Vampire: World of Blood

Chapter 18: First Weapon, a Memory to Never Forget

Chapter 18: First Weapon, a Memory to Never Forget

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If Merciless had to guess, the vast room illuminated by the Scarlet Glare's light of normalcy was at least 196 by 196 feet in size.

However, the room wasn't divided into sections—quite the opposite! It was a single large storage space designed to resemble a museum hall. As you looked around, a variety of intriguing weapons caught the eye.

One standout was a massive spherical black club covered in red spikes, with a golden handle, displayed prominently on a pedestal, protected by a thin sheet of glass. Merciless couldn't read the description, as it was written in the vampiric language.

Merciless' attention was instantly captured by the enormous club, a weapon seemingly as large as Olga herself; clearly made for a giant. And as expected, the moment she saw Merciless eyeing it down, she began to describe the weapon in detail as she spoke.

According to legend, Yulti's arrogance was unmatched, to the point that even the mighty Thor was said to be unable to lift the club. Yulti was believed to be so powerful that, during his battle with a low-class "AXXISS NARTA," he reportedly caused a small portion of the Realm of Ideas to tremble.

Olga responded to Merciless, as he responded back to her in kind.

"Comrade... Please, in English... What exactly is an 'AXXISS NARTA'?" And, once again, I'm a bit lost with all this 'Realm of Ideas' stuff. So, my fellow Michellian in Eos, could you enlighten this junior a bit about the cosmology of our universe? Because, up until now, my human brain only really grasped the idea of an observable universe."

Merciless explained as his hands were folded and his eyes showed a level of perplexity inside them.

Olga sighed to herself when she said this.

'*Sigh!*..., "You know, comrade, you're lucky I like you, or I wouldn't bother explaining all of this to you in the first place."

Olga said to Merciless, she too began to fold her hands, look up at him, and start to answer his question.

"To explain the cosmology of our universe, let's set aside the gods and progenitors—they're insignificant in the grander scheme of things. There are beings far more terrifying than even the gods."

Olga said with a stern but equally unbothered face, she began to walk around Merciless, the sound of her heels, echoing on the ground with each step she took.

To which Merciless casually replied.

"Ok, disregard all those divine wastes, and the other vampires... noted."

"Great comrade, to begin, all you need to know is that our cosmology; or our existing universe is fucking huge, like so goddam huge that I can't explain it in one night."

"It will take me weeks, if not months, to explain all the crazy fucking realms, metaphysical planes, and other crazy mystical arcane shit out there that I currently know of."

Olga said as she continued.

"Now listen carefully now, hear what I said. That I currently know of, meaning that unless you are a scholar like Quincy or an alchemist like Murphy, you will not be able to know all the realms to heart."

"But honestly speaking, I only know of a few that stretch far and beyond infinite hierarchies of power. As a result, I'll only discuss what's actually important, okay?"

Naturally at these words, Merciless bowed his head in understanding as Olga firmly explained.

"Alright, here's a simple way to think about it: our local macrocosm basically a general term scholars use to describe the universe as a whole. But to make it even simpler, the local macrocosm is like a giant bubble that wraps around our entire universe... comrade."

"And this bubble acts as a barrier, separating our universe from any other composite universes that exist out there; independent from our own, so just don't think about the other universes out there, because it is completely irrelevant, for now at least."

Olga said to Merciless trying to keep her explanation, as simple as possible as she continued on, but not before saying and asking.

"To put it simply, everything I'm going to talk about regarding our universe is contained within this macrocosm. This macrocosm is our universe, and it operates under its own unique laws, rules, and physics, which are distinct from those in other composite universes comrade."

"And to add further gravy on the rice, each of these composite universes, or 'composite bubbles,' has its own set of laws and characteristics, different from ours. To stupid it down, what I am trying to say is that we live inside one of these composite bubbles, which we call our local macrocosm because it's local to us and not to others, but in reality, it's our own complete individual totality. Got it, or should I explain it again? I hope we can move on!"

Olga said, with a slightly annoyed facial expression, or rather you could tell she wasn't too bright on the subject but still tried anyway, but she explained it nonetheless. Her hands move in a spherical manner to represent the bubble.

Merciless on the other, began to pay attention to Olga's explanation taking in every bit of information he could about the subject at large.

