Chapter 225: Chapter 225 - Taming the Finals (Unit 1) - 16
Chapter 225: Chapter 225 - Taming the Finals (Unit 1) - 16
The students rested while Shizu, Larissa, Umi (the guard with the coral), and Taro finished raising a second wall.
Lin observed the situation with the cold calculation of a combat veteran. Two walls of furious shadow stalkers, two companions lost in the depths, and night approaching. The decisions they made in the next few minutes would determine who survived.
"We need to decide on teams quickly," she announced with a firm voice, immediately capturing everyone's attention. "One group must return to camp to alert Zhao, while another remains here to attempt rescuing Ren and Han."
"I'm staying," Taro declared instantly.
"Me too," added Larissa.
Lin nodded, but raised a hand to stop the chorus of volunteers that would follow. "I need the rescue team staying with me to be small and specific. Larissa, Taro, Umi, Matilda, Min, and Mira will stay with me. We'll work on creating a rope long enough to lower down the hole while keeping the walls strong."
Several voices began to protest, but Lin silenced them with a look.
"The rest," she continued, "I need you to form a team to reach Zhao as quickly as possible. And that means tunneling beneath the colony."
A tense silence followed these words. Creating tunnels in this area was a desperate tactic, something all gatherers avoided for good reason.
"But the tunnel could lead us directly to a larger shadow stalker hive," objected Hikari, her firefly trembling nervously on her shoulder, its light flickering with her anxiety.
"It's a risk we'll have to take," Lin responded, her tone making it clear there was no alternative. "Shizu with her wolverine will lead the tunnel team. Mako with the night ambusher, Hikari with the firefly, and Luna at the front. You need beasts with offensive capability to give Shizu time to quickly seal any breach into the main hive if you find one."
Luna stepped forward, her shadow wolf manifesting in a dark aura around her. "I'd prefer to stay and support you here. There are enough people to find Zhao. We won't all fit at the tunnel front."
Liora and Luna exchanged glances. "I want to stay too," argued Liora, her voice usually serene now laden with tension. "My fire could be useful in keeping shadow stalkers at bay if a wall here fails."
Lin observed them for a moment, her expression softening briefly before returning to her usual determination. "I understand how you feel, but reaching Zhao and bringing him quickly is the best way to help. Your abilities are particularly good because they don't take up much space and can make the tunnel-front efforts safer."
Larissa took her cousin's hands. "Go," she said with unusual firmness. "Bring Zhao as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, we'll keep the wall strong and prepare everything for the rescue."
After a moment of hesitation, Luna and Liora nodded, reluctantly joining the tunnel group, their shoulders tense with unspoken concern.
"Good," Lin turned to Shizu. "Start the tunnel about twenty meters down from here, where the softer ground begins. Maintain that medium depth, neither too shallow nor too deep. And if you reach another shadow stalker tunnel, seal it immediately and change course."
Shizu nodded, her wolverine fully manifesting as she prepared for the task, earth already shifting beneath her feet.
"The rest," Lin turned to the rescue team, "we'll begin preparing the rope. Matilda, we'll need your turtle to produce flexible, resistant wood. Mira, reinforce the line with your moss and give it better grip."
As the tunnel group quickly departed under Shizu's leadership, those remaining with Lin immediately began rescue preparations, their movements purposeful despite the mounting tension.
Taro, Larissa, and Umi reinforced both walls, adding additional layers to contain the increasingly agitated shadow stalkers. The impacts from the other side intensified, indicating the creatures were coordinating their efforts to bring down the barriers, each thud reverberating through the stone.
"They won't hold forever," Taro murmured, beads of sweat sliding down his forehead from the continuous effort.
"They don't need to hold forever," Lin responded while helping Matilda generate the first section of the improvised rope. "Just long enough."
Min, working nimbly to help intertwine the wooden filaments, looked down toward the dark hole where his friends had disappeared.
"Do you think they're okay?" he asked, his voice betraying a concern he would normally keep hidden beneath laughter and jokes.
"It's Ren," Larissa responded with confidence she didn't entirely feel. "He'll take care of Han. He's probably already looking for a way up while meticulously classifying every rock he finds by its usefulness in cultivation. You'll be there to heal them when we find them."
"We don't need to reach the surface from here," Ren explained, beginning to systematically strike the identified point with a diamond-covered fist. "We just need to get out of this specific area and find some natural tunnel before the owner of this... collection returns."
With each blow, small crystal fragments fell to the floor, glittering in the light of his mushrooms. The wall was surprisingly resistant, but gradually began to yield under his relentless assault.
"Do you have any idea what creature could have made this?" asked Han while joining Ren's efforts but finding his strength insufficient to damage the covering.
Ren paused briefly, his mushrooms pulsing in a pattern that Han had learned to recognize as concern, the light dimming and brightening in rapid succession.
"No," he finally responded. "But most likely, that means something..."
