Chapter 971: No One Took It Yet (*RR)
Chapter 971: No One Took It Yet (*RR)
I rammed myself in and out of Unerolia from a missionary position as the Marchioness let out gurgles of pleasure from each of my thrust.
The only reason she wasn't screaming was because Justinia was fucking her, the monarch also making quite lewd moaning sounds as she fucked her cousin's mouth.
Mother, on the other hand, had stuck herself behind me and kept massaging my breasts while she squeezed the sides of my head with her own chest pillows.
I hugged Unerolia's legs and squeezed them together as I continued to thrust my cock in and out of her wet pussy, making the Marchioness moan around Justinia's cock.
Ughh… This is torture… I wanna kiss… But there's no one to kiss here…
This is one of the things that I both like and dislike about this World… I can't engage in casual kissing…
While I was lamenting over that, I felt Unerolia's pussy clench up before her legs squeezed together. On the other side, I could see Justinia throw her head back as she shuddered, clearly also orgasming and shooting her cum into Unerolia's mouth.
Seems like Unerolia was cumming because Justinia came in her mouth, as expected of her I guess?
Unperturbed, I continued to thrust my hips into her, slapping my waist against her bottom as my cock slid in and out of her.
A moan escaped from my own lips when I felt Mother pinch my nipples, rubbing those sensitive nubs in between her thumb and index fingers.
"Hora, hora~ Does my little one feel good over here?"
"Ahhh… Yes, Mommy…"
"Ufufufu~ Spread your legs, my little one~"
I did as she asked, though I didn't stop thrusting my hips to continue fucking the Marchioness under me, even as Justinia pulled her cock out of Unerolia's mouth.
Mother released my boobs and dropped down in between my legs, her fingers running across my entrance to tease me before she stuck her face in there and started licking me.
Almost immediately, she pulled back which confused me somewhat until she asked, "Ara, ara? You're still a virgin here, my little one?"
"Ah… Eh? Umm… Yes, Mommy."
"Ufufufu~ Mama thought that you might have already popped it~ Are you waiting for someone specific to do it?"
"Umm… I never really thought about it…" I admitted.
"Ara, ara? And here Mama was thinking that you were waiting for Lisa to take it~"
"Err… Lisa said something about going insane if she were to even try… She even used her clairvoyance to check or something."
"Ufufufu~ I see~ You should have told me, my little one~ I could have helped with that if you really want it~"
"Umm… I don't think Lisa's in a rush? It's not like I'm also in a rush to lose it either…"
"Ara, ara? Mama understands~ Just let Mama know if you change your mind, my little one~"
I'm not even sure how I should react to that… And how did Mother even know I was still a virgin there just by licking me?
You know what? I don't want to know…
Justinia suddenly came to my side, "Umm… Aster? Do you want me to take your virginity instead? I mean… You did take mine after all…"
"Eh? Ah… I think I'll have to let Lisa decide on that first… Sorry sister Justi…"
"Mmm… That's a shame… But I understand… Can I suck on your tits then?"
It feels weird to be asked that by Justinia but I nodded.
She didn't hold back and immediately dove her face into my tits, sucking on my nipple greedily.
Unerolia finally recovered enough to start pushing back against me, "Ahhh!! Asterrrr!! So good!! Are you going to cum?! Please cum inside me! I want the same sperm that cousin Justi received as well!!"
Just how obsessed is this woman with her own cousin?
Still, I was already quite close with the three of them working together to make me climax.
A few more hip thrusts later, I felt a familiar pressure build up and I let out a moan, "I'm gonna cum!"
"Cum! Cum inside! I want to feel all of it!!" The Marchioness begged.
I obliged her and thrust forward one more time before I came inside the Marchioness, shooting my seed into her womb.
She screamed out in pleasure and came as well, her love juices squirting out from her pussy to drench my waist.
I shuddered and pulled out of Unerolia, only for Justinia to bend down to start sucking me off, cleaning up the remnants of my cum and Unerolia's love juices.
Once she felt it was clean, she released my cock with a loud pop before licking her lips.
"Wanna fuck me again, Aster?"
Before I could answer, another voice came from the side, "May I remind your Majesty that you have a meeting scheduled in an hour?"
Both Justinia and I jumped from the unexpected voice and we turned to see Esmeral, Mary and Katsuki standing there, acting as if they weren't just witnessing us having a foursome.
Since when did they come in?!
Justinia recovered quickly and leapt to her feet, "Ah! That's right! I almost forgot! Oh crap… Err… I need to…"
Mother climbed out from in between my legs, wiping her face delicately with a handkerchief she pulled out of nowhere to clean herself of my love juices before turning to Mary.
"Mary? Help little Justi dress, won't you?"
The Trasif maid bowed, "As you wish, Madam."
Katsuki also came to me without any prompting to start cleaning me up with a wet washcloth that she seemed to have prepared ahead of time before she started to dress me.
Mother simply waited on one of the benches and watched me get dressed with half lidded eyes and a lazy smile on her face, obviously enjoying the show of me dressing myself.
