Chapter 1240 – Introduction to the Harem Concept
“Another day, another tiger coming into the apartment with an unconscious woman in his arms,” Rave greeted John. Arms slung over the back of the Harem Couch, she followed him with her eyes while he approached. Half of the harem was missing, being not summoned or having retreated to one of the side rooms.
“Another tiger implies that there are other men stepping through that door,” John remarked.
“Maybe I’ll search for someone who puts a ring on my finger,” the feline Lightbearer said flippantly. Although the tone was joking, there was a genuine complaint in there.
John sighed, while placing Claire down on the Couch. The segment reshaped into a bed of a size fitting for the vampire maid. Aclysia and Beatrice came over to Claire and laid down next to her. They would be there when she woke up, to continue the newcomer’s introduction to the larger harem. One of them carried a new maid uniform with them.
Until the maid woke up, John had a spouse-to-be to console. “Come here,” he said and put an arm around Rave. She snuggled up to him on the couch. “I don’t think I can say anything that’d really appease you when it comes to the question where your ring is,” he confessed. “You know that I wouldn’t want to marry too quickly because-“
“BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING ASSHOLE WHO KEEPS MY WOMB UNOCCUPIED WHEN I COULD BE A FUCKING BREEDING FACTORY!” Eliana’s scream echoed from the shower rooms and arrived at the living room at an acceptable volume.
“Something like that,” John continued unabated. “The whole ‘put a baby inside Eliana when we get married’ thing is obviously keeping me from doing one until I am ready for the other. I could at least propose to you… maybe I should… but I just don’t know when would be a worthy moment.”
Rave looked at him, her expression serious. Leaning forwards a little bit, she inspected his face from a few different angles. “Ya couldn’t leave me… right?” she asked.
The idea was so ludicrous, John had to laugh. “No, no, Jane…” He played with a strand of her pretty pink hair. “…I wouldn’t even know how to leave you. I don’t know how to leave any of you behind – and you’re special. You’re my girlfriend.”
Although John made it a point of policy not to leave anyone in his harem behind, it was understood that he had a few favourites. Who the favourites were shifted on any given day, which was part of giving everyone in his large ensemble of interesting, beautiful partners their time of day. That Rave had his highest attention most of the time was, regardless, a fact. She had been here from the start. It was her building his confidence up and then allowing him to pursue this lifestyle that had even enabled it. Even if the agreement they had struck that she would get to disassemble the harem had been dissolved during an internal meeting, she still was the leader of that group.
So, when John said that she was special, that did not raise any eyebrows. Whatever negative emotions that conjured, there couldn’t have been a lot of them. Certainly not enough that some kisses and cuddles wouldn’t take care of it. They wouldn’t have survived in this group if that hadn’t been the case.
“Girlfriend… for now,” Rave said.
“For now,” he promised. As a reward, she booped him on the nose. That dispelled the seriousness in the air. John turned his head and saw Lydia reading a book while sipping on a beer. It was a combination of activities that John, personally, could never understand. When he was even the slightest bit tipsy, reading texts turned into a chore. Books were worse than screens for some reason. Lydia did not mind.
His staring caught her attention. “I am merely engaging in a weak brew to let me ease out,” she justified her drink. She had been downing whole jugs at the party. There was barely even a slur to her speech.
‘The iron liver strikes again,’ John thought. “Want to do something more entertaining than drink?”
Lydia closed her book with resounding certainty and threw it onto the table. Her breasts jiggled when she rapidly stood up. Of decently large size, they were underlined by the lingerie that hid absolutely nothing. Like always, the clothes she wore in their living quarters were entirely for show. That ‘bra’ of hers she must have put on after retreating to here, same for the stockings and the garter belt. Only the lace panties were a part of her standard attire.
That and the butt plug she removed the moment she had strut over. Lydia’s gaping backdoor was completely revealed, as she presented her ass to the Gamer. Despite being slightly taller than Claire and the other maids, Lydia’s ass was not as large. Hers was more of a balanced heart shaped pillow. Hands wandering over the side of her balanced hourglass curves, John appreciated that sight and the swiftly growing wetness between her legs.
