Chapter 25
Chapter 25 Kang Shin
The employees of Arcadia Co., Ltd. are having a hectic day every day.
Although each work was different, everyone was focused on resolving accidents that erupted in their respective departments.
“Customer, the mining exclusive contract part was made in the game, and we were at fault for this, so we can help directly...” “
No, we don't mean to fight.... Read the contract carefully. You said you need it...”
“The in-game setting and history of the 1st Great War of the Holy Demons and all the quests related to the 2nd Great War of the Holy Demons have been analyzed!”
“Boss! We need to have a meeting about the measures to be taken in relation to the contaminated mythic level quests!”
“Trend Report Submitted for Newly Created Slime Sanctuary!”
“I will attach a fact-checking report regarding the report that slave contracts are taking place in the estate of Baron Mikhail!”
And Kwon Myeong-han, executive director who was in charge of and coordinating all of this, was tired from the daily problems.
“Is this the last?”
He checked and approved all kinds of payment documents. Even if one small accident breaks out, the scale of the work becomes vast, from the circumstances of the incident to problem solving and follow-up prevention and improvement plans.
“For now, yes.”
At the words of Director Kang Tae-Hoon, who oversees the Quest Planning & Development Team, Executive Director Myung-Han Kwon sighed deeply and sat down on a soft chair.
“But fortunately, it is fortunate that we have nothing to do with the contaminated quest. If you tried to fix it all, would your department be out of business for the next few months?”
“Ha ha ha... that’s right.”
Director Kang Tae-hoon said with a pale face, as if imagining it was terrifying at the words of Executive Director Kwon Myung-han.
The 2nd Holy Demon War, a mythical quest consisting of hundreds or thousands of linked quests. For unknown reasons, one of the main streams of the quest heading into the great war of the future was poisoned out of proportion, and the flow itself was completely disrupted.
[warning. A fatal error occurred in the mythical quest ‘The Second Holy Magic War'.]
[Emergency action CODE 132 activated.]
An emergency action in which Alice deactivates the quest on its own and requires direct intervention by the manager. Thanks to the emergency measures, the development team, including Executive Director Kwon Myung-han, was able to access key information that they would not have been able to access originally, and they did not miss the opportunity to gather relevant information as much as possible.
“First of all, the head office has decided to directly reorganize and fix all the quests related to the contaminated quests, so it’s out of our hands, so let’s think about other things.”
Despite being a virtual reality operator, those who work with extremely limited rights and grades. It was not without complaints about this situation, but it was not that they did not understand this situation because they knew best that they could not fully handle the virtual reality of Arcadia in terms of technology and service.
“A glorious celestial medallion. You mean this was originally a former job item?”
“That's right. In terms of the scenario, it was a former item of the hidden class ‘Holy Prophet'.”
The abilities and characteristics of the Holy Prophet, which are tightly written in the report. Looking closely at it, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han began to reason hard about what caused this problem.
“It is a job with the highest performance among the divine series, and in the part of acquiring the item for the previous job, the stem of the quest was out of alignment and it became a problem...
” It seems that they obtained the item by infiltrating by exploiting it.”
“Systematic error?”
At the words of executive director Kwon Myung-han, who seemed to ask what that meant, Manager Kang Tae-hun frowned and replied.
“We couldn't confirm that either... but it seems there was a bug.”
“A bug?”
Arcadia, another world that prides itself on being flawless. Unlike other games where everything is designed and flowed according to plan, Arcadia could not have any bugs under the contemplation of Alice, an artificial intelligence that actively changes and responds to everything according to users' play and situations occurring in the game. That's why, when I heard that there was a bug, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han asked back with an expression that he couldn't understand.
“It doesn't appear to have been done in a dishonest way. We checked directly at the head office, and there is no movement of any sanctions against this, so it seems that it was probably caused by a planning or design error in the game.”
Who would have imagined?
The assumption that someone with a job that is permanently bound to the player will skip the hidden quests that only those with sex-related jobs can receive, skipping 93 preceding quests and skipping the item.
“Okay... good. Hit it all So, who took the item and what happens to the item now?”
“That is the biggest problem.”
“A problem?”
burning issue. No matter what happened or how he ate the item, that was already in the past. It doesn't matter when, where, or what you do with that item in the future. However, at the words of Director Kang Tae-hoon, Executive Director Kwon Myeong-han was speechless in absurdity.
“That's... the user's information can't be read...”
Oddly enough, the information of general users can be viewed without difficulty, but once such a problem occurred, all information about the person concerned was not accessible. I don't know if it's impossible to read user information in the first place, but when it was said that it was impossible to read only a few specific people, the development team and the management team were on the verge of going crazy.
“Same as the troll player who killed beginners, the slave contract in Hellven Mine, or this mythical quest breaker. I don't know why they only keep the information about the troublesome users out. Isn’t this really just asking us to clean up the poop of users who are buying and running around?”
It is equally abominable to the artificial intelligence that thoroughly protects them from the user side, as if to leave the mudfish that make all sorts of trouble and shake the clear water, and to the head office, Kwon Myung-han, and development team manager level employees who are watching it. only one However, if you think about it that way, their actions were not incomprehensible. It was my honest feeling that if I could only find out who it was, I would want to block it permanently right now.
“Huh... Then there won't be any information to know. once you know Let’s just monitor whether the item is posted on the trading site or if there is any related information posted on the Internet, even later.”
“All right.”
