Collide Gamer

Chapter 1239 – Obsessive Submission [Erotic Content]


“I want to be yours, Master; make me yours!” Claire pleaded. Anticipating, as if she knew he couldn’t resist, she quivered on the floor. She was absolutely right. John was as weak to gorgeous women as the next guy. Gorgeous women on their knees, begging to be his? That made all of the blood in his head rush downstairs.

Claire was positively vibrating with eagerness. Even her petite breasts jiggled with the force of her impatience. Deliciously pale pink nipples were erect. To be claimed was the entirety of the will reflecting in her red eyes. Pinkish red lips were parted in a panting smile, showing the fangs inside. Even mostly retreated, her canines were sharp, dangerous and sexy.

Continuously devouring her with his eyes, John looked further down. Her shoulders and arms were slender, her pale midriff flat, with a little bit of athleticism showing. A recent change, recommended by Aclysia and enabled by the Masquerade Perk, no doubt. Her thighs were even thicker than he remembered, although that could just have been the pose. On her knees, the meat of her upper legs was flattened against her lower ones.

This changed sometimes, as her jittery waiting made her sway back and forth. It was clear she wanted to throw herself at him with all the force of a traumatized woman that had finally found something worth loving. John almost felt like he was exploiting her, but he had already reasoned through that position.

This was a naked body that no one before him had seen. It was doubtful it had ever even existed before this moment. Before her transformation into a Natural Spirit, her body would have been plagued by the malnourishment of that world. Afterwards, as their first few conversations had proven, she had forgotten much of what the human body consisted of. She had recalled it wonderfully.

John put a hand under her jaw. Like a dog begging for more scratches, she immediately nuzzled against his palm. She swallowed hard, then opened her mouth and extended her tongue. That she was learning the usual procedures from Aclysia so quickly was both pleasing and mildly irksome. The former won out. Even if she knew what she should do, training her in doing it properly and exploring her personal preferences remained.

“You’re already mine,” he told her in the deeper tone he used when he dommed. The effect on Claire was immediate. Her body tensed up and she moaned. The hard look in his eyes made her try to reign herself in. She failed utterly, shifting eagerly on the spot. “I treat my servants very well. You can’t wait for me to use your body?”

“I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I don’t know how anyone could wait!” Claire babbled, at the edge of insanity. “Master, use me to pleasure yourself! All of me is virgin. Do what you wish.” Under her breath, she muttered, “Do what you wish with me. Me, me, me, Master…”

“What I wish most…” John squatted down in front of her and moved his hand to her chin. The touch was gentler, but still possessive. “…is for you to be happy, Claire. I’ll use your body. I’ll use you in such a manner that you will drown in the pleasure you deserve. As part of my harem, you are entitled to my every effort to satisfy your needs and desires.”

She giggled, giggled in that adorable crazy way. It turned into a shout of outright glee when he gripped her hard by the back of the head. “I like this,” she preemptively answered his question. “I like it when you are rough with me. I like it when you stare at me like a Master should at his servant.”

“You speak so confidently about things you don’t understand, Claire,” John reprimanded her, still using his dominant voice. “We’ll find out together how much of a submissive you are – how much you actually enjoy it when I inflict deliberate bits of pain on you. There’s no shame in it if you don’t.” John considered his next move. She was so obviously horny that he was afraid anything he did could push her over the edge. Normally that was a very good thing, but she hadn’t had a single orgasm in her life yet. Because of her nature and inclinations, he didn’t have to be as careful with her as a regular virgin. Still, there was an order to these things. “Strip me.”

Claire’s eyes sparkled and she immediately began working on the buttons of his shirt. “Master’s true body! Master’s true body! Master’s true body!” she panted, probably not even realizing she was speaking out loud. “Finally, finally, I needed this for so long…” All she had known of him previously was his double. With how much that had aided her in rediscovering sexual thoughts, John could not wait to see her reactions to everything else.

She did not disappoint. Her first reaction to seeing his abs was to squeal. Carefully at first, as if she was testing the heat on a surface, then more daring, she explored the chiseled segments of his muscles. Starting at his abdomen, she made her way over his pecs and then, while brushing the sleeves off him, down his arms.

