CH.584 Too much new stuff
CH.584 Too much new stuff
I guess it is update time for the adventuring students. Mainly because some of them are evolving.
First one on the evolution chain is Nikki, the racoon thief. She’s actually lost her Pickpocket title during her time on HomeBase, but the Thief skill did stay. She evolved into a Trickster Racoon-folk, a somewhat rare evolution of Racoon-folk. She got the racial skill Trickster with it. It can be used to make illusions that can even be physical, so that is pretty cool. I think it will work well with her Hiding, Thief and Sneak Attack skills. She has also learned some amount of Light Magic, thanks to me giving her the attribute, so she is definitely growing.
Next up is Lugh the Wolf-kin. He evolved into a White Fang Wolf-kin, perhaps because of his albino nature. It came with the racial skill White Howl, which is a Strength, Defense and Magic boost to his allies within hearing range. A pretty cool skill, to be honest.
Next, and last, is Miris the Insect-folk. He evolved into a Centipede-folk. Basically an Arachne, but instead of having the bottom half of a spider, his is a centipede. Even I, a monster girl enjoyer, can say that it looks a bit disturbing, but I think we’ll get used to it.
The only reason I’m saying Centipede-folk is disturbing is because technically I might unlock the race at some point. And if I do, I’m not sure if I’ll be using it. Honestly it fits Miris and he isn't that bad to look at. But I'm disturbed by the idea of having that many tiny legs.
Now for some work. Some flower planting work. And also dhampir curing work. Because we will be doing both. In the Empire, naturally.
Hiro and whoever has been working with him has organized a few locations where dhampir curings will take place. So I grabbed Lua with me and we headed for the Empire.
And yes, since the locations were near where the flower beds will be planted, and I had everything ready for the first 22 flower beds, I’ll also be planting the flower beds.
The curings were honestly great. The dhampirs had been invited to an open location with free blood service, and we could just arrive and do our thing. Yes, it was definitely questionable for the dhampirs, and more than a few of them told us they knew dhampirs that didn’t attend because they were scared it was a trick to gather dhampirs and kill them off.
Yes, I was actively a dhampir as well, so I got the info. Though not nearly as easily as Lua. Being a Dhampir Princess is overpowered when getting info from dhampirs.
Luckily I had come up with a solution to that little problem. Naturally in the form of a card.
By combining Vampire's Curse, Vampire's Desire and Vampire Domination, I made a new Spell Card, Vampire’s Cure, that could be used to instantly cure a dhampir. Sure one spell would only cure one dhampir, but that is good enough.
I had a handful of the spells, not in sleeves or anything so anyone could activate them, that I handed out to dhampirs who knew dhampirs that didn’t show up. I told them how to use the cards and what they would do, and with some reassuring words from Lua, even the suspicious dhampirs believed that the cards would do what we told them they would do.
In total, between all the curings in a total of 23 cities, we cured a little over 1000 dhampirs, and I gave out another 450 cards that can be used for a cure. Though some of those cards will likely be kept safe for the next generation.
And since I get a reward for every 50 dhampirs, that means I got 20 different rewards.
I’ll just list them off here.
1. + + +
None of them had any new cards, just new ways of getting those cards.
2. + + + +
This set actually had some new cards. First, Destiny HERO - Plasma. Yeah, I didn’t have that yet. Same with Phantom of Chaos and Vortex Trooper.
3. + + +
These had some new cards. Evil HERO Infernal Sniper; Evil HERO Malicious Fiend; Evil HERO Wild Cyclone; Revoke Fusion and Dark Calling in Jaden Yuki 3.
Crystal Tree; Crystal Pair; Grave Squirmer; Grinder Golem and Phantom Skyblaster in Jesse Anderson.
Card Ejector from the 2008 tin.
And Elemental HERO Prisma from the Collection Tin: Jaden Yuki.
4. + + + +
Cards worth noting in this group are Colossal Fighter and Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth from Starter Deck 5D’s.
5. + + + + +
Cards worth note here are Shiba-Warrior Taro, who is definitely the best boy, Gravity Behemoth; Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode; Infernity Dwarf, Guardian and Archfiend. And the Skull Head, Skull Flame and Supersonic Skull Flame lineup.
6. + + +
Armory Arm is cool, and something I honestly assumed I would have had already. Road Warrior and Road Synchron are also pretty decent. And Winged Kuriboh LV9 is a thing. That I probably won’t use.
7. + + + +
The only card from these I didn’t have yet is Vice Dragon.
8. + + +
The structure deck has a few new monsters like Phoenix Gearfried. And Tag Force 4 has Warm Worm; Worm Bait and Regretful Rebirth. And Worm Bait is actually pretty good for an Insect based Link deck. I’ve just never heard of anyone actually using it.
9. + + +
Gorz is really cool to have. And the Machina deck has a bunch of stuff I didn’t have yet.
10. and reprint sets. I’ll probably open some of them at some point.Note: The Duel Terminal ‘sets’ aren’t actual sets, and don’t have actual packs. But YGOPro has custom packs for them, so I’ll treat them as reprint sets.
11. + + +
Starlight Road is amazing. It is just such a good card. The only ‘bad thing’ about it is that the summoning of the Stardust Dragon isn’t treated as a Synchro summon. The Darklords that are in the 2010 Championship Series are also pretty nice.
12. + +
Nothing super worth note here. I think I have most/all of these cards already.
13. + + + @@novelbin@@
Tag Force 5 has Liberty at Last!; Chevalier de Fleur and Fleur Synchron. The other stuff seems to be things I already had.
14. and .Again, the Duel Terminal ‘sets’ aren’t actual sets, and don’t have actual packs. But YGOPro has custom packs for them, so I’ll treat them as reprint sets.
15. + + + .
Duel Transer has Roaring Earth; Ape Fighter and Closed Forest. Closed Forest is pretty cool to have and I’ll make a Factory room out of it.
16. + + + +
Finally I have the rest of the Malefics. I’ve had Malefic Truth Dragon and Malefic Stardust for a while and now I got the rest.
17. + + +
Well, Dragon Mastery is pretty cool. Sorciere de Fleur and Necro Fleur are also good.
18. (don’t ask me why it has an a) + (again, I don’t know what happened to the regular edition).
Both are reprint sets, so I’ll open some at some point.
19. + + + + +
Master Hyperion and The Agents of Miracles and Mysteries are good to have. Gachi Gachi Gantetsu and Grenosaurus are also decent. And Blood Mefist fits the vampire theme.
And finally, the twentieth, and final, reward.
20. + (oh. That is why there was an a) + + +
Grapha is cool. … there probably is something else, but I’m tired. So many new cards and sets…
Someone should put a curse on the dhampirs for giving me so much free stuff. … oh wait. That is how I got into this mess. And it isn’t a bad mess. It is actually amazing. Just … too many new mini sets, structure decks, reprint sets and just everything.
What do you think?
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