Vampire: World of Blood

Chapter 25: Hector’s Overpowered Family

Chapter 25: Hector's Overpowered Family

(A/N): If you know how I work, you should know that my word count ranges between 3k and 5k words, with most of them being 5k or more, and we are now 15k+ words away from 100,000 words and roughly 10-15 Chapters away from the season finale of volume one. Following that, volume two will begin, which is the training arc with the elders, during which Merciless will be isolated from the outside world for 150 years. The next volume will feature 150–200 Chapters. Of course, it will be locked because I want the first volume to be free so you can get a sense of my writing style, the tone of the world, the cosmology, and how dark this webnovel is overall.

200 PS: 1 Bonus Chapter

350 PS: 2 Bonus Chapter










"Say, my alpha, can I ask you a question—a question about your former human life?"

Hector said to Merciless as he came to a halt at the now-red stop light in downtown Lavatos. Merciless, of course, was smoking away at his cigar, which can last him the entire night because it is a slow-burning one with a guaranteed four hours of smoking, or so Hector had stated to Merciless; after all, it is exceptionally large, even larger than ordinary cigars.

Merciless was, of course, exceedingly tolerant with Hector, given that Hector was probably the closest thing to a best friend he had ever had in his whole life. Or, as his future sweetheart Olga puts it. "A good dog that a man cannot live without." As a result, he responded with a smile on his face, looking at Hector and responding in kind.

"*chuckle*chuckle*chuckle*, You don't have to be so upbeat with me, my friend; just ask away, and I'll respond. Although I can't promise any spectacular stories, after all, I'm just a beginner, a level-one character about to embark on a danerous adventure in a soul game on the realistic difficulty of this thing called a new unlife. As a result, my stories are boring, but go ahead and ask your question, and I'll answer and satisfy your interest.

Merciless said to Hector, gripping the cigar between his fingers as he watched him in the rearview mirror. Of course, Hector only nodded as he started driving because the light was green. Of course, there was no one on the street at this late hour, but Hector still followed the laws and norms.

Aside from that, Hector began to ask his query, as he mentioned to his alpha while keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"If it's not too much to ask, please tell me who this woman you're so eager to meet so late at night is." Furthermore, how certain are you that she will be present? In any case, I'm not sure what kind of family woman would work so late at night; is her husband not working?"

"Agh~~ So, to answer your question, Carmilla was, as I already stated, an ex-coworker of mine. She was a lovely lady who, I believe, understood me better than anyone else at the time. She was not a judgmental person, nor was she deceptive or dishonest. To be honest, what I admire most about her is her harsh honesty; anytime I'm feeling sad, I can always talk to her. Carmilla was my first love, of course, but she was already married and had a family, so it was a one-sided love, hehehe."

Merciless said to Hector as he began to giggle at the rare pleasant time in his life when he was still human. It was memories he would never forget and memories he treasured.

Carmilla, to Merciless, was a person who made him feel alive, even human. She was a person he desired for himself, and yet there were many occasions when he was still Mercy that he wanted to kill himself. Carmilla stopped him from four attempts. To Mercy, she was like a mother, a friend, and someone he could relate to.

Hector listened intently and was surprised to see his lord genuinely happy for another life that was not one of his vampiric brethren or faithful minions, and a simple human woman at that.

It sparked his interest so much that he proceeded to ponder even further, digging even deeper, and asking Merciless as such.

"Interesting, to say the least. Is she your favorite human?" Or am I misunderstanding your affection for her?"

"... Favorite human being? Hehehe... So far, Hector, I regard humans as food, nuisance, pawns, and amusement; it's kind of strange, really. Deep down, I still love Carmilla, but I know that love is one-sided. But, in a way, you are correct, my friend; she is indeed my favorite human to this day. To be honest, I would do anything to make her mine, and only mine. I can do it so easily right now, and she won't be able to stop me. But don't get me wrong; I'm not going to do it. Hector, I adore her, but I also respect her, and I owe her a lot. Yes! I love her so much that I don't want to engage her in our dark world, and taking her away from the life she has built would be selfish of me. I don't want to be a hypocrite, but that woman saved me from a dark time in my life; Merciless Minvera Elderblood II would not be here, alive in death if it weren't for her."