Reaching around, pressing her naked chest against him, she explored his back with her fingers alone while kissing and licking his front. With her borderline obsessive behaviour, John would not have been surprised if she bit him just to taste him. That part of the yandere experience, he was thankfully spared. All she did were things that turned him on. She worshipped and explored every bit of him, inhaled his scent like it was a drug. “He smells so much better than me,” she mumbled quietly, the thought too intense to be contained by her head. “I want that smell all over me… rubbed all over me from his skin.”

Noting that she could have gone on like this for a while, John forced the situation to progress. He put his shirt into his inventory and retrieved a collar and a leash. Without asking, but keenly observing her reactions, John put the collar around her. She was so distracted by his body, she only seemed to notice when he pulled the leather strip extra tight. An excited gasp was her reaction. A second one followed when he hooked the leash in.

Then he stood up. “I told you to strip me,” he reminded her and pulled her by the leash against the bulge in his pants.

First, she went rampant with need. Her fingers hooked into the belt of his pants and yanked down forcefully. The instant his dick, in all of its girthy length, smacked down across her face, she went into a cross-eyed freeze. The only movement in her body was the heavy panting, each hot breath leaving through her mouth and caressing his balls.

Confusion that could hardly be described went through Claire’s mind. Human instincts that her upbringing had suppressed suddenly manifested properly at the sight of his cock. What had only been filed as a ‘reproductive organ’ in her mind previously now unfolded its lustful potential. The counterpart to what was aching between her legs, a massive phallus attached to her Master. ‘It can fill me up, it can fill me up, it can fill me up!’ John heard his new maid chant inside her head before pulling out of it.

The pants still lying around his feet were removed with a press of a button, leaving them both completely naked – save for the collar and leash, of course. “Worship my cock,” he ordered her. The three words kicked her back into activity.

With the wild desire of a woman madly in love, Claire gracelessly smothered every bit of his cock with incredible attention. What she had ‘downloaded’ from Aclysia removed the most vital errors she might have made, especially when it came to fondling his balls. Even with that factor allowing her to skip out on the worst of her inexperience, John did not expect what happened.

She kissed the base. Her extended tongue licked up the underside of his shaft. Then she wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock. They formed a tight seal and she went down. In one swift, continuous motion, she took all of him into her throat. Her hands kept playing with his sack while she stayed there, all the way down, gazing up to him.

It had been a mostly normal day for John, when it came to repeated releases. Even with the novelty of a new woman deepthroating him on her first contact, the surge of lust was not enough to get him anywhere close to orgasm. Primarily, he respected the effort. It was easier for her, as a being without the need to breathe. Still, to have that be her first action on seeing a dick for the first time was… it was every dream John could have had and more.

She didn’t let up either. Quickly she figured out that she could keep massaging him with her tongue and that pressing certain spots coerced pleased sounds from his throat. “Good girl,” John groaned and felt the reverberations of her delighted squeal. “That’s enough for now.” Just like with the kiss, Claire did not agree with any separation. John had to give her a warning stare, for the serving desires to even try and compete with the obsessive ones. ‘What an absolutely wonderful combination,’ he appreciated, even while he kept staring her into submission.

Claire glared back, as if she was asking him how he dared suggest there was such a thing as ‘enough’. To reign her in, he exerted himself by grabbing her hair and forcing her upwards. Either the pain or the threat of being separated altogether as a disciplinary measure had her play along.

The tight seal around the base of his cock slowly slid upwards. Even while obliging him, she kept tasting him. For a moment, he felt her teeth slide over his skin. It was brief enough to not be more than an interesting distraction to the softness of her lips and the eagerness of her tongue. She focused on the tip of his cock, when it slid out of her throat, moaning as she tasted his precum.

When he finally popped out of her mouth, Claire moved underneath his now glistening erection. Uncaring about (likely even enjoying) the slick mixture of saliva and precum that covered it, she let his meaty manhood rest across her face. “Should I not have done that?” Claire asked, her voice contorted by the intense sniffs she took. “I wanted as much of you inside me as I could get.”

