Chapter 247 ~ Duel of Champions
Chapter 247 ~ Duel of Champions
The sun shined brightly, basking the wooden fort with its radiance. A gentle breeze blew lightly over the hill that overlooked the lower plains ahead.
From the entrance to the fort was a sight of the other side. Broken towers and fortifications that sat in a half finished or destroyed state stood like monuments to the madness and decay that occurred. Some burned. Others rotted.
The space between the two armies remained desolate, devoid of life.
Ainz raised a hand and released a spell. [Greater Obfuscation]. The ninth would easily hide an attempt at looking inside the long, oval fort that mare had built for him. Though it would do nothing about physical spies.
Thus, Yuuji also released a spell. [Secret Rendezvous]. With this, anyone coming close will find themselves going the other way without even noticing.
Then, he also cast two more spells. [Alarm]. [Lord of the Castle]. One to alert him should anyone come close to the fort, bypassing the effects of [Secret Rendezvous], and the other to gain complete omniscience within a designated building.
Ainz nodded to Yuuji, and cast a message spell.
[‘Albedo. Send my forces to the fort. We are ready.’]
[‘At once, my lord.’]
A dark rift split opened in reality and the hate-filled growling of undead monsters began to fill the fort. But not only that. There were also succubi, devils, angels, and fallens amongst their ranks. Each and everyone radiating a powerful aura, having been buffed by Aika’s Empress of Evil spell.
None of his New World Champions were disturbed by the presence of undead nor the legion of beings with powers beyond their comprehension. They were simply proof of the power wielded by the Gods they served who had fulfilled every dream they’ve had and could ever have.
‘All mighty Gods. And Yuuji-sama, the holiest of Gods, who lets me heal the sick and care for the injured without care for cost or profit. Sacred divine ruler of the true light. All mighty master of my soul. I can’t wait to prove the depths of my loyalty.’
Roberdyck clenched his holy symbol, a white gold feathered wings and black red devilish wings with a beautiful gleaming sword at the centre and a white sun behind it.
He had allowed him to spend his free hours going about the land, using his template and cleric skills to heal the injured and ill without charge. He did not even asked that his name be spread. So, Roberdyck spread it. The will of the God of True Light. He said it in the Kingdom of Carne, and found that his message had been well received, as they’ve also benefited from his other master’s mercy.
Several hours passed until the sun was even higher in the sky, and the sound of marching feet finally came on in the distance.
To the new world champions’ surprise, a handful of figures in Theocracy pirest white robes came into view first, then the twenty thousand knights of the Empire of Baharuth came to give them a full sight of their war panoply.
Yuuji and Ainz, however, were not surprised. They’ve been informed of Lelouch’s foresight earlier this morning.
They arrayed themselves in simple square formations, knights in shining steel armor covered from head to toe. In the center, four banners representing the four mightiest knights.
Hekkeren Termite said softly.
“My Lord, as you predicted. Your new kingdom announcement prompted them to go all out. They’ve sent the four Knights. The Bloody emperor wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t intend to use them.”
Ainz nodded and turned towards Yuuji.
“Your businesses seemed to have fueled their confidence.”
“Of course. With such abundance, the prideful emperor would go all out in a show of power to intimidate some “new kingdom” who came out of nowhere and declare their rule.”
A look of shock and realization came unto the members of Foresight.
“Wait… That means…”
“The recent economic boom in Baharuth…”
“It was… your doing, my God?”
Yuuji nodded at Imina, Arche, and Roberdyck.
“Make them overconfident. Then when they lose, they’ll have no other way but to rely on us, and we can freely control their actions through the leash that is their economy.”
This was exactly why they could never stop being in awe of their masters. Unfathomable. That would perhaps be the most apt word to describe the Gods before them.
It was as if everything in the world was moved by an invisible force that was the will of these Gods.
“Hm. The Theocracy representatives seem to be moving to the center. Come, let’s go meet with them.”
Ainz said, and taking out a scroll, he uttered.
“[Summon Party Mounts]”
The scroll burned up in blue fire, and five large brown horses appeared in a puff of smoke.
They mounted the horse and began to trot down to the center space of the Katze Plains. The four banners of the Imperial knights began to descend as well. And soon enough, all three nations were represented in the wasteland of war and death and decay.
Though, as soon as they arrived, both representatives of the Empire, one of the four noble knights, and the Theocracy all looked in shock at the twelve winged angel.
“I-Is that…”
“An angel…?”