As Merciless replied to her as such.

"Of course, Olga, I understand now. You can go on. I've got the first part: everything in our universe exists within the local macrocosm, or composite universe or bubble. This also means there are other universes out there beyond ours, each with its own set of rules, laws, and mechanics, distinct from ours. I'm intrigued, so please continue."

When Olga heard this she nodded in agreement, while saying.

"Thank Eos above, I really didn't want to explain all that again, but yeah your summary is basically the basic understanding of the setup; but now that you got that down let's move on."

Said Olga to which Merciless replied.

"Of course, please continue."

With that said, and down, Olga began to move on to the next topic.

"Good, comrade, you're catching on quickly. Now, let's move to the next part. Picture our local macrocosm as an entire pizza that hasn't been sliced yet. Now, imagine cutting that pizza into sixteen pieces."

Said Olga as she gave Merciless some basic instructions, after Merciless did that, he nodded his head while saying.

"Ok done and done, now what else?"

Right after Olga stopped right in front of him once, her hands behind her back, as she commented once more.

"Alright, now we have sixteen realms within our local macrocosm. Even though that's a relatively small number, each realm exists on a different plane of existence within our macrocosm. Some of these realms are interconnected: Realm 1 stands alone, while Realms 2 through 6 are connected as a single unit."

"Realms 7 through 12 are also interconnected, with Realm 13 through 16 forming another connection. Each realm operates on its own higher plane of existence, and while there are dimensional differences, these only take effect at the ends of each connection."

Olga explained, her tone serious but her pace moderate, just enough for Merciless to take in this information; which he did in great detail.

Once more Olga continued.

"Naturally, each realm is part of an infinite hierarchy of power, making it nearly impossible to reach the next one. I won't dive deeper into those complex realms. Instead, I'll focus on the ones I find important and more straightforward. The first of these is the physical realm, known as the Realm of Realization, or more commonly, the Pedestal Realm. This is where we are right now."

Said Olga looking his way once more, or the gesture of looking as she asked.

"You got that right comrade?"

Asked Olga to which Merciless replied.

"As clear as day comrade."

"Mhm... Good, then I will move to the next important one."

And so said, so done, as Olga began to move on to the next important realm.

"The second realm I'll cover is the Divider Realm. This is a metaphysical realm that encompasses all concepts of good and bad, positive and negative. It is deeply connected to the Realm of Ideas and is considered the second-highest realm before the final threshold. This realm known as the final threshold is also known as the Sea of Ideology."

Olga explain to Merciless, she knew this was where shit will start to get complex, as such she gave Merciless a grim loom and asked.

"Are you ready for this solider, this is where the headache really starts... but I will try my best to make it as simple as possible for you to grasp."

Olga said to Merciless, who just nodded his head, and commented as such.

"Sure, what do you need me to do?"

Now before Olga starts her explanation once more; she begins to break it down once more using her unique style of teaching. As she commented as such, by first asking Merciless.

"Remember when I asked you to picture a pizza divided into sixteen pieces? Now, focus only on the last two realms: the Divider Realm and the Sea of Ideology, also known as the Realm of Ideas."

This is important: every composite bubble, through its own unique means of ascension—whether it be realms, pathways, or other methods—will eventually reach the 15th and 16th realms. These two realms are the final threshold for all composite universes. Even if they might be considered the 8th and 9th floors in some other systems, the key point is that all composite universes eventually reach these realms."

"No composite universe is exactly the same, which is why their paths of ascension differ. But all will ultimately arrive at these final realms, as the 15th and 16th realms are a shared plane of existence across all composite universes."

Announced Olga as she tried her best to explain, which she did. Merciless of course steps in and comments.

"Ah, I see. So essentially, the last two realms are a shared plane of existence. That makes sense, considering they're the ultimate final threshold."

Merciless added to which Olga nodded, in agreement, but then she continued once more.

"Yeah, you're definitely a fast learner for sure comrade... but don't get too excited now, because the reason I wanted you to understand all that first is because now I can dive deeper into the Sea of Ideology and composite universes."

Said Olga, to which Merciless responded back in kind.

"Well, I try my best."

"I can see, but let's get back to the information at hand."

And with that, Olga went back to the lesson.

