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Chapter 244 ~ Declaration of War

Chapter 244 ~ Declaration of War

In all her life, this was easily the most pleasant work she had ever done. 

Locked in her room, a curious looking faceless man with three holes in his face, a winged succubus, and the more familiar Demiurge, were tearing through documents as fast as their eyes could move. 

‘Working with non-idiots is such an utter joy!’

Her black soul sang as pages were continuously processed. Her dainty fingers turned dark at the tips from the ink stains, yet there was no signs of her slowing down. 

The sound of pages flipping and being stacked up filled the room as arrest warrants and evidences were compiled for each and every conspirator. Between the four of them, the completion of the tasks took the better part of a day, but it was done. 

The many individual stacks of paper loomed high, almost obfuscating her own seated figure from the opposite side of the table. 

“This is a small town’s worth of executions…”

“Is that a problem?”

The sultry, beautiful voice of the dark-haired demoness Renner would’ve mistaken for a Goddess if not for her dark-feathered wings resounded sweetly to her ears. 

She shook her head.

“No, Lady Albedo. Not at all. We simply have to hire a few new executioners is all. And with my brothers out of the way… All I can say is…”

Renner moved from her chair and onto the floor, prostrating herself to the three emissaries. 

“I pledge myself and my Kingdom to the will of our shared masters. And… Thank you for helping me today. It was a true pleasure.”

“My beloved asked me to assist Demiurge, who was tasked with expediting the process. It is good that you understand how valuable my time is to be away from him that you would do your utmost. Else…”

Renner felt a chill down her spine from the gaze of the succubus she did not even meet, and pressed her forehead even harder to the cold, marble floor. 

“Of course, my lady. I would do nothing less than my utmost for you and our masters.”


Meanwhile, at the side, Pandora’s Actor spoke to Demiurge. 

“So she is as intelligent as you said, mein guter Demiurge”. 

“Yes she is. She will be useful in handing this box of jewels to our lords. A fine bargain in exchange for one underfed puppy.”

Albedo stood up, her wings folded around her lower body and gazed at the prostrating woman. 

She recalled her beloved’s words to look at the Golden Princess as much as a potential threat, as she did a useful tool. And for such a human, it is best to keep her guessing what they were capable of and grant her the one thing she truly desire in this world. 

“As long as she remembers her place, and doesn’t seek elevation beyond her station, everything will be fine.”

Renner stayed silent and chose not to answer. For she knows, her answer would lay in her behavior. 

“Finish the rest yourself, and you will get everything you desire. Demiurge, Pandora’s Actor, I will be with

him for the rest of the night.”

“Understood, mein Dame.”


A massive, whirling portal of darkness and void appeared, and one by one, the trio left, leaving the princess alone. 


Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix sat in his private council chamber. 

Normally, within the private of his trusted subordinates, he would lay on his side and propped his head up with a hand; a show of his calm and confidence in his rule. Especially since he was now only within the presence of the Archmage, teacher, and closest confidant. 

But now, he sat on the velvet couch at the center of his chamber.

“Is this a joke?”

He asked, waving the few pages of documents that came from a formal royal letter. 

“I’m afraid not, my boy… I’ve gathered the intelligence myself,and found that the Kingdom truly has ceded part of its lands to the magic caster named Ainz Ooal Gown, the caster who managed to best a whole Theocracy Scripture some months ago.”

Jircniv frowned and read the document once more. 

‘To the Emperor of Baharuth Empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix. Let it be known that on this fourteenth day of the month, the Kingdom of Nazarick is named into being. 

Furthermore, we inform you that we have entered into a state of war in support of our ally, the Kingdom of Re-Estize, and in retaliation for the military attack upon our lands by your workers on your government’s order. We advise you to not march your army into the Katze plains, and instead to offer modest recompense for your offensive conduct against both Kingdoms. 

Know that if your army appears, we shall take land and lives instead of mere coins.’

Jircniv scrunched the paper in his hands and threw it hard against the floor. The expression of the blonde-haired young emperor grew tight and his teeth ground against each other in uncharacteristic anger. 

“Does he really think he can do what he says?”

“I believe so my boy… So, will you give in?”

“Of course not.”

Jircniv shot to his feet. 

“Defeating a scripture is no small feat, sure. But even if he can kill five thousand by himself, there’s nothing a magic caster can do against twenty thousand knights.”

“He may have an army of his own. The workers numbered in the hundreds, by none returned after entering his domain.”

Fluder remarked, and Jircniv stopped to think about his old teacher’s warning.

“That is a fair point… We still have time to prepare. Moreover, with the peasant civil war being what it is, they’ll be weakened. 

And while they handle that, we’ll amass our strength for one final kick into the rotten structure of Re-Estize Kingdom.”

His lips curled into a smile as his eyes narrowed. A look of confidence that was the most natural for the young emperor. 

“Our Empire has began to flourish even more now, with merchants and businesses gathering in Arwintar. We’ll have enough. Then after this, next year we should be able to start taking up territory and purging any problematic elements.”

“A true new empire is about to dawn on the world… I can hardly wait for the time.”

Fluder bowed as the Bloody Emperor exited his chamber to find his prime minister to discuss their response to the letter. 


Yuuji sat on the grassy ground under the canopy of a massive tree, leaning back onto its trunk. The crisp, refreshing breeze blew softly against him as the sound of chirping birds and rustling leaves filled the background. 

On his shoulder, nuzzled at his neck, was a white slime that shone with all colors of the rainbow. She stared dazedly at the beautiful, serene lake before drifting off to sleep by her beloved master’s side. 

