anything in his ~34 years of life, it’s that he, himself, is not a particularly brave or heroic person. His instincts lean more into the realm of cowardice, even when he was so low that he wanted it all to end. He couldn’t grasp that end with his own strength, and he continued to live in fear.
Eventually, that fear became indifference, and now…
Now, he is just feeling an echo of the past. A fear of growing up truly and completely.
The human mechanic from Earth, lost in this far away world, places his hand on hers. He jokes softly, “You want her to kill us all, don’t you…?”
Her expression doesn’t change, and he pulls her left hand to his lips to kiss it gently. “I’ll talk to her tonight. We’ll work it out somehow, but, if you’ll have me… please marry me officially, Mukori.”
Finally, the dragon’s icy expression softens. She gingerly uses her right hand to stroke the side of his face. “I won’t be so forgiving next time, Mukori. If you really do love me, you will remember that well.”
“I will. You’re right. I need all of you. I need your strength, your wisdom, and your magic.” He takes both of her hands, adding softly, “And, I don’t want to live without your love.”
Her softened expression warms into a tender smile, and she leans over to kiss him, hugging his head firmly as their lips interlock.
When she breaks the connection, she still holds him close.
“You’re on your own with Hekate, since it’s your punishment, but I expect you to not neglect dear sweet Reina and Geira, yes?”
He nods. “If… it’s alright, I’d like to… with everyone, make it official…”
She pecks his lips more briefly this time, saying a little smugly, “If it will stop this nonsense about reality and dreams and thoughtlessly excluding me, then I will approve. I will not control who you show love to, but I expect you to heed my counsel if I have something to say. If I have not proven myself trustworthy, I have had you at my mercy for several minutes now and would only be one additional person away from becoming the master of the Citadel.”
“Whatever your official title, you’re already the master of the Citadel in every way that matters, Mukori,” teases Daniel.
She grins, now gripping his collar to pull him to his feet. “As long as you understand, my darling Mukori. You trust too easily, just as your kindness can be a weakness. If you need someone you trust to make a final decision when it is hard for you, I will do so. So, trust me more, Mukori. Give me everything, and you will need nothing else.”
Daniel nods. “I’m going to spend the rest of the day apologizing to everyone as best as I can, and I’ll talk to Hekate about what we discussed. However, I can’t drop the feeling that the ring was something important. If a spy as dangerous as Veuthene was trying to infiltrate us,...”
“The odds that her cohorts or even unrelated others already have are not zero.”
Again, the mechanic silently agrees.
“We must increase our level of caution, then. Can you recall the emblem on the ring?”
“No… I wish I could, but it seemed familiar at a glance, which was why it gripped me.”
“Hmm… Perhaps,...” The dragon matriarch trails off as she thinks, rubbing her slightly bulging belly.
“What are you thinking?” asks Daniel, gently placing his hands on her hips. Thankfully, she doesn’t pull away from him, and if anything, leans towards him.
“I… only have a thought at the moment. I was wondering if Dawnsight would be able to help, or perhaps some other spell…”
“Is oneiromancy a thing in this world?” asks Daniel curiously.
“Oneiromancy? What is that? Is it an English word?”
“Well… yes. It’s the process of divining visions or meaning out of dreams, since dreams are generally rooted in the subconscious parts of the mind.”
“Hmm… Yes, that could work… But, will it work?” She looks at Daniel seriously, reminding him one more time of his blunder.
The curse drained all of his mana, and by all appearances, it still hasn’t returned. He admits softly, “I don’t know.”
“Yes, well… For now, go make your apologies, Daniel. I’ll spread the word to the others that I fully trust.” Just as he starts to back away to kiss her hand, she grips the human’s collar and pulls him close to put her face directly in front of his. “You will finish your apology tour tonight by returning to me. That is non-negotiable.”
“I’m thankful for your forgiveness, my glorious Mukori.”
She smirks in a way that shows her teeth, retorting bluntly, “You’re not completely forgiven yet, Mukori. We’ll have to see how I feel tomorrow.”
Ryuogriar is one of the most outspoken and forward of Daniel’s companions, and she has been none-too-shy about expressing her desires.
With that in mind, Daniel takes the initiative to answer her with one final kiss, and she wraps her arms around his neck in approval. She whispers deviously, “I have high hopes for you, Mukori.” When she finally releases him, she does rest her hand on his chest as she adds, “By the way, you won’t have time today to talk to Geirahoel. She returned to the Citadel.”
Daniel winces, but she adds with a slightly bitter tone of encouragement, “You’ll have the rest of today to figure out how you’ll make it up to her. She took it harder than any of us, and you don’t even hide that she’s your favorite.”
The human opens his mouth to speak, but she places her fingers over his mouth to quiet him. “I accept that she has found a special place in your heart. As long as mine is right next to hers, I will say nothing more of it, so long as you start your long list of weddings with either Hekate or myself.”
Daniel can’t help but laugh at his situation. “Deal. Then… tomorrow, will you accompany me to the Citadel to find her? I’ll talk to her alone, but…”
“Happily, Mukori. Now, go. The sooner you finish your task, the sooner you can return to me.”