Merciless replied in a bittersweet tone, his smile not faltering in the slightest, while Hector looked concerned and said.

"My alpha... what do you mean... Merciless Minerva Elderblood II wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her... are you... perhaps implying sui...

"Yes, Hector, my friend, I hate to admit it, but Carmilla saved me from myself; you see, I was suicidal; for one thing, I was bullied a lot in high school, and you know how evil children can be?" And how immature teenagers are! I was treated like garbage by everyone around me, and to make matters worse, I had no one to talk to about my problems, especially when my parents died; I had no relatives, friends, or anything else but myself. I had nothing to live for, and yet I attempted suicide every day, but it was easier said than done. Because of my hatred for myself, I went through an emo phase, spiraled into things I shouldn't have, and began using drugs and alcohol of various kinds, which grew into full-fledged addictions beyond my control. Heroin, weed, cocaine, crack—you name it, I had it. And you know, if it hadn't been for Carmilla's emotional support and brutal scolding, I'd most likely be dead by now... I won't lie, Hector. I started smoking cigarettes as a way to stop doing drugs, and quitting felt like death itself. Have you ever had acute withdrawals? That shit is awful."

"I see. I'm truly sorry to hear that, my alpha. I know what it's like to lose someone you love." My first wife was slaughtered eons ago by the god Vidar. I took it differently; I can't say I started drugs, but it made me colder. And my alpha, if I meet that woman, I'd like to thank her as well; if she did that much for you, I can see why you adore and respect her; she appears to be a really wonderful woman, perhaps too good for this world if I'm being honest."

Hector expressed his support while also attempting to console his alpha. Merciless merely took another blow on his cigar and responded accordingly.

"Thank you, Hector, and please accept my heartfelt condolences as well. I'm sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like; trust me; however, my friend, we are all adults here." My love for Carmilla is in the past, or better yet, my respect for her has allowed me to go on with my life. She saved me, and I owe her my life. That is why I truly believe she deserves all the happiness in the world. I owe her a big debt; she is a friend, a very good friend, and I just wanted to see her from afar to see how she was doing. The last time I saw her was four years ago, when I was 19 years old at the time. Then again, I'm not sure whether I'll be able to see her because she indicated to me before I left that she was going to relocate soon, and her husband usually works late at night at some major law firm. Carmilla was the type to keep herself busy, and she worked most night shifts with me. As of now, I hope to Eos above that she is still there; all I want to do is see my old friend one last time, not as Merciless but as Mercy even if it's from afar; after tonight, I shall withdraw myself from her completely."

Merciless declared to Hector, his smile beaming at his devoted servant, who nodded his head in agreement as he replied.

"Ah, I see... well, my alpha, I hope you see her again, though the chances are slim." But if you're searching for a female friend, my alpha to attend to your wants and keep you company, perhaps I can introduce you to one of my 138 daughters or one of my 438 grand daughters."

"... Is that correct? Do you have any milfs in your ranks who have previously mothered? I have a thing for older women—submissive older women, of course, although I would prefer one that is strong, loyal, and overall badass, if not crazy. My preferred woman has to be essential—one that has blood that is so delicious it is addicting—and one without a man, of course. To be honest, I don't want to share, but experiencing a mature woman who has years of skills that have age-like wine is a must, so tell me, Hector, do you have anyone like that under your belt?"

Merciless inquired of his servant, accepting his offer of a girlfriend to share his bed with. Don't misunderstand Merciless; his needs are his passions, and satisfying them only strengthens him. Hector, of course, began to consider who might meet his alpha taste. And after a few moments of thought, one woman sprang to mind as he responded to his Alpha.

"Actually, my alpha, I have someone who possesses all of those characteristics; however, she is a little too crazy for me to recommend her." To be honest, her last lover died because her love was too much for him. As a result, men don't truly want her because she is infamous in the supernatural world for driving a famous and powerful king insane. To be completely transparent, her love isn't to blame; it's her innate magical nature that drives her crazy. If you can tame and control her, I am convinced you will be able to tame any crazy lady."