While on his head was a slime with the color of a starry night. Having just finished devouring a level 50 magic sword that sat idly within Yuuji’s inventory, she sat and rested after being full and satisfied. 

Meanwhile, Est, currently in his human form, sat on his lap, leaning comfortably to his chest, asleep. 

A serene silence enveloped the four figures as they relaxed. 

With Albedo busy in Re-Estize, Aika spending time with the Pleiades, and the others busy with their own, Yuuji found a nice periode of reprieve and decided to spend it with Aria, Alice, and Est here within the sixth floor near the Great Lake. 

As they slept, Yuuji went through some of the reports he had received from his businesses and Nazarick’s spies in Arwintar. 

‘An increase in sales for grains, iron, and magic items… They've even held a joint training within their military. Seems like they’re ramping up for war as expected.’

Noticing their master looking at the document longer than normal, the two slimes began to read it as well. 

Immediately, through their link, Alice told Yuuji that he could take this chance to make the empire truly submit! 

They could deal significant damage to their military and their confidence through a show of power, and they won’t have any choice but to recognize their kingdom and surrender.

‘Mm, that’s what we plan to do, Alice. That’s why we’ve been preparing those four. You’ve done well noticing. Good girl~’

Yuuji patted the white slime, who began to shine even brighter and nuzzle even more to his neck. 

Then, Aria began to jump up and down on his head, and conveyed her will to defeat his enemies!

She had grown a lot and had familiarized herself with her own powers and the powers she inherited from Yuuji. She’ll definitely be able to help him!

‘Thank you, Aria. But for now, you’re still small. Perhaps when you’ve grown up and you can shapeshift into a humanoid form, you can help me. For now, focus on growing up well, okay?’

Although Yuuji was well aware of the powers possessed by the twin slimes, Yuuji was hesitant to let them be in actual combat, especially when they were still small little slimes. 

But, he knew, from how much they’ve – especially Aria – expressed their willingness to “help” him, that he wouldn’t be able to keep them from doing so for long. So, at the very least, he’d only allow them to go into combat once they could shapeshift into a humanoid form and be more combat ready. 

He could sense the disappointment from Aria, and a little bit from Alice. But, it would be for their own good. So, he gave them lots of head pets and comforted them gently. 

Just then, they noticed the presence of a few people coming towards them. Est also opened her eyes and turned her head slightly towards the direction of their arrival. 

“Ah, please forgive me for disturbing you, my Lord! We are not aware that you would be here!”

Arche, upon seeing the figure of the half angel half demon Supreme Being along with his sword spirit and mythical slimes, fell to her knees. 

To her sides, the twins – Ureirika and Kuuderika – also went on their knees and kneeled at the supreme beings, as taught by their big sister and their savior Lord Sebas. 

Yuuji waved his hand, allowing the three sisters to rise from their knees. 

“Worry not. I am simply here to rest. What brings you here, Arche?”

Arche stood up, but kept her head slow as she responded to the Supreme Being. 

“I have been given a day of rest by Lord Sebas from our training, and have come here in hopes to play with my sisters by the lake, my lord. We are not aware that you would be resting here. We shall leave as to not disturb your rest.”


A word from Yuuji stopped Arche from leading her sisters away stood still, awaiting his will. 

“Est, Aria, Alice. Do you want to play again? How about playing with the twins?”

The three little girls – the sword spirit and two mythical slimes – looked at Yuuji, shifted their gaze towards Kuuderika and Ureirika who were stealing glances at Yuuji with their eyes sparkling with curiosity and admiration, and nodded. 


Yuuji shifted his gaze towards Arche, who bowed her head a little bit lower upon feeling his gaze upon her. 

“What do you think?”

“Yes. It would be our greatest honor, my lord. Thank you very much!”

““Thank you very much!””

Yuuji smiled with a nod. 

Then, with the twin slimes on either of her shoulders, Est approached the twins, and led them to the edge of the lake. 

Soon, the sound of splashing water and laughter of the twins could be heard as Yuuji and Arche watched them from a distance. 

There was a bit of fear within Arche that her sisters would somehow make a mistake that would offend the Supreme Being and his. But after seeing how happy they were playing, the feat in her heart disappeared, replaced by a warm sense of happiness and relief. 

“How is your training?”

Arche snapped into attention and turned towards Yuuji, who was still watching Est, Alice, and Aria playing with the twins. 

He saw Alice and Aria using his space manipulation magic to create balls of water, bigger than the ones the twins had created through some elementary arcane magic that they’ve been taught by Fluder. 

“My Lord. Everything is going well, thanks to your generosity. My comrades and I have reached level 33, and we are planned on going through another awakening ritual to unlock our potential to level 35 tomorrow. In preparation for the ritual, Lord Sebas had instructed us to take this day to rest.”

Yuuji nodded. 

Although still terribly weak by Nazarick’s standard, they were progressing quite well, considering they were regular human workers a few weeks ago. 

They’ve now surpassed Gazef and Clementine, in terms of level, and soon, they’ll be on the same level as a Death Knight. 

They’ll be enough to deal with the Empire’s strongest knights. Especially if he equipped them with their items. 

“The war with the Empire is nigh. Tell the rest of Foresight to be prepared. We have high hopes for you.”

Arche kneeled once more as her heart thumped loudly with immense honor and reverence. 

This was it. A chance to repay her saviors for granting her and her little sisters a new life. She would not miss this chance!

“Yes, my lord. We shall bring you victory, no matter the cost.”

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