Chapter 211 - 210 - Doctor in the Frenzy Labyrinth – Part 16.
Hit. Counter. Hit. Counter. Block. Heavy hit. Jab. Dodge. Straight punch. Grab. Throw. Stomp.
Through the entire battle, Phantasia was easily dominating the entire.
Even though the boss monster possess way more physical strength than Phantasia, the mad man was able to read the monster movements and use them against it, landing counter attacks or devastating hits that landed an fatal hits.
The twin headed ogre gorilla obviously used the trees as its weapons, using them as its clubs or as thrown projectiles, but those attacks were only annoying at the start.
Phantasia got used to the monster attack patterns and the way it used the trees as weapons, predicting the monster attack or paying the attacks before then launching his own counter attacks.
"WHAT ITS WRONG BUDDY?!" – shouted Phantasia as he slashed with his claws and blasted with his magic guns the boss monster, forcing the boss monster on the total defense.
The boss monster tried grabbing another tree to arm itself, but as soon as it tried to do that, its entire arm was assaulted by the army of the monster, stopping the gorilla monster attempt and also allowing Phantasia to land an solid straight punch at one of the gorilla heads, with in turn the boss monster tried to retaliate by swinging its other arm around, but the attack was easily parried by Phantasia who then fallowed with quick jab against the other head, landing an strike, before then fallowing up with the double slash attack with his claws.
(Huh…. This is going… Way easier than I had expected?) – though Phantasia.
(True. He hits like an truck and he has more physical strength than me. Hell, if I didn't played it safe and watched out for any attacks it does, my HP would been going down like crazy.)
"Still- "
The gorilla grabbed tree and tried to swing it at the Phantasia, but Phantasia used his magic guns and necrotic magic to blow up the tree it held, before then firing an barrage of shots at the boss monster while also having Phantasia monsters launch their own attacks at the boss monster.
(Still, this is way too easy?)
(Am I really countering that boss monster that much?)
(I mean, its great and all, but something is off.)
(I fought the Blue Diamond guild and I know they fought this bastard.)
(So why the hell did they failed?)
(Where they exhausted because of the Sky Wrath guild and other players?)
(I can see them having hard time with this bastard. Each hit is like a fuking truck and I wouldn't surprised if his tanks were getting quickly destroyed if they would not receive any healing.)
(But this group had annoying healers and they were able to safe some of the tanks from me, so this don't make sense.) – though Phantasia as he was punching the hell out of twin headed gorilla ogre while dodging the monster attempts at counter attack.
(Then what about endurance? This bastard has very high endurance and could fight for an long time…. No. Healers would be able restore health and there would obviously potions in play as well. This also doesn't make sense.) – though Phantasia as he stepped back, doing the gorilla fist, before then stepping forward and hitting the gorilla with the haymaker, fallowed up with the upper cut.
(Then maybe skills?)
(But so far, he did not used an single ability and had only been relying on his strength, endurance and weaponized of the trees. And that's it.)
(Still, even without the skills, this bastard could kill ranker with ease.)
(But something still isn't right.)
(What is that guy gimmick?)
(Maybe HP threshold?)
(This guy had been taking a lot of his and I did managed to infect him in the plague in between, there are also poison and my curse, with in turn activates the skill of my [Poison Curse User] skill called [Distribution Of Poison And Curse] that deals poison damage depending on the number of the curse the target has AND deals cursed type damage depending on the number of poison type effects the enemy has.)
(So that guy HP must have dropped by a lot and is still dropping rapidly non stop from all the bullshit this bastard is suffering from.)
(So, why isn't this bastard using any abilities yet?!) – though Phantasia as he blocked monster fist, before then extending his neck and biting one of the gorilla heads in the neck, causing the monster to scream an pain and try to grab Phantasia by his neck, only for the giant mechanical monster to retract its head and dodging the grab.
After dodging the attempt at the counter attack, Phantasia landed another powerful hit at the gorilla monster, pushing back the giant who then began screaming in anger, alarming Phantasia.