"Hmmmm... is that true?" Tell me, who is this woman whose love can drive any man insane? To me, she sounds like a Yandere. I'm tempted to know."

"She is my granddaughter; her father, my son Buldi, is a pure-blooded dire wolf, and her mother, Nidhogg, is an extraterrestrial dragon from another galaxy; to be specific, her mother was known as the lady of coordination before Thor and his bastard son Magni murdered her in cold blood. After swallowing something she termed the Schrödinger's roots, which is an extremely powerful cosmic artifact, or so she claims, but after she eats it, she gains the ability to travel to multiple worlds outside the influence of our cosmology."

"As a result, her mother develops a foreign magical nature with so much power that it cannot be ranked; as such, it is comparable to Eos liberation, and Michelle desire magical nature. The only difference is that her magical nature takes the literal physical form of a second heart within her." And with it, she can journey to areas unknown to our understanding, as she describes this power as being everywhere but nowhere. However, Nidhogg can only wield this power if she has found her true love. Apparently, the heart functions as a mystical engine of sorts, feeding on the love of both her and her spouse, which smashes together to make something called Ygdril energy; basically, it's like nuclear fission."

"But this unique energy is what allows her to travel; without this unique energy, she cannot travel to other worlds. But because her lovers and herself share a bond that is omnipresent in nature, even if Nidhogg is outside the cosmology, she can still sifen this special energy from her lover regardless of distance, as their bond is everywhere, quite literally, figuratively, and physically. This means that this energy that can only be used to travel transcends the entire cosmology as we know it, more so than anyone can understand; in a way, the bond is all-encompassing. As it always allows her to have an infinite amount of energy to travel as much as she desires, though this power is dangerous."

"I, for one, have heard many stories from my son, many of which are perplexing and difficult to believe." And what he explained to me is that traveling to regions unseen even to the gods is a double-edged sword; he once said that he and his wife were nearly killed by cosmic squirrels from some world he calls the UKLIMOO dimension in another omniverse, or something like that. To be honest, her power is like a fever dream, a gacha of doom, or an unimaginable benefit, and you can never completely prepare for what is beyond the unknown, as the destinations are random; however, once she has traveled to that place at least once, she can travel there anytime she wants, but her power also allowed her to travel through time as well."

"However, here's where things got complicated: after Thor and his son murdered my son's wife, her body began to bloom into a massive tree that began to wrap around the entire cosmology of our omniverse, essentially connecting all the realms in existence with its roots." And even beyond our own cosmology, as the tree, now known as the world tree Yggdrasil, is eternally growing at an infinite rate of expansion; as it by some miracle drilled its way outside the fruit of life, and as a consequence of this, it made anomalies from outside our respective omniverse leak into ours from time to time, we call these outsider beings "worms." A worm is an anomaly that can defy the logics of our world, as they are applying the laws of their universe to ours instead of following our laws."

"Of course, people in our world can also be worms." But first, you must pass through these eldritch draconic spirits known as gate guardians. "It is nearly impossible to beat under normal circumstances given that these guardians are the only thing historically known in the entire supernatural world to have caused the strongest beings, gods, and demons alike in our omniverse to go all out against them."

"Given how easily some of our strongest powerhouses fall to them, Eos himself has fought a gate guardian, and he has admitted that if it weren't for his inability to truly die, he would have been long dead by now." However, I will tell you that only eleven individuals in our world that I am aware of have been able to defeat a gate guardian and live to tell the tale."

"And these eleven beings are some of the most powerful beings in our universe, with power so great that they can easily shake or flat out destroy everything in creation as we know it." "Eos The Vampire King," "Tiamat The Great Mother," "Mr. Rule: B The Strongest Awakened Human," "Zalena The Shoggoth Queen," "Zeus The God King of The Greek Pantheon," "Indra The Supreme," "Lilith The Dark Empress of The Underworld," "Abel The Supreme Warlock," "Malarik The Silver Dawn & Apostle of Jenova," "Lacrion The Father of All Beast," and "Chicxulub The Sword Saint From Beyond The Stars, Now known as 9th Overlord and 10th Gate of Apocolypse under lord Michelle with The Sword of Darwin equipped."

