Chapter 98
“Alright, Lieutenant Kohou. It’s fine to leave the stage’s structural design to the contractor, right?”
“Yes. The specialist contractor will handle that. Actually, that falls within the scope of the contract. It’s not something a student council member should be handling.”
“The school’s office and instructors are really short on staff… The student council took over the stage preparations.”
“I see… I’ll email you the contract template, the implementation plan, and the blueprints. Use those.”
“Thank you very much. Ah, I’ve received it. Hmm… I think we can manage with a bit of tweaking. Thank you. You’ve been a great help.”
“Oh, no problem. Hinoura-san, was it? You’re quite capable for a first-year student.”
“No, not at all…”
“At least among our cadets, there aren’t any third-years with your level of administrative skill. Many Soul Armored Soldiers are hopeless in that area, like a certain someone.”
“Did you call me, Toshi-nii?”
“No, I didn’t.”
On the screen of the web call, Toshi-nii’s displeased face appeared.
“Ah, Toshi-nii, can I ask you a question?”
“What is it, Yusuke?”
Ignoring Toshi-nii’s attempt to hide his annoyance, I pressed on.
“Why do you never answer my calls or web chats, but immediately respond to Kotomi’s? Why? Why? Why?”
“Your eyes are scary, Yuu…”
“No one wants a clingy guy, Yusuke.”
Kotomi and Toshi-nii were saying something, but…
This was a serious issue.
“Well, I’ve been working overtime, so I’m a little out of it. Depending on Toshi-nii’s answer, I might just destroy the cadet sch… Ow!”
Suddenly, an invisible barrier appeared and sandwiched me, freezing me in a bizarre pose like a pictogram.
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant Kohou. That’s all we needed. I’ll make sure Yuu listens.”
“Alright. If you have any problems, feel free to consult me via email. See you.”
Before I could move, Kotomi ended the web call with Toshi-nii.
“What was that for, President Nase?”
“Following orders from Hinoura-sama.”
As I struggled to break through the barrier with my hands, President Nase calmly went back to her documents without looking at me.
“If Lieutenant Kohou abandons us, our school festival is seriously over. Do you understand that, Yuu?”
“Yes… but I just wanted to talk to Toshi-nii…”
“Honestly… You volunteered to handle communications with Toshi-nii, but if you can’t get through, nothing’s going to move forward.”
“That’s because Toshi-nii blocked my calls…”
“That’s because of your usual behavior.”
“Yeah… you’re right… I’m sorry…”
Having enthusiastically taken on the task, only to mess it up, I could only apologize in a weak voice as Kotomi had to cover for me.
“Hinoura-san… How dare you treat my dear Yuu-sama so carelessly… Do you think that just because you’re a Special Force, I can’t do anything?”
Hayami-san slowly rose from her desk.
With her hair disheveled from the continuous death march and her bloodshot eyes darting around, she looked quite terrifying.
“Oh my, Hayami-sensei. Did I hear you threaten someone? That’s an inappropriate statement, both as a school instructor and as an attendant to a Special Force member.”
President Nase, Kotomi’s bodyguard, fully accepted Hayami-san’s challenge.
“Oh no. Everyone’s starting to lose it from the stress of this death march. It reminds me of the despair of retreating as an isolated unit. Brings back memories.”
“If you have time to be nostalgic about the battlefield, stop your deputy, Yuu!”
“Oh, right. Calm down, Hayami-san, calm down.”
As I held the sleep-deprived and aggressive Hayami-san in a headlock from behind, I realized that sleep deprivation really isn’t good for anyone.
“The day before the school festival has finally arrived…”
“But now, at last…”
“It’s done…”
Well, it’s already past midnight, so it’s technically the day of the festival.
There’s still plenty to do on the day of the festival, but we’ve finished all the necessary preparations beforehand.
“Everyone, really, thank you for all your hard work… Honestly, I thought it was impossible so many times… Really… Truly…”
Maybe it’s because it’s just the three of us, the original student council members—me, Kotomi, and President Nase—that President Nase is getting teary-eyed.
“President Nase, don’t cry.”
“Let’s save the tears for after the festival is over.”
It’s a common thing in these tough situations—someone crying when we finally hit a milestone. Everyone really had it rough…
“We missed the last train…”
“We’ll have to stay overnight at the school.”