"You see comrade, our composite universe has different realms, or more accurately, it's an infinite space containing these higher infinities. All composite universes vary in size, with some infinities being bigger than others, but all in all, composite bubbles are basically acting as the spaces that hold their own realms or structures."

Olga said, before taking a momentary pause, as she asked.






"But here's the bigger question...

"And what might that be?"

Merciless asked; to which Olga responded.

"If there are infinite composite universes, what's the space that contains them all? That's what I want to explain next—this is where things get really boners, so bear with me here."

Said Olga.

And Merciless replied.

"Well you are doing a very good job so far, please go ahead, and carry on will you comrade."

With that reply, Olga went ahead and continued.

But What she said next really shocked Merciless.

"Comrade, the Sea of Ideology is essentially the space that holds all these composite universes. To simplify it, the sea is divided into three main parts: the bottom, middle, and top. And yes, the sea is infinite in size, but what really matters is the bottom. At the very bottom, each drop of water represents a composite bubble, a composite universe, a local macrocosm—whatever you want to call it."

"So, at the bottom of the sea lies the structure that holds all these composite bubbles. Our ascenders call it the Realm of Realization, but others—especially the really powerful ones—refer to it as Antiquity Space. It's at this lowest point where all the infinite composite universes reside."

Olga said to Merciless who had a what the fuck expression on his face at this very instant, he had no idea existence was this big.

"Holy shit, we are really small are we?"

"Hahaha, you have no idea just how small we really are comrade."

Said Olga who shared the same expression of understanding; this size was just beyond absurd in every regard of the word.

naturally, she further continued her explanation as she said as such.

"But here's the stunning part: although im not 100% about this, given this was a theory from Quincy's end. He believes that this seed is merely one among an endless number of seeds that comprise a single super-construct known as the fruit of life."

"Essentially, the sea is contained within just a single seed of this fruit. And if that's true, this universe is so ridiculously vast that I honestly don't even care anymore. It's one of those rare times where the phrase 'size matters' completely loses its meaning."

"All I hear is more power."

"Hmmm... well whatever makes you happy comrade."

"But it doesn't end there. This fruit is just a small, insignificant part of an even larger structure known as the Omega Construct—what many alchemists call the Tree of Knowledge. On its branches, countless fruits grow, each one encompassing an entire existence as we understand it. These fruits are so vast in power that to transcend just one is to surpass everything contained within that particular fruit of life."

"In simpler terms, if someone rises beyond one fruit, they become the highest existence relative to everything inside it. Anyone above the fruit exists outside the logic of that entire universe."

Olga finished and then said.

"But enough of that. Trying to explain how our universe works feels like trying to figure out a complicated pizza order, where each topping represents different constructs of reality—it's giving me a headache. Hard to believe I'm now teaching the same things Lord Quincy and Murphy explained to me all those years ago."

"I can't fathom how those old geezers managed to dive so deep into their research; it's frying my undead brain cells just thinking about how complex our cosmology is. And all this headache just to learn the basics of alchemy, which I barely even use—talk about an unfair trade-off."

Olga stated, holding her head, as she continued to explain how everything she said connected as one, making everything much more understandable to Merciless.

"First and foremost, we as an inhabitant of a composite bubble; are in the realm of realization; it is the space at the bottom of the sea like I mentioned."

"Despite everything, the Realm of Realization might be the key force that shaped our cosmology into what it is today. Yes, it's the lowest plane of existence in terms of spatial structure, but it's still responsible for the creation of all other realms, including the Sea of Ideology."

"The Realm of Realization gave birth to all things across time—the past, present, and future. It's a tangible place where everything eventually comes into being. It stands as proof of creation, the imprint of everything, the origin of all makers. Before there were worlds, before anything existed, there was only chaos."

"And from that chaos, everything else came into being. The air we breathe, the space around us, the ground beneath our feet, the universe we live in—even your thoughts—are all fragments of chaos, shaped and given form, meaning, and purpose. Or so Murphy says."

Olga said to which Merciless replied.

"You seem to have a great deal of respect for Murphy I see."

"Hahaha... I mean all that old man do study; it's quite admirable, given how much he knows."

Replied Olga.

"He is that smart ha?"

"Smart is an understatement, like all old monsters; he is an entire archive of information."

When Merciless heard this he then said to himself.