"I know you're probably wondering why I'm telling you all of this, but it's necessary if you want to understand my granddaughter." Her mother's Schrödinger's magical nature was passed down to her when her mother died. But, unlike her mother, it wasn't a heart; rather, my darling grandchild, Brunhilde, was born with her mother's power at an even greater level, and, unlike her mother, Brunhilde does not rely on Ygdril's energy. You must be wondering why."

"Well, get this: Brunhilde exists in all universes, including those outside our cosmology." As a result, she cannot be removed from existence; and as a result of her Schrödinger's magical nature, she exists everywhere but nowhere. However, this magic has a major downside that affects her mental health due to her paradoxical existence that transcends life and death."

"Brunhilde is extremely delusional; she can't tell what's real and what's not." To her, everything she sees and experiences is a shattered mirror of creation; this has such an impact on her that she has numerous personas within her very essence. To be honest, I feel sorry for the child because, as time passes, more identities emerge, and these personas are mirrors of herself that exist in separate universes. And in whichever universe she visits, she assumes the persona of the Brunhilde who lives there."

"Replacing the current one." Thankfully, the benevolent grace of King Eos and Lord Michelle joining together and putting their tremendous intellects to use enabled them to develop the "Narrative Crown." Which is crafted from King Eos' skull and imbued with a sliver of his emancipation power and Michelle's desire power. And they collaborated to develop a magical instrument capable of separating the limitless personalities within her from her original self."

"To some extent, she is now free of those delusions that were driving her insane with knowledge beyond our comprehension." Of course, there was one issue: the unique awareness that she had, altered her current personality significantly. Brunhilde was already intelligent and caring, but she had become snarky, arrogant, and unpredictable, making her hazardous to get along with."

"Given that her way of thinking and reasoning is similar to that of the worms, despite being weaker than them, and given that her being exists outside or omniverse as well inside our own naturally." In some ways, she is a unique worm variant that exists in our reality and can break the rules of our universe in an infinite amount of ways, given she makes her personality take charge of her body, because she also exists outside. Eos himself had offered Brunhilde to be embrace my him, and claimed that if Brunhilde became her kilde, she would have become his successor, but Brunhilde told Eos that she would choose her master rather than the other way around. On Michelle's name, that youngster is wonderful at heart; it's only that her behaviors are so uncontrollable that it's perilous to let her run free; thankfully however, her loyalty to Lords Seventh has not waned, the reason for this was because, lord seventh blood flow through me, as a result, it flows through my descendants as well."

"So, overall, my alpha, Brunhilde, is as loyal to the Elderblood family as my other children; she is also an essential as well; her blood is said to be extremely addicting, but she is not easy to get along with." To be honest, her way of speaking is practically rambling nonsense, given that she mostly talks about stuff and locations I've never heard of, let alone anyone else. Because of this, her previous relationship drove her husband Siegfried mad to the point where he attempted to kill her. My argument is that if you are exposed to Brunhilde, you will begin to think like her; knowledge is powerful thing, and Brunhilde, has more than anybody else in the universe. And she possesses so much of it that even a fraction of it can drive you mad. I could link you two together, but I would not recommend it my alpha, Siegfried her husband was known for having one of the strongest mental fortitudes, and even he couldn't handle Brunhilde, as such, I am ashamed to say this, but if you decide to have her as yours, it is at your own risk."

Merciless, on the other hand, had a stunned expression on his face as he replied to Hector.

"By Eos above Hector, you are essentially the father of the Norse mythology at this point, and honestly, your family is powerful as hell." Hector, I'm curious whether you have anyone else as powerful as Brunhilde."