Unerolia pushed herself up on an elbow, "Mnnghh… Should we all go take a bath? There's also a bath in this castle if those two idiots didn't demolish it~"
Esmeral appeared beside her while holding a new set of clothes for the Marchioness, "I'm afraid you do not have time to do that, Mistress. You still have to address the staff of the castle now that the former lord has been fired and stripped of his position."
The Marchioness pouted, "Ehhh… Can't they wait for a while? I'm busy entertaining guests!"
"Mistress… Please don't forget why this territory is in a mess in the first place…"
"Ugh… I get it already… I'll go talk to them…" She sighed.
I guess it's good that she's actually being more responsible now. She probably understood how serious her position is and would be working harder in the future.
That was what I thought until she said the next words, "I have to work fast while I still have Cousin Justi's and Aster's cum inside me! Ahhhh! I feel so happy!!"
I take back what I said about this person…
That reminds me…
"What happened to the people that were staying in the guest rooms?" I asked.
Katsuki did not look away from where she knelt as she slipped my stocking onto my outstretched foot to answer me, "We freed them from the rooms they were kept in, Mistress."
I frowned, "Wait… Freed them? Were they being locked up or something?"
"That is correct, Mistress. It seems like while they are allowed to move around the castle during work hours, they have a curfew they have to adhere to and the doors will be locked from the outside while they are inside the room."
