Wisher Beware

Chapter 6.2 World Mismatch + Interlude

Chapter 6.2 World Mismatch + Interlude

The day went on without anything extreme happening. Apparently, Yeva got word about me possibly being punished in the morning and decided to leave me to myself. I would have told her not to worry but decided not to bother. Besides the said word being potentially from Irje herself, I needed my newly-found seclusion.

Ostracized by other slaves, I let my hands work as my mind was occupied by something else. Nanite modification of my ears was coming along more than nicely, I was actually surprised how quickly I could change the flesh of my ears. I wasnt even talking in terms of days but mere hours. After few hours of playing around, I moulded them back into a human shape, confident in my ability to shift them back whenever I would feel necessary.

And then I started to plan.

Thing was, I was a little worried about doing I am a wer overture in front of Irje for now. After the I am a man fiasco especially. Not only that but there would be yet another slave that was aware of my origins - Sulla. Ive barely even met the man, and risking my wellbeing on the mood of a stranger was a folly.

In fact, it wasnt just folly, but I shouldnt be even thinking about coming out as a wer here. Growing ears would allow me to appear as wer outside of the mansion, in case I needed to escape. As such it was essential that no one here would know about it. Sorry, Irje but it's for your own good. I dont want to implicate you if I have to leg out of here, nor compromise my chances if I misjudged your loyalties.

I needed to get out of the manor, for one reason or another and, most specifically, alone. I frowned in thought. I had to be extremely careful in how I should word it to Irje. I knew it wasnt that unusual for slaves to go outside, and none had done so with any guards keeping eyes on them. Problem was, they all went outside for a reason. Even if the reason was as mundane as a simple visit to public baths.

Sighing I took a mental count on my finances, making Yeva twitch as she worked. All preliminary batches of soap were either sold or exchanged for reagents by Irje. While we split the money I have generously used my share to buy better stuff. It would have been easy to look back and call myself foolish, but I did not. Even in the hindsight, the expenses were necessary. Without them, the current batch would have been impossible. Unfortunately, spending the leftover money now on something frivolous would probably make Irje suspicious or, maybe, not.

As I was contemplating on how to breach this subject a hand softly touched me. Hey, Yeva quietly spoke to me, Do you wanna talk?

Hmm? Oh, sorry I got lost in thoughts. I patted her hand comfortingly. Thanks. I am fine, just thinking about the future.

She smiled at me. Dont worry, your soap will definitely catch the attention of Domina. I am sure of that.

Well, I wasnt really worried about that, but I appreciated the vote of confidence anyway. Now, that I think about it.

How was it? I asked her, curious.

From all the people around me, I expected her to give me the best review. She wasnt gaining anything from its success like Irje, nor was her opinion clouded by some bias other slaves had around us. Her heightened sense of touch, long time using it, and experience with my previous attempts, as well as the original garbage, gave her all necessary tools to judge my product and judge it well.

Oh, it is really great! She assured me. I think my hands are feeling better than the day before. Yeva rubbed her fingers, smiling. They are so soft now

I smiled, at her endorsement, but noticed as her excitement grew dull and was replaced with fidgeting. Ah.

Glancing around, to make sure no one was within the earshot, I quietly asked her, But it's a bit worse at cleaning isnt it?

She nodded very slightly, but then grabbed my hand. But thats okay, with it I dont have to take breaks! It is still faster at the end of the day.

Its fine. I patted her head. As you noticed, Ive expected this anyway. It is normal that, sometimes, you have to sacrifice certain things, in order to get something else. Like my finances.

But, does it have to? She stubbornly leaned into my hand as I tried to take it away.

In this case, yes, I continued. The reason why your hands are feeling soft is the extra oil in the soap. Which isnt helping you clean. Old soap was nasty because it had too much lye instead.

That actually gave me an idea.

I wish I got something back for my eyes, Yeva murmured, interrupting my thoughts.

You did. She looked pitiful, but I didnt want to let her wallow in it. Because of your lack of sight, all your other senses are much sharper now. She tried to speak but I continued, I know it is nowhere sufficient enough. But that is what got my attention. It is also the reason why I always gave you my latest batches of soap.

That brought her attention.

I continued, You didnt think I gave them to you just because I pitied you, do you?

No? She tried to shake her head, although uncertainly.

Exactly, I gave them to you because I valued your abilities. Because I knew that there will be no one here with the sense of touch as sensitive as yours. I moved in and quietly whispered into her ear, I believe even Domina cant compete against you in that aspect.

I was rewarded for my actions with a large blush and a happy giggle. Good. There is enough misery in the world as it is.

Suddenly, Yeva grabbed my hand and yanked it off her head. Before I could ask her what was wrong, somebody leaned on my shoulder.

