Book 10: Chapter 15
Book 10: Chapter 15
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Kyle was summoned to the same room where he had the discussion with Sakira a month ago. However, the only difference was that Ninos and not even Kirlen were present.
Apologies for asking for your time during such a busy day.
No, dont mind me.
As always, Milena showed a charming smile that not even Kyle could ever get tired of. Outside, you could hear the soldiers marching through tone, with chants filling the air. Normally, Milena would have to watch over them right now, but she said she didnt feel well and stayed in her room. She used this excuse to spend some time with Kyle. But at the same time, it was the person called a hero, and the young princess of Zilgus. If not for this timing, somebody would have found out since they always had eyes on them.
After what happenedWell, how do I say this, Im glad everyone is getting along with Sakira-sama, said Milena, showing how worried she was.
Of course, on the surface, she was acting as a person they could both confide in, someone who helped them get along. But in reality, she just used this as a chance to get deeper into Kyles private life. Kyle obviously knew what was going on, but as this involved her friendship with Sakira, he didnt comment on it. Instead, he pretended that this feeling of being caught in a spider web and slowly being digested was just his imagination.
Thank you for looking after Sakira-saSakira and being friends with her.
At Sakiras request, Kyle stopped addressing her like he would back when they were traveling the world together. Of course, it was still not possible in front of others, but when in the presence of people who knew the truth, it was his attempt at showing how close theyd become. However, when he did exactly that, he didnt catch on to the slight gloom appearing on Milenas otherwise perfect smile.
There is something Id like to ask you, Kyle-sama. It might be a bit soon to bring this up, but what do you intend to do after the war?
WellI havent quite decided yet. I dont want to deny what Ive accomplished, but my work will only be as useful as these times need me. So in a way, I think I would be more at peace if I wasnt needed.
That couldnt possibly be true Personally, I would be more than welcome if you were to find work within Zilgus, possibly even in politics.
I wouldnt do your expectations injustice. Well, I will have to think about the future after ending this war once and for all, Kyle took the easy route without fully denying everything.
What Kyle wished for, a position above the average commoner might come in relation to Zilgus after all, so he wanted to avoid any absolutes.
So, could I ask why you called me over? Kyle couldnt suppress his curiosity and changed the topic.
What Kyle is plotting in the shadows at the moment is undoubtedly necessary to defeat the demons. But at the same time, it bore great risk and probably wouldnt find much support, so he had to keep it secret. And even if it benefited humanfolk, this might not be the case for just Zilgus. Thats why he had to know what Milena was thinking. The chance of her seeing Kyle as an enemy was relatively low. But although she might not push him away, she definitely could not be allowed to obstruct him now.
Rest assured, I dont know all the details, nor do I plan on questioning you about everything now. I justwanted to see you before you head off today.
Is that fine with you?
Surprised that Milena read his thoughts, Kyle asked with a more cautious question.
Yes, I do have faith in you after all.
Do you not believe me?
N-No, of course I do, but
Seeing Milenas saddened expression, Kyle grew panicked. If someone else had witnessed this, they probably would have seen Kyle as an easy target to be played with.
Then lets make this a trade. If you promise you wont question my plans for the foreseeable future, you can ask for something you want. That way, you wont have to worry, right?
Y-Yes, that would work for me
Suggesting a trade like that would be the same as immediately asking to grasp Kyles weakness. However, it also helped him get his feelings in order. As one would expect from a skilled negotiator.
Well then
Milena pretended like she started thinking, but right when she was about to say what she initially thought of, she came up with something else. It was something rather meaningless, something that didnt benefit her all too much, but the moment she imagined it, her face turned red.
S-So, well
Milena was bewildered at how she couldve come up with that. Kyle had known Milena for a long time, but he never saw this reaction from her.
If you cant think of something, I can just ask you another day
N-No! IIll say it right now! Its now or never!
Even now, Milena kept her perfect smile. In a way, this just showed that shed never reveal what was hidden behind, butshe was definitely flustered right now. Kyle immediately understood that there was no acting to be found here. Milena looked around to ensure nobody could hear them and then voiced her request while trying to keep her spiking heart rate under control.
Could youCould you please just call me Milena?
Huh? N-No, I couldnt possibly
Then I will announce to everyone what you are planning! Milena took one step forward as if she wanted to prove she was serious.
They were close enough that they could feel each others breath, and Kyle realized there was only one way out of this situation.
He couldnt stop his voice from cracking, though.
Yes Milena answered with a quivering voice.
Then, the two looked each other in the eyes.
Thank you for playing along with my wish, said Milena after her feelings had seemingly calmed down.
She pretended like it was all just a prank, nothing more than a play, and then looked away.
Im happy we got to talk like this before you depart. I wish you the best of luck, said Milena as she saw Kyle off.
After leaving the building and walking for a while, Kyle eventually let out a big sigh, realizing that he himself had been thinking about nothing but Milena for a while now. He indeed managed to catch a glimpse of her heart, but he also felt like she invaded his own.
Was I this popular? Not good, the fact that the ending is in sight makes me all the more careless. I gotta get a grip, Kyle grumbled to himself as he started feeling guilty toward Lieze and the others.
This was one thing to consider after the war was over, but he had to be careful not to let down his guard too much. However, all of this resulted from his own actions, so he only had himself to blame.
Be it Sakira or Milena, I used their goodwill for my own sakeso now Im paying the price for it, I guess.
With the ending slowly approaching, Kyle once again was forced to feel the guilt from all the people hed used.
It appears Kyle-sama wishes to disappear from the public eye after the war is over. He most likely wants to find a regular job without much influence attached to it.
After Kyle had left, Milena took a few moments to compose herself and then explained everything to her close servants Ninos and Kirlen.
Yesand what a shame it is, Ninos said, despite being the one who is always the harshest when it came to Kyle.
She still considered Kyle a valuable asset for Zilgus.
Of course, I will not let him do such a thing. The one who can keep Kyle in the public eyemust be Klaus. I will consult him.
Understood, then I will arrange a meeting with him shortly.
Wellthat will only be necessary once Kyle-sama safely returns. Im sure it will be a dangerous battle.
Kirlens stern expression matched with Ninos tone. This upcoming battle carries the fate of humanfolk on its shoulders. How many of the soldiers that have departed will returnand if even Kyle will survive, its all unclear.
What are you saying? Kyle-sama will be home safe and sound.
Do you have any proof for that statement? Kirlen asked Milena, who seemed oddly confident.
Thatis something I judge from all his past achievements, but I have no concrete proof.
Milena thought about it for a moment, only to realize she had no proof at all and grew flustered.
I seeSo there are times where even you lose sight of everything around you.
Blindly believing someone is not something I can praise.
However, this kind of excuse didnt work on her two aides. After a brief silence passed, both Ninos and Kirlen hammered right into Milenas weak defense.
Youre making it sound like Im some maiden in love who loses all sight of whats going on around her.
Yes, and that is exactly what you are.
Since Milenas trust for Kyle was bottomless, both Ninos and Kirlen retorted this in unison. A bit further from their room stood Emperor Maizer, giving his final speech and appealing to the soldiers.
To protect our worldand our comradesMarch on, soldiers!
Thousands of soldiers cheered as they pushed their swords, spears, and wands into the air, their roars audible even from a considerable distance away.
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