Rave, meanwhile, had bowed down to his crotch. “Time to taste the new gal,” she hummed, before wrapping her lips around his cock. Effortlessly, she took in the entirety of his size. While he had cleaned himself with a wet towel after he was done with Claire, there was probably some of her aroma that stuck around. Even if it didn’t, Rave would get to experience it for herself soon enough.
After bobbing three times, she pulled back and left the now well-lubricated dick standing erect. John turned his appreciating caress into a demanding pull. Readily following the gesture, Lydia dropped down. Her readied sphincter was spread out a little further, making the queen groan lustfully as his size filled her favourite hole.
“Absolute…ly… magnificent…” she moaned, taking her time sinking all the way down. Rhythmic, heavy breathing accompanied her descent. Every moment saw another bit of his dick vanish in her backdoor. The hot insides surrounded him tightly, in a manner entirely different to the deliberate grip of a pussy. Different, yet not less fantastic.
Once his dick was all the way inside her, Lydia rotated her hips. Her breathing accelerated. She let her body remember and grow accustomed to his size. For a fact, John also knew that she was indulging in the sensation of being filled up. It was the sensitivity of her backdoor that made the queen unusual, even among the harem she certainly loved it up her ass more than the others. The size of his manhood seriously stretching her was a bonus – one she readily enjoyed.
John leaned back and enjoyed the show.
His left side was cautiously claimed by Lorelei, who nudged her way over only because no one else immediately took the spot. To his right, Rave left her spot after a minute of watching and masturbating while he kneaded her medium sized breasts. Her place was claimed by Eliana, who returned from the bathroom in clear haste. Her hair hadn’t even started to dry yet and her skin was still glistening.
John wanted to reprimand her for getting him wet. Only way he found to do that was to softly bite her lips while he kissed her. He couldn’t, not for a moment, withstand the allure of those purplish pink lips of hers. Only the quiet begging of Lorelei’s embrace managed to dissuade him long enough to turn his head and take in the softness of her pale mouth instead.
With near absolute peace of mind, John let the service of the three haremettes be his pleasure. The Iron Domain was done and only Undine being in her home plane caused him some worry. While the idea that the Mother of Water tortured his beloved slime girl again enraged him, there would be no permanent damage done. That did not make the situation fine, just bearable.
Lydia was busy making herself cum by riding his cock, John was busy teasing the two submissives by his side, and all four of them were enjoying the situation. Same could be said for the other quartet right by them.
Aclysia and Beatrice were, as per John’s orders, tending to Claire. They were rubbing the fourth maid down tenderly, exploring curves they would get deeply familiar with over the coming years. Meanwhile, Rave had positioned herself between Claire’s legs. The gentle kisses down the inside of her thighs must have stirred the vampire awake. Interested, John and those around him watched the event unfold.
First, Claire groaned. Then she blinked and looked around. “Where is he?” she muttered and then raised her head. She immediately relaxed when her mind and eyes found John. A second later, she moaned and directed her gaze to Rave, who was dragging her tongue through Claire’s recently fucked twat.
Claire did not get to move or ask any further questions. While Rave licked her boyfriend’s cum out of the newly added maid, Aclysia and Beatrice sealed her mouth with kisses. Back and forth, sometimes simultaneously, they occupied Claire’s full lips and tongue. Efforts downstairs made Claire writhe and shout. It was fantastic to behold and John filled Lydia with a fresh load as he watched.
After Claire had been brought to a number of orgasms, Rave climbed on top of the vampire. The maids moved to the side, obediently lowering their heads in the process. Even if she wasn’t immediately aware of the traces of John’s cum covering Rave’s tongue, Claire still experienced one more orgasm when the taste brought her over the edge.
“Hi,” Rave greeted, a bit of music to her enthusiastic tone. “Let’s get introduced properly. I’m Jane Hollmey. People call me Rave, but if you’re a good girl, ya can call me Jane too.”