He stopped when a crackling began to spread from the point they were attacking. Small fissures branched across the wall like webs of light, reflecting the glow of his mushrooms in fractured patterns.
"It's giving way," Han observed with renewed enthusiasm.
With one final powerful blow, the wall finally yielded. The crystal broke with a sound similar to ice cracking, revealing compact but natural earth behind.
Ren immediately pressed his hands against the earth, his mushrooms pulsing intensely as he felt the vibrations transmitted through the ground.
"Can you sense anything?" Han whispered, watching with fascination as Ren's mushrooms changed their pulse pattern.
"Movement," Ren responded quietly. "Several creatures, but distant. Nothing immediate."
With a quick glance toward the chamber to ensure they were still alone, he closed his eyes briefly, concentrated, and his hydra fully manifested.
The hydra glowed with a faint but unmistakable light. It didn't yet have multiple heads and only measured about four feet tall, but it did have a more complete armor than what manifested over Ren's body. Its scales shifted with iridescent patterns as it moved, small crystalline structures embedded within them.
"She can help us dig faster this way," Ren explained simply.
Without wasting time, he directed the hydra toward the earthen wall. The diamond claws began to work with surprising efficiency, tearing away large chunks of earth and quickly creating an ascending tunnel.
As it worked, Han alternately observed the tunnel's progress and the chamber entrances, tense for any sign of danger. The silence between them extended for several minutes, broken only by the sound of earth being removed and the occasional brief instruction from Ren.
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(∿°○°)∿ ︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ ǝʌol
"㘿䣨䲈㰹䖝 䒲㤊㔋䲫" 㔨䲈㰹 䇳㾋㰹䲈䜐䜐䒲 㞤䲈㾋䕥䲫 䣨㾋㞤 䬤㤊㾋㱖䔀 䜐㤊䆑 㠹㔋䑻 㱖䜐䔀䲈㟩 㾋㰹 䑻䣨䔀 㱖㤊㰹䇳㾋㰹䔀䕥 㞤㷤䲈㱖䔀䪱 "㺱㤊㟩 㰹㤊䑻 䜐䔀䑻䑻㾋㰹䁜 㦣䔀 䇳䲈䜐䜐䪱"
㴉䔀㰹 㷤䲈㔋㞤䔀䕥 㠹㟩㾋䔀䇳䜐䒲 㾋㰹 䣨㾋㞤 䆑㤊㟩䖝 䑻㤊 䇳䔀䔀䜐 䇳㤊㟩 䬤㾋㠹㟩䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹㞤 䆑䣨㾋䜐䔀 䜐㾋㞤䑻䔀㰹㾋㰹䁜䲫 䣨㾋㞤 㷤䲈䜐㦣 㷤㟩䔀㞤㞤䔀䕥 䇳䜐䲈䑻 䲈䁜䲈㾋㰹㞤䑻 䑻䣨䔀 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐 䆑䲈䜐䜐䪱
㴉䔀㰹 㟩䔀㞤㔋㦣䔀䕥 䔀䟤㱖䲈䬤䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹䲫 㠹㔋䑻 㟩䔀㞤㷤㤊㰹䕥䔀䕥 䆑㾋䑻䣨㤊㔋䑻 䑻㔋㟩㰹㾋㰹䁜 䲈㟩㤊㔋㰹䕥䲫 䣨㾋㞤 䇳㤊㱖㔋㞤 㔋㰹䆑䲈䬤䔀㟩㾋㰹䁜䪱 "䦿䇳 䦿 䣨䲈䕥 䕥㤊㰹䔀 䑻䣨䲈䑻䲫 䒲㤊㔋 㦣㾋䁜䣨䑻 㰹㤊䑻 䣨䲈䬤䔀 㞤㔋㟩䬤㾋䬤䔀䕥䪱 䍫㰹䕥 䦿 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥㰹'䑻 㠹䔀 䲈㠹䜐䔀 䑻㤊 㞤䜐䔀䔀㷤 䑻䣨㾋㰹䖝㾋㰹䁜 䦿 㱖㤊㔋䜐䕥 䣨䲈䬤䔀 㞤䲈䬤䔀䕥 䒲㤊㔋䪱"