“Oh no, you did the right thing,” John was quick to assure her. “Then you proceeded to delay obeying me. Do you want to be disobedient, Claire?”

“I want to be the sexiest servant I can for you.” The charismatic maid always knew what to say to please him. It was earnestly a little bit scary. They always said that vampires were charming. Channelling that charm into submission though? Funnily enough, that did not come up a lot. “If it pleases you, can I… what would you call it?”

“Suck my cock,” John told her, amused. He sent a number of euphemisms and other descriptions for that order alongside it. Before Claire could take any of them to heart and get back to it, John started walking. “On all fours,” he barked at her, while yanking the leash.

Claire’s reaction to the order was to stare at his ass through blissfully fluttering eyelids. The enjoyment she displayed while crawling after him was a clear parallel to the most submissive members of his harem. She was every bit as obedient as Aclysia and Beatrice, drank in the new experience as wantonly as Lorelei, and had the same unashamed panting grin on her face as Eliana.

Opening the door, John stepped into the hallway. The leash was always on the border of being taut. Silently, Claire must have decided that this was the proper distance to follow him at. She occasionally looked around at her environment. The hallways were uniform. Polished granite made up the floor, the walls covered in smooth, dark blue plaster, with a ceiling of dark wooden tiles that had circular lights within them at equal distance. There were little pieces of art, potted plants, and even tables around to break up the monotony of the design. Still, there was little for Claire to see, so she focused her adoring gaze on him most of the time.

John met it quite frequently. Having to walk straight ahead meant that he, too, had a lot of time to inspect the vampire maid. Crawling on all fours, the bottom heavy newcomer to his harem wagged her fat ass left to right with every metre crossed. Whenever relaxed, her cheeks jiggled from the zealous chase she gave her striding Master. Although enticing, it was not yet a proper view of her bubble butt. It was a treat John saved for himself. One of many sights he kept until he was ready to claim her virginity.

Which would not wait much longer.

Arriving at the Sex Dungeon, John opened the door and pulled her inside. It was more forceful than it needed to be. Any force, frankly, was unneeded. John only did it to enjoy himself and to test her boundaries. “Sit,” John ordered her, when they arrived in the middle of the room. Obediently, Claire placed her ass down and opened her mouth wide. Unable to resist such earnest an invitation, the Gamer grabbed her by the back of the head and shoved her down his length.

The scream she let out in response to having her throat forcefully penetrated was dangerously close to orgasmic. Not wanting to set her off too early, John pulled back out and left the sharp-teeth maid in a rapidly ventilating state. Her hands were creeping towards her crotch. John gave her a reprimanding slap.

“You only masturbate when I allow you to masturbate,” he warned her. He had to accompany that order with an explanation of what masturbation even meant. “Hands behind your back,” he kept ordering. There would be time to lament everything she’d missed after they were done initiating her into the harem sex life.

“Yes, Master,” Claire swooned. Her voice was so sweet, one would have thought he had just gifted her a million dollar necklace, not smacked her across the face. To reward her for her perverted nature, John let her worship his balls with her mouth, while he opened the interface of the Sex Dungeon.

He didn’t need anything fancy or romantic. Claire wasn’t the type for such things, that much he had worked out. Besides, he did not have the mental capacity at the moment to design an environment with the same care he had done for Nightingale.

Out of the room’s Inventory manifested a simple wooden platform with a leather cushion at the top. Simple metal mechanisms allowed the height to be adjusted. Claire produced gleeful giggles when John lifted her up and placed her on the leather. After some fiddling and orders given, he had set it perfectly so Claire’s torso laid on the platform, while her feet connected to the ground just enough that her toes could push her ass up.

Still, John avoided looking at his favourite part directly. He was working around Claire, binding her legs to that of the platform. Then he placed her arms into two metal additions he spawned in, forcing them to remain to the side. All the while, he kept a close eye on Claire’s reactions. Gradually, he adjusted her pose to be a little more uncomfortable. Her shoulders were pulled back further, her spine curved a little more, and the surface her weight laid on became smaller. When he stopped, he did so not because he noticed any levels of dislike on her face, but because he had worked her into an ass-pronouncing pose that he absolutely adored.