'I better get on Murphy's good side then; he might have valuable information on how to kill Gods.'

Merciless said to himself, to which Olga began to explain her explanation in kind once more.

"Yeah, the Realm of Realization is empowered by belief through the collective unconscious. Essentially, the life within our composite universe and all other composite universes work together to shape these beliefs into reality. As a result higher plane or structure is due to belief given it form and proof of being."

"Returning to our own universe, starting from the first realm, the Pedestal Realm; which is infinite in size. However, it's still bound by dimensionality, ranging from one dimension to an infinite number above each other. It never truly surpasses the realm above it, which transcends dimensionality altogether."

"What I'm getting at, comrade, is that our cosmology started at the bottom of the sea, eventually blossoming into the fruit of life and becoming part of the Tree of Knowledge. Life gave rise to the Sea of Ideology, which then birthed the supernatural and the impossible—gods and other inexplicable phenomena."

"Essentially, realization through the collective unconscious is the source of everything. Life assigns name, form, meaning, and purpose to the unknown, both good and bad. In a way, humans are the creators of their own beliefs."

"Finally, the Divider Realm is another metaphysical space that is shared with other composite universes. And exists everywhere and nowhere, just below the Sea of Ideology. It acts as a domain separating good and bad concepts, negativity and positivity basically."

"In some ways, the Divider realm is like a filter that separates the good from the bad and sets them in separate areas of imaginary spaces known as Platospheres; of course, there are an infinite number of good and bad places."

"However, each religion, mythology, or folklore has an idea of its being as a whole; as such this is simply one aspect of good and evil that exists within these Platospheres, which are part of the Divider realm."

"However, what makes these Platospheres so dangerous is that they are the homes of these higher beings of good and evil."

"Because they aren't limited by universal differences, these beings can appear anywhere in composite universes, from the Realm of Realization to the Sea of Ideology. While they don't reach higher realms, it's as if they're constantly challenged by the higher planes to uncover what lies beyond their own existence."

"In the end, only a few gods reached the Sea of Ideology, and Thor was one of them. There, he encountered a creature from the sea that would later be known as an AXXISS NARTA."

"An AXXISS NARTA is a higher being of that plane of existence; they are creatures given form by ideas within the sea of ideology; although they are dumb and empty, even as such, they don't really react to anything other than instinct, and when something of a lower realm enters the sea of ideology, they are devoured by the AXXISS NARTA."

"However, if you can kill an AXXISS NARTA, you can take the power that lies in their ideas; as such, Thor killed the AXXISS NARTA that represents the idea of thunder, and as such, he was revered as Thor the Thunder God in all pantheons, even if other thunder gods exist."

"Of course, Zeus didn't like the notion and went to battle with the Norse pantheon, killing Thor. As a result, he became the genuine personification of the concept of thunder, but overall, it is basically the cosmology of our universe in the most basic phrase, comrade."

"So, what do you think?"

Olga inquired of Merciless as she stared at him, wondering if he understood all that brain-crushing knowledge, and Merciless, to her surprise, nodded his head and stated as such.

"You are an excellent teacher, Olga."

"I understand everything, but it simply goes to demonstrate how much training I need to do to slay a god. Now I feel like you uttered that final part of Zeus to dissuade me from murdering him and receiving my just-deserved recompense. It makes no difference; if Thor can kill an AXXISS NARTA, so can I, and if Zeus can kill Thor, so can I. I'm going to slay those gods or die trying, regardless of the consequences."

"Hehehe... whatever motivates you, comrade; although I doubt you can wield that club. It's powerful, yet it requires the same arrogance as Yulti. And if Thor couldn't lift it, what makes you think you can?"

"... You're right, I don't think I could lift that club even if I wanted to, and even if I could, I can't see myself carrying that large weapon with me everywhere I go. Tell me if there's anything more I can use, and which one you think would be best for me."

Merciless pleaded with Olga for a suggestion, to which she responded in kind and said.

"Hmmm.... do you have any kind of prior fighting experience in the past, such as any martial arts, kendo practice, maybe even a simple self-defense session, or anything at all?"

Merciless' response, on the other hand, was assailed.

"Unfortunately, no! I've never taken a fighting class or joined a club or self-defense group. And the closest thing I can recall is me venting my rage on an old punching bag that once belonged to my father. Apart from that, I'm hopeless when it comes to fighting. To be honest, my first real fight was when I was fighting against Finn."