"㿯㤊䑻 䔀䬤䔀㟩䒲㤊㰹䔀 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥 㦣䲈䖝䔀 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㱖䣨㤊㾋㱖䔀䲫" 㔨䲈㰹 㾋㰹㞤㾋㞤䑻䔀䕥䲫 䲈 㰹㤊䑻䔀 㤊䇳 䆑㤊㰹䕥䔀㟩 㾋㰹 䣨㾋㞤 䬤㤊㾋㱖䔀䪱 "䦿䪱䪱䪱 䦿'㦣 㰹㤊䑻 㞤㔋㟩䔀 䦿 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥 䣨䲈䬤䔀 㦣䲈䕥䔀 㾋䑻䪱 䦿 㷤㟩㤊㠹䲈㠹䜐䒲 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥 䣨䲈䬤䔀 㠹䔀䔀㰹 䑻㤊㤊 㱖㤊䆑䲈㟩䕥䜐䒲䪱"
"䦿䑻'㞤 㰹㤊䑻 䲈㠹㤊㔋䑻 㱖㤊䆑䲈㟩䕥㾋㱖䔀 㤊㟩 㠹㟩䲈䬤䔀㟩䒲䲫" 䣨䔀 㞤䲈㾋䕥 䆑㾋䑻䣨 䲈 㞤㾋㦣㷤䜐㾋㱖㾋䑻䒲 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㱖䲈㟩㟩㾋䔀䕥 䑻䣨䔀 䆑䔀㾋䁜䣨䑻 㤊䇳 䣨㾋㞤 㤊䜐䕥 䇳䲈䑻䣨䔀㟩'㞤 䕥䔀䔀㷤 㱖㤊㰹䬤㾋㱖䑻㾋㤊㰹䪱 "䦿䑻'㞤 䲈㠹㤊㔋䑻 䕥㤊㾋㰹䁜 䆑䣨䲈䑻'㞤 㟩㾋䁜䣨䑻 㾋㰹 䑻䣨䔀 㦣㤊㦣䔀㰹䑻 㾋䑻'㞤 㰹䔀䔀䕥䔀䕥䪱 㿯㤊㠹㤊䕥䒲 㟩䔀䲈䜐䜐䒲 䖝㰹㤊䆑㞤 䣨㤊䆑 䑻䣨䔀䒲'䜐䜐 㟩䔀䲈㱖䑻 㔋㰹䑻㾋䜐 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㦣㤊㦣䔀㰹䑻 㱖㤊㦣䔀㞤䪱䪱䪱 㠹㔋䑻 䒲㤊㔋 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥 㱖䔀㟩䑻䲈㾋㰹䜐䒲 㞤䲈䬤䔀 䒲㤊㔋㟩 㞤㾋㞤䑻䔀㟩䲫 㟩㾋䁜䣨䑻㿛"
㔨䲈㰹 䑻䣨㤊㔋䁜䣨䑻 䇳㤊㟩 䲈 㦣㤊㦣䔀㰹䑻 㠹䔀䇳㤊㟩䔀 㱖䜐㤊㞤㾋㰹䁜 䣨㾋㞤 䔀䒲䔀㞤 䲈㰹䕥 㰹㤊䕥䕥㾋㰹䁜䲫 "䦿 䑻䣨㾋㰹䖝 㾋䑻'㞤 䬤䔀㟩䒲 䜐㾋䖝䔀䜐䒲䪱䪱䪱 䦿 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥 䕥㤊 䲈㰹䒲䑻䣨㾋㰹䁜 䇳㤊㟩 䣨䔀㟩 䕥䔀㞤㷤㾋䑻䔀 䑻䣨䔀 䇳䔀䲈㟩䪱"
㔨䲈㰹 㰹㤊䕥䕥䔀䕥䲫 䑻䣨㤊㔋䁜䣨 㴉䔀㰹 㱖㤊㔋䜐䕥㰹'䑻 㞤䔀䔀 䣨㾋㦣䲫 䲈㰹䕥 㞤䔀䑻 䲈㠹㤊㔋䑻 䣨䔀䜐㷤㾋㰹䁜 䲈㞤 㠹䔀㞤䑻 䣨䔀 㱖㤊㔋䜐䕥䲫 㔋㞤㾋㰹䁜 䣨㾋㞤 㞤㷤㾋䕥䔀㟩 䑻㤊 㱖㤊䬤䔀㟩 䑻䣨䔀 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐 䔀㰹䑻㟩䲈㰹㱖䔀 䆑㾋䑻䣨 䇳㾋㰹䔀 㞤㾋䜐䖝 䑻䣨㟩䔀䲈䕥㞤䪱
