Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 34: Now and Forever

Chapter 34: Now and Forever

After Sakura had run off, Alex returned to his stepmother. Though he did take notice that the girl had left her purse behind in the woman's restroom. Thus, he made a mental note to go back for it when there were no women in the restroom. Which he did shortly thereafter. And while Alex was brimming with eagerness about his date with his stepmother, she did not suspect in the least that he had gone and forced himself on a high school girl.

Once the date was over, Chae-Yeong drove Alex home, where he said he had to take care of some business and might not return home for the night. Though his stepmother wanted to spend some intimate time with the man after their date, she accepted his statement, albeit begrudgingly.

Alex knew now was the time to press his luck and seal the deal with Sakura. Thus, he quickly drove off to the girl's house during the evening when he knew that she would be home. He made sure that he did not look like a total douchebag as he approached the girl's house and knocked on the door.

Surprisingly enough, it was not Sakura who answered, but the girl's mother, who was curious about just who Alex was. That is until he smiled and handed over the purse, where he made up a lie on the spot to explain why he had it.

"I'm afraid Sakura left this behind during our date. Would you make sure she gets this?"

Immediately misunderstanding things, Sakura's mother believed that Alex was the "boyfriend" she had seen the pictures of, and was quick to greet him with a rather eager expression on her face.

"So your Sakura's boyfriend? It is a so great to meet you! I am the girl's mother. Please come in. I was just preparing dinner! You should join us!"

Alex smirked when he heard this. It was a perfect opportunity to seal the deal, and thus he entered the house, to find that it was perfectly clean. There was not a single piece of dust or debris in sight. Clearly, this woman did a wonderful job maintaining her house. Which he was quick to comment on.

"You have a lovely home Miss, I am Alex, by the way. I must say I can certainly see where Sakura gets her good looks from!"

This comment caused the woman to smile and bow her head. After receiving such flattery from a handsome young man, she introduced herself to Alex, who she believed to be Sakura's boyfriend.

"You are too kind, please call me Okaa-san…"

Alex was surprised. Though he was not fluent in Japanese, he had seen enough anime in his past life to know what this word meant. The woman had so quickly embraced him as his daughter's partner, even if that wasn't the case, that he almost felt guilty. But Alex was a shameless man, thus he was quick to call the woman by the term, which meant mother.

"Okay… Okaa-san…"

Just as he said this, Sakura entered the entryway of the house, perhaps looking for her mother, while shouting for her.

"Okaa-san! When is dinner going to be ready, I'm hu-"

Sakura went dead silent when she saw Alex standing within her home. She instantly remembered what he had done to her earlier that day and averted her gaze while blushing profusely. The girl's mother mistook this as a sign of flirtation, and thus raised one hand to her lips, before questioning her daughter.

"Ara ara? Are you perhaps excited about seeing your boyfriend?"

The girl's pink eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at the smug smile on Alex's face, and the conceited look on her mother's visage. She was about to say something when Alex stepped forward and handed the girl her purse.

"You forgot this at the mall earlier… I figured I should return it to you… After all, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I had not, now would I?"

There was an extra emphasis on the word boyfriend, as if to tell the girl to play along with his little scheme. Thus, she bowed her head as she meekly grabbed hold of the bag and thanked the man.

"Thank you…"

Upon seeing that the girl was indeed playing along, Alex smiled, and meanwhile her mother called out to the two of them, informing them when the meal would be ready.

"You two go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. Dinner will be ready in five minutes! I look forward to hearing about how the two of you met!"

After saying this, Sakura's mother left the room, while making sure to peer around the corner to get one last glimpse of Alex before entering the kitchen. She could only smile and shake her head, thinking how lucky her daughter was to bag such a handsome man. Especially since the girl tended to dress and act like a slut despite not actually being one.

The moment her mother was gone Sakura glared at Alex with an almost hate filled gaze as she hissed her thoughts through her teeth like a venomous cobra.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Alex simply smirked as he reached out and patted the girl on the head before informing her of his intent. Albeit while concealing his true thoughts.

"What does it look like? I came here to return your purse. You're lucky somebody didn't snatch it. After all, you were so hasty in leaving that you did something as foolish as leaving your bag behind. But don't worry, I am here for you."

Sakura knew for a fact that Alex had ulterior motives and thus she simply looked away before heading towards the dining room, where she sat down at the table with her legs crossed. As for Alex, he sat down next to the girl, and soon enough the mother appeared with three bowls of ramen, and enough Takoyaki for the three of them to enjoy.