The inexperienced Emperor bows politely, saying softly, “As you command, my lovely wife.”
“Mmm… Don’t keep me waiting, Mukori.”
Daniel leaves the room, finding each of his companions that he can to make the apologies he needs to make. He’ll give everything he can to recover the damage to his family.
“Zuzanna, I have chosen you and humbly ask for your cooperation. My name is Amalaskae, your very own goddess! Can you believe it?”
Zuzanna looks around, surprised to observe her current surroundings, which are rather sterile. She was camping in the woods, doing her yoga stretches to stay in shape. She has another backpacking trip scheduled on the anniversary of the last trip she took with her grandfather, so she wants to make sure she can make the full hike. She has a long trek planned, and it takes a great deal of endurance and excellent health to ensure she can make it.
“A… mal… askae?”
“That’s right!” expresses the young woman excitedly.
“But… there’s only one God.”
The strange young woman flinches, not expecting that answer. “Gah! Uh… Well, that’s… Uh… What I meant to say is… I’m more like… I guess, ‘middle management’?”
“So… you blasphemed?”
“Gahhh! Listen, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to take over God’s position or anything. I’ve just been told it’s easier for humans to understand if I tell you… I’m… a goddess…”
Zuzanna isn’t a fool. She’s in touch with modern pop culture, even if she only dabbles in some of it.
Anime has stories like this; a random person is summoned by a higher being in order to go to another world for one reason or another.
‘In fact, I’m lucky it’s the “summoning” style, right? Aren’t there just as many stories where someone dies? I… didn’t die, did I?’
“I didn’t die, did I?” asks the startled young Polish woman. “Actually, isn’t this, like, an exclusively Japanese thing?”
Amalaskae giggles at her remark. “Japanese? U-Um, no. It has nothing to do with the country of origin. Planet is more important. E-Earth doesn’t have magic, but because of its level of overall advancement, there is great reliability in earthlings.Th-There is risk, as well, but… Oh! I’m not supposed to say that.”
‘For a goddess, she doesn’t seem very reliable…’ thinks Zuzanna to herself.
“Oh! And, you haven’t died. I-If you were paying attention, there… was a magic circle that appeared beneath you to summon you.”
“Ah… I did see that.”
“Right! And, I’ve summoned you to request your assistance in another world. Th-There was a summoning ritual, and they want a hero to help them.”
“H-Hero? Me?”
“Mm-hmm! Don’t worry, I said I’m your personal goddess, because it is my duty to empower you and watch over you as your journey progresses. And, you’ll be my very fi-... Um… fine heroine for this task. I-If goddess doesn’t work, please think of me as simply an angel.”
“So… what? Is this like some video game world?” asks Zuzanna a little skeptically.
“Not exactly. You won’t have to shout ‘Status!’ for no reason, since your new gifts won’t be numerically quantifiable, in the way that your current stamina is a part of yourself, but not quantifiable. I-I hope that makes sense.”
“I suppose… But… Why me?”
“Y-You have good character, and you’re easy to talk to, and… Um… Well…” Amalaskae fidgets with her hands.
It only takes a second for Zuzanna to consider possibilities for why she would be adequate to go to another world.
“I have no meaningful familial attachments to Earth.”
The alleged goddess looks to the side, murmuring softly, “I… y-yes… Th-That’s right.”
The young golden-blonde Polish woman is quiet for a moment. But, only for a moment. If she really is an ‘angel’, then Amalaskae probably has all the time in the world.
“I see… Then, how does it work? If I’m being chosen, do I have to… I don’t know, level up or something? Do I get something to protect me in this other world.”
“Y-Yes! Of course! I-I actually can give you magic powers to boost your strength even higher than the average person there. The world you’re going to is called Zenkon, and there are things there you won’t be used to, but as long as you are careful and diligent, there should be no issues.”
“Hmmm… Alright, but I want my backpacking equipment. And, I’d like my stamina to be higher. Plus, I’d like to have magic, if this world has magic. You mentioned it, so I’m guessing it must be a factor.”
“Y-Yes of course! I have no intention on holding back!” She gives a proud pose of eagerness. “I have carefully selected everything I can possibly give to you to make sure you are completely safe and succeed in your mission.”
“Oh?” asks Zuzanna curiously. She doesn’t usually need much, since she has a decent job, her hobbies aren’t expensive, and she lives within her means. But, Amalaskae was right. She can imagine some reasons why she wouldn’t want to leave Earth, but she also doesn’t have much specifically keeping her there.
“Yes! I’ll be giving you enhanced strength and stamina, as well as magic resistance. You’ll also have a special magic that will always work. Oh! And, the most important one; I can’t make you invincible, since that comes with too many restric-... Ahem, anyways, ignore that. What I mean to say is that you’ll have a regeneration ability. So, as long as you can escape, you’ll be able to heal. S-So be careful, and be ready to run.”
“Um… Do I have to not run at any point?”