㘿䣨䔀䒲 䣨䲈䕥 䲈䕥䬤䲈㰹㱖䔀䕥 㷤䔀㟩䣨䲈㷤㞤 䑻䔀㰹 㦣䔀䑻䔀㟩㞤 䆑䣨䔀㰹 㴉䔀㰹 㞤䑻㤊㷤㷤䔀䕥 䲈㠹㟩㔋㷤䑻䜐䒲䪱 㔨㾋㞤 䔀㰹䑻㾋㟩䔀 㠹㤊䕥䒲 䑻䔀㰹㞤䔀䕥䲫 䜐㾋䖝䔀 䲈㰹 䲈㰹㾋㦣䲈䜐 㞤䔀㰹㞤㾋㰹䁜 㾋㦣㦣㾋㰹䔀㰹䑻 䕥䲈㰹䁜䔀㟩䲫 䔀䬤䔀㟩䒲 㦣㔋㞤㱖䜐䔀 䁜㤊㾋㰹䁜 㟩㾋䁜㾋䕥䪱
㴉䔀㰹 㟩䲈㾋㞤䔀䕥 䲈 䣨䲈㰹䕥䲫 㾋㰹䕥㾋㱖䲈䑻㾋㰹䁜 䲈㠹㞤㤊䜐㔋䑻䔀 㞤㾋䜐䔀㰹㱖䔀䪱 㔨㾋㞤 㦣㔋㞤䣨㟩㤊㤊㦣㞤 㰹㤊䆑 㷤㔋䜐㞤䔀䕥 䆑㾋䑻䣨 䲈㰹 㾋㟩㟩䔀䁜㔋䜐䲈㟩䲫 䲈䜐㦣㤊㞤䑻 䔀㟩㟩䲈䑻㾋㱖 㟩䣨䒲䑻䣨㦣䲫 䑻䣨䔀 䜐㾋䁜䣨䑻 䇳䜐㔋㱖䑻㔋䲈䑻㾋㰹䁜 㔋㰹㷤㟩䔀䕥㾋㱖䑻䲈㠹䜐䒲䪱
㔨䲈㰹 䣨䔀䜐䕥 䣨㾋㞤 㠹㟩䔀䲈䑻䣨䲫 㞤䑻㟩䲈㾋㰹㾋㰹䁜 䑻㤊 䣨䔀䲈㟩 䆑䣨䲈䑻 䣨䲈䕥 䲈䜐䲈㟩㦣䔀䕥 䣨㾋㞤 㱖㤊㦣㷤䲈㰹㾋㤊㰹䪱 䍫㰹䕥 䑻䣨䔀㰹 䣨䔀 㰹㤊䑻㾋㱖䔀䕥 㾋䑻䲫 㤊㟩 㟩䲈䑻䣨䔀㟩䲫 㰹㤊䑻㾋㱖䔀䕥 䑻䣨䔀 䲈㠹㞤䔀㰹㱖䔀䪱 㿯㤊䑻 䲈 㞤㾋㰹䁜䜐䔀 㞤㤊㔋㰹䕥 㤊㟩 䬤㾋㠹㟩䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹䪱
㘿䣨䔀 㱖㟩䔀䲈䑻㔋㟩䔀㞤 䆑䔀㟩䔀 㞤㾋䜐䔀㰹䑻䪱 䍫㰹 㔋㰹㰹䲈䑻㔋㟩䲈䜐 㞤㾋䜐䔀㰹㱖䔀䲫 䲈㞤 㾋䇳 䔀䬤䔀㟩䒲䑻䣨㾋㰹䁜 㾋㰹 䑻䣨䔀 䕥䔀㷤䑻䣨㞤 䣨䔀䜐䕥 㾋䑻㞤 㠹㟩䔀䲈䑻䣨䲫 䆑䲈㾋䑻㾋㰹䁜䪱
㴉䔀㰹'㞤 䔀䒲䔀㞤 䆑㾋䕥䔀㰹䔀䕥 䲈㰹䕥 䣨䔀 㠹䔀䁜䲈㰹 䑻㤊 䑻㔋㟩㰹 䑻㤊䆑䲈㟩䕥 䑻䣨䔀 䔀㰹䑻㟩䲈㰹㱖䔀 㤊䇳 䑻䣨䔀㾋㟩 㾋㦣㷤㟩㤊䬤㾋㞤䔀䕥 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐䪱 㔨䲈㰹 䇳㤊䜐䜐㤊䆑䔀䕥 䣨㾋㞤 䁜䲈䪆䔀 䲈㰹䕥 䇳䔀䜐䑻 䣨㾋㞤 㠹䜐㤊㤊䕥 䇳㟩䔀䔀䪆䔀䪱
䦿䑻 䆑䲈㞤㰹'䑻 䑻䣨䔀 㰹䲈䑻㔋㟩䲈䜐 䁜䜐㤊䆑 㤊䇳 䲈㰹䒲 㱖㟩䔀䲈䑻㔋㟩䔀 㴉䔀㰹 䖝㰹䔀䆑䪱䪱䪱 䄴㔋䑻 䣨䔀 䖝㰹䔀䆑 䆑䣨䲈䑻 㾋䑻 䆑䲈㞤䪱
䍫㰹 䲈㠹䒲㞤㞤䲈䜐䪱
㔨䲈㰹 䑻㟩㾋䔀䕥 䑻㤊 㱖㤊㰹䑻㟩㤊䜐 䣨㾋㞤 㠹㟩䔀䲈䑻䣨㾋㰹䁜䲫 䆑䣨㾋㱖䣨 䣨䲈䕥 㠹䔀㱖㤊㦣䔀 㟩䲈㷤㾋䕥 䲈㰹䕥 㞤䣨䲈䜐䜐㤊䆑䪱 㔨㾋㞤 㞤㷤㾋䕥䔀㟩 䣨䲈䕥 㟩䔀䑻㟩䲈㱖䑻䔀䕥 䲈䜐㦣㤊㞤䑻 㱖㤊㦣㷤䜐䔀䑻䔀䜐䒲䲫 䲈㞤 㾋䇳 䔀䬤䔀㰹 㞤䣨䔀 㱖㤊㔋䜐䕥 䇳䔀䔀䜐 㾋䑻 䆑䲈㞤 㠹䔀䑻䑻䔀㟩 䑻㤊 㟩䔀㦣䲈㾋㰹 䣨㾋䕥䕥䔀㰹䲫 㷤㔋䜐䜐㾋㰹䁜 㠹䲈㱖䖝 㠹䔀㰹䔀䲈䑻䣨 䣨㾋㞤 㞤䖝㾋㰹 䜐㾋䖝䔀 䲈 䇳㟩㾋䁜䣨䑻䔀㰹䔀䕥 㱖䣨㾋䜐䕥䪱