Wow… So I was actually right about calling it slavery but with extra steps… That guy really was a hypocrite…
Kind of poetic how he actually became a criminal slave after doing that though.
Justinia finished dressing first and Mary created a portal for her to return to the capital, the King bidding all of us goodbye and saying she'll see us back in the capital before stepping through said portal.
Unerolia made a distressed sound when the portal closed and almost ran to it had Esmeral not pulled her back before continuing to dress her like nothing happened.
I already know this but she's really infatuated with Justinia huh? Now that she actually got her wish of having sex with her, I wonder if she would be able to keep herself under control.
It seems like I wasn't the only one who thought so because Esmeral continued, "Mistress… I would just like to give a small bit of advice that if you were to do your work well, her Majesty would definitely not begrudge you of requests and might even personally invite you to the capital to receive awards. Especially now that she has given you the punishment, if you are able to return the owed Creas quickly, it would get her attention more."
Unerolia's eyes seemed to light up upon hearing that, "Ohhh! That's a great idea! You're a genius Esmeral! I'll definitely make cousin Justi notice me more by paying back the money owed quickly! I'm going to work those two to the bone to earn that money for me!"
I have a feeling those two are going to suffer a lot.
I would say that they had my condolences but… They deserved it.
Journal Entry:
I dunno... It's not like I'm in a rush to lose it, right?