“Hayami-san is on night duty and sleeping in the night-duty room, so maybe we could use that?”
Even though it was the last day of preparations, Hayami-san didn’t like the idea of leaving, but she had to go since her night duty was already scheduled. The other instructors were also busy with the sudden festival preparations, so there wasn’t anyone available to take over her shift.
“Well then, President Nase… oh, she’s already asleep.”
She was so emotionally unstable just a moment ago, but now she’s fast asleep on the sofa.
“Hmm. The only sofa is taken.”
The student council office’s seating arrangement is such that the opposite side of the sofa has individual chairs, which aren’t very suitable for sleeping.
“It can’t be helped. Kotomi, you can sleep on the tatami in the Soul Armor Research Club’s room.”
“What about you, Yuu? Where will you sleep?”
As Kotomi hurriedly asked while I was draping a blanket over the sleeping President Nase, I responded:
“Huh? I was thinking of sleeping on the floor here in the student council room with some cardboard.”
“Why would you sleep like a homeless person!?”
“Well, sleeping on several chairs isn’t good for your back, so it’s better to sleep on the floor. The student council room has a plush carpet, so it should be really comfortable.”
Usually, I complain that the luxurious carpet doesn’t suit my tastes, but today I’m genuinely grateful for its presence. I bet past student council members laid this carpet with such situations in mind.
“No way. You’re coming to the next room with me.”
“Huh? But it wouldn’t be proper for a guy and girl to sleep together.”
“If you sleep in the student council room, it’ll be the same as sleeping in the same room as President Nase. How would you explain that to her fiancé, former President Domon?”
“Y-you’re right…”
Now that she mentioned it, I hadn’t thought of that. Of course, I never intended anything to happen with President Nase, but proving that nothing happened in a closed room is like trying to prove a negative. It’s best to avoid any questionable situations.
“Besides… I don’t have a specific boyfriend or anything, and… we’ve taken naps together before, so it’s fine… really…”
Kotomi fidgeted.
“And also, I’m so tired from all the work lately that I just want to relax and enjoy your scent for a change…”
Ah, even the most composed Kotomi is tired. She tried to invite me subtly, but in the end, her true feelings leaked out.
“In that case, I’ll sleep in the club room with you.”
“Yay! Let’s go right away!”
Kotomi pulled my hand, leading me to the room next to the student council office. The atmosphere in the dark club room felt different from usual.
“There’s only one blanket.”
We usually bring blankets into the club room for naps, but we used one for President Nase earlier.
“That was the plan all along.”
Huh? Did she say something?
I didn’t quite catch what Kotomi mumbled. When I looked at her, she was holding Chuusuke, the stuffed animal she always sleeps with, close to her chest.
“Alright, let’s go to sleep.”
Kotomi and I have napped together multiple times, so we should be able to sleep quickly since we’re both tired. Thinking that, I lay down on the tatami, sharing the blanket with Kotomi.
“…Hey, Kotomi?”
“What is it, Yuu?”
“Why are you pressing your body against mine?”
“With just one blanket, we have to stick close to fit under it.”
“Don’t you want to sleep with Chuusuke?”
Chuusuke was now sitting like a guardian at the head of the tatami.
“Well, since the source of the smell is here, it’s more efficient to cuddle with you instead.”
“Wait, do I smell? I just took a shower…”
I tried to sniff myself, but all I could smell was the scent of Kotomi’s shampoo from her hair.
“No, I mean it’s comforting. It’s been tough lately.”
“As both a Special Force and the vice president of the student council, you’ve had it rough, Kotomi. I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you with the student council work, even though I couldn’t do much as a Special Force.”
“No, it actually made me feel relieved to see that you have things you struggle with too. It reminded me that you’re human after all.”
“Of course, I’m human.”
The silence in the dark, unlit club room lingered for a while.
“Puhaha! What was that conversation just now?”
“I know, right? It was like an alien trying to convince someone they’re human.”
Kotomi, too, found it hilarious, shaking with laughter. Since she was clinging to me, her body’s tremors directly transmitted to me.
“Alright, let’s go to sleep.”
I readjusted the blanket around us.
When we wake up, it’ll finally be the day of the school festival.
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