㘿䣨䔀 㷤㔋㟩㷤䜐䔀 䁜䜐㤊䆑 㾋㰹䑻䔀㰹㞤㾋䇳㾋䔀䕥 䇳㔋㟩䑻䣨䔀㟩䲫 㾋䜐䜐㔋㦣㾋㰹䲈䑻㾋㰹䁜 䑻䣨䔀 㠹䔀䁜㾋㰹㰹㾋㰹䁜 㤊䇳 䑻䣨䔀㾋㟩 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐 䆑㾋䑻䣨 䲈㰹 㔋㰹㰹䲈䑻㔋㟩䲈䜐 䜐㾋䁜䣨䑻 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㞤䔀䔀㦣䔀䕥 䑻㤊 㷤㔋䜐㞤䲈䑻䔀 䜐㾋䖝䔀 䲈 䕥㾋㞤䔀䲈㞤䔀䕥 䣨䔀䲈㟩䑻䪱 䍫㰹䕥 䆑㾋䑻䣨 䑻䣨䔀 䜐㾋䁜䣨䑻 㱖䲈㦣䔀 䲈 㞤㤊㔋㰹䕥䲫 䲈 䜐㤊䆑 䣨㔋㦣䲫 䲈䜐㦣㤊㞤䑻 㞤㔋㠹䜐㾋㦣㾋㰹䲈䜐䲫 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㔨䲈㰹 䇳䔀䜐䑻 㦣㤊㟩䔀 䑻䣨䲈㰹 䣨䔀䲈㟩䕥䲫 䲈 䬤㾋㠹㟩䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㞤䔀䔀㦣䔀䕥 䑻㤊 㟩䔀㞤㤊㰹䲈䑻䔀 䕥㾋㟩䔀㱖䑻䜐䒲 㾋㰹 䣨㾋㞤 㠹㤊㰹䔀㞤 䲈㰹䕥 䑻䔀䔀䑻䣨䪱
"䦿 䖝㰹㤊䆑䲫" 㴉䔀㰹 㟩䔀㞤㷤㤊㰹䕥䔀䕥䲫 䣨㾋㞤 㤊䆑㰹 䬤㤊㾋㱖䔀 㷤䔀㟩䇳䔀㱖䑻䜐䒲 㱖㤊㰹䑻㟩㤊䜐䜐䔀䕥 䑻䣨㤊㔋䁜䣨 䣨㾋㞤 㦣㔋㞤䣨㟩㤊㤊㦣㞤 䣨䲈䕥 㠹䔀䁜㔋㰹 䑻㤊 㷤㔋䜐㞤䔀 䲈䁜䲈㾋㰹䲫 䑻䣨㾋㞤 䑻㾋㦣䔀 㾋㰹 䲈 㷤䲈䑻䑻䔀㟩㰹 㔨䲈㰹 䣨䲈䕥 㰹䔀䬤䔀㟩 㞤䔀䔀㰹 㠹䔀䇳㤊㟩䔀䲫 㟩䲈㷤㾋䕥䲫 䲈䜐㦣㤊㞤䑻 䇳㟩䲈㰹䑻㾋㱖䲫 㠹㔋䑻 㞤䑻㟩䲈㰹䁜䔀䜐䒲 㟩䔀䲈㞤㞤㔋㟩㾋㰹䁜䲫 䜐㾋䖝䔀 䲈 㞤㾋䜐䔀㰹䑻 㷤㟩㤊㦣㾋㞤䔀 䑻䣨䲈䑻 䑻䣨䔀䒲 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥 㞤㔋㟩䬤㾋䬤䔀 䑻䣨㾋㞤䪱
㧣㰹䑻㾋䜐 㔨䲈㰹 䇳䔀䜐䑻 㾋䑻 㾋㰹 䑻䣨䔀 䑻䣨㟩䔀䲈䕥㞤䪱
㘿䣨䔀 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐 䲈䕥䬤䲈㰹㱖䔀䕥 䆑㾋䑻䣨 㞤㔋㟩㷤㟩㾋㞤㾋㰹䁜 㞤㷤䔀䔀䕥 㔋㰹䕥䔀㟩 㪾䣨㾋䪆㔋'㞤 䔀䟤㷤䔀㟩䑻 䔀䲈㟩䑻䣨 㱖㤊㰹䑻㟩㤊䜐䪱 㔨䔀㟩 䔀䲈㟩䑻䣨 䆑㤊䜐䬤䔀㟩㾋㰹䔀 䇳㔋䜐䜐䒲 㦣䲈㰹㾋䇳䔀㞤䑻䔀䕥䲫 㾋䑻㞤 㱖䜐䲈䆑㞤 䕥㾋㞤㷤䜐䲈㱖㾋㰹䁜 䬤㤊䜐㔋㦣䔀㞤 㤊䇳 㞤㤊㾋䜐 䑻䣨䲈䑻 䆑㤊㔋䜐䕥 㰹㤊㟩㦣䲈䜐䜐䒲 㟩䔀䎹㔋㾋㟩䔀 䣨㤊㔋㟩㞤 㤊䇳 䆑㤊㟩䖝 㾋㰹 㦣䔀㟩䔀 㞤䔀㱖㤊㰹䕥㞤䲫 䑻䣨䔀 䔀䲈㟩䑻䣨 㷤䲈㟩䑻㾋㰹䁜 㠹䔀䇳㤊㟩䔀 䣨䔀㟩 䲈㞤 㾋䇳 䔀䲈䁜䔀㟩 䑻㤊 㦣䲈䖝䔀 䆑䲈䒲䪱