"More powerful, yes, my strongest child, my oldest son Hatii has the ability to create events due to his inherent storyteller magical nature." At first, he could initially build a tiny 20-meter area in which he could author events to his will, but only after hundreds of years of training. His range has been expanded to include approximately anywhere the light of the moon touches. The only restriction is that his creativity must adhere to the realism of our world's collective mythology, which means he must write only facts."

"For example, he can't just use his magical nature to write false information into reality; he can't simply write, that all vampires are immune to sunlight because that isn't true." He could, however, write, "As he fights a group of royal vampires vastly stronger than him, he quickly realizes he has no chance of winning, but at that moment, by some coincidence, a group of powerful vampire slayers suddenly appear on the battlefield, all trained and equip to handle their clan's respective traits. And by writing the events in this manner, it becomes factual into reality itself, because mythologically, this is actually a factual truth of our universe."

Hector explained to Merciless, who was enthralled by his friend's family. And now that he knows this, he wants to see the Loki clan in person. As a result, he responded to Hector's story in this manner.

"Hector, you must introduce me to your family; they are so broken that it is unjust; honestly, this supernatural word is far scarier than I can imagine." And, by the way, Hector, how does one go about acquiring a magical nature? I know I have one because I inherited my father's magical nature of desire, but is it conceivable to wield even more of them? If so, how do I go about getting one?"

"By the way, what's the distinction between Witch magic and magical nature?" It appears that these so-called magical natures are even more powerful than the power one can receive from a divine entity; please tell me, all of this is quite interesting."

Merciless approached Hector, hoping to delve even deeper into the dark and occult arts of magic; happily, Hector's response was excellent news on his part.

"Well, my alpha, I don't know much about magical natures, but I do know that they can be born within anyone at random." You can also inherit them from your parents or a master, as in your case, your father. But, to be honest, magical natures are just as mysterious as Ichor's power; no one knows why vampires have them, maybe not even Eos himself; it's just a power that arose after Eos established the vampire race, and as such, its one of the mysteries of the universe."

"However, to address your question about the difference between God's divine magic and magical nature in general, to be brutally honest, there is none. Some races are simply born with magical natures, such as the gods, who are born with them, as well as the elves and demons as well. It's only that being a God gives you infinitely more magical power than the average person due to them being empowered by the fate of their believers that stretch far and wide; as such, witch and warlock magic is effectively borrowing the power of magic from a higher being, nothing more, nothing less."

"Of course, there is a variety of different ways to obtain them; for example, if you consume the body of a being with immense power and a magical nature, there is a chance you can inherit their magic for your own; there are some cases where these magical natures evolved and adapted to suit the next user of them." There are other occasions where you consume magical artifacts with the intention of releasing the magical power contained inside them into yourself to get its magical power for your own."

"But hear this: magic in our universe is not like video games, because mana does not exist." A magical nature is similar to an Ichor in that it may be used at will because it is a part of your being right down to the very core of your origin, which is your notion of self. But there is one reason to rejoice: Lady Fay, our clan's youngest great elder, is a master magical user who has dedicated her entire life to the arts of magic. If you want to learn more, don't worry because she has been assigned to teach you as well. If there is anyone who knows a lot about magic, and magical nature, it is her."

Hector explained everything he knew about magical nature, but when Hector said this. Merciless' initial thought was of his left arm and his Ichor, which had become the vessel of hundreds of dead shagoths, as he stared down at his tattooed hands. It was explained to him that Brunhilde's mother, Nidhogg, had swallowed a cosmic relic known as Schrödinger's roots that existed in another galaxy. As a result, she possesses Schrödinger's magic in the shape of a heart, which continued to grow indefinitely even after her death, eventually flowering into the World Tree Yggdrasil.

With this concept in mind, he began to wonder if his Neitherlander's arm was a magical nature taken physical form, and if so, what kind of power he now had. And even now, he can hear the whispers in his thoughts, given that he has a mental and spiritual connection to the amalgamation of fractured Shagoth souls within it. He understood he could absorb genetic features from those it devoured, and apply it to his arm.