"... That's tough, but here's what I think is the greatest weapon for a guy like you: something light and flexible that can adjust to close range, medium range, and long range. And utilizing it won't take much practice either, perhaps something like a whip."

Olga informed Merciless as she began to reflect on her previous experiences with fighting throughout her life. After all, she was young at the time and couldn't truly face enemies properly due to her lack of expertise in fighting; to be honest, it probably took her 10 years to really get used to it. As such, she herself once used a whip to fight. You see, when you get close to enemies, especially if you don't have much fighting experience, it's natural to start flinging your hands all over the place due to lack of experience, but with the whip, even your most shitty hits can be as effective as taking a hit from someone with a belt.

When Merciless heard this, he began to think about it. On that note, Olga stepped in, plainly speaking from experience, knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Think about it, young master Merciless; a whip is light and extremely flexible to use and maneuver during combat." When you move, it follows you as if it were a part of your body. And the whip can be used on three levels of range, with the medium range having the greatest effect."

"We can't rule out the fact that you have no fighting experience, so the less distance you can have between yourself and your enemies, the better." What do you think, comrade? If you like, I can propose some extremely fine whips."

Merciless simply nodded his head, convinced by Olga's proposal; as such, he responded to her.

"Well, you're older than me and have more experience than me, so I'll take your advice and fight with a whip as a beginner's main weapon." On that subject, what fantastic whips do you have in the elderblood family toy box?"

"Im glad you trust me on this comrade, you wont regret it I promise; I know what I am talking about, so when I talk you listen, of course if you want."

"Well, you are older than me so I can't complain much now can I? Heheheehe!!"

Olga smirked and chuckled slightly to herself in response to his response to her, and replied to Merciless with?

"Truly so, comrade heeh." Now, follow me and I'll show you some of our greatest whips from the toy box?"

With those remarks, Olga folded her hand and began to walk ahead of Merciless, who followed her. The two stroll in silence for about a minute or two until they both arrive at a large shelf containing a variety of whips in glass cases. Each with its own name and description engraved on the small wood frame with a gold template attached to it.

From there, Olga used gravity defiance to float just like Merciless did the first time around, but Merciless couldn't ascend with her owing to the effects of the Scarlet Glare, so she drifted from side to side saying things like.

"Hmmm, not that one, not that one either... agh, where did I last see that thing, I'm pretty sure it was up here." Mhhh... egu... oh yeah... yep, I remember where it is now, yeah it should be over here."

Olga declared as she flew a little higher and floated a little to the right, looking at the whip in the glass container as the dull light installed within the container shelf shone on it. After using her blood to open the little container door and grab the whip from within, Olga floats back down to Merciless and hands him a fairly unusual-looking whip while stating.

"This whip is pretty unique; it's known as the "Neverlanders Whip." In comparison to all other whips here, without a question, this whip is the greatest of the best we have, as it serves several purposes. Because of the material, it's a whip created from the combined hair strands of a hundred Elder Shagoths. This whip is a formidable mystic grade magic type weapon, as a Shagot is a witch who falls out of favor and betrays the God they formerly served. As a result, they steal a piece of that God's power and make a contract with a demonic entity to bind the divine's power to themselves by contaminating it substantially with demonic energy, so that the divine entity cannot take it back."

"An elder Shagot is far more powerful than a witch, even a witch with the title of Thrones, which means a witch who has lived for 1,000 years can't compare to the likes of an Elder Shagot." However, an Elder Shagot falls short in comparison to an Ancient witch. Which is a witch who has lived for 10,000 years, and as such, their magic is at the level of where they are a reflection of their sponsor God's power, making them a literal incarnation of the very God they serve."

"As such, while this whip is magical, it is of the demonic archetype, making it a high-level demonic weapon." So, what can this whip do? For starters, it can connect to the master hand like a parasite and fuse with your hand, revealing a mark. This whip can also attack, reflect, and destroy demonic magic, as well as coordinate typical divine magical nature. But the most notable characteristic of this whip is its need for blood; you see, the more people and monsters you murder with it, the more this whip will evolve, absorbing the dying power in order to augment its ownself with the properties of the dead."