I sense Irje behind me. I proclaimed without turning, to no ones surprise.

Hmmm, and what gave me away? Irjes curious voice came from high above. Was she stepping on me?

I inhaled deeply. Yeva was right, she did have a particular flavour. I guess I was desensitized from it in the morning.

Your scent. I ignored her embarrassed squawk, Were you looking for us?

My head received a slap for my attitude. Just got curious about what you two are scheming together, Irje said.

You know. The usual. She was giving me an expert opinion on the latest batch.

Yeva shook her head. You should be more polite to your superiors, Erf. She said.

Irje laughed, rubbing my shoulder. You hear that? Listen to her!

I grabbed my chest as if I was stabbed. Et tu, Yeva! What did I do for you to betray me!

And now he is speaking in tongues, Yeva replied, to Irjes inordinate mirth, while showing a small teasing smile herself.

We traded barbs for a while, or, I should say, they both took turns in trying to tease me. While Irje took to the task like a fish to the water, trying to pay back for all that teasing Ive done to her overnight, Yeva was much shyer about it in the beginning. I took the teasing in stride, mollified by how quickly she had come out of her shell.

But I still had a problem to solve.

By the way, Irje I said as the previous chuckles died off, finally turning my head toward her. And freezing.

Whats up? An amused Irje smirked at me from above. She wasnt rubbing my shoulder, she wasnt even stepping on me. Damn minx was grinding herself on my body this whole time! It is a good thing Yeva was blind, although it was probably why she was doing it in the first place.

No wonder I could recognize the scent so easily.

I rolled my eyes at her. I need your help.

With what? in such close proximity I could feel her tensing up.

With soap, I sighed. While speaking to Yeva Ive realized there are things I could improve even further. But that would require unusual ingredients, like the glass-making we were talking about before, Yeva perked up at my mention, listening intently.

Irje relaxed but still had a frown on her face. And I said that you are unlikely to buy this stuff here.

What I want to look for is similar mixtures or even herbs. Perhaps I can find a replacement either on the market or even growing somewhere near the sea.

You want to go out and take a look yourself? Why didnt you just say so?

Irjes blunt response had actually left me sputtering, You mean I couldve just asked? I think I heard a quiet snicker.

Well, no. Not usually. But, in your case, I am aware why you want to go out and find it reasonable. She mused.

Well, thanks for small mercies, I guess. So I could just tell you and go? I asked.

Irje waved me off. Nothing so simple as that, first of all, I need to get you the Manor seal to wear on your neck. She looked at me pointedly, Because you dont want to be abducted and sold into slavery twice.

And then?

And then you have to get your tasks done early for the day. She put her hands on the hips. No matter what I think about your project, I wont let you slack off.

Well, thats fair, I conceded. It is, honestly, still feels too easy to me somehow.

She looked down at me, her gaze unreadable. On the way back make sure to pass the Western wall, that runs along the old quarries.

Thank you, I said seriously, letting her know I took her words to heart.

And then I smiled, Yeva has told me that last soap makes the touch softer, wouldnt you agree? My hand crawled up her leg and pushed her mound back against my body. I felt the trails of moisture along her thighs, looks like my promises had taken root, someone has been excited for hours.

It was her turn to sputter and wiggle.

Irje beat a hasty retreat soon after. Things quieted down as we went back to work, but the silence, this time, was different. There was a small smile on Yeva`s lips. It turned the silence from morning awkward into evening peaceful. Content with the day past.

As I was walking her back to the slave quarters Yeva spoke.

That tongue, that you used, what did it mean?

Latin? I answered automatically, Nothing much, it was just a form of saying you too

She hummed. Is that your native tongue? Where they have taken your family from?

No, I was born here, within the Emanai. And Latin is a dead language. Seeing her confusion I went on, It is the language without people, who can speak it.

But you spoke it?

I ruffled her hair. Unfortunately I just know the words, I don't know the language.

I bid her farewell soon after we arrived. I could see Yeva was disappointed, Irje and I were clearly her only friends in this new place and time spent with us meant less time for her to be alone. At the same time, I wouldnt dare to risk the third coming of Irje either. I made my amends to her by fixing her hair and promising that I would pick her up tomorrow as well.

As I left the slave quarters behind me, the serenity of my mind was disturbed by intrusive thoughts.

This world made no sense to me.

Latin was unknown here, but some words clearly had similar meanings. Initially, I assumed they were false cognates but it wasnt just Latin either, here and there words would pop up that had a striking resemblance or being outright copies to multiple language families. Most were Indo-European like the open dress, often worn by the female upper class, was called kaftan, which my mind clearly stated as Persian. While the fish we would get sometimes, that I called carp to myself, had a Turkish name sazan.