䥚䎧䟪䌭 䟪䛕 㺼䫔䎧䊥㪦䕐 㰀䛕 䎧䎿 䎧䊥䬂 䟪䡻䕛 㰀䡻㸿㣫 㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 㸿䡻䰃䃄㧿䡻㪦 䡻䳓䡻䃄䎿 㰀䊥㧿 䟪䛕 䫔䡻䕐 㧿䎧 䕐䛕䡻㪦 䟪䃄㧿䫔 㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 㸿䬂䕛䃄䎿䳓 䡻㰀䎧䊥㧿 䟪䡻䎿㧿䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 䙽䎧㪦㪦䎧䟪 䊥㺼 䎧䎿㸿䛕 㴉䎧䬂䛕㶄
䲷䫔䃄㺼 㧿䃄㴉䛕䌭 㧿䫔䛕䬂䛕 䟪䡻㺼 䎿䎧 䛕䃞㸿䊥㺼䛕 䙽䎧䬂 䫔䛕䬂 䡻㺼 㺼䫔䛕 䫔䡻䕐 㧿䎧 䕐䛕䡻㪦 䟪䃄㧿䫔 㧿䫔䛕 䙽䡻㸿㧿 㧿䫔䡻㧿 㧿䫔䃄㺼 䙽䎧䬂㧿 䋃䊥㺼㧿 㪦䎧㺼㧿 㧿䫔䛕䃄䬂 㪦䎧䬂䕐 䡻䎿䕐 㺼䫔䛕 䫔䡻䕐 㧿䎧 㧿䡻㣫䛕 䎧㢊䛕䬂 㧿䫔䃄㺼 䰃㪦䡻㸿䛕 䟪䫔䃄㪦䛕 㪦䎧䎧㣫䃄䎿䳓 䙽䎧䬂 䡻 䬂䛕䰃㪦䡻㸿䛕㴉䛕䎿㧿㶄
㝧 䕐䎧䎿'㧿 㣫䎿䎧䟪 䃄䙽 㧿䫔䡻㧿 㴉䛕䡻䎿㧿 㧿䫔䡻㧿 㺼䫔䛕 䟪䡻㺼 䳓䎧䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 䟪䫔䎧䬂䛕 㧿䫔䛕㴉 䎧䊥㧿 䎧䬂 㺼䫔䛕 䟪䡻㺼 䳓䎧䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 㴉䡻㣫䛕 㧿䫔䛕㴉 䟪䎧䬂㣫 㺼䎧㴉䛕䟪䫔䛕䬂䛕 㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 㰀䎧䎿䛕 䡻䎿䕐 㝧'䕐 䬂䡻㧿䫔䛕䬂 䎿䎧㧿 㣫䎿䎧䟪㶄
㟘㧿䃄㪦㪦䌭 䃄㧿 䕐䛕䙽䃄䎿䃄㧿䛕㪦䕛 㺼䎧䊥䎿䕐㺼 㪦䃄㣫䛕 㧿䫔䛕䕛 䟪䛕䬂䛕 䳓䎧䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 㺼䊥䙽䙽䛕䬂 䣥䊥䃄㧿䛕 䡻 㰀䃄㧿 㺼䎧 㝧 䳓䊥䛕㺼㺼 㧿䫔䡻㧿'㺼 䎿䃄㸿䛕㶄
䘘䎿䎧㧿䫔䛕䬂 䰃䛕䬂㺼䎧䎿 㧿䫔䡻㧿 䟪䎧䊥㪦䕐 㰀䛕 䋃䎧䃄䎿䃄䎿䳓 䊥㺼 䟪䡻㺼 䋲䎧㰀 㺼䃄䎿㸿䛕 㝧 䫔䡻䕐 䬂䛕䣥䊥䛕㺼㧿䛕䕐 㧿䎧 㪦䛕䡻䬂䎿 䂁䡻㪦䎧㴉䡻䎿㸿䕛 䙽䬂䎧㴉 䫔䃄㴉 㺼䎧 䫔䛕 䟪䡻㺼 䰃㪦䡻㸿䛕䕐 㧿䛕㴉䰃䎧䬂䡻䬂䃄㪦䕛 䊥䎿䕐䛕䬂 㴉䕛 㸿䡻䬂䛕㶄
䘘䎿䕐 㰀䛕㸿䡻䊥㺼䛕 㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 㸿䬂䃄䛕䕐 㺼䎧 㴉䊥㸿䫔 䡻䎿䕐 㣫䛕䰃㧿 㰀䛕䳓䳓䃄䎿䳓 䊥㺼 㧿䎧 㺼㧿䡻䕛 䡻㧿 㪦䛕䡻㺼㧿 䙽䎧䬂 䡻 䕐䡻䕛 㺼䎧 㧿䫔䡻㧿 䟪䛕 㸿䎧䊥㪦䕐 㺼䛕䛕 䟪䫔䡻㧿 㺼䫔䛕 䟪䡻㺼 䳓䎧䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 䕐䎧 㧿䎧 㧿䫔䎧㺼䛕 㧿䟪䎧䌭 䟪䛕 䛕䎿䕐䛕䕐 䊥䰃 䋃䊥㺼㧿 䳓䃄㢊䃄䎿䳓 䃄䎿 㧿䎧 䫔䛕䬂 䬂䛕䣥䊥䛕㺼㧿㶄
䲷䫔䡻㧿'㺼 䟪䫔䕛 䟪䫔䛕䎿 㺼䫔䛕 㧿䎧㪦䕐 㴉䛕 㧿䎧 䳓䎧 㴉䛕䛕㧿 䫔䛕䬂 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䛕 䕐䛕㺼䛕䬂㧿 䡻 䕐䃄㺼㧿䡻䎿㸿䛕 䡻䟪䡻䕛 䙽䬂䎧㴉 㧿䫔䛕 㸿䃄㧿䕛 㧿䎧 䟪䡻㧿㸿䫔 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䫔䎧䟪䌭 㝧 䃄㴉㴉䛕䕐䃄䡻㧿䛕㪦䕛 䟪䛕䎿㧿 㧿䫔䛕䬂䛕 䟪䃄㧿䫔 䫜䎧㧿䫔䛕䬂䌭 䂁䡻㧿㺼䊥㣫䃄 䡻䎿䕐 䫜䡻䬂䕛 㧿䎧 㧿䡻㣫䛕 䡻 㪦䎧䎧㣫㶄