Even now, he had the feeling that if he ate just a couple more goblins, one of the goblins' innate traits would become a part of his arm. He also knew that he could degrade magic with his miasma, as well as create flames that could corrode and destroy high level magic attacks, defences or artifacts quite easily. He also knew it had strong magic resistance due to the miasma, and that he also had the ability to shapeshift his left arm into any weapon he desired, such as a shield, a sword, or even body parts. But its greatest are two, the first skill is devouring the souls of those he drains much faster than the typical vampire, given that his arms could easily sprout thousands of those stingers to suck his enemies dry rapidly, once defeated. The second is to make these familiars, which are effectively the animals that his tattoos portray, and with them, he can do a lot of things, the most important of which is the ability he now has to control and lord over dreams.

But now he has a problem in that his abilities are inconsistent; this one arm has so many various hax he can use. For one thing, he has a hive mind with his souls, familiar creation, shapeshifting, miasma manipulation, dream manipulation, magic resistance, magic corrosion, buffing his already broken blood talent, extending the capabilities of his soul drain powers even further than the normal vampire, genetic absorption, weapon creation, and summoning, and devouring souls to join the hive mind to make it stronger.

With all of these strange powers crammed tightly into one single arm, Merciless began to wonder if the powers this arm gave him were the fragmented powers of the deceased Shagoth's magical nature that he might have absorbed because Hector did say that there was a chance that you can absorb someone else's magical nature if you ate them, and since magical nature is the essence of one origin, even if it is a small fragment of that which remains.

The magical natures of some of the hundreds of broken shagoth souls merged in Neitherander's whip may have moved over to Merciless. Giving him access to a variety of magical natures that formerly belonged to higher divine beings whose magical power had been corrupted by demonic energy in order to bind it to the shoggoth that was once their chosen witch was now his. If this is the case, will he be able to access more magical nature hidden within the souls of the Shagoths he absorbs as his arm grows stronger? If that's the case, this could be one of the most broken powers a vampire has ever encountered. In a way, it was ironic to use the corrupted divine power of the Gods to destroy the Gods.

Yes, thinking about it now, this could be a strong possibility if Hector's remarks are to be believed. Merciless dominion over dreams may have been the magic of some dream god, who granted it to a human woman who would abandon and violate that God's generosity to take a portion of the god's magic abilities for herself. As such she became a Shagoth and died sometime in her life, and her newly developed magical nature related to dreams transferred over to Merciless, along with every strange ability he now possesses that stems from the arm to begin with.

This was, of course, just a theory, but it had a good chance of being true. Overall, he would have to confirm this with Le Fay, who would be the perfect person to ask given her vast knowledge of all things magic and occult base. And, because the Netherlander's whip had merged with his Ichor, he began to question how this would affect his Ichor in the long run.

On that note, Hector notices the distress in Merciless' eyes and realizes that something is wrong with him, so he questions him.

"Is all good my alpha?"

"Agh Hehehe... of course, I was just spacing out, by the way, Hector, how does Brunhilde look, I presume she is a beauty?" A milf with experience like I requested, power, and hax aside, this is vital, I do have my priorities straight, you know."

Merciless inquired, genuinely interested in Brunhilde.

Of course, Hector answered by pulling out his phone, which was filled with family photos, indicating that he was a family man. However, after scrolling, he came to a halt in front of a photograph of Brunhilde and displayed it to his Alpha. He appeared to be a father, comparing his daughter to other father's daughters as if to say mine is the greatest among the rest.

Merciless, of course, began to glance at the image before inhaling his cigar and basking in the view of Hector's granddaughter, Brunhilde. She was, for lack of a better description, a beauty; her body was thick and had curves in the appropriate places. She has massive, firm boobs and a big ass. Her skin was clear, and despite being half dire wolf and half alien dragon, she appeared so human that it was frightening just thinking about it.

She had dark hazel-colored hair that was extremely curly, clear skin and wore tight blue denim and a skin-tight sleeveless black shirt to highlight her features, as well as black high heels. Merciless, on the other hand, noticed something very interesting: her eyes, they held something rather otherworldly he couldn't place his finger on, outward she looked exhausted, if anything indifferent to everything around her. But, oddly, her beautiful bright emerald green eyes seem to be looking right at him, and just him. However that was when it happened, the picture then transformed into a bizarre mischievous smirk. Merciless had a puzzled expression on his face as he rubbed both his eyes, convinced he was seeing things, and when he opened them again, her appearance returned to normal. Was he seeing things, or did this picture fucking grin at him?