Alex immediately thanked the woman for the meal before digging into it, where he was happy to see that she was an excellent cook. He was hoping that her daughter shared the same culinary skills. Sakura was just about to say something when Alex cut her off. He had a kind smile on his face as he tasted the ramen and complimented the girl's mother for being a good cook.

"This ramen is amazing! Thank you so much. If Sakura is half as good as a cook as you are, then she will make her future husband very happy!"

This caused Sakura to blush, and her mother to smile, as she thanked Alex for his compliments.

"Thank you very much. Now try some of the Takoyaki!"

Alex immediately did as the woman requested and fell in love with her cooking. He ate a bit more before describing how he and Sakura had met.

"Sakura and I met through my little stepsister. They are great friends, and I pick Min-Ah up from school every now and then."

Sakura's mother was surprised. She knew who Min-Ah was, obviously. The girl had come over to Sakura's house a few times, and thus she was quick to comment on this.

"Oh? You're Min-Ah's brother? She's such a sweet and kind girl, my Sakura is lucky to have someone like that as a friend! Well, so you must be a little bit older than my daughter. Are you perhaps in university?"

Alex nodded his head and confirmed that he was a year older than Sakura, and was indeed a university student. While he conversed with the woman, he began to sneak his hand beneath Sakura's skirt, and into her panties.

This had stunned the girl, but she made sure not to react. Or else her mother would realize what was happening. Alex was surprised to find that the girl was already extremely wet. She had probably been like this since he forced her to give him a paizuri earlier in the day. He continued to play with the girl's twat while making small conversation with her mother. All the while acting as if nothing was happening.

"That is correct. I am a university student. I am currently nineteen years old, so I am only a year older than your daughter. I hope that won't be a problem?"

Sakura's mother did not seem to notice how flushed her daughter had become now that Alex had slipped a finger into her virgin twat. She had to cover her mouth to prevent her moans from escaping. All the while, her mother poured a glass of sake into Alex's cup.

"Oh my? You are nineteen? Then that means you can legally drink, yes? Here, have a bit of sake, I know it isn't exactly the most common drink here in Korea, but you should enjoy it!"

Alex smiled and thanked the woman for the drink, while taking it in one hand and downing the cup in a single gulp. He could feel the rice wine rush to his head, as he slipped another finger into Sakura's incredibly moist cave.

Alex had begun to use his thumb to rub the girl's clitoris, all while shoving his two longest fingers inside of her. She was practically panting now, and yet her mother's attention was entirely on Alex as she poured him another drink.

The more Alex played with Sakura, the more her favorability rating rose, until it maxed out at 100/100. Knowing the girl was on the verge of squirting, Alex withdrew his fingers, leaving Sakura in a terrible state.

Her lust filled eyes were telling the man that she wanted more. No, she needed more. Sakura needed to finish. Yet Alex denied her. It was by this time that Sakura's mother noticed how dreadfully late it had become, and was quick to comment on it.

"Oh my, look at the time? Your parents must be worried about you? I should give them a call and let them know you are staying the night!"

Sakura nearly spit out her drink when she heard that Alex was staying the night. As for Alex, he raised his hands in defense and confirmed that he was fine to drive home, despite having several drinks of sake with the girl's mother.

"That's not necessary. I'm okay to drive… Besides, I wouldn't want to be a bother!"

Yet the woman was incredibly insistent as she pouted and scolded Alex for being careless.

"That is not acceptable! You have already had five glasses of sake! There is no way I would let you drive home in such a state! I would not be able to sleep properly. Please, I insist! Sakura, how about you show Alex to your room while I prepare a futon for him to sleep on?"

Sakura gazed at her mother as if she were absolutely insane, but the woman simply smiled at her. Knowing how her mother was when she became stubborn, Sakura sighed heavily and rolled her eyes before leading Alex upstairs to her room.

Contrary to what he was expecting, it was actually quite girlish, with pink bedsheets, stuffed animals, and any number of other items usually associated with girly girls. It almost looked like the bedroom had been designed by barbie, which shocked Alex.

Sakura was flushed with embarrassment. This was her first time bringing a boy to her room. And she could tell Alex was surprised at how girlish it was. However, her thoughts were more about how inappropriate he had been lately, and thus she was quick to comment on this.

"Don't get any ideas! You are just staying the night. If I find you trying to sneak into my bed, I'll call out for my mother!"

Alex chuckled when he heard this, Sakura had seen right through him. Not that he blamed her. After what he did to her at dinner, he suspected the girl was already sexually frustrated. And thus, once her mother had arrived in the room and set a futon on the floor, Alex climbed inside of it and pretended to sleep.