The Theocracy was no stranger to angels, and the Empire, though more familiar with magic granted through studies of the arcane rather than faith, also knew that angels were normally summoned creatures brought forth by the faith and magic of priests and paladins.
But this… This was clearly not just a regular summon.
‘C-Could it be… A true angel of heavens…? I’ve read of it somewhere… In one of the oldest tomes. The highest ranking angel, possessing twelve angelic white wings… On par with Gods themselves…’
The Theocracy representative quickly shook his head. The notion of such thought was simply absurd. He must be mistaken.
It was… impossible.
He cleared his throat, and acting as the neutral party, spoke first.
“W-We of the Slane Theocracy again protest this absurdity that was a waste of humanity and resources. We implore you all to seek peace!”
Baziwood sweated under his dark helm as he stood in the presence of what could be a mythical creature of unknown powers. But, he stood firm.
“This usurper demands Imperial land for himself. So, that will be a no from us.”
“I, for one, wouldn’t mind settling this in the oldest of traditions. A simple duel. Your four champions, against my four champions. When we win… I will take the land I have so politely pressed for as compensation for all the harm done to my ally, The Re-Estize Kingdom, and the harm done to me when your Empire’s noble attacked my home. But nothing else.”
“... Four Champions. Does that include your… Summoned angel?”
Nazami asked with clear apprehension and venom in his voice.
Ainz tilted his head to the side, confused, before realizing what he meant. He let out a small giggle.
“Ah, no, of course. It would hardly be fair. And he is not a summon. He is my companion. He won’t be the one representing us. But the four you see here.”
Ainz gestured towards Foresight.
Nazami narrowed his eyes, but secretly heaved a sigh of relieve. He had been getting a bad feeling from the angel. And perhaps… the magic caster was right. It wouldn’t be fair if he were to be the one fighting.
“And when we win?”
He growed, and looked at the stern-faced “champions” the robed magic caster gestured to.
They… held no expression. It’s as if they don’t care.
“Then I withdraw my claim of compensation. And remain on the land conceded to me by the Re-Estize Kingdom.”
“You mean… in the way, don’t you.”
“If you wish to think as such, I won’t stop you.”
The four knights looked at one another. The prospect of a bloodless fight and an easy win by four famous champions over four unknown nobodies was an appealing one.
The Theocracy representatives breathed a sigh of relief.
“You bear witness to this bargain. If they should break it, the consequences lie on their heads.”
“It is witnessed.”
THe leader of the delegation said with reverence to the vow.
“Good, and your name, if I may?”
“I am Cardinal Raymond Zarg Lauransan. A pleasure.”
The brown bearded Cardinal bowed his head.
“I will remember it.”
Ainz nodded, and then faced the four knights.
“Inform your soldiers of your decision. Then return here, where the duel shall commence and my champions will wait to break you.”
The supreme confidence with which he spoke set all four knights’ jaw clenched, and with a snarl from Nazami, they turned their horses and rode back to their own lines.
The Theocracy delegation began to withdraw back to their place of observation. And soon after, Ainz and Yuuji turned his horse around.
“Do not lose.”
Foresight said as one, and as their Gods rode back to the fort, they dismounted and stood at the ready.
In the imperial command tent, Nazami addressed the lead officer who sat within and informed him of the bargain while the rest prepared.
Lounge Vermillion listened with shock and disbelief.
“That easy? Just… beat up four nobodies and all this is over?”
“Well, as long as that winged bastard isn’t fighting, it’ll be that easy, sure.”
Baziwood downed one more vial of potion, enhancing his strength.
“I’m a bit more suspicious… I don’t like this.”
Leinas said and dabbed a cloth to the pus seeping form half of her face.
“Likewise. A deal too good to be true is not a good deal at all… But we can’t just decide base on our assumption.”
Nimble said and continued.
“The representatives of the Theocracy had witnessed the deal. They definitely won’t cross us knowingly it would put them at odds with the Theocracy.”
“Maybe, but it’s still suspicious.”
Leinas responded.
“So… Just don't lose.”
Louine felt something roiling in the pit of his stomach… A sense of danger. One that, from the looks of it, shared by all four of the most elite knights in the Empire.
“No plans to. But here we are…”
Leinas sighed, and turned.
“Come on, let’s get this over with.”
Hekkeran stood at the front beside Roberdyck, while Imina and Arche took the rear.
Every one of them had activated their martial arts, more than they’d ever been able to use before.
Arche touched her staff. A gift from the God of true light and strength and mercy.
Then, all the world faded away as the champions of the empire descended to the cheers of their army. Twenty thousand or more knights. Each one trained and capable of cutting down more than ten regular conscripts of the kingdom.
