Chapter 13: Empowerment
Chapter 13: Empowerment
Elderblood Manor
March 20th, 2028
2:45 pm.
Inside Michelle office
Within a large office, behind a fancy desk, a lone blue hair boy sat as he skim through a couple of photos that were recently taken.
And with all honesty, these photos were not for the weak of heart.
Even some experienced doctors, who are veterans in the field would have had a hard time stomaching down the images these portraits vividly show.
" what a mess, poor girl."
Said Michelle as he look at the portrait before him. Looking closely it showed a bloody elevator, and within were remnants of different organs, nearly or half devoured along with a small number of skeletal structures, and rip fabrics of a Victorian maid outfit.
While the iron cart was also profoundly bloody as well. Within the elevator, deep claw marks could also be seen. It was truly a gorey sight to behold indeed.
Michelle himself was rather shocked, not because of the blood, but because of the primal way of feeding his Kilde Merciless presented.
Even flipping through the other photos, the luxurious room he spent millions of dollars to build was a total wreck. Thankfully money wasn't a problem for one as wealthy as Michelle, even as he spoke the entire room was being rebuilt once more.
However there was a problem, Michelle was aware that his hunger might be severe seeing he is 2nd generation vampire, but he never thought it would be this bad.
Albeit this was good, despite the loss of life, Michelle finally understood what he was dealing with.
"Even when I get this hungry I never leave my prey in such a morbid fashion, it would seem that my kilde has naturally developed a rather questionable taste for more than just human blood alone. Flesh, organs, and bones ha? Hehehee... It would appear he loves them all, truly a problem for the later future though, he has the same taste as her... Should I be worried?"
"... "
"Sigh, truly this is troublesome. If Merciless acquired taste really is human flesh or flesh in general. Then having him amongst humans without getting it under control is going to be a pain in the ass."
"Oh well, whatever, it's nothing I can't handle with money and effort, and if his acquired taste does turn out to be what I believe it to be I just need to make a few adjustments to his diet and everything should be alright, but for now I need to study and watch Merciless bestial behavior a little bit more before I ready a conclusion."
Michell said to himself as he places the portraits of the murder scene inside his desk drawer.
However, at the same time, a knock could be heard from his door.
*Knock!* *Knock!*
Michelle of course already knew who it was as he said.
"Come in Quincy."
With that said a familiar handsome black hair middle age man emerges in Michelle's office.
It was Quincy, the first rank of Michelle's royal guards, and also his oldest friend and personal butler. And currently speaking he came to see Michelle.
Quincy bowed before his master and pulled out a letter while saying.
"My master, a letter from the prime minister came in the mail for you."
"The prime minister you say, hmmm... Read it for me would you old friend."
"Zalabas Fa Laja"
Quincy said as he got up a bowed with grace, from there he opens up the black envelope, and within it was a letter from the prime minister of Lavatos.
. Dear Lord Seventh,
I do apologize for the sudden disturbance this letter may have caused you, I truly don't mean to impose on your precious time.
I'm well aware you must be very busy at the moment, especially with the sudden intrusion of two foreign clans that shouldn't be presented within the Lavatos.
However despite the unfortunate intrusion that goes against the Vlacara laws. I am writing this letter to inform you that the Umbra thief Dolce Ki Ree has been spotted North of Lavatos. And once again im sorry it took us so long to get tabs on her whereabouts, hopefully, this news put a smile on your face seeing that it took us three years to locate her.
PS: a couple of pictures, along with a map showing her last whereabouts can also be found in the envelope.
Yours Respectfully.
Prime Minister of Lavatos
Viscount Maurice Van Sauvary
Quincy read the entire letter sent by the prime minister. His eyes had a tint of anger in them if not pure annoyance.
Meanwhile, Michelle clasps his hand together with a scary smile adorning his face.
"Well! Well! Well!... Ain't this some rather good news ha Quincy?"
Quincy also smiles menacingly after reading the content of the letter to his master while replying as such.
"Indeed it is, so tells me, shall I send Omega-64 to apprehend the little thief?"
"... No-No-No... There is no need to send Scáthach pets for this is naught but an insignificant bug, that and fact we are not fighting any angels or ancient witches this time around, it's but a little thief in the night we are dealing with. To be honest, this is perfect, the timing couldn't be any better, her emergence was exactly what I need at the moment, after all, I want to observe something for myself."
"Zalabas Fa Laja... Albeit who shall we send to hunt this little thief my master?"
Quincy asked a little puzzled.