“Th-That’s up to you. I can’t force you to do anything, but I wanted to answer the summoning request for the kingdom calling for a hero, and if you accept, you’ll be sent to Zenkon with the powers I described.”
Zuzia nods, strongly considering the offer. It’s a very tempting, considering she has always had a bit of an adventurous soul. But, she might not have an opportunity like this again.
“B-Before I decide, is… there any way I could… s-speak to my Grandpa?” asks Zuzia gently. “It’s almost the anniversary of our last backpacking trip together, so… I wouldn’t want to miss it…”
“Oh…” murmurs Amalaskae, disheartened by Zuzanna’s request. “I… I’m afraid… that won’t be possible. I-... I’m not supposed to explain it, but… Um… L-Let’s just say, your Grandfather is living a new life, and he won’t have his memories.”
Zuzanna bows her head as she quietly prays for his happiness and comfort in his new life. Thankfully, the young and nervous-seeming angel remains respectfully quiet during the small prayer.
The blonde takes a breath and sighs once she has completed her prayer.
‘Grandpa wouldn’t want me to twist my life around for the trip. Rather, he’d want me to go on this journey for both of us.’ She giggles at the thought of her adventurous role model. No mountain was too tall, nor any path too rugged. He taught her everything she needs to know about survival, from the equipment she absolutely needs, to the ways to improvise safely on the trail.
‘Right. If they’re summoning a hero, then they almost certainly need help with something. And, if Miss Amalaskae is giving me the strength to help them by the grace of God, then all the better. I won’t shy away from adventure if I’m needed for it. Grandpa, please watch over me on this journey. I swear, I’ll make it count for both of us.’ She smiles and looks up, even though it’s very possible she’s near heaven itself already, if she’s talking to an angel in this strange place.
“Alright, then, if it’s not too much trouble, I have a few more requests.”
“Y-Yes! I’ll grant you everything I can! Thank you so much!” Amalaskae seems to be over the moon, and Zuzanna explains what else she wants.
That’s when Zuzia wakes up. She can recall it now, in detail. She was magically pulled into a strange place, where one of God’s angels asked her to take on a mission in another world. She explained many of the rules, including the fact that the immense bestowal of magic power on Zuzia would likely cause amnesia when she arrived, but hopefully, she would be able to handle it quickly.
The young Polish woman blanches at the thought. Not only did she panic, she used her bear spray on several people. It’s illegal in most countries to wield bear-rated pepper sprays against humans because of the increased potency. Zuzia never had to use hers at all, let alone against a person, but she has read online that it can be potentially lethal to a person, and the high-pressure of the spray can do permanent damage to the skin and eyes.
She winces.
She definitely sprayed that blond guy square in the face at close range. There’s almost no chance she didn’t hit him in the eyes. Given how he was dressed, he’s very possibly someone high-ranking in this world.
And, now that she knows that she’s no longer on Earth, she is aware that they weren’t kidnappers. She doesn’t know their character regardless, but it’s more fair to assume that they are who the angel sent her to in answer to their summoning request.
Zuzia lays out flat on the ground as she groans. “Nnnnnugh! How did that all happen?” She looks at her backpack. She still has all of her gear, which if she had any sense, she would have realized meant that she wasn’t kidnapped. And, she certainly wouldn’t have been kidnapped and transported an untold number of kilometers while still possessing all of her gear. They would have to have been the most inept kidnappers in the world.
That said, they didn’t do much to make her feel safe when she was disoriented and fearful. And, she couldn’t understand their words.
Now that I think about it… Did she mention anything about knowing the language?
Zuzia looks up to the sky. She groans silently to herself, keeping her thoughts only in her mind. Amalaskae! I knew you were unreliable!
That said, she flexes her hands. She has no scrapes or bruises, including the calluses she had from her previous trips and exercises. She is in tip-top shape.
And wait… If I received super-strength from Amalaskae, then that means… The portcullis exploding…
Zuzia turns pale as she remembers her escape. In a panic, she flung her arm against metal grating, and it exploded. Not only that, she was able to pull apart metal and swim with her full gear plus fully armored knights as if they were nothing. She was so convinced that it had to be a movie set or something, that she had no idea that she was dismantling solid metals with her bare hands.
And then causing an explosion with a barehanded back-hand.
If she had struck anyone with her panicked flailing or defensive strikes…
She covers her mouth, terrified of letting that thought go any further.
She agreed to be a hero for this world, but killing people is definitely among the last things she’ll ever want to do.
She sits up, pondering her next moves.
I have to be careful, now. I’m not just some woman. I have a lot more strength than before. That’s a good thing, but I can’t be reckless. For now…
She pulls out her phone, inspecting the map. She still has a long way to go to reach ‘Daniel’, who is northwest of her. It’s a long trip, but if she keeps a steady pace, she can probably make it in a few weeks.
She’ll have to ponder what the right answer is. She probably already burned the bridge with the guys who summoned her, since she attacked them in her panic. And, now that she thinks about it…
Wait! What is my actual mission here!? My memories came back, but I forgot to ask her what I’m supposed to do as a heroine!
“A-Amalaskae!? Can you hear me!?”
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