But none of Foresight was at all nervous.
How much stronger have they become? That was all they wondered as they recalled the feel of dealing a final blow to impossible monster after impossible monster. The constant drills against Sebas, Cocytus, and even, strangely enough, maids.
Hekkeran drew his twin blades when the four enemy champions came close, holding them out at waist height.
In front of him stood a famous figure bearing two curved tower shields.
“Fitting ey, boy?”
Nazami Enec sneared as he looked down at the dual wielder.
The swordsman said nothing.
‘I’m bigger, broader, and more experienced. How is he even going to get around these two shields? I’ll batter him to pieces.’
“It’s rude to say nothing when someone addresses you, boy. Introduce yourself.”
“Hekkeran Termite. Sword of the King. Leader of Foresight. And the man who will kill you today.”
Hekkeran replied
“Termite. So you’re a bug. Fine, I’ll squash you like one. I am Nazami Enec of the Four Knights.”
Arche felt the eyes of the blonde woman on her.
“Leinas Rockbruise.”
Leinas nodded then paused for a moment, and reached for a cloth to dab the pus on her face.
“You’re cursed?”
Leinas snarled.
“Your facing me, child. That makes you the cursed one.”
Roberdyck took out his sword and leveled it at the slender blonde knight. He noticed the black armor worn by the Four Knights. It was surely enchanted at great expense, yet he felt no anxiety. For whatever they have, it wouldn’t even be comparable to the divine armaments granted by the Gods that walked the world.
“Count Nimble Arc Dale Anoch.”
“Roberdyck Goltron. Servant of the greatest of gods. Defeating you shall show their glory. A swift end to you shall show their mercy.”
Roberdyck proclaimed, but drew no answer from the nimble knight.
“... Guess I’m doing this too. Baziwood Peshmel, but I’m commonly just called Lightning Bolt.”
“Imina. No surname. Just a nobody who got more than she deserved.”
She answered.
Leinas then held out her pus stained cloth.
“When this hits the ground, we begin.”
A round of nods accepted the offer, and her fingers released it.
Hekkeran was the first to reach his target. Nazami brought the shield to a close in front of him just in time, the sides of the curved tower shields clashed together forming a wall, with which he used to crush the swordsman as he charged forward to bowl him over.
But nothing happened…
He… should’ve felt his jaw breaking under his booth.
Heard his strangled screams, or the breaking of his neck.
The dual wielder should’ve fallen.
That’s what should’ve happened. But no mater how he pushed, the swordsman simple took a single step back and became immovable.
“Heh, weren’t expecting this one were you, bug guy?”
The other sword fell and clanged against the shield. His blades crossed over both tower shields, and he began to push.
Nazami’s mouth parted in disbelieve.
He took a step back… Then another. Another… And another.
“Don’t take me lightly boy!”
Nazami bellowed and spun on his heel, bringing Hekkeran’ forward due to his momentum, and the shield smashed full to the dual wielder’s face.
Hekkeran flew backward through the air, but far from being disabled, he flipped backwards and landed on his feet.
The imperial knight charged once more, and Hekkeran met it with his own charge and leapt over the towering shield, slashing both blades as he flipped.
Blood sprayed in the air and Nazami howled as pain lanced thorugh him.
“My ears! You cut off my ears!”
“I did. And more…”
Hekkeran said, and a moment later, Nazami understood what he meant when the weight of his shield grew heavier in his hands.
‘Am I… Cursed? They’re cursed swords?!’
The knight felt danger for the first time. Then before he could think of what to do next, he felt a lancing pain of the sword through his mouth and piercing the back of his throat.
He saw the neutral face of the dual wielder as blood gurgled from his pierced throat, and felt another thrust through his armor that should’ve been enchanted against piercing weapons a moment later.
His eyes widened. The shields wouldn’t move, except falling to the ground. But when he expected his own body to follow suit, it didn’t.
He was held aloft by the sword of the man who killed him. And until the darkness enveloped him, he never felt the ground.
Roberdyck charged at his own opponent without fear as Nimble proved to live up to his name, backing away steadily with light, swift footwork that kept the larger, bulkier Roberdyck chasing.
‘He thinks he can tire me out… In another life, he’d be right.’
Nimble felt confident. But after three minutes, he began to realize something.
Roberdyck’s expression wasn’t changing, when he expected him to be losing his mind.
‘A trap… he’s got endurance. He’s trying to tire ‘me’ out…’
Nimble continued to dance out of reach, but Roberdyck seemed utterly unperturbed.