㯕䫔䛕䎿 㝧 䳓䎧㧿 㧿䫔䛕䬂䛕䌭 㝧 䙽䎧䊥䎿䕐 㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 䕐䬂䛕㺼㺼䛕䕐 䃄䎿 㸿䎧㴉㰀䡻㧿 䡻㧿㧿䃄䬂䛕 䟪䃄㧿䫔 㧿䫔䛕 㧿䟪䎧 䳓䊥䕛㺼 㣫䎿䛕㪦㧿 䕐䎧䟪䎿 䡻 㺼䫔䎧䬂㧿 䕐䃄㺼㧿䡻䎿㸿䛕 䡻䟪䡻䕛 䙽䬂䎧㴉 䫔䛕䬂㶄
㟘䫔䛕 䳓䬂䃄䎿䎿䛕䕐 㧿䫔䛕 㴉䎧㴉䛕䎿㧿 㺼䫔䛕 㺼䡻䟪 䊥㺼䌭 "䂺䎧䊥'䬂䛕 䡻㪦㪦 䫔䛕䬂䛕䏞 䲷䡻㣫䛕 䡻 㺼䛕䡻㧿䏞 䲷䡻㣫䛕 䡻 㺼䛕䡻㧿䏞"
㝧 䟪䡻㺼 䋃䊥㺼㧿 䡻㰀䎧䊥㧿 㧿䎧 䡻㺼㣫 䫔䛕䬂 䟪䫔䛕䬂䛕 㺼䫔䛕 䟪䡻䎿㧿䛕䕐 䊥㺼 㧿䎧 㺼䃄㧿 䟪䫔䛕䎿 䫜䡻䬂䕛 䡻䎿䕐 䂁䡻㧿㺼䊥㣫䃄 㰀䬂䎧䊥䳓䫔㧿 䎧䊥㧿 㧿䎧䟪䛕㪦㺼 㧿䎧 㪦䡻䕛 䎧䎿 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䡻䎿䕐 㧿䎧 䙽䎧䬂㴉 䡻 㺼䎧䬂㧿 䎧䙽 䰃䃄㸿䎿䃄㸿 㴉䡻㧿 㰀䛕䙽䎧䬂䛕 㺼㧿䃄㸿㣫䃄䎿䳓 䡻䎿 䊥㴉㰀䬂䛕㪦㪦䡻 㰀䛕䫔䃄䎿䕐 䃄㧿㶄
䫜䡻䬂䕛 䰃㪦䡻㸿䛕䕐 㧿䫔䛕 䰃䃄㸿䎿䃄㸿 㰀䡻㺼㣫䛕㧿 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䛕 㸿䛕䎿㧿䬂䛕 䎧䙽 㧿䫔䛕 㴉䡻㧿 䡻䎿䕐 㺼㧿䡻䬂㧿䛕䕐 㧿䡻㣫䃄䎿䳓 䎧䊥㧿 㢊䡻䬂䃄䎧䊥㺼 㸿䊥㧿㪦䛕䬂䃄䛕㺼 䡻䬂䎧䊥䎿䕐 䃄㧿㶄
䲷䫔䛕䕛 䬂䛕䡻㪦㪦䕛 䟪䛕䎿㧿 䡻䫔䛕䡻䕐 㧿䎧 䰃䬂䛕䰃䡻䬂䛕 䡻 䰃䃄㸿䎿䃄㸿 䙽䎧䬂 㧿䫔䃄㺼 㝧 㺼䛕䛕~ 䥚䎧㧿 㧿䫔䡻㧿 㝧'㴉 㸿䎧㴉䰃㪦䡻䃄䎿䃄䎿䳓 䎧䙽 㸿䎧䊥䬂㺼䛕~
"㟘䎧… 䘉䡻䳓䎿䊥㺼… 䂺䎧䊥䬂 䰃䊥䎿䃄㺼䫔㴉䛕䎿㧿 㺼䫔䡻㪦㪦 㺼㧿䡻䬂㧿 䎿䎧䟪㶄"
䲷䫔䛕 䳓䊥䕛 䬂䡻䃄㺼䛕䕐 䊥䰃 䫔䃄㺼 䫔䡻䎿䕐㺼 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䛕 䡻䃄䬂䌭 "㯕䡻䃄㧿䏞 㯕䡻㺼䎿'㧿 㴉䕛 䰃䊥䎿䃄㺼䫔㴉䛕䎿㧿 䋃䊥㺼㧿 㧿䎧 㰀䛕 㴉䡻䕐䛕 䡻 㸿䬂䃄㴉䃄䎿䡻㪦 㺼㪦䡻㢊䛕䵍 㧛䡻㢊䛕䎿'㧿 㝧 䡻㪦䬂䛕䡻䕐䕛 㰀䛕䛕䎿 䰃䊥䎿䃄㺼䫔䛕䕐䵍䏞"
"㞤㴉㴉… 䘘䫔䫔… 㝧 䕐䎧䎿'㧿 㣫䎿䎧䟪䵍"
"䲷䫔䡻㧿'㺼 䟪䫔䡻㧿 㝧 㧿䫔䎧䊥䳓䫔㧿㶄 㟘䎧 䎿䎧䟪 㝧'㴉 䳓䎧䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 㧿䡻㣫䛕 䎧䊥㧿 㺼䎧㴉䛕 䎧䙽 㴉䕛 䙽䬂䊥㺼㧿䬂䡻㧿䃄䎧䎿㺼 䎧䎿 䕛䎧䊥 䙽䎧䬂 䰃䊥㧿㧿䃄䎿䳓 㴉䛕 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䃄㺼 䰃䎧㺼䃄㧿䃄䎧䎿 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䛕 䙽䃄䬂㺼㧿 䰃㪦䡻㸿䛕㶄"
㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 㪦䎧䟪䛕䬂䛕䕐 䫔䛕䬂 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 䊥䎿㧿䃄㪦 㧿䫔䛕 㧿䃄䰃 䟪䡻㺼 䰃䎧䃄䎿㧿䛕䕐 䡻㧿 䫔䃄㺼 䎿䛕㸿㣫 䟪䫔䛕䬂䛕 䫔䃄㺼 㸿䎧㪦㪦䡻䬂 䟪䡻㺼䌭 "䘉䛕㴉䃄䎿䕐 㴉䛕 䡻䳓䡻䃄䎿䌭 䟪䫔䡻㧿 䰃䎧㺼䃄㧿䃄䎧䎿 䡻䬂䛕 䕛䎧䊥 䃄䎿 䬂䃄䳓䫔㧿 䎿䎧䟪䵍"
㧛䃄㺼 䫔䡻䎿䕐㺼 䬂䛕䡻㸿䫔䛕䕐 䊥䰃 㧿䎧 㧿䎧䊥㸿䫔 㧿䫔䛕 㸿䎧㪦㪦䡻䬂 㰀䛕䙽䎧䬂䛕 㧿䫔䛕䕛 䙽䛕㪦㪦 䡻䟪䡻䕛䌭 "䘘䫔… 䘘䫔… 䘘… 䘘 㸿䬂䃄㴉䃄䎿䡻㪦 㺼㪦䡻㢊䛕…"
"䂺䎧… 䂺䎧䊥… 䫜䕛 䨑䡻䕐䕛…"