Olga announced as she handed the Neverlanders whip to Merciless, who took it and began to examine it. And he was blown away with the design. The whip was indeed fashioned entirely of magical hair. Given that the entire whip handle, including the knot, was skillfully woven with darkish grey and silky witch hair. The dark grey color from the thong to the popper gave the whip a distinct appearance. And as soon as Merciless gripped the whip tightly, he felt something wrap around his hand. Of course, this whip was more like a living creature that appeared to have its own mind as it tightly bound itself around Merciless's left hand without his permission as if pleased with its host.

And Olga was impressed when she said this, knowing that this whip also curses those it doesn't like. But, once again, she is merely giving the whip permission to exercise its power freely, and if it didn't like Merciless, she would render the whip's power useless and provide Merciless another whip. But it appears that it will not be a problem, as the whip began to wrap and tie itself around Merciless's hand under his sleeve until it totally vanished. Merciless began to make a frown as he felt an impending ache in his left hand after it bound with him.

"Aghhh...ouch... ouch that kinds of stings, yikessaaaa... what the hell is this thing doing to my hand... wait... wait... why is it traveling up my AGHWAAA.... ok this is a little bit too mwUUAAACH!?"

Merciless declared as he knelt on his knees, gripping his left arm, his countenance filled with anxiety, discomfort, and misery. On the other side, Olga saw Merciless in a different light since something unexpected happened at this moment, instead of feeling the mark's demonic aura, which was meant to be emitting from the mark. Olga was astounded to watch the Netherlands whip rapidly get into a full-fledged symbiotic relationship with the entirety of Merciless' left arm and heart, as a strong, potent, and foul demonic energy could be felt emanating from his heart, almost as if the heart were the parasite's nest.

As a result, Olga snapped her finger, forcing the entirety of Merciless' top layer of his tuxedo to vanish; she couldn't see it, of course, but she could now touch it directly to determine how far this object was merged with Merciless. And Olga was taken aback by what had occurred. The Netherlands whip essentially fused with Merciless' entire veins, arteries, tissue, bones, and even heart, but something else happened, and Merciless began to emerge as he gazed at himself and muttered.

"What? My powers have returned... What is this?" No, I feel much stronger—much, much stronger—and my arm. No! Power is pouring through my chest and heart, and I can feel it in every part of my body.... Wait, what are these voices?"

Merciless said to himself, holding his head, as he could hear many different people's whispers in his head, all women murmuring dull-pitched words of delight in his mind, even caressing his spirit.

[We love this body... so much potential... so much space... unrestricted... boundless even... we likey... what a corrupted mentality... this Ichor is truly amazing... an excellent vessel to contain us, together we can do so much... yes... so,so,so muccchhhhh...]

[Bones that change, blood that hardens, and cells that identify and adapt and evolve, a similarity to the demonic nature... a morale-free host that can feed us, love us... pleasure us... give us treasures... victory... and chaos, yes-yes... it can be all ours... use us.... taint your body in desires... ohhh, so this is the royal heir of progenitor... the Ichormancy of desire is the very mantle of this vessel... hehe haha... we want it, we want to be you, take our power... abuse it to your will. ]

[Let me see my babies... my name is Sia.... no, it's Katty... Lorrain.... don't listen to her, my name is Deliah.... take me... leave him alone, you icy whispers full of hate and envy, thy name is Aerith... silence-silence-SILENCE!! My name is Zibbronna, and I am the oldest... no, you are not the oldest; I am Patrice of the Parrigoth Woods... why am I here? I don't deserve to die... we want your body... your affections.... please us... love us... please kill us... liberate us.... destroy us... FEED USSS... in agony.... the voices won't stop... they never stop... it's dark and scary I don't like this place...]

The voices were everywhere; every single one was like a network of pleasure and misery, co-aligning with one another. Everyone of these voices had a desire. This pure demonic energy was like an unsightly knot that had woven itself into my own existence on both a biological and mental level.