Michelle began to light one of his cigars, and the scent of tobacco began to flood the room as smoke exit his mouth.
He then got up from his chair and look outside to see the gardeners trimming the flower of the hedge maze, sunlight hit him, but it didn't affect him in the slightest.
At this moment he made it very clear to Quincy as he said.
"Quincy, I want to send Merciless to deal with this little shit, make no mistake, I myself believe that he is too good to deal with a bug like this despite being a newborn, but his dominion over blood is the perfect counter for her annoying ass abilities. That and the fact that he could use the field experience as well."
"With that said, I will leave the preparations to you, please inform Merciless after he awakes from his slumber, I want him and Hector to leave tomorrow night, after all, the earlier we catch this little thief the better."
Quincy didn't question his master's orders, he bowed, and like always he responded as such.
"Zalabas Fa Laja."
Those were the last words spoken by Quincy before he left the room.
Meanwhile, Michelle bulk his cigar as he took a seat on his chair once more crossing his legs, as he said while looking at the ceiling above.
"And so the Night hunt begins."
Inside Merciless Room
March 20th, 2028
7: 32 pm
Change of Pov
Inside a large room, a large black coffin that was five times larger than even a queen size bed could be seen on a large stone table.
Within it was of course Merciless who was slumbering. You see vampires have infinite stamina but the sun is their greatest weakness, as a result, must vampires sleep during the day, and await the wondrous night to surface so they can come out to rule the night that was rightfully theirs.
And it wasn't long before the sound of the coffin doors being pushed aside could be heard. And after it was cast aside what emerge from it was none other than Merciless himself. As he began to stretch his body.
"Awww... What a wonderful nap, even as a human I never felt so refreshed in my entire life."
Merciless said while rubbing his eyes, meanwhile, the voice of a familiar butler could be heard coming from the side of him.
"I delighted to know you are well rested my alpha."
"Haa... Ohhh Hector, what's up?"
"I'm good my alpha, I just recently finished cleaning the remainder of the room after yesterday's unprecedented events."
"Unprecedented events?"
Merciless said to himself, and it was at that moment he realized something. The memories he had were a little blurry but it was enough to make him realize what he had done.
"Hector, did I kill that girl?"
"She is dead as dead can be my alpha."
"Yikes, a tragedy, oh well shit does happen when you are a vampire or so I am told hahaha... Although I feel rather weird how can I put it, I feel a little stronger than yesterday, why is that Hector?"
Merciless asked a little shocked, to which Hector replied.
"That is due to your soul drain my alpha, you see vampires when they drink or feed upon the blood of their prey to kill them, they don't only drain all the blood within the body of their prey but also absorb their very life essence, memories, and soul and trap said soul within their shadows, albeit the soul in question is a broken soul as such it's only capable of following basic orders when their vampiric master shape their soul into creatures known as familiars."
When Merciless heard this his only reply was.
"Interesting, so this connection I feel with something is the soul of the woman I devoured last night?"
"Most certainly my alpha, you should have also usurped the eternity of her physical strength as well and assimilated it with your current strength, that's why you feel stronger."
Hector informs his master of the benefits of soul drain.
"I swear vampires truly are built differently I can't stress this enough, to think we can also steal physical strength as well, I could only imagine how physically strong they are after living and eating for over a thousand years."
"The soul drain is after all the biggest reason why the vampire race is generally feared among the entirety of the supernatural world. Lord Ragnar himself could lift an entire mountain on his back like it is nothing."
"Damn, no wonder the guy is built like a unit, he must be feasting like a glutton at an all-you-can-eat buffet if he can do crazy shit like that."
"Don't worry my alpha, im confident it won't be long before you reach that level of physical power as well, I predict maybe in the next 500 to 600 years from now give or take."
"Hahaha... If you say so, Hector."
"I only speak the truth my alpha, however, what do you like to do now, after all, the night has only begun?"
"Good question, to be honest with you I want to hit the town, you know get some drinks, maybe go to the gym, I can't explain it but I want to fight, at least work out. Seeing that my blood is boiling for some much-needed action."
"Hmmm... I see, so you want some physical action, maybe I should carry you to the Dog house."
"The dog house, what's that Hector."
Merciless asked a little intrigued by the name, of course, Hector replied as such.
"The dog house is a bat...
Albeit he was interrupted when the sound of the elevator began to ring, and from it came a familiar man, with pale skin, and black hair, a handsome middle age man dressed in a white butler uniform.
It was none other than Archduke Quincy Von Losmala, the rank #1 of the six great elders, and also the strongest of them all.
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