No, he wasn't hallucinating, and how could a picture grin at him? As a result, he turned to Hector and inquired.

"Say Hector, would you consider Brunhilde to be mischievous, the prankster type even?"

"... Ha? Yeah, that kid is full of surprises; she reminds me of my father Loki, but her pranks don't cause mayhem. Instead, it delivers you fortune like you've never seen before. She is an unpredictable woman, and as such, her behavior is beyond my comprehension; yet, if you become a target for her mischief. You will benefit in ways you never imagined possible, given her ability to control the future, because she already exists in the future, as she is everywhere but nowhere. As a result, she knows what is going to happen years before it happens, such is the power of her inherent magical nature."

"However, Brunhilde will never tell you how events will unfold, but she will guide you with her pranks, and she only does this to people she truly cares about, or to those who seek wisdom from her and she herself finds them interesting," I recall a day when I was chasing down intruders who had infiltrated our domain, And after I killed them Brunhilde suddenly show up and pushed me down a cliff, and as I plummeted, I watched her giggle amusedly. And when I fell at the bottom, I discovered a pot of gold from a rare fairy-type creature known as a leprechaun, and because the leprechaun was weaker than me, he granted me three wishes within his power in exchange for his life."

"Hmmm... wait what hahah... a leprechaun, hahah really, and what did you wish for?"

Merciless asked amused by Hectors tale.

"Hmm... well, I wished for wisdom, a vast increase in power, and a new weapon that would fit my battle style; as a result, the wisdom I received was the location of several ancient places scattered throughout the Garden of Aine, holding vast amounts of treasures, as well as what to expect when I go there; so far, I have raided five of the seven of them, and only two remain that only I and that leprechaun know the location of."

"Then, as a result of the second wish, my physical abilities were multiplied by 50 times their original value, and as of now, I have the strange ability to increase slowly in power as I grow older, as well as always being in prime condition no matter how old I get." And the weapon he gave me for my third and final wish was more of a body modification; now my bones are nearly unbreakable, with the only thing capable of breaking them being anything made from blessed mythril; as such, my claws can cut through almost anything like a heated knife through butter, and even slow the regeneration of any mythical creature to a great extent."

"In a way, the leprechaun's power allowed me to have powers that normal wear wolves like me are not supposed to have." As the clan chief, I was already powerful, and before meeting the leprechaun, I could easily produce earth-shattering earthquakes that could travel through entire large cities. And that was 348 years ago; right now, I could easily shake, if not straight up demolish an entire continent with my physical strength alone, and perhaps even lift one on my back given if I transform into my true form of course."

Merciless responded to Hector as such.

"How fortunate, I'd like to capture a leprechaun for myself now, perhaps even keep one as a pet." Yes, that would be perfect; if Brunhilde is omnipresent and omniscient, do you think she realizes we're talking about her right now?"

Before Hector could respond, someone whispered in Merciless' ears.

"I dont know, you tell me?"

Merciless remained motionless, stunned yet calm. Hector, on the other hand, sighed and remarked as he looked in the rearview mirror.

"*Sigh!*, Child you are lucky that the clan heir is an entirely different breed of calm, however, please refrain from just popping out of nowhere."

"Hmmm... Grampa... you're no fun. Brunhilde miss the days when you were surprised to see her like this. Brunhilde can't help herself... how bland, gloomy, and monotonous you are hmmmm. Brunhilde is everywhere... ever existing, omnipresent, thus you can't tell an imaginary number not to exist."

A familiar-looking woman stated this while wrapping her arm around Merciless and hugging him from behind, leaving him perplexed, astonished, but not afraid. So far, this has been the strangest introduction he has had.

Hector, on the other hand, sighed as he spoke.