Retrieving a black blindfold from one of the many vitrines along the walls of the room, he wrapped it around Claire’s face. “Trust me, this will make it better,” he whispered into her ear.

“I trust you absolutely. Just let me have more of you,” Claire responded.

John chuckled. “By the end of the day, you’ll have all of me, Claire,” he assured her, brushing through her silky white hair. “Being part of my harem means that you belong to me and I belong to you. All you need to do is share.”

“I will share, I will!” Claire exclaimed, while excited goosebumps showed on her arms. “You’re too much of a man for me alone anyway. How could little useless me satisfy you on my o-OWN!”

The last word turned into a sharp cry as John had hastily circled to her backside to deliver a sharp smack to her ass. Claire threw her head back, curving her already bent spine a little further. The metal bindings rattled from her intense quivers. “Didn’t you listen earlier? Members of my harem don’t get to be self-deprecating,” John growled. He lowered his gaze to what he had just smacked so ferociously.

Claire definitely had increased the previous, already magnificent, size of her thighs and ass. By how much, John could not truly say. All he knew was that the fat ass now before him was in every way in line with the other three maids. Round and still jiggling from the impact of his hand, it was a flawlessly smooth display of light skin.

Placing a hand on that display of wide hips and thick thighs, John prevented Claire from giving an answer. The obsessed maid let out a series of unintelligible garbles. Just the touch of his palm near her sex was visibly shutting down her higher brain functions, leaving her unable to do anything but wait and, if he so wished, obey.

Between the twin hills of her bubble butt was her puckered asshole. Although it would have been no issue to claim that hole first, John was a lot more interested in the slit right below.

The pretty pink of her pussy lips matched the light colour of her nipples. All of her cunt and the inside of her thighs were absolutely drenched with her clear juices. Completely hairless and swollen with need, the area around her pussy jiggled a bit when John teasingly swiped across it with his fingers. Claire screamed, the pitch betraying just how close she was from the situation alone.

John was giving her a truly bizarre picture of what a first time was supposed to be. After having a long dormant Libido restored to her just recently, she had been overcome by an intense but mostly regular urge to have sex with the one she loved – only for that urge to be quadrupled. Then, he had been systematically exploring how closely she fit with his personal fetishes. Now that he had confirmed that she matched absurdly well, he was teasing her while she was blindfolded. This was a truly bizarre first time – and one she would definitely never forget.

Bowing down, John gave her pussy a single, slow lick. A shout of bliss rose and abruptly ended when he pulled back. That was as much as he dared to do without setting her off. He savoured the taste. There was that hint of iron again, mixed in with the sweetness. Not his favourite blend of tastes when it came to a woman’s honeypot, but nothing that would have dissuaded him from continuing to eat her out. He simply had other plans.

“Claire, do you wish to bear my Lover’s Mark?” he asked. Once again, the information vital for that question accompanied it through their mental connection. The control it would give him over her sensitivity and that it could only be placed if they were both truly in love with each other. Obviously, he had seen Claire’s Relationship Score earlier. As for whether he himself fulfilled the condition – John was and would always be too weak to gorgeous, submissive women with strength of character. She had fallen for him hard. He could only return the feeling.

“Yes,” Claire whispered with conviction too strong to be expressed in volume. Many more words of adoration and desire would have followed, had John not aligned his cock with her entrance at that moment.

Slamming hard into a virgin was thoroughly unadvisable, but these were not normal circumstances. Barely had his head pushed past the outer folds that he let his instincts take over. With one wet smack, he was all the way inside her. The force of impact sent a ripple through her smooth cushion of an ass and the first orgasm of her life up her spine.

Hastily placing a mirror in front of the platform, John was very thankful that legends about vampires not having reflections were false. This way, he could follow Claire’s mouth opening to the maximum. There was no scream, only a few disconnected sounds that made it past her tense throat.

John was not sure what he basked in most. That lustful expression of hers, only one blindfold away from being the peak of obscenity? Perhaps the quiver of the muscles in her back? A clear contender was doubtlessly the squishiness of her ass, pressed intensely against his groin. Was it the tightness of her pussy? That wet tunnel of gripping folds, drenching his cock with overflowing juices? The desperate inhales? The knowledge that she was safe and his now?

