Chapter 1: (7/7)
Chapter 1: (7/7)
Arthur shook his head in disappointment and gave the command, "Phantom Knights, attack."
Two Phantom Knights dashed toward Kain and swung their greatswords at him at full force. Kain instantly casted [Conjure Skeleton Warrior] forty times. Two Skeleton Warriors appeared on time to block the attack of the Phantoms while the other thirty-eight Skeletons appeared and formed a circle to surround Arthur and his Phantom Knights inside. Everyone who was seeing this jumped up because none of them were expecting this would happen. All the professors, students, even Cade Lawson stood up in surprise. This was not the scene they were expecting. They were expecting Kain would die horribly for his cockiness.
The two Phantoms gave a good fight and managed to kill seven Skeletons before the other thirty-four beat the shit out of them (literally). After two Phantom Knights were killed, Arthur was all alone surrounded by thirty-four Skeleton Warriors. Unlike Arthur, Kain does not give him a chance to surrender. Kain immediately gave the command for his Skeletons to attack Arthur, putting everyone in a panic mode because that will definitely kill him. They had no problem letting Kain die, but when they saw Arthur was about to die, all of them got into their panic mode.
Arthur can be revived using [Resurrection], level 25 Light spell. Cade Lawson is a Master Light Mage, she can cast up to level 30 Light Magic spells. But the bad thing about revival using a Light Magic spell is that the revived magic caster will not be able to regenerate mana for a month or six hundred seventy-two hours to be exact. A magic caster that can not cast magic won't be able to advance in training.
Cade casted [Circle of Protection], level 10 Light spell to create a bright white color circle around Arthur to protect him from any harm. The thirty-four Skeletons repeatedly attacked the circle but were unable to break through it. Not only that, but undead creatures such as Skeleton Warriors are also afraid of Light spells which will reduce their ability from using physical/magic power to the fullest. Cade commanded the [Circle of Protection] to expand by infusing more of her mana into it, forcing all the Skeletons to be banished back to their realm from Toria Continents.
Thinking that would be enough, Cade was about to announce Kain as the winner for this duel. But then Kain suddenly said, "A professor involved in a duel between two students, isn't that against the rule?"
Cade replied using an angry tone, "I was assigned to watch over this duel. I have the right to stop it at any time that I want to."
"When I was about to get killed by his Phantom Knights, you didn't stop it."
"You have no right to question a professor. I hereby announced this duel needed to stop immediately."
"What if I refuse?"
"What? Even if you conjure ten Phantom Knights, none of them could break through the [Circle of Protection] that I have placed on Arthur. Especially not at your current level."
"Hmm, what if I conjure more powerful creatures compared to the Phantom Knights?"
While saying that, Kain casted [Conjure Thunder Eagle], level 11 Conjuration spell of Intermediate Conjuration Magic. Not stopping there, Kain also casted [Conjure Fire Demon], level 15 Conjuration spell of Intermediate-tier Conjuration Magic. A Thunder Eagle and a Fire Demon were conjured. The Eagle was flying above Kain while the Fire Demon stood in front of him waiting for his command.
Cade was alarmed and thought to herself, "Intermediate Magic? How long has he been chanting to have those two Conjuration spells to be ready to cast that fast?"
Knowing a [Circle of Protection] spell won't be able to withstand the attacks from Thunder Eagle and Fire Demon. Cade casted [Summon Angel Warrior], level 30 Light spell of Master-tier Light Magic, to summon a Two Wings Angel Warrior and commanded it to protect Arthur. Unlike conjured creatures, summoned creatures will actively drain mana of their caster to stay alive.
Kain laughed as he saw how Cade was panicked. The Two Wings Angel Warrior will be enough to fight back his Thunder Eagle and Fire Demon. However, Cade was afraid that Kain could conjure several more Eagles or Demons then that would be a problem. Not because her Angel Warrior can't defeat them, but because it wouldn't be fast enough to protect Arthur and fight them back at the same time. Cade didn't know that Kain had reached his limit and couldn't conjure even a Skeleton Warrior at that time. His mana pool would not regenerate until all of his conjured creatures were banished from Toria Continents.
Kain smiled and asked, "Miss Lawson, you have casted a Master-tier Light Magic spell against me. I am truly honored."
"This duel is over. Banish your conjured creatures immediately, Kain Almos."
"Not a problem, but not when I haven't won this duel yet."
Cade announced out loud, "This duel is over! The winner is Kain Almos!"
Kain nodded his head in agreement. He then banished his Thunder Eagle and Fire Demon back to its realms. Kain calmly walked away from the dueling ground leaving Arthur speechless of what had just happened. Kain was an Intermediate Mage, no wonder why his Skeleton Warriors were so strong. If Kain wanted to, he could have ended the duel very early by casting an Intermediate Conjuration spell such as [Conjure Fire Demon]. The Phantom Knights would rest in peace within minutes of fighting with either a Thunder Eagle or a Fire Demon.
Jaane, Adela, Calley, Golda, Ana, Rosa, other students, and all professors who were watching this duel remained speechless even after Kain had left the dueling ground. A thirteen years old Intermediate Mage? This is unheard of, at least not in the history of Mages' Academy of Nosh in the forty-eighth calendar.
Vincenzo turned toward Rogal and said, "Professor Caligarus, please investigate why this new student left the Grand Duchy of Macmalian. If there are some strange reasons, we need to know all about them. There is no way Lylnesle would let such an amazing Student Mage leave their Mages' Academy."
Rogal nodded and said, "I was about to do that. It is troubling not knowing why would the Mages' Academy of Lylnesle allowed such a talented student to leave." Rogal then casted [Wind Walk], level 11 Wind spell, and flew away from the dueling ground.
Vincenzo smiled and whispered to himself, "Lylnesle had lost a great genius. Kain Almos, if there is nothing wrong with your background, then I will train you to become the strongest Conjurer Mage in the history of Commonwealth of Krorg."
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