"Please accept my apologies, my alpha." I expected this to happen, but please allow me to introduce you to the ideal woman for your requirements. This is my granddaughter, Brunhilde, like I said, at your own risk. You want to slay the gods, right? Well, there's a living solution right in front of you; if you can decipher her strange style of communicating, anything is possible."

"Well, this is weird if not kind of fucked up."

Merciless replied in a monotone tone that everyone could hear.

Brunhilde responded in this manner.

"Not as fucked up as the next Chapter though, Brunhilde says look at you."

"The next what?"

Merciless said as he was perplexed by her strange third-person speech and protocols.

"... Ara-ara, only if you knew the majority of it, the maker of your current life is sadistic as hell... the one eye giant news shall plague you in the six passing, it will hurt, really and truly, but fear not, the treasure on the old bridge will bring you closure, just get it before 5:43 Am. And remember with pain comes growth, and with growth comes power. Deny your humanity and vampiric self and every otherself after that, and the black eye will reappear for the coming trials ahead. The three metals are gold, silver, and bronze... aim for the back, if you want the gold to be yours. You are unique, more so than you realize, and yet you despise the concept of Gods. And yet, the pen of the highest notion protects you from the world around you, and one day, even from Brunhilde itself. The future cannot be altered, but you are a possibility, the living embodiment of irony. You are a living microcosm that exists in the macrocosm that is the now, the then, and the will; you are without a doubt above and below, you are what you are. As such Brunhilde likes you because she didn't see you until you became the current you, and even now, you're a coin flip that lands of neither heads or tails as such you are Janus. Therefore Brunhilde will read along with them because you are not boring, nor generic, to reach perfection, you must cut ties with the imperfections around you, even yourself, you are not perfect but can become perfect, as such Brunhilde will say this now. She will help you reach it, however for your to reach your desired self, dont asked of her, God is perfect because they never met anyone more imperfect than them, prove them wrong, go beyond, the unknown, I will help you to help yourself, nothing more, nothingless, and when it is complete, the end result will be the beggining of the end, and the end of the beggining... ok darling... with this our contract is form... for now, however, I will see you soon... or as soon as you need guidance."

Merciless realized Hector's warnings were no joke at that point, and trying to understand this beauty's cryptic style of speaking was like trying to write with no hands. You can use your feet, but it will be nonsense that you yourself will not understand, Merciless said this as he blinked once while holding his head and opened his eyes. Only to soon realize that Brunhilde was not present, he then saw a paper in his hand and opened it to find a note that said.

"Here is a freebie, that arm of yours is exactly what you think, Brunhilde said leaving behind a note for her contractor byeee~~byeee... nyaa...nyaa... ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ."P.S. Get a cat as soon as possible; their adorable homicidal fluff balls, how could anyone not adore them, Brunhilde wonders?"

Merciless sighed, more perplexed than he had ever been in his entire life, and proceeded to smoke on his cigar while looking at Hector and said.

"Sooo... that was Brunhilde?"

"Yap that's my granddaughter alright, and the fact that she arrived much more casually than usual indicates that she likes you." And, just so you know, her last contractor was her husband, so you can probably guess what she thinks of you. You are now caught in her web, but you are Lord Seventh Kilde, and I am confident that if anybody can figure out that youngster and make the most of her support, it is you. Tell me how it feels to have an omniscient being on your side." Amazing, but trust me when I say that in this world, you will undoubtedly meet and fight beings considerably stronger than her. Worst case scenario, you come face to face with a hostile worm, a gate guardian, or a strong God. But I have faith that the great elders will transform you into a force of nature once your training comes to an end."

Hector responded, and Merciless responded back.

"Well... I truly hope that is the case because the war I am leading requires all the assistance, guidance, and power I can get." It's me, against the heavens you know; and if Brunhilde's magical nature was that powerful, I can only imagine, just how insanely powerful the God's magical nature would be."

"Heheh... true indeed my alpha, we don't know what we'll come across along the way, but for now, let's not worry about the future." And by the way my alpha, we have finally arrived at the requested location."

Hector declared as he parked in a supermarket parking lot.

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