Rather than waste his time deciding, John pulled back. Claire was too overwhelmed by this new sensation to try and stay connected. Not that any conscious effort was needed in that regard. Even with the absolute state of moistness between her legs, her pussy tried its best to keep him inside. Halfway out, John stopped and gave Claire’s ass another smack.

Loud, the powerful clap echoed through the room. Louder, Claire screamed. It was as if the pain had kick started her lungs, and now she was letting the world hear the extent of her bliss.

John could not resist her, not her voice and not the prime nubile flesh of her bubble butt spilling between his greedily grasping fingers. “This is part of the happiness you deserve,” he told her, while gripping one of her hips with one hand and the back of her white head with the other. Immediately, he rammed back into her. It was the start of him fucking her - hard.

Tongue stretched out, Claire returned to letting out unintelligible noises. John didn’t need to register a single syllable to catch her meaning. Even if her mouth had produced no sounds at all, the constant quivering of her quim around his rock hard cock and the gushes of her love juices were all he needed to know her first orgasm had not ended. John did not allow it to end. He was fucking the woman he had just, consensually, turned into a nymphomaniac into having every reason to indulge in that sex-filled lifestyle. Every time he thrust against her, her petite breasts jumped with the little, adorable softness they offered.

Over the constant shouts and the ‘Plap! Plap! Plap!’ of his groin smacking against the delightful bottom of her pear-shaped figure, he spoke loudly, “You’ll feel this every day! Every day I’ll fuck you thoroughly. I’ll make you a mess, Claire. There’s no one better at this than me. What you feel right now, no other man can compete with. I’ll make it even better. Every little nook and cranny of your body, I will study it all until I know exactly how to make you cum. I’ll show you ways to orgasm only I can enable.”

“Ma… Masssssterrrrrr!” Claire finally managed to get a single word out. It was the only one that she managed for a while. A solid ten seconds passed before he heard a, “No…” then, a little later, “…brag…”

John smacked her ass one more time. Her head flew up; gibberish close to proper words was ruined by the sharp yelp of blissful pain. Slowing down, the Gamer kept thrusting in and out of her at a pace too slow to create any sound from the impact. “Speak up,” he ordered her. This time, he used his proper command voice.

The possibility of a reward cut through the fog of pure pleasure. The part of her that wanted to speak and the part that wanted to just get lost in the haze could work together, motivated by the reward of obedience. Still, her voice shook and thoughts derailed. “Master… J-john… Conqueror, you are conquering my pussy, yourcockissohardohmastermastermastermaster…” The stream of words was interrupted by another ‘SMACK!’ on her ass. “YES, MASTER, PUNISH ME!”

“What did you want to say about bragging?” John demanded to know, pulling her hair until he could see her face without the mirror. Pulling up her blindfold, he stared into her red eyes. Their colour was that of a ruby and her pupils dilated upon seeing him.

“I love you, I love you, I love you!” she chanted obsessively, then screamed and laughed when he thrust into her once with all his might. “John, Master, don’t brag to me!” she finally managed to get on track. “I already know you’re the greatest man, the perfect man! You destroyed the Iron Domain, you killed the Emperor! You are gorgeous, you make me feel so good, you will be the best at whatever you do, because you are the only man that matters in the world. Your cock is the perfect cock. John, my Master, John, my Master! More, mess me up more! I love all you do! How could anyone even compare? Master, you’re perfect. You’re perfect, perfect, perfect, perfectperfectperfectperfeeeee-!” Claire took several hyperventilating breaths. “You got even harder, Master! Do I please you?”

“You’re a dangerously sexy little slave,” John gasped. He hadn’t even known he could get any harder, but having his pride stroked to such a degree apparently did it. He just could not deny it. Each time she started rambling about how perfect he was with such an obsessive, downright religious fervour, it intensified his lust. “Time to reward you.”

He pulled the blindfold back over her eyes and then pressed a single button in his interface. All of the bindings he had carefully secured became undone instantly. Without pulling out of her, he grabbed her by the thighs and bowed over her.