As for Sakura, the moment she thought that Alex was asleep, she could no longer contain her lust, and began to finger herself, while sucking on her own nipple. She desperately needed the release that Alex had denied her at dinner.

Little did she know Alex was awake the entire time, and had silently crawled out of his futon before joining the girl in her bed. Sakura suddenly felt something wet touch her clitoris, which sent an electric shock to her brain.

She threw off the covers and saw that Alex was shamelessly licking her twat. Sakura was just about to scream when Alex commented on her behavior.

"What? Did you seriously think you could play with yourself while I'm trying to sleep, and I wouldn't be tempted? Or perhaps you wanted this to happen?"

Sakura made sure to keep her voice down so that the two of them would not awake her mother. While Alex shamelessly began to lick her moist and puffy kitty with the skill of a master. Just when the girl was about to climax, she received a faceTime request from her actual boyfriend. She quickly threw the covers over Alex and accepted the call where Yeon-Seok appeared with a stupid grin on his face.

"Oh good! You're still awake! I just wanted to say that I had an amazing time today at the mall, and I think we should skip school to hang out more often. What do you think?"

Sakura was flushed red due to the overwhelming amount of pleasure she was receiving from Alex's tongue. But this was hardly noticeable due to the dimly lit environment. However, what was noticeable was the excited tone in her voice, as she struggled to even think.

"I … I think that would be… Oh god I'm cumming!"

These words shocked Yeon-Seok, let alone the muffled moan Sakura made as she bit down on her finger, and came all over Alex's face. That is until Alex popped his head from out under the covers and mocked the girl for being a squirter.

"God damn girl! Are you trying to drown me with your cum?"

Yeon-Seok's skin suddenly turned pale as he realized that Alex was in bed with his girlfriend. He did not even know she was doing naughty things. After all, the covers concealed everything. But there was no mistaking it, his worst fears had been realized. All the nightmares he had been having lately suddenly became a reality.

Alex looked over at the girl's phone, and smirked at the boy, who was staring at him as if he were seeing a ghost. As a veteran asshole, Alex could not help but taunt Yeon-Seok, while he lined up the tip of his cock with Sakura's exceptionally moist hole. Something which shocked the girl. She tried to protest, but in the next moment, Alex shoved his cock inside, tearing the girl's hymen and, in doing so, claiming her purity.

"Hey lover boy! Yes, we are doing exactly what you think we are. Your girlfriend is mine now… So fuck off, will you?"

Sakura was once more forced to bite her finger, as she did not want her cries of agony to spread throughout the house and wake her mother up. While the covers concealed the penetration she just received, there was no doubt about it from the tears in her eyes. Alex had just shoved his cock inside the girl. And he had done so while her boyfriend was forced to watch.

It took Yeon-Seok several moments to realize what was happening. And he had only realized that Alex was thrusting himself in and out of Sakura because of the movement beneath the covers. Meanwhile, Sakura tried her best to remain silent. But she was just about to let out a pleasurable moan when Alex kissed her pretty lips, causing the sound to be muffled once more. With tears in her eyes, Sakura apologized to her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Yeon-Seok… I really am! I ... I tried to fight it... But Alex is just so my type.... And his dick is like so big!"

By now, Sakura had completely fallen to the pleasure that Alex had repeatedly forced her to bear. She was no longer thinking straight. At first she genuinely wanted to apologize to her boyfriend for cheating on him, but the moment she felt the twelve inch cock reach her womb, she no longer had any reservations, and could only brag about Alex's size and kill while begging for more.

"Alex… Yes… Right there… More! Fuck me harder!"

Alex simply smirked as he continued to make love to Sakura, which was concealed completely beneath her covers, all while mocking her boyfriend for being unable to seal the deal.

"You see that? The bitch is begging me for more! Sorry, kid, but your girl is mine now. Best try to find another, because there is no way this little slut will ever forget me!"

Alex then shut the phone off, where he tore the covers off himself to reveal Sakura's incredibly sinful body. He quickly transitioned to the mating press, as he shoved his enormous cock as deep as it could possibly go, all while Sakura's insides constricted themselves around the large phallus, proving that she had just cum.

Knowing this, Alex did not wait any longer, and released a river of his seed inside the girl, while kissing her. By now Sakura's tears had dried up, and an almost drunk expression was on her face, while her eyes were filled with lust. The final words she remembered before passing out from the pleasure were a demand from the man who had conquered her heart.

"You are mine now and forever…."


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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