[Twin Headed Ogre Gorilla had used skill: [Two Heads. Two Bodies].]
The gorilla monster body began changing, pulsing as the flesh grew out of the monster body.
Moments later, the gorilla body split into with each half having one of the heads, before moments later the flesh of the creatures halves began growing and transforming into their missing halves, creating the two exactly copies of the boss monster that had each one head.
[Twin Headed Gorilla Ogre – Left Head]
[Twin Headed Gorilla Ogre – Right Head]
"Huh…. So that is your gimmick?"
"Split into two bosses when you reach HP threshold?"
(Not only that, but it seems that the split have also somewhat got rid of all the debuffs these guys had. I guess I will have to reapply them again.)
The two boss monsters roared in fury, before then one of the gorilla monster rushed at the Phantasia and swinged its fist at him, forcing him to block the attack.
The gorilla monster began attacking Phantasia who then quickly parried one of the monster swings and counter attacked, pushing back the monster, however as soon as that happened, the second gorilla monster grabbed the other gorilla monster back and leaped over it while extending its feets, kicking and pushing back Phantasia.
(Okay… Now I can kind of see why the Blue Diamond and Sky Wrath guild had failed at beating this bastard.)
(These guys splitted in two, however their stats did not.)
(Both of them have the strength and power of the original…. Well, this will be fun?)
Phantasia began firing his spells and magic guns at the gorillas who splitted up in two different directions, forcing Phantasia to split his fire power into two as he tried to hit the monsters that rushed towards the nearby trees, where each one had plucked at a tree and started using it as shields to block Phantasia attacks, before then throwing them at him at the same time, forcing him to leap backwards to dodge the attack.
However, upon dodging the attack, both of the gorillas leaped at him and managing to land their attacks at the metallic monster, crushing Phantasia who could only barely raise both of his arms to defend himself.
(Okay! So not only they have full power of the original, but they cooperate with each other as if they are still, one being! Yeb! I now get it even more why it beaten those guys.)
"GET THEM!" – shouted Phantasia, commanding his monsters to attack the gorilla monsters that were assaulting Phantasia who was on the defense.
The monsters under Phantasia command rushed in, trying to assault the gorillas who noticed the incoming attacks instantly and began attacking the monsters.
However, this allowed an split moment of an opening, allowing Phantasia to use an AOE skill [Stollen Breath], firing an blast of poison mist blast in all direction around himself that hit the gorillas in the back and inflicting them with the {Poison} status, with in turn activated the passive skill [Distribution Of Poison And Curse].
The two gorilla instantly then swinged their arms around simultaneously backwards, trying to hit Phantasia, but both of the attack missed and Phantasia was nowhere in sight.
"?!" – the two gorillas looked around, trying to spot the metallic giant that disappeared without notice, but they were quickly forced to put their attention at the monsters once again that were attacking them.
(Dammit.) – though Phantasia as he hid behind the tree and drank some potions.
(The sudden form side effect are way more annoying than I had predicted.) – though Phantasia as his arm tremble and he had somewhat hard time moving it.
(If those bastards would have found me as soon as I did it, I would get my ass beaten up without having any chance of being able to defend myself.)
(…. Yea. I need to do something about it. Using this thing straight up turns me into punching bag for an moment and I cannot turn into my monster form
(Still, this is bad.)
(If it was just one of these fuckers, I could easily beat it up solo, but the two of these? Yea. This is problem.)
(My monsters can somewhat keep one of them occupied, but the problem is that those monsters aren't completely mindless.)
(They are also cooperating and launching coordinated attacks.)
(And there is problem with them having the same strength as original.)
(But there must be some sort of hook to it.)
(Maybe its HP is not the half of the original, but each one have the half of the HP that the original had before splitting? So around 50%, meaning that both of these gorillas should have around 25% of HP of the original… That is if that theory is true, since there is possible that both gorillas have the same HP pull as original, just as their stats, meaning that both of them would have 50% instead and that would be somewhat fucked up.)
(Well then, what should I do?)
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