Villain Heal: The Villainess’s Plan to Heal a Broken Heart

Chapter 15

SoI just know that I get assigned to the room beside Luler. Its a good thing to have someone you know as your neighbor but his room should be on another side according to the guideline. Why is his room on girl side anyway?

I can sense him using his connection in a bad way

In this dorm, we also have a mixed bath aside from a private bath in our room and a dining room. Im happy to have this privilege but when I think of a budget to keep this building runningIts a waste of money.

WellIm not the one who pays the bill so I shouldnt think too much.

The money from an occupant in this dorm alone can support many buildings like this anyway.

Welltoday is the first day to move in so there shouldnt be a lot of people here yet. Should I go and use the mixed bath?

I prepare a change of cloth, a bathing towel and bathing products and go downstairs.

The bath is just a little bit smaller than a schools pool. That instance that I open the door, a steam come rushing out hitting my face. I quickly change into my bathing towel then sank down into a warm water.


Its warm and comfortable.

Its not that strange that I act like an old geezer. I am thirty years old already~.

but in this world, Im only ten so lets count from that.


Why do I have to come!?

suddenly a shouting from a boy could be heard outside.

I-I dont want to come alone. Couldnt you come with me, Teo?

Why do you have to come here when you can bath in your room?


We are here. I will go back to my room. Can you go back to your room alone?

Cant you wait for me!?

Im not that free and theres not anything dangerous here. You go back alone then

I heard a quarrel from two kids. Its only a bath why do you have to kick a fuss about this? OhI forget excluding me others are only ten years old(both physical and mental). In the eyes of children, a small problem can be a big problem to them.

This isa kid.

You moron! Why cant you understand me!?

She slams the door and stomps her way inside. I cant see her looks because of the steam. She walks into the changing room to change into her bathing towel.





Why do you have to shout like that? I only greet you.

She runs from me to another side looked panic-stricken and points at me.

Bathroom ghost!!!

so rude!

What are you talking about!?

I stride to her and take a look at the girl in front of me.

She has a pair of white fox ear, long and vibrant red hair, a cute face and golden eyes. She will grow up to be a beauty for sure.

but she seems familiar

I think I saw her from somewhere

Who are you?

a student who stayed in this dorm just like you. I only come here before you a moment ago

I got a surprise thereYou should make some noise!

WhatDont tell me youre still getting scared of a ghost. Youre really a kid

I use my hand to cover my mouth to let her know that I insult her. Well, I want to get her back for this. Its her fault for mistaking me for a ghost when Im this cute.

A-are you insinuating that Im easily scared? Who are you taking me for!? Im Akane Yotooke, the only daughter of the proud White fox. Im not scared of anything

She crosses her arm with a smug expression but its not that effective because of her height. Somehow this scene is too comical for my liking. What will a little kid like her do?

Uwaa~so scary~~

What! You dare to insult me! Tell me your name!

Her fox ears are rapidly shaking like a propeller. I guess this means she doesnt like it. Her clan is really easy to read.

My name is Shiwa Garnet, the oldest daughter of Garnet house

ShiwaThen wouldnt you happen to know a boy with red eyes and white hair, do you?

Lulers image instantly pops up in my mind. Why is she speaking about Luler?

Did she know him before?

Yeah, I know him. What about it?

I saw him running everywhere and called out your name. He even flipped the carpet at the hallway. It seems like he wants to find you


My eye widens in shock. I only want to take a bath and then he starts causing trouble again!

Do you know that the carpet in the hallway is very expansive!?

Thank you for telling me that! See you later!

A-wait!? You still havent apologized for insulting me yet

I hurriedly change my cloth as her shouting chases after me. When I come out of the bath, I instantly see the source of my problem.

ShiwaWhere were you? I cant find you anywhere He picks up an expansive looking vase and shakes it ignoring Its value completely.

I just take a bath and I cant go in there *points at the vase*. Put the vase down right now, Luler

Um~ He put the vase down.


I mentally sigh. If I arrive later than this, this vase may kiss the earth in a second. My mother is the headmistress here so I would rather not see anything of her assets breaking or damaging.

but Luler can pay for it anyway

Lets go eat dinner, Luler


Thinking too much makes me hungry again so I go to the cafeteria with Luler. He protests when I order prepared-blood from the store and keep saying that I should only drink his blood. That statement makes obaa-san stares at us in disbelieve and took me a long time to explain her misunderstanding.

What? You are saying that she isnt misunderstanding about this.

Everything thats not the same as I want it to be understanding is counting as a misunderstanding!

You are insulting me!


Suddenly an image pops up in my head when Im eating a stew. The image of a girl with a vibrant red hair and a white fox tail points her finger at me through my computer screen looking arrogantly. She isAkane.

The only princess of the foxs clan and the second villainess in the game!

No wonderShe is so familiar to me.

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