After talking with Manager Kang Tae-hoon, executive director Myung-han Kwon, who was left alone in the office, suddenly looked at the mirror in front of him. Dark circles on a pale face. He gritted his teeth as he saw himself becoming an office worker tired of working overtime, where all his leisure from the previous day had gone.
“These damn troublemakers. Just try to catch someone.....”
Managing Director Kwon Myung-han, who was plotting selfish retaliatory measures. As if the reputation as a game powerhouse is not a facade, users show a different level of play compared to other countries. He was trembling at their crazy idea, but he didn't know that there were only one person, not many, who made him work overtime.
* * *
Pick up.
“Who is talking about me...?”
After clearing his ears that kept itching, Jaeyoung was walking while watching the two (?) bickering to the point of being annoying.
“I will bear with you from now on, but the probability is mine. Don't touch it.”
“Hey, it’s funny. Don't you think I just came down myself? You have to hope for what you want.”
“Oh what! I signed the contract first! Don't look over!”
“Where are you going to use that probability? Don't you think I don't know your intentions, you bastard bat!”
“I told you not to call it a bat, you damn chicken wings!”
I don't even think of anyone to give me a chance, but I don't know how many times we've already been drinking kimchi soup with each other. Regardless of whether they were angels or demons, it was the same to covet Jaeyoung's probability. No, rather, Michael's obsession was more intense.
“Hey El?”
“Yes, why?”
Even in the midst of fighting Tan with a fierce face, Jae-young said to her a little calmly, thinking that the dual appearance of him looking at himself with a gentle and benevolent smile in an instant was rather creepy.
“It seems like I’m fighting Tan with the probability I have from earlier.... I don’t just give Tan the probability.”
An angel or a devil, what does it matter? Anyway, sadly, isn't this world operating in the infinite competitive logic of the capitalist market economy system? It's good or evil, that's not what's important, but the most important thing is give and take. It is about giving probability and what can be received.
“If I give you a probability, what can you give me?”
serious question. At that question, Tan hurriedly shouted.
“hey! You can't do that! You signed an exclusive contract with me!”
whenever? As I looked at it with a smile, Michael put his finger in his mouth as if thinking for a moment and said.
“Umm... Well, among the heavenly arms, there are a lot of things that can be of help to humans... but by any chance, are those things necessary...?”
“no. Other than those items, do you have any skills?”
“yes? What is your skill?”
L asks if he didn't understand the terminology of the game. Then, Jaeyoung gave an explanation as if he was a little ambiguous.
“So... I don't have the ability to fight against strong monsters or enemies because my combat skills are weak. Um... Put simply, I need strength.”
“yes. Could there be something like that?”
Bard of Anarchy.
You know how valuable the probabilities of getting and building this job are, but this job came with huge penalties.
Absence of a level system.
Basically, through leveling up, players grow by improving basic stats and gaining additional bonus stats. Of course, Jaeyoung can also increase his stats through skill or training, but the stat increase that can be obtained through leveling up is not possible, so the gap with other users begins to widen.
‘All the skills I have are non-combat skills.'
The skills acquired so far are diving mining and negotiating newly acquired through a deal with Baron Mikhail. There were only these three. Truly an unpredictable manggae itself. Just looking at Jaeyoung's abilities and skill window, it was obvious that he would look at it strangely, asking what kind of play this was.
That's why you need something to replace your almost non-existent combat ability. However, all of the skills Satan had suggested before were so terrifying and grotesque that if you used them in front of people, you would be branded as a follower of the devil and burned at the stake, so it wouldn't be strange, so you had no choice but to give up.
“Hmm... Exactly what ability do you want?”
The question is what ability do you want? Jaeyoung pondered the question before answering.
“Do you have anything to cover?”
Whether it's a warrior, a wizard, a rogue, or an archer. Jae-young was confident that he would play accordingly no matter what job he did. He had more natural game physics than anyone else, so in fact, there was no job he would take. It was just a matter of being able to hear ‘Hmm.... It's normal' even when people see it.
“Then there’s something just right for you.”
As if he had a good idea at that question, Michael held out his hand to Jaeyoung with a wide smile. And the moment Jaeyoung held her hand, a small light rose and a message appeared in front of his eyes.
[The contract with the heavens has been established.]
[The skill spirit has been created.]
[You can temporarily borrow the power of the heavens by consuming Probability.] A
newly created skill. Michael said with a satisfied smile.
“Heaven will give you the strength you need.”
‘But with enough probability, Mr. Hogang. Leaving behind her bright expression, which seemed to have removed the afterword, ‘Hoho.', Jaeyoung tried to activate the skill.
A huge window spread out in front of my eyes with the activation of the skill. The window was filled with the names and details of many people.
[Farhan, Knight of Glory.]
[Merlin, Great Mage of Truth.]
[Legendary Shrine Parkel.]
[Faithful Great Sword Mirfen.]
...From ancient heroes who existed in the past and now belong to the heavens, many As he was scrutinizing the list, stats, and skills of the saints who had received his respect and envy, something suddenly popped out in front of him.
“Chwiik Chwiik. Give me everything you have.”
“right. Chwiik. If you give it all away, it won't hurt to eat it. Chwiik.”
Several orcs holding weapons that were hideous to look at. Originally, Jaeyoung's abilities would have been so strong that he couldn't even dare to compare them, but Jaeyoung smiled strangely as he looked at those who appeared at strange timing.
and shouted
“Strong God. Lone Crusader Verheimer.”
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