Chapter 337 The Kitchen Was Worse
I could tell that Ingrid was definitely not having a good day despite all the chips I've given her.
She's probably still wondering if it was good or bad luck for her to meet me at this point.
The kitchens were located quite a ways away and it took a fair bit of walking to get there, almost like they wanted to hide this place from everyone.
I did hear the other bunny girls whispering if they would be in trouble for guiding us here but they all agreed that it was too late to turn back now.
The door to the kitchen was a single, automatic sliding door and Ingrid stopped in front of it to gesture at the door.
"This… This is it, dear guests…"
I stepped up to the door to find that it wasn't even locked and it slid open for me automatically.
Stepping into their kitchen… I found myself in a rather bizarre place.
So first things first… I recognise the machine that is used to prepare organic food. It's exactly the same as the one I saw back at the hotel with Steiner where he just shoved food in and pressed some buttons to prepare the food.
The only difference is that the machine was being used as a table where chunks of meat and piles of vegetables were just dumped on top of it haphazardly.
In fact, food was stored all over the place and some were even just left on the ground. And when I say left on the ground, I really meant that the food was making direct contact with the ground.
As if that wasn't bad enough, I even spotted what looked like unwashed pots and pans dumped inside a large bucket filled with dirty water and there was also food that was dropped in there as well.
I swallowed the bile in my throat and I had to turn around to save myself from the sight lest I puked.
Because not only the sight was revolting, the smell as well was vile.
I'm pretty sure there was something rotten somewhere in the room.
No, scratch that… Not just rotten but decomposing.
Oh god, it smells horrible…
Amber patted my back while looking at Ingrid, "I think you girls should get us a bucket."
Ingrid turned to look inside the kitchen, spying a bucket laying in the corner of the room.
"Preferably not from that room," She added.
I covered my mouth and swallowed hard, willing the contents of my stomach to remain inside.
"Should we leave?" Lea asked, concern clear on her face.
I shook my head, "Just… Ugh… Just give me a moment… Phew… Ok… I… I think I'm ok now…"
Standing up, I took a deep breath before breathing out, taking a moment to make sure that I really was ok before turning back to face the kitchen.
The door had already slid closed since I had stepped away from it so that gave me the chance to make some preparations before I faced the daunting task of entering it again.
I looked around, "Do we have a cloth or something? Or something that could cover the smell from reaching us?"
Ries reached into her pockets and pulled out several pieces of cloth to show them to me, "Would these work, Boss?"
"Why do you even have those in your pockets?" I asked.
"Mmm… When I work I might need some cloth to wipe machine oil and stuff so I always have some of these on me."
Makes sense, plus they're just what I need right now.
I took one from her and tied it over my nose and mouth while she distributed the rest to the other girls.
Stepping back to the door, the smell once again assaulted my senses as the door opened but it was more bearable with the cloth blocking out the brunt of the smell so I didn't feel like throwing up right away and could focus on keeping my stomach down.
I stepped inside and… Gods… This was worse than I thought…
I realised where the bulk of the smell was coming from when I realised whoever was in charge of the kitchen had hung up meat to the ceiling of the room and… Yeah… Some of them seemed to have been there so long that it was already clearly rotten…
I'm seriously hoping that this place has at least a bath or something because I'm going to need a thorough wash after this…
That was when I realised that there was actually another person in the room and he was clearly the chef judging by the clothes he wore.
He didn't notice us as he had his back turned to us while he was busy preparing something at the counter on the other end of the room. Continue your saga on My Virtual Library Empire
I stormed up to him and shouted, "Hey! Are you the chef?!"
He spun around in surprise, revealing that he had been busy preparing ingredients judging by the chopping board and the knife he had in his hand.
The fact that he wasn't even wearing anything to block out the smell made me think that he might have lost his sense of smell or something.
"Who… Who are you? What are you doing here? Didn't I say that I have to work uninterrupted to make the best food?!" He cried out.
I raised an eyebrow, "So does that mean that you have been constantly interrupted this entire time?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
I stretched out my hand and Mara placed one of the plates we were given on my palm so that I could show it to him.
"Is this your cooking?" I asked.
He frowned at it and he seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, it is mine. What is it? Are you going to be one of those classless people who try to claim that it's bad before you even tasted it? I specialise in taste, not looks! So if you have any complaints about it, eat it first before you say anything!"
I took a step closer to him, "Do you eat your own cooking?"
He took a step back, "Wha… What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I mean. I'm asking if you cook your own meals or do you not eat what you cook at all?"
"I… I… Of course I eat my own cooking! Why wouldn't I?"
"Oh really? In that case, let me see you eat this right now. This is yours right? So you shouldn't have a problem with eating it?"
He started to panic, "H… Huh? Wait… I can't do that!"
"Why not? Didn't you say that you eat your own cooking? You also said that this is made by you, didn't you?"
"I… I can't eat food that has been served to customers!"
"Why not? Why do you expect us to eat food that you wouldn't even touch?"
His gaze shifted erratically as he tried to think of an excuse, "Be… Because… Because… It's against the rules! I can't eat food that I had already served to others! Otherwise I would be stealing!"
That's really the best excuse you can come up with?
I smiled at him, "Well, I'm giving it back to you right now. So that doesn't count as stealing anymore, right?"
He floundered, "I… I… No! Who knows what you have done to the food? For all I know you poisoned it!"
I set the plate aside and gestured to him, "I don't trust the way the food was made and it frankly seems really bad. I demand that you make a new one for me."
"Do… Do you think the ingredients to make this are cheap? Just because you ask for one I have to make you a new one?! Just how arrogant do you have to be?!"
"How much then?"
I tapped on my personal terminal, "How much do I need to pay to get you to prepare a new one?"
"I… We… We don't accept Credits! You will need to get the chips again to ask for this!"
"In that case, allow me to watch how you work then. I want to see how you cook."
"Ha… Haha! You think I will just let an outsider see me secret techniques like that? Don't you know that a chef's skills is their life? There's no way that I could just show--"
"Captain, I found it," Mara interrupted, shoving over a box with her foot to tip it over, sending the contents of it crashing onto the ground.
Bags of White Powder spilled out all over the floor, something that should not be present in the kitchens in the first place.
"What… What?" The guy muttered dumbly.
I turned back to him, "You laced our food with White Powder didn't you? You have one chance to explain yourself before we beat you up for trying to drug us and reveal to everyone wha you have been doing. Choose wisely."
I cracked my knuckles to emphasise my point.
So what's it gonna be?
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