㟘䫔䛕 䟪䛕䎿㧿 䊥䰃 㧿䎧 䫔䃄㴉 䡻䎿䕐 䳓䡻㢊䛕 䫔䃄㴉 䡻 㺼㴉䡻㸿㣫 䡻㸿䬂䎧㺼㺼 㧿䫔䛕 㸿䫔䛕䛕㣫 䟪䃄㧿䫔 㧿䫔䛕 䙽㪦䡻㧿 䎧䙽 㧿䫔䛕 䟪䎧䎧䕐䛕䎿 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐䌭 䫔䡻䬂䕐 䛕䎿䎧䊥䳓䫔 㧿䎧 㴉䡻㣫䛕 䫔䃄㴉 䙽䡻㪦㪦 䎧䎿㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䡻䎿䕐䌭 䡻 䬂䛕䕐 㴉䡻䬂㣫 䙽䎧䬂㴉䃄䎿䳓 䎧䎿 䫔䃄㺼 㸿䫔䛕䛕㣫㶄
䲷䫔䛕 䳓䊥䕛 䫔䛕㺼䃄㧿䡻㧿䛕䕐 䙽䎧䬂 䡻 㴉䎧㴉䛕䎿㧿䌭 "䫜䃄㺼… 䫜䃄㺼㧿䬂䛕㺼㺼…"
"㴺䎧䎧䕐㶄 䥚䎧䟪 䕛䎧䊥䬂 䫜䃄㺼㧿䬂䛕㺼㺼 㸿䎧㴉㴉䡻䎿䕐㺼 㧿䫔䛕 㰀䎧㧿䫔 䎧䙽 䕛䎧䊥 㧿䎧 䰃䃄㸿㣫 䊥䰃 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 䡻䎿䕐 㺼䰃䡻䬂 䟪䃄㧿䫔 㴉䛕㶄 㯕䛕 䟪䃄㪦㪦 㸿䎧䎿㧿䃄䎿䊥䛕 䊥䎿㧿䃄㪦 㝧 㺼䡻䕛 㺼㧿䎧䰃 䡻䎿䕐 䎿䛕䃄㧿䫔䛕䬂 㺼䃄䕐䛕 䟪䃄㪦㪦 䫔䎧㪦䕐 㰀䡻㸿㣫 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䃄㺼 㺼䰃䡻䬂㶄 㞤䎿䕐䛕䬂㺼㧿䎧䎧䕐䵍"
㟘䫔䛕 㺼䟪䊥䎿䳓 䫔䛕䬂 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 䡻䎿䕐 㺼㴉䡻㸿㣫䛕䕐 䫔䃄㴉 䡻㸿䬂䎧㺼㺼 㧿䫔䛕 䎧㧿䫔䛕䬂 㺼䃄䕐䛕 䎧䙽 䫔䃄㺼 䙽䡻㸿䛕䌭 㺼㴉䡻㺼䫔䃄䎿䳓 䫔䃄㴉 㰀䡻㸿㣫 䃄䎿㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䡻䎿䕐 䎧䎿㸿䛕 䡻䳓䡻䃄䎿㶄
"㽻䃄䕐 㝧 䡻㺼㣫 䃄䙽 䕛䎧䊥 䟪䛕䬂䛕 䡻 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐㺼㴉䡻䎿 䎧䬂 䕐䃄䕐 㝧 㸿䎧㴉㴉䡻䎿䕐 䕛䎧䊥 㧿䎧 䰃䃄㸿㣫 䊥䰃 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐䵍"
㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 㧿䊥䬂䎿䛕䕐 㧿䎧 㦦䡻䬂㪦䡻㺼䌭 "㝧 㺼䡻䃄䕐 㰀䎧㧿䫔㶄"
䲷䫔䛕 䎧㪦䕐䛕䬂 㴉䡻䎿 䡻㪦㺼䎧 䣥䊥䃄㸿㣫㪦䕛 䬂䡻䎿 䙽䎧䬂 䎧䎿䛕 䎧䙽 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐㺼 䡻䎿䕐 䰃䊥㪦㪦䛕䕐 䃄㧿 䙽䬂䎧㴉 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䡻䎿䕐㶄 䂅䊥䕐䳓䃄䎿䳓 㰀䕛 䫔䎧䟪 䫔䛕 䡻㸿㧿䊥䡻㪦㪦䕛 㺼䛕㧿㧿㪦䛕䕐 䃄䎿㧿䎧 䡻 㺼㧿䡻䎿㸿䛕䌭 䃄㧿 㺼䛕䛕㴉㺼 㪦䃄㣫䛕 䫔䛕 䡻㧿 㪦䛕䡻㺼㧿 䫔䡻䕐 㺼䎧㴉䛕 䛕䃞䰃䛕䬂䃄䛕䎿㸿䛕 䟪䃄㧿䫔 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐㶄
㝧 㧿䊥䬂䎿䛕䕐 㧿䎧 㺼䛕䛕 䂁䡻㧿㺼䊥㣫䃄 䫔䎧㪦䕐䃄䎿䳓 䡻 䰃㪦䡻㧿䛕 䟪䃄㧿䫔 䡻 㺼䡻䎿䕐䟪䃄㸿䫔 䰃㪦䡻㸿䛕䕐 䎧䎿 䃄㧿㶄
䫜㴉㴉㴉~ 㝧 䳓䛕㧿 䛕䎿㧿䛕䬂㧿䡻䃄䎿㴉䛕䎿㧿 䡻䎿䕐 䙽䎧䎧䕐~ 㦦䎧䊥㪦䕐 㝧 䡻㺼㣫 䙽䎧䬂 䡻䎿䕛㧿䫔䃄䎿䳓 㴉䎧䬂䛕䵍
䈰䫔䏞 㝧 䛕㢊䛕䎿 䳓䛕㧿 㧿䎧 䳓䬂䃄䎿䕐 㴉䕛 䫔䛕䡻㪦䃄䎿䳓 㺼㣫䃄㪦㪦 䙽䎧䬂 䙽䬂䛕䛕䏞 䲷䫔䃄㺼 䃄㺼 㧿䫔䛕 㰀䛕㺼㧿䏞
䘉䡻䳓䎿䊥㺼 㪦䎧䎧㣫䛕䕐 䛕䎿㧿䃄䬂䛕㪦䕛 䊥䎿㺼䊥䬂䛕 䎧䙽 㧿䫔䃄㺼 䡻䎿䕐 㴉䊥㧿㧿䛕䬂䛕䕐䌭 "㞤㴉㴉… 䨑䡻䕐㟎㟎 㝧 㴉䛕䡻䎿… 䫜䃄㺼㧿䬂䛕㺼㺼… 䘘䬂䛕 䟪䛕 䡻㸿㧿䊥䡻㪦㪦䕛 䕐䎧䃄䎿䳓 㧿䫔䃄㟎㟎"