“Master called me a good girl, does that work?” Claire asked jokingly and winked.
Rave laughed and gave the vampire maid another peck. “It’s the right track. Anyway, thought I’d greet ya with a taste of what we do for each other around here.” With that, Rave retreated off Claire and allowed the vampire maid to sit up and scan her environment properly.
Almost immediately, her eyes returned to John and darted to Lydia. John watched closely for any sign of jealousy. While that particular emotion did not surface, John could spot a bit of unhappiness. Before he could consider how to treat it, Aclysia and Beatrice were grabbing the new maid’s hands.
“Consider, Claire, that we all belong to Master like you now do,” the weaponized maid advised. “It is paramount to care for Master’s belongings.”
“Statement: you will learn to enjoy all of Master’s harem. None of us are ever forgotten.”
“Alright.” With a strong bob of her head, Claire signalled her understanding. “I just wish he would… oh, I just want to keep… this entire room smells like him… oh, oh, I love this smell,” she had started to ramble under her breath.
“The room smells like us,” Rave corrected with a smile. “We rub off on tiger. Anyway, listen to these two. Our man won’t let any of us feel neglected, so don’t ya worry. If ya feel a bit lonely, there’s all of us.” Taking a pause, Rave brushed some of Claire’s hair behind her ear.
“Wow, you’re wonderful,” Claire whispered and made big eyes at Rave.
The feline Lightbearer chuckled and gently flicked Claire’s forehead. “Tiger was right, ya do always know what to say. Fanged little charmer. Back to what I wanted to say: obviously ya got introduced into our happy union here at an extreme pace. Usually we all agree on someone new joining up with us after we meet them.”
“I could’ve… waited?” Claire tried to assure, but it came out like a question.
“Nah, ya couldn’t have.” Rave giggled. “I don’t blame ya, we all love John, even if some of us are a little sassy about it. We all agreed it’d be cruel to have ya in this new world and hooked up to tiger’s mind, then tell ya you’d have to wait on… this.” She brushed over the Lover’s Will mark with her fingers. “Point is that you’ll need to meet everyone. The harem life ain’t all about John.”
“Mostly though,” Claire stated with more certainty than she should have.
Rave shrugged and winked. “That’s your call, honestly. Aclysia here dedicates her entire life to my boyfriend. Lydia is the ruler of an entirely different country and not here every day or even week.” The queen stopped riding John’s cock for long enough to give a signal that it was her that was being talked about. “How ya design your life is up to ya. Being part of the harem means ya gotta accept that we’re sharing one man. Ya gonna have some issues here if ya make your life entirely about him.”
Considering that for a few seconds, Claire remained quiet for almost half a minute. Then she started mumbling. Too intense to be contained by her head, her thoughts spilled past her lips. “Obviously it’s all about John… John’s belongings should be kept well and… we all belong to him like I do… I belongtohimtohimtohi-“ She cleared her throat when she caught herself. She blushed softly, because she had been caught rambling, but did not offer any apology nor seemed guilty about what she had said. “For all my faults, I won’t come into what Master has built so carefully and tear it up. I’ll try to fit in. I’ll fit in. I’ll be a good girl and learn to love you… half as much as I do Master.”
John saw it fit to weigh in at this point. “That’s a good start,” he told her. “Don’t worry, you’ll find all of my loves to be as interesting as you are. I have a good eye for these things.”
“You have a good eye for everything,” Claire responded flirtatiously.
“Yesssss,” he hissed, while dumping a second load into Lydia. Afterwards, the queen got up, allowing John to follow suit. “How does another bath sound, Eliana?”
“Like an excuse for you to put your fat cock up my whore mouth while I lie on a lounger,” the pretty little psycho responded.
“As if I needed an excuse for that.” John stretched, feeling the alcohol in his system diminish. He hadn’t drunk much and it was still enough to leave him drowsy now that it was going. “Let’s introduce everyone to you, Claire. Then you eat the maid uniform, and tomorrow, we’ll show you the ropes.”
They moved to the bath.
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