“Hold onto the back of my neck,” he instructed her. Blind and shaking, Claire had a hard time obeying. Even now, John made sure to keep her chain of orgasms going. He would not let it end until he came inside her. Until then, the best she would get was a lull in the experience.

Eventually, her hands managed to find their way around his head. They brushed down through his hair, then interlocked behind his head. With that grip secured, John straightened up and lifted her up along with him.

Claire gasped, now entirely at his mercy. A fact that made her scream with ecstasy instantly. Fingers digging into her thick thighs, her back pressed against his broader chest, and her reflection clearly visible in the mirror, John lost no time thrusting up into her pussy.

Her torso writhed in front of him, while all of her bounced on his diamond-hard dick. Left to right, her spine curved, while she cursed at herself and moaned. “Pressssss your ba-ah-ck against Mashataa, feeeellll Masterrrr’s heartbeat, feeeel John. Feel John. Feel assssh much of yourrrr perfect John ash you caa-hnnnn, you useless little…” She audible closed her teeth and grunted. “Master doesn’t like shhhlaves that deprecate themshhhelves! Master! You do it for Massstteerrrrr! Be a goood maiiid shlaaave for MastEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!”

A particularly intense orgasm robbed Claire of her voice. Had it not been for the pace at which he made her ass jiggle on his rod, he would have kissed her adorable smile. Even while cursing at herself, she grinned like a mad lady. He knew this behaviour and he knew how dangerous it could be if she didn’t learn to handle it during situations where she didn’t get what she wanted. Right this moment, he did not care, because he WAS going to give her everything she wanted.

“Tighter, please,” she begged, so incredibly meekly compared to the crazy tone she just used. “Hold me tightheeeer, John!”

John obliged. Tossing her up a little bit, he hooked his elbows under her knees and then embraced her tightly. Her entire body was pressed into one tight bundle. Only her hands, still securing herself to the back of his neck, and her lower legs, tipped by clenched toes, stuck out. The rest of her was in a package smaller than his torso, his arms tightly locking her in place. Between her meaty thighs, only a bit of her midriff could be seen. Her pussy was on complete display in the mirror. She was outright squirting now, soiling the platform they had used every other time John filled her completely with his manhood.

John had never been happier to have the Companion Cube than that moment. Close to cumming, he did not want to stop and neither did he want to deprive Claire of seeing when he marked her. When his teeth failed to tear the blindfold off her, the arcane extension managed to push the binding off enough that the whole thing fell off.

Underneath was Claire, her eyes rolled up, her tongue now lolling around, moving in accordance with the bounces. She had short-circuited again and John would not have it any other way. Her pussy was still squirting, her lungs still pushing out air as dumb-fucked giggles. When he loosened his grip slightly, that nudged her back towards reality. He let her thighs part a little wider, so that area between pussy and navel was more visible in the mirror.

“Keep looking at the spot above your cunt,” he instructed her, his voice strained. This part, he kept as a surprise. By the power of his voice, she managed to overcome the ecstasy and focus on the spot, while John made her bounce three more times.

John almost failed to initiate the spell, the white-hot lightning that filled his vision was just so intense. Even while pumping a massive load into her, the Gamer’s will managed to exert itself. Mana flowed out of him and into her through the various places they were connected. Like warm water rinsing their insides, the pleasant feeling of being connected ran through both of them.

Claire’s eyes went wide. She had been told what this was, but feeling a part of him actually going and staying inside her must have made her obsessive little head spin. Then the dark blue mark appeared above her cunt. A physical sign that their connection was true and manifest. While the psychological confirmation of this fed into her mind, her pussy was painted white. Each spurt of semen added another wave of pleasure to the finale of her multi-climactic deflowering.

When it all came crashing down on her unprepared mind, John could only grin to himself. Several intense streams of squirt spattered out from her cunt, as her eyes rolled back up in her skull. Agape, her mouth first produced nothing. The scream started almost silent, then she inhaled and it went a little louder. By the fifth time this repeated, she was at her loudest yet. John did not mind that it made his ears ring; he only re-tightened his embrace. With slow, gentle strokes, he pushed in and out of her cunt, letting her greedy folds wring every last drop from him.



Then she passed out in his arms.

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