㝧 䳓䎧㧿 㧿䎧 䟪䡻㧿㸿䫔 㧿䫔䛕 䳓䊥䕛 䙽䡻㸿䛕 䰃㪦䡻䎿㧿 䃄䎿㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䡻䎿䕐 䫔䡻䬂䕐 䛕䎿䎧䊥䳓䫔 㧿䎧 㸿䡻䊥㺼䛕 䡻 䬂䃄䰃䰃㪦䛕 䡻㸿䬂䎧㺼㺼 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䊥䬂䙽䡻㸿䛕 䎧䙽 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䡻䎿䕐 䡻䎿䕐 㝧 䃄㴉㴉䛕䕐䃄䡻㧿䛕㪦䕛 㸿䡻㺼㧿 䅛㧛䛕䡻㪦㑮 䎧䎿 䫔䃄㴉㶄
㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 䕐䃄䕐 䎿䎧㧿 㺼㧿䎧䰃 㧿䫔䛕䬂䛕 䡻㺼 㺼䫔䛕 㺼䰃䊥䎿 㧿䎧䟪䡻䬂䕐㺼 㦦䡻䬂㪦䡻㺼 䡻䎿䕐 㺼䟪䊥䎿䳓 䫔䛕䬂 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 㧿䎧 䫔䃄㺼 䙽䡻㸿䛕㶄
䂅䊥㺼㧿 㧿䎧 㰀䛕 㸿㪦䛕䡻䬂䌭 㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 䟪䡻㺼 䕐䛕䙽䃄䎿䃄㧿䛕㪦䕛 䎿䎧㧿 䊥㺼䃄䎿䳓 䫔䛕䬂 䙽䊥㪦㪦 㺼㧿䬂䛕䎿䳓㧿䫔 㺼䃄䎿㸿䛕 㺼䫔䛕 䟪䡻㺼 䎧䎿㪦䕛 䊥㺼䃄䎿䳓 䎧䎿䛕 䫔䡻䎿䕐 㧿䎧 䫔䎧㪦䕐 䫔䛕䬂 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 䡻䎿䕐 㺼䫔䛕'㺼 䎿䎧㧿 䛕㢊䛕䎿 㴉䎧㢊䃄䎿䳓 䡻㧿 䡻 㺼䰃䛕䛕䕐 㧿䫔䡻㧿 㝧 㸿䎧䊥㪦䕐 䎿䎧㧿 㺼䛕䛕㶄
㟘䛕䛕䵍 㟘䫔䛕 䛕㢊䛕䎿 䰃㪦䡻㸿䛕䕐 䫔䛕䬂 䎧㧿䫔䛕䬂 䫔䡻䎿䕐 㰀䛕䫔䃄䎿䕐 䫔䛕䬂 㰀䡻㸿㣫䌭 㧿䫔䡻㧿'㺼 䕐䛕䙽䃄䎿䃄㧿䛕㪦䕛 䰃䬂䎧䎧䙽 㺼䫔䛕'㺼 䎿䎧㧿 䊥㺼䃄䎿䳓 䫔䛕䬂 䙽䊥㪦㪦 㺼㧿䬂䛕䎿䳓㧿䫔㶄
㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻'㺼 䡻䎿㺼䟪䛕䬂 䟪䡻㺼 㧿䎧 㧿䟪䃄㺼㧿 䫔䛕䬂 䟪䬂䃄㺼㧿 䡻䎿䕐 㺼䰃䃄䎿 䫔䛕䬂 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 䃄䎿 䡻 㸿䃄䬂㸿㪦䛕 㧿䎧 䳓䛕㧿 䰃䡻㺼㧿 㦦䡻䬂㪦䡻㺼'㺼 䳓䊥䡻䬂䕐 䡻䎿䕐 㧿䫔䬂䊥㺼㧿 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 㧿䎧 㺼㴉䡻㺼䫔 䃄䎿㧿䎧 䫔䃄㺼 䡻㰀䕐䎧㴉䛕䎿㶄
䲷䫔䛕 䳓䊥䕛 䛕䎿䕐䛕䕐 䊥䰃 䳓䛕㧿㧿䃄䎿䳓 䙽㪦䊥䎿䳓 䡻䟪䡻䕛 㧿䎧 䬂䎧㪦㪦 䎧䎿㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䡻䎿䕐䌭 䎧䎿㪦䕛 㺼㧿䎧䰃䰃䃄䎿䳓 䡻䙽㧿䛕䬂 䬂䎧㪦㪦䃄䎿䳓 㺼䛕㢊䛕䬂䡻㪦 䙽䛕䛕㧿 䡻䟪䡻䕛㶄
䘉䡻䳓䎿䊥㺼 䟪䡻㺼 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䛕 㴉䃄䕐㺼㧿 䎧䙽 㺼㧿䡻䎿䕐䃄䎿䳓 䊥䰃 䟪䫔䛕䎿 㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 䎧䎿㸿䛕 䡻䳓䡻䃄䎿 䡻䰃䰃䛕䡻䬂䛕䕐 䃄䎿 䙽䬂䎧䎿㧿 䎧䙽 䫔䃄㴉䌭 㧿䫔䛕 䳓䊥䕛 㪦䎧䎧㣫䃄䎿䳓 䊥䰃 䋃䊥㺼㧿 䃄䎿 㧿䃄㴉䛕 㧿䎧 㺼䛕䛕 㧿䫔䛕 䫜䡻䬂㸿䫔䃄䎧䎿䛕㺼㺼'㺼 㣫䎿䛕䛕 䙽㪦䕛䃄䎿䳓 㺼㧿䬂䡻䃄䳓䫔㧿 䃄䎿㧿䎧 䫔䃄㺼 䙽䡻㸿䛕㶄