Then he saw, from the corner of his eyes, Nazami impaled.
Only then did the templar’s face change to a knowing smile.
Nimble changed strategy and began to use his greater height and longer reach to target the templar.
But when he thrusted, his enchanted long slim sword was greeted by a mild tap, and then nothing, sliding over the smooth armor.
Then, a piercing pain came upon his forearm as the templar’s sword pierced it. Then, he yanked Nimble like a fish on a hook.
“Try dancing away now if you can…”
Blood stained the ground as a massive fist smashed into Nimble’s face. Then, with blurry vision in addition to the concussion, he saw the templar raising his sword, and pierced down.
The sword tore through his armor as if it were linen, and pinned him to the ground with a look of disbelief in his dead eyes.
Baziwood charged the archer, avoiding the arrow the archer shot, eating up ground as she began to fall back steadily on her heels.
He dodged another, and yet, when he expected her to panic, she showed no fear.
His sword came out to the front, thrusting forward where he expected to impale the slender elven women at the belly, nearly cutting her in half. But he felt air.
He looked down and saw the her bent backward, before whipping her legs up to kick him on the chin.
And before he could recover, he felt a striking pain on his legs and felt his knees buckle down, slamming his body to the ground.
He whipped his head forward, and saw the woman lifting up a leg high into the sky, and slammed down.
The armor crunched, and pain lanced through his right shoulder that was so overwhelming that he dropped his sword.
Then, she knocked another arrow to her bow, and released it.
The arrow pierced through his helm and through his skull, and he fell backwards.
Imina approached the dead man, and looked at the pair of dead eyes with a bit of pity.
“It was never a fair fight. We had the help of the Gods. You fought alone. May you have better luck in the next life.”
Leinas shot forward only a sliver faster than Nimble towards Arche.
‘Why would a mage not be protected by her party…? Why isn’t she even protecting herself..?’
She brandished her sword, and was stopped by her staff. And when she expected her to buckle under the strength beneath her swing, she was as immovable as a mountain.
“I should be weak against someone like you. But… you’re no match for me…”
Leinas felt anger run through her body.
“We’ll see!”
Her sword began to flash out faster and faster, and yet Arche seemed to be deflecting it with her staff like it was just a child’s efforts, not one of the four imperial knights.
Leinas began to grow more and more angry. Sweat ran down her face, along with the thick, yellow pus that rand down her skin that reminded her forevermore of the self-loathing it gave.
‘I have to win! Win or I will never be whole! I have to!’
She wailed in her head and sensed the infuriating pity from the caster, who only grew more sympathetic.
She hadn’t used a single spell.
The whole world fade away. Time passed unknowingly to Leinas. And it was only when the small girl spoke that she was snapped out of it.
“Look at your comrades.”
Leinas would’ve ignored her words. But the sheer sadness and pity in her bright blue eyes compelled her to look. There, she saw Nazami, Nimble, Baziwood… all dead.
“Even if you hit me, your sword can’t pierce my armor.”
Arche whispered, and Leinas looked at the girl who had bested her with some sort of trick that she prayed was magic and not… physical superiority.
“Fall… and deliver your army to my masters’ hands. And I will ask for you to be healed.”
Leinas did not have the time to process what Arche had just said before a small hand suddenly closed around her throat and lifted her up, armor and all, with apparent ease.
“I’m going to hit you. Go limp. If you get up before the end is called, I will kill you. Die tainted and cursed if you want.”
Leinas was just starting to nod, when the woman’s staf hit her and threw her into the air.
She landed on her back, and went limp.
Then, there was silence.
Hekkeran raised his sword, and a roar of triumph by Foresight erased the silence.
“Nazarick! Nazarick! Nazarick!”
They roared, proud beneath the watching eyes of their Gods.
Shouts of disbelief came from the Empire’s side until Leinas herself began to stir.
She lifted up herself and trudged, broken and defeated, back to her own lines as she thought to herself…
‘Deliver the army… How could she… They can’t possibly think they can defeat the whole army, right…? No… He has an army that can!’
It was a gamble… The biggest one of her life. And she had no choice.
He glanced over her shoulder and watched the four champions return to the fort, and the King and winged angel step forward out of the gate of their fort.
The fort can only hold a few hundred or so… The only thing she could think of was that the twelve-winged angel could somehow… destroy enough of the army.
She rubbed her aching throat… and said with a hoarse voice to the first soldier to reach her.
“Get… Get Loune…! We need to order a general assault! Now!”
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