I walked into the room, deep in thought. It wasnt just the language, that gave me trouble. What about plants, animals, people? Similar shenanigans were happening there as well. I sniffed - even the herbs in Irjes room were alien. My mind marked many of them as alien and unknown while some were clearly Terran and natural. But I wasnt on Terra, at least I didnt think I was - the moon, while also single was wrong as well, with its red-brown hue. Not to mention the lack of technology or the presence of magic.

I let the helpful hands divest me from my tunic. Where was I? When was I?

The loaned under-dress was yanked from me as well and I was pushed back onto the mattress, naked.

You walk into my room and pay me no mind? Irje loomed over me, still in her shift. If I didnt know you better, I wouldve thought myself forgotten.

Irje! I, ah

Shhh. She had no time for my explanations, her eyes busy raking over my body. Dont worry, I know how to get your attention. Her lips spread in a lascivious grin while her hands pulled her top down, You thought I wouldnt notice, did you?

I stared in a trance. Her arms, as she fished them out of the sleeves, did wondrous things to her already exposed breasts. Making them sway, squeeze, and press against each other. Her nipples moving in a tantric dance.

Oh. Is someone getting excited? She stretched her arms up and away, pushing her chest further out, enjoying the speed of my arousal from her hypnotic movements.

I tried to swallow, my dry throat making the sound quite obvious. It only made Irje more brazen.

Without taking her eyes from me, she slid down slowly, leaning forward a bit. Kneeling at my legs. My breath hitched as her perfect breasts took their full shape, her nipples grazing my thighs lightly.

And then she started to crawl.

My hands gripped the bedding as my body grew taut. My dick at full mast. Irje purred in satisfaction from my torture as her bountiful flesh slowly advanced forward. She moved her back as well either letting her breasts settle over my legs, tickle them lightly with her aroused nipples, or tease a specific spot by swaying over it.

After what felt like an eternity, she climbed to my stomach and I got a front seat view of my shaft slowly disappearing inside her cleavage. Her soft pliant flesh gently caressing my hard unyielding shaft all around its length. Irje leaned down and kissed my skin, sending shivers through my body. Her breasts smothering my painfully hard arousal.

She peeked at me and licked her lips. I think it is time for something more, Irje breathed, feeling me twitch and grind across her skin. I nodded frantically, my mind engrossed by the delectable heat of her breasts wrapped up around my dick.

Unfortunately, she started crawling once more. I sucked my breath, feeling the cold air on my package, while Irjes now-puffy areolas slowly, sensually dragged across my chest. She giggled when she made our nipples meet, our bodies quivering together from the touch. And then she leaned backward, standing on her knees right above my waist, bit her lip and teasingly but slowly pulled her dress up.

Numerous streaks glistened on her thighs. Irjes needy pussy was absolutely flooded with her juices, which already started to drip on me as well. Looks like someone has been hiding her excitement.

You kept me like this the whole day. She panted. Now, be a good boy and give it to me.

Her hand slid down to her lower lips as she carefully started descending, legs trembling. Irjes outstretched fingers guided my tip toward her slippery entrance. I gasped as I felt her core giving me a gentle but feverish kiss.

Yesss. She moaned impaling herself on me. The scorching velvet, wrapping around my head, almost brought me past the peak. Oooh, just like that. I could feel her squeezing me tighter. Mmmm, oh, Oh! Fuck! She collapsed suddenly, plunging herself fully on me with a wet slap, shaking. So full. She gasped quietly.

My hands went to her thighs to support her, but she pushed them aside, pinning me.

This isnt over, yet, Irje growled, rising up. Slowly but surely she started to bounce on me, quickly picking up an incredible pace. I watched as her full lips, fuzzy like a peach, swallowed my shaft on every descent. I listened how her mound slapped into my flesh with reckless abandon. I felt her inner folds gripping my dick, as she rose up, unwilling to let go. I relished in her breasts smothering my face, one of her nipples dancing around my lips with every shove.

Her laboured breath. The beads of sweat on her flat stomach. The weight of her body in the hands that pinned me.

Her face, hidden by the tousled locks of hair. The lust in her eyes, still shining through.

We locked our eyes as I was nearly lost within these sensations: her lack in skill was nearly matched by her unending vigour.

But I wanted more.

It took only a few more moments, and a couple of helpful thrusts, for her to reach another peak again. I took my cue, as she collapsed, to roll us over. Scrunching her dress and pushing her lower back high in the process.

Up to your tricks again, Irje quietly mumbled, basking in the afterglow. And spread her knees apart, inviting me back in Heh, show me.

Every day she trusted me more and more with her body.