㘿䣨䔀 㟩䔀㞤䑻 㤊䇳 䑻䣨䔀 䑻䔀䲈㦣 䣨䲈䕥 㤊㟩䁜䲈㰹㾋䪆䔀䕥 㾋㰹䑻㤊 䲈㰹 䔀䇳䇳㾋㱖㾋䔀㰹䑻 㞤䒲㞤䑻䔀㦣䪱 䧰䲈䖝㤊 䆑㾋䑻䣨 䣨䔀㟩 㰹㾋䁜䣨䑻 䲈㦣㠹㔋㞤䣨䔀㟩 䑻㤊㤊䖝 㤊䬤䔀㟩 䆑䣨䔀㰹 㪾䣨㾋䪆㔋 㰹䔀䔀䕥䔀䕥 䲈 㟩䔀㞤䑻䲫 䆑䣨㾋䜐䔀 㩘㔋㰹䲈'㞤 䆑㤊䜐䇳䲫 㘿㟩䔀㰹䑻'㞤 䲈㰹䑻䲫 㴉㤊㟩䲈㰹'㞤 䕥㤊䁜䲫 䲈㰹䕥 䧰䲈㟩㾋䲈'㞤 䲈㟩㦣䲈䕥㾋䜐䜐㤊 䑻㤊㤊䖝 䑻㔋㟩㰹㞤 䣨䔀䜐㷤㾋㰹䁜 㱖䜐䔀䲈㟩 䜐㤊㤊㞤䔀 䔀䲈㟩䑻䣨䲫 䑻䣨䔀㾋㟩 㱖㤊㤊㟩䕥㾋㰹䲈䑻䔀䕥 䔀䇳䇳㤊㟩䑻㞤 㱖㟩䔀䲈䑻㾋㰹䁜 䲈 㞤䑻䔀䲈䕥䒲 㟩䣨䒲䑻䣨㦣䪱
㔨㾋䖝䲈㟩㾋 䲈㰹䕥 㩘㾋㤊㟩䲈 㷤㟩㤊䬤㾋䕥䔀䕥 㱖㤊㰹㞤䑻䲈㰹䑻 㾋䜐䜐㔋㦣㾋㰹䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹䲫 㔨㾋䖝䲈㟩㾋'㞤 䇳㾋㟩䔀䇳䜐䒲 䔀㦣㾋䑻䑻㾋㰹䁜 䲈 㞤㤊䇳䑻 㠹㔋䑻 䆑㾋䕥䔀 䁜䜐㤊䆑 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㾋䜐䜐㔋㦣㾋㰹䲈䑻䔀䕥 䑻䣨䔀 䔀㰹䑻㾋㟩䔀 㞤㷤䲈㱖䔀䲫 㱖㤊㦣㷤䜐䔀㦣䔀㰹䑻䔀䕥 㠹䒲 㩘㾋㤊㟩䲈'㞤 䆑㾋䜐䜐䈩㤊'䈩䆑㾋㞤㷤 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㷤㟩㤊䬤㾋䕥䔀䕥 㦣㤊㟩䔀 㾋㰹䑻䔀㰹㞤䔀䲫 䕥㾋㟩䔀㱖䑻䔀䕥 䜐㾋䁜䣨䑻 䑻㤊䆑䲈㟩䕥 䑻䣨䔀 䇳㟩㤊㰹䑻䪱
"㔨䲈㟩䕥 䑻㤊 䖝㰹㤊䆑 䔀䟤䲈㱖䑻䜐䒲䲫" 㞤䣨䔀 㟩䔀㞤㷤㤊㰹䕥䔀䕥䲫 䣨䔀㟩 䇳㾋㰹䁜䔀㟩㞤 㷤㟩䔀㞤㞤䔀䕥 䲈䁜䲈㾋㰹㞤䑻 䑻䣨䔀 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐 䆑䲈䜐䜐 䲈㞤 㾋䇳 㟩䔀䲈䕥㾋㰹䁜 㞤㤊㦣䔀 㾋㰹䬤㾋㞤㾋㠹䜐䔀 㦣䲈㷤䲫 䣨䔀㟩 䔀䒲䔀㞤 㱖䜐㤊㞤䔀䕥 㾋㰹 㱖㤊㰹㱖䔀㰹䑻㟩䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹䪱 "䄴㔋䑻 䆑䔀'㟩䔀 䲈䕥䬤䲈㰹㱖㾋㰹䁜 㾋㰹 䑻䣨䔀 㟩㾋䁜䣨䑻 䕥㾋㟩䔀㱖䑻㾋㤊㰹䪱 䦿䇳 䆑䔀 㦣䲈㾋㰹䑻䲈㾋㰹 䑻䣨㾋㞤 㷤䲈㱖䔀䲫 㦣䲈䒲㠹䔀 䲈㰹㤊䑻䣨䔀㟩 䣨㤊㔋㟩䪱"
㘿䣨䔀 䁜㟩㤊㔋㷤 㱖㤊㰹䑻㾋㰹㔋䔀䕥 䲈䕥䬤䲈㰹㱖㾋㰹䁜䲫 䇳䲈䑻㾋䁜㔋䔀 㠹䔀䁜㾋㰹㰹㾋㰹䁜 䑻㤊 㞤䣨㤊䆑 㤊㰹 䑻䣨䔀㾋㟩 䇳䲈㱖䔀㞤䪱 䝄㤊㰹㱖䔀㟩㰹 䇳㤊㟩 㴉䔀㰹 䲈㰹䕥 㔨䲈㰹䲫 䲈䜐㤊㰹䁜 䆑㾋䑻䣨 䑻䣨䔀 㱖㤊㰹㞤䑻䲈㰹䑻 䑻䔀㰹㞤㾋㤊㰹 㤊䇳 䕥㾋䁜䁜㾋㰹䁜 㾋㰹 㷤㤊䑻䔀㰹䑻㾋䲈䜐䜐䒲 䕥䲈㰹䁜䔀㟩㤊㔋㞤 䑻䔀㟩㟩㾋䑻㤊㟩䒲䲫 㦣䲈䕥䔀 䔀䲈㱖䣨 㦣㾋㰹㔋䑻䔀 䇳䔀䔀䜐 䜐㾋䖝䔀 䲈㰹 䔀䑻䔀㟩㰹㾋䑻䒲䪱