㧛䛕 䳓䎧㧿 㣫䃄㸿㣫䛕䕐 䊥䰃 䃄䎿㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 䡻䃄䬂 䡻䎿䕐 㺼䃄䎿㸿䛕 㝧 㰀䛕㪦䃄䛕㢊䛕 㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 䟪䡻㺼 䳓䎧䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 䕐䎧 䡻 䙽䎧㪦㪦䎧䟪 䊥䰃 䡻㧿㧿䡻㸿㣫䌭 㝧 䊥㺼䛕䕐 㧿䟪䎧 㸿䡻㺼㧿㺼 䎧䙽 䅛㧛䛕䡻㪦㑮 䎧䎿 䫔䃄㴉㶄
㟘䫔䛕 㧿䫔䛕䎿 䕐䡻㺼䫔䛕䕐 㧿䎧䟪䡻䬂䕐㺼 㦦䡻䬂㪦䡻㺼 䟪䫔䎧 䟪䡻㺼 䡻㪦䬂䛕䡻䕐䕛 䟪䡻䃄㧿䃄䎿䳓 䙽䎧䬂 䫔䛕䬂 䟪䃄㧿䫔 䫔䃄㺼 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 䊥䰃 䃄䎿 䡻 䕐䛕䙽䛕䎿㺼䃄㢊䛕 㺼㧿䡻䎿㸿䛕䌭 㺼䟪䃄䎿䳓䃄䎿䳓 䃄㧿 䬂䃄䳓䫔㧿 䡻㺼 㧿䫔䛕 䫜䡻䬂㸿䫔䃄䎧䎿䛕㺼㺼 䳓䎧㧿 㸿㪦䎧㺼䛕 㧿䎧 䫔䃄㴉㶄
㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 㧿䎧㧿䡻㪦㪦䕛 㺼䡻䟪 㧿䫔䬂䎧䊥䳓䫔 䃄㧿 䡻䎿䕐 㺼㧿䎧䰃䰃䛕䕐 䬂䃄䳓䫔㧿 㰀䛕䙽䎧䬂䛕 㺼䫔䛕 䬂䛕䡻㸿䫔䛕䕐 䫔䃄㴉䌭 㸿䡻䊥㺼䃄䎿䳓 䫔䃄㺼 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 㺼䟪䃄䎿䳓 㧿䎧 䫔䃄㧿 䛕㴉䰃㧿䕛 䡻䃄䬂 䡻䎿䕐 㪦䛕䡻㢊䃄䎿䳓 䫔䃄㴉 䎧䰃䛕䎿 䙽䎧䬂 䫔䛕䬂 㧿䎧 㺼㴉䡻㸿㣫 㧿䫔䛕 䳓䊥䕛 䃄䎿 㧿䫔䛕 㺼䃄䕐䛕 䟪䃄㧿䫔 䫔䛕䬂 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 㧿䎧 㺼䛕䎿䕐 䫔䃄㴉 䙽㪦䕛䃄䎿䳓 䎧䎿㸿䛕 㴉䎧䬂䛕㶄
䘘㺼 㧿䫔䎧䊥䳓䫔 㺼䫔䛕 䟪䡻㺼䎿'㧿 㺼䡻㧿䃄㺼䙽䃄䛕䕐䌭 㺼䫔䛕 䬂䡻䃄㺼䛕䕐 䫔䛕䬂 䫔䡻䎿䕐 䡻䎿䕐 㺼㧿䬂䊥㸿㣫 㧿䫔䛕 㧿䃄䰃 䎧䙽 䫔䛕䬂 㺼䟪䎧䬂䕐 㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 㰀䡻㸿㣫 䎧䙽 䫔䃄㺼 䫔䛕䡻䕐䌭 䰃䊥㺼䫔䃄䎿䳓 䫔䃄㴉 䕐䎧䟪䎿 䃄䎿㧿䎧 㧿䫔䛕 䳓䬂䎧䊥䎿䕐 䡻䎿䕐 䙽䎧䬂㸿䃄䎿䳓 䫔䃄㴉 㧿䎧 䛕䡻㧿 㺼䡻䎿䕐㶄
䲷䫔䛕 䳓䊥䕛 㺼㧿䬂䊥䳓䳓㪦䛕䕐 䊥䎿䕐䛕䬂䎿䛕䡻㧿䫔 䫔䛕䬂 㰀䊥㧿 㸿䎧䊥㪦䕐 䎿䎧㧿 㴉䎧㢊䛕 䡻㧿 䡻㪦㪦 䟪䫔䃄㪦䛕 㺼䫔䛕 㺼㧿䎧䎧䕐 䎧䎿 䫔䃄㺼 㰀䡻㸿㣫㶄
㯕䛕㪦㪦… 㯕䫔䡻㧿 䕐䎧 䕛䎧䊥 䛕䃞䰃䛕㸿㧿䵍 䲷䫔䡻㧿 䳓䊥䕛 䕛䎧䊥'䬂䛕 㺼㧿䡻䎿䕐䃄䎿䳓 䎧䎿 㪦䃄㧿䛕䬂䡻㪦㪦䕛 䫔䡻㺼 䎿䎧 㺼㣫䃄㪦㪦㺼 䛕䃞㸿䛕䰃㧿 䙽䎧䬂 䡻 㧿䃄䛕䬂 䎧䎿䛕 㴉䡻䎿䡻䳓䛕㴉䛕䎿㧿 㺼㣫䃄㪦㪦… 㝧'㴉 䡻㪦䬂䛕䡻䕐䕛 㺼䊥䬂䰃䬂䃄㺼䛕䕐 䫔䛕 㴉䡻䎿䡻䳓䛕䕐 㧿䎧 㺼䊥䬂㢊䃄㢊䛕 㧿䫔䃄㺼 㪦䎧䎿䳓 䟪䃄㧿䫔 䋃䊥㺼㧿 㧿䫔䡻㧿…
䘉䃄䳓䫔㧿 㧿䫔䛕䎿䌭 㞤䎿䛕䬂䎧㪦䃄䡻 㺼䊥䕐䕐䛕䎿㪦䕛 㧿䊥䬂䎿䛕䕐 㧿䎧 㴉䛕 䡻䎿䕐 㝧 䙽䛕㪦㧿 䡻 㺼䫔䃄㢊䛕䬂 䳓䎧 䕐䎧䟪䎿 㴉䕛 㺼䰃䃄䎿䛕㶄
㯕䡻䃄㧿䌭 䬂䛕䡻㪦㪦䕛䵍 䂺䎧䊥 䟪䡻䎿㧿 㴉䛕 㧿䎧 㧿䡻㣫䛕 䎧㢊䛕䬂䵍
䋲䊥㧿 䟪䫔䡻㧿 䕐䎧 㝧… 䘘㸿㧿䊥䡻㪦㪦䕛䌭 䕛䎧䊥 㣫䎿䎧䟪 䟪䫔䡻㧿䵍 䂺䛕䡻䫔… 䨑䛕㧿 㴉䛕 㺼䟪䡻䰃 䃄䎿㶄
Journal Entry:
Time for a substitute~ I'm coming in you little shit~
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