In response, I thrust in shallowly, gently, and at an angle. The tip of my dick grinding against her G-spot, oh! Fuck! and yielding appropriate results. My shallow attention quickly caused her to wrap her legs around me, trying to push me deeper inside.

Come on, Irje softly whined, Fill me up!

My shaft sunk into her flesh deeply, making her groan in satisfaction. But, instead of pulling out, I flexed my muscles: twitching inside, ravishing Irje from deep within, seeking more of her pleasure.

I knew I found it when her eyes rolled back, fingers slacking around my arms. I smiled in satisfaction to myself. Combined with extremely exhaustive knowledge installed into me and my extensive list of Irjes responses, I knew how to play her like a fine-tuned instrument.

And it was the time to play the final cadence for the night.

I plunged in hard, listening to her Harder! cries and began a powerful rhythm, making sure that I would hit every sensitive spot on the way in and out. I now knew the beat of her core that made her sing the loudest. And I demanded nothing less.

I stayed strong as she coiled around me, telling me to Fill me up! and Dont spill a drop!.

I kept at it as she raked her fingers on my back, drawing blood.

As her moans rose up in pitch and volume.

While she bit into my shoulder; her scream muffled.

I ravaged her, as she melted under me, her body quivering.

I didnt stop when she hiccuped from bliss, the wet and loud slaps of flesh turning into a lewd squelching noise.

With an animalistic grunt, I buried myself deep inside her. My toes curled as I erupted into the nearly insensate wreck, that once called itself Irje, with my seed. My primal mind ecstatic with my conquest. I felt her twitch but, by now, it was impossible to tell if my violent release made her come or was she cumming all this time non-stop. I, probably, won't know until tomorrow.

I let myself collapse onto her body, exhausted. Irje was worse off today than she was yesterday, but this time Ive enjoyed my meal to the fullest as well.

Smiling, I listened to her loud heartbeat, slowly falling asleep as it grew calmer. Today was a good day.

And I had great plans for the future.

Catriona Emanai Aethil

The door closed behind her, sealing the chamber. She glanced at the glow of the runes as they activated, feeling the Flow Sparks vanish from her sight, and only then allowed herself to relax. Groaning, she rubbed her central horn to ease her headache, while her tail, with practised ease, dragged a large golden sofa behind her. Noble Emanai, or Cait, as her children called her in the privacy of their chambers, hated using the negation vaults. Frequent use of such facilities to shield oneself from precognition meant that you were planning or hiding something extremely important.

Which they did. Magistra, within a similar vault, had quietly disclosed her plans on stepping down from her position. She held the power over the families for more than a thousand years and grew tired of the burden. By tradition, her Ministra would take her spot but it would take years until a new Ministra would be appointed.

Cait sighed, lounging on the sofa, years of political turmoil were fast approaching with every family trying to subtly upstage other nominees while praising their own. Her twin children made the right choice descending away from all of this, her son sensing something in the Flow and taking his sister with him. She would praise his acumen the next time they meet, they were centuries away from being nominated themselves, but old enough to be in the spotlight and get smeared in the political crossfire.

A complex glowing shape flashed in the air, she traced it out, wiping it from existence, and pulled out a full glass. It was a pity he was born a male. Someone who can read the river of Fate so well would have little trouble in leading the families. Her daughter was strong but she lacked finesse, spending all her time researching magic. Power was a necessity in their society but so was the ability to apply it with pinpoint accuracy.

She was also naive, with few pointed words from her brother and off she went with him playing make-believe, like children less than a century old. If Cait wasnt personally in agreement with her son she would have never let them do something like that.

Perhaps she should wait in meeting them, let her kids stumble for a bit. They learn how to get up better if they arent coddled.

She sipped her drink making her pain recede. Fertile Mreea, watch over me, she thought. I came here to plan and all I do instead is worry about my children. Such is the fate of a mother, I guess.

A small gesture of her wrist and the quill was in her hand. She quickly started writing her notes, Cait couldnt scry the future from the confines of her vault but she didnt need to. She had the utmost confidence in her memory doing all the necessary preparations beforehand. And if she needed something else, well, the vault was full with notes she had been writing her entire life. She would be fine.

Headache was gone but something remained. She frowned, this feeling of unease was what brought her here in the first place.

Something happened to the river of Fate, and she had no idea what. Her tail slammed into the floor out of frustration. It was something recent but yet not. Like a child born with the soul of an ancestor, but yet not.

She gritted her teeth. Whatever it was it threw a proverbial rock into the River, ripples spreading everywhere. Turning all predictions even murkier. And worst of all, it was absolutely invisible to the Flow, like it had nothing to do with magic!

Her quill stopped. Absentmindedly tapping it for a moment, Cait summoned another, clean, scroll.

She had some missives to send out.

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