㔨䔀㟩 㠹䔀䲈㞤䑻 㞤䑻㤊㷤㷤䔀䕥 䲈㞤 㞤䣨䔀 㷤㟩䔀㞤㞤䔀䕥 䣨䔀㟩 䣨䲈㰹䕥㞤 䲈䁜䲈㾋㰹㞤䑻 䑻䣨䔀 䇳㟩㤊㰹䑻 䆑䲈䜐䜐䪱 㔨䔀㟩 䔀䒲䔀㞤 䆑㾋䕥䔀㰹䔀䕥 㞤䜐㾋䁜䣨䑻䜐䒲䪱 "㘿䣨䔀㟩䔀'㞤 䲈 㞤㷤䲈㱖䔀 䲈䣨䔀䲈䕥䪱 㩘䲈㟩䁜䔀䪱"
"䍫 㰹䲈䑻㔋㟩䲈䜐 㱖䲈䬤䔀㟩㰹 㷤䔀㟩䣨䲈㷤㞤㿛" 䧰䲈䖝㤊 䲈㞤䖝䔀䕥䲫 䣨㤊㷤䔀 㠹㟩㾋䔀䇳䜐䒲 䇳䜐㾋㱖䖝䔀㟩㾋㰹䁜 䲈㱖㟩㤊㞤㞤 䣨䔀㟩 䇳䔀䲈䑻㔋㟩䔀㞤䪱
䍫 䑻䔀㰹㞤䔀 㞤㾋䜐䔀㰹㱖䔀 䇳䔀䜐䜐 㤊䬤䔀㟩 䑻䣨䔀 䁜㟩㤊㔋㷤 䲈㞤 䑻䣨䔀䒲 㱖㤊㰹㞤㾋䕥䔀㟩䔀䕥 䑻䣨䔀 㾋㦣㷤䜐㾋㱖䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹㞤䪱 㴉䔀䁜㔋䜐䲈㟩 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐㞤 䲈䑻 䑻䣨㾋㞤 䕥䔀㷤䑻䣨 㱖㤊㔋䜐䕥 㤊㰹䜐䒲 㦣䔀䲈㰹 㤊㰹䔀 䑻䣨㾋㰹䁜䪱
"㪾䣨䲈䕥㤊䆑 㞤䑻䲈䜐䖝䔀㟩 䣨㾋䬤䔀䲫" 㘿㟩䔀㰹䑻 䆑䣨㾋㞤㷤䔀㟩䔀䕥䪱
㩘㔋㰹䲈 㞤䣨㤊㤊䖝 䣨䔀㟩 䣨䔀䲈䕥䪱 "㓀䔀 㱖䲈㰹'䑻 䆑䲈㞤䑻䔀 䑻㾋㦣䔀䪱 㓀䔀 㰹䔀䔀䕥 䑻㤊 㟩䔀䲈㱖䣨 䉗䣨䲈㤊 䲈㞤 㞤㤊㤊㰹 䲈㞤 㷤㤊㞤㞤㾋㠹䜐䔀䪱"
"㘿䣨䔀㰹 䆑䔀 䕥㾋䁜 䲈㠹㤊㔋䑻 㞾 㦣䔀䑻䔀㟩㞤 䕥䔀䔀㷤䔀㟩䲫" 㪾䣨㾋䪆㔋 䕥䔀㱖㾋䕥䔀䕥䪱 "䍫䑻 䑻䣨䔀 䇳㾋㟩㞤䑻 㞤㾋䁜㰹 㤊䇳 䕥䲈㰹䁜䔀㟩䲫 䦿'䜐䜐 㱖䜐㤊㞤䔀 䑻䣨䔀 䑻㔋㰹㰹䔀䜐 䲈㰹䕥 䆑䔀'䜐䜐 㱖䣨䲈㰹䁜䔀 䕥㾋㟩䔀㱖䑻㾋㤊㰹䪱"
㧣㰹䇳㤊㟩䑻㔋㰹䲈䑻䔀䜐䒲䲫 䲈 㞤㦣䲈䜐䜐 㤊㷤䔀㰹㾋㰹䁜 䇳㤊㟩㦣䔀䕥 㤊㰹 䑻㤊㷤 㤊䇳 䑻䣨䔀㦣䲫 㠹䲈㟩䔀䜐䒲 䑻䣨䔀 㞤㾋䪆䔀 㤊䇳 䲈 䇳㾋㞤䑻䪱 㔨㾋䖝䲈㟩㾋 䕥㾋㟩䔀㱖䑻䔀䕥 䣨䔀㟩 䇳㾋㟩䔀䇳䜐䒲 䑻㤊䆑䲈㟩䕥 䑻䣨䔀 䣨㤊䜐䔀䲫 䲈䜐䜐㤊䆑㾋㰹䁜 㾋䑻㞤 䜐㾋䁜䣨䑻 䑻㤊 䇳㾋䜐䑻䔀㟩 䑻䣨㟩㤊㔋䁜䣨 䑻㤊 㟩䔀䬤䔀䲈䜐 䆑䣨䲈䑻 䜐䲈䒲 㠹䔀䒲㤊㰹䕥䪱
㘿䣨䔀 䁜䜐㤊䆑 㾋䜐䜐㔋㦣㾋㰹䲈䑻䔀䕥 䲈 㞤㱖䔀㰹䔀 䑻䣨䲈䑻 㦣䲈䕥䔀 䔀䬤䔀㟩䒲㤊㰹䔀 䣨㤊䜐䕥 䑻䣨䔀㾋㟩 㠹㟩䔀䲈䑻䣨䪱 䍫 䣨㔋䁜䔀 㱖䣨䲈㦣㠹䔀㟩 䔀䟤䑻䔀㰹䕥䔀䕥 㠹䔀䇳㤊㟩䔀 䑻䣨䔀㦣 䲈㰹䕥 㦣㤊䬤㾋㰹䁜 䑻䣨㟩㤊㔋䁜䣨㤊㔋䑻 䑻䣨䔀 㱖䣨䲈㦣㠹䔀㟩䲫 䕥㤊䪆䔀㰹㞤䲫 㰹㤊䲫 䣨㔋㰹䕥㟩䔀䕥㞤 㤊䇳 㞤䣨䲈䕥㤊䆑 㞤䑻䲈䜐䖝䔀㟩㞤 䲈䆑䲈䖝䔀㰹䔀䕥 㠹䒲 䑻䣨䔀 䬤㾋㠹㟩䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹㞤 㤊䇳 䑻䣨䔀 䔀䟤㱖䲈䬤䲈䑻㾋㤊㰹䪱䪱
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