Merciless can hear and understand all of their voices, but Strangley can sense all of their desires. He had no idea what this was. No! He did, but calling these voices separate, unique entities would be incorrect. These voices are broken souls that have fused together into a strange network of chaos. A Hive mind of hundreds of dead shaggoth that have taken up residence in his left hand and heart. And Merciless could feel it; this hand was no longer his, but for the price of using his heart as a vessel, the power was forever his, and the many demonic properties within him were slowly melting together as a new entity that would soon inhabit him as well, and a new power, a new weapon, a biological and equally esoteric nightmare would be born, weak at first but growing alongside him nonetheless. Yes, the birth of a new demon was under way; however, it requires a lot more food, a lot more chaos... and a lot more desire to truly give it form.

Merciless had become a part of the hive of pleasure and agony at this point; the Shaggoths, or what was left of them, were like maddening voices that he would hear continually, and yet for some reason all the dissonance of pain and desire fed him, giving him energy that was difficult to understand. This never-ending cycle of insanity felt like millions of centipedes crawling all over him, both inside and out. And yet it was weirdly warm; rather, he felt encompassed in a dark but equally cozy comfort.

It was a difficult memory to forget, a difficult memory to let go of. But either way, Merciless didn't need to worry; he already knew this new collective was his to command. However, in order to give it power, it requires a great deal of blood and flesh.

And if you were to glance at Merciless right now, you'd notice a massive full-sleeve tattoo applied to his entire upper left chest, down to his fingertips. The tattoo was a dark crimson, but it was made up of a massive hive of insects that looked like centipedes, scorpions, and spiders of all sizes and shapes.

But one thing was certain: the mark made him appear diabolical and terrifying. At this point, both of his nails had turned into sharp black claws, and blood had begun to emerge strangely from his claws. The marking has improved his ability to manage the blood in his body in even more ways. And when the tiny blood he summoned crystallized, it morphed into a rat, then a crown, then a roach, and ultimately a bloody rose.

From there, he took her in both hands and placed the crystalized rose, which was a bloody rose hairpin from his blood, into Olga's hair, as he said.

"A bloody hairpin that fits the beautiful lady... wouldn't you agree?"

Question Merciless, who was feeling particularly refreshed at the time, while Ogla chuckled softly to herself and inquired.

"Now I am the one that is confused, comrade. Care to explain what happened?"

"To put it simply, these Shagoths had a small bit of their soul imprisoned in their hair strands. And it grew into a tangle of hate and need. Because the weapon is parasitic, my ichor appears to analyze the hair quickly. Because this whip was a parasite, to begin with, my arm at this point is more of a demonic cauldron housing and melting all of the fragmented souls of the Shagoths into one being, in short, my arm is quite literally alive right now. Lets just say I am 82% vampire, and 12% well something else, this arm is not vampiric at all, well not in the natrual sense that is it feels upgraded even. I feel like I could expose it to sunlight and nothing would happen... and yet, despite this, my pure vampiric blood is unaffected, almost as if it were a live prosthetic."

Merciless observed his left arm in awe, not that he was complaining in any case. However, Olga began to comment as he looked at it.

"So what can you even do with it?"

Merciless could feel the hive whispering to him as he got his answer and answered Olga as he said.

"Well, I can still use the whip whenever I want now." But this is something new I can do as well."

Merciless then proceeded to morph his arm as if by instinct, and it turned full red and coated in a thick black exoskeleton reminiscent of a centipede's outer shell, his claws sharpening as a result as well.

"This increased my strength in this arm threefold, which means my left hand now packs a harder punch than my right." And the exoskeleton is quite tough but I can do this as well which I think is a bonus."

As a result, Merciless' left arm began to morph into a gigantic eldritch shield with the same exoskeleton. The preceding whip was in his right hand now as well. And once Olga noticed this, she expressed her interest.

"That is an intriguing power you have there, comrade; not only can you now protect yourself via the defense of that shield, but you can also fight back." Is there anything else it's capable of?"

"Aside from the fact that this arm of mine can do everything the whip could originally do," But there is one power that intrigues me: the curse of nightmares that this whip possesses, allowing me to transform my hands into an army of 2,000 scorpions, 1500 black spiders, or even 500 centipedes. All of my arachnids and insects can inject my blood into a target, and I can see through their eyes as well, which are as good as mine. The interesting thing is that anyone who has my blood on them is cursed with nightmares. Originally, you'd have nightmares, but now I can physically enter your dreams and play with you anyway I like after you're asleep."

Merciless said as he transformed his arm back to normal, although currently speaking he had an overjoyed expression on his face.








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