Chapter 1254 – Doing Stuff (Stuff = Eliana) [Erotic Content]
Undine was sent off in a considerably better mood than she had arrived in. ‘Just one more day,’ John thought to himself and turned to Eliana.
For the moment, the adorable submissive appeared normal. She was grinning, her body language betrayed nothing, even her crotch was relatively dry. Although much of the past two hours had consisted of John giving Undine every last distraction she could have asked for, some stretches had been reserved for just talking. Particularly the final ten minutes had been mostly conversation, in which Eliana had been involved. That had given her the time necessary to calm down.
In theory.
The two of them crossed eyes and immediately Eliana snapped back into her submissive display. Shoulders back, chest out, arms turning from crossed in front of her to sheepishly lowered. Thumbs and index fingers formed a frame around the mark above her womb.
Eliana said nothing. She had not been allowed to speak, not even to beg, and knew that he had plans for her. As such, as a proper submissive, her only choice was to wait. Even if that meant that she would go another two hours without any direct attention. Luckily for her, John himself was too horny to delay this any further.
Wordlessly, he put a hand on her throat. Eliana took as excited an inhale as he allowed her. Standing in front of her, he pushed her towards the wall. Their power difference ceased to matter as the small submissive obediently walked backwards. Those eyes of hers, like fractured amethysts, lost themselves in his with eagerness and lust.
Eventually her back hit the smooth stone wall. John bowed over her, fully dominating her with his size. At 1,62 metres, she was the second smallest of his women. Her head would have reached just above his shoulder had she stood tall. Excitement made her footing unsteady, submission urged her to make herself smaller in his presence. John had seen it over a hundred times, he would see it thousands of times more, and he would never get tired of it.
“Who allowed you to look at me, slut?” he growled at her and slapped her across the face. The impact was hard, as hard as he knew she liked it. It caused her head to turn to the side. Only one thing could have dissuaded John from being this rough with her and her hyper-regeneration took care of that. In a flash, her skin reddened then turned back to its regular colour.
Eliana straightened her head, but kept her chin down and eyelids halfway closed. Her entire body was vibrating. Slowly, the asphyxiation turned the colour of her face darker. The regeneration of damaged tissue was a matter of raw instinct, refreshing the oxygen in her blood a conscious effort. She was deliberately denying herself any breath, because there was absolutely nothing she loved more than surrendering control to him.
John leaned forwards. He pinned her against the wall with all his weight. His left hand slammed flat next to her head. It helped him keep his balance while he moved one of his legs between hers. Eliana’s mouth opened wide when he came into contact with her pussy. The dry state was already compromised and her love juices smeared over his hairless skin.
Shifting his weight onto his left arm, he let Eliana breathe. Deeply, she drew in air through her mouth. “You’re soiling your Master,” he reprimanded her, pushing his knee more intensely into her crotch. “What do you have to say about that? Answer me, my cocksleeve.”
“I deeply apologize, Master. The slutty little pussy of your sex toy just can’t stop dripping around you,” Eliana responded, her words quick but well-spoken. A stark contrast to the flurry of curses she normally let loose.
Licking his lips, John failed to control his own lustful breathing. Her body language, her words, her tone, the deliberate differences she put on for him, all of them tailored to his preferences by a woman who observed them because she so deeply loved him. This was why promiscuity could never compete with long-term relationships. How could a random fling even hope to get him this riled up with her presence alone? He could feel her downcast gaze on his cock.
“Well, what’s done is done,” he graciously said. “You know your place, for that a reward is in order. Masturbate for me.”
“Thank you, Master!” Eliana feverishly responded. Her hands immediately moved to her cunt. A long gasp escaped her purplish pink lips, as she rubbed her clit. Access to her pussy lips was largely blocked by his leg, but Eliana understood why it was still there. Back and forth, she slid on his smooth skin, quickly turning it into a well-lubricated surface for her enjoyment.
John cranked her sensitivity up to maximum again and watched her movements grow more heated with the suddenly rising pleasure. Her throat was still pinned against the wall. Her lower body shifted back and forth with the grace of a belly dancer. Small as she was, she was still built quite athletically.
The muscles in her midriff tensed, showing how toned she could be. Her mouth opened wide, then suddenly snapped shut when the orgasm that had just started to rise was turned into a no-doubt disappointing fizzle. “Thank you, Master…” she whispered regardless, as if just that split second of climactic pleasure was enough to justify all the teasing she was going through.
Again and again, those three words left her mouth, as John first made her sensitive beyond belief, and then took it from her at the moment that mattered most. Not once did she sound frustrated or demanding. All the while, John kept devouring her.
Well built as she was when it came to her flat midriff and her nicely shaped arms, she also had fat in all the right places. Her thighs were massive and jiggled with each desperate grind of her wide hips. Her butt was a heart-shaped pillow, nicely balanced between plump and firm. Her breasts were of a decent size, ready to swell when nature demanded. All of her looked so… breedable.
The thought switched John’s mind off completely. Eliana let out a surprised yelp when she was suddenly lifted by her thick, seductive thighs. Her sensitivity was slotted at the regular level. Given her headspace and whose dick she was about to take, she was doomed to cum her brains out anyway. She knew that, it was clear by the broad grin that cracked through her sheepish façade.
John did not have the patience to reprimand her for breaking character. All he cared about was the dripping wet cunt he had raised to the level of his cock. Slowly, he aimed for her labia. Once the head of his cock was in, he pushed harder, but her pussy was so tight he still only made his way in at a moderate pace.
Eliana’s eyes were wide open now, as was her mouth. Her tongue lolled out, as he allowed her the first proper orgasm of the entire day. The spasms of her folds made penetrating her even harder, but John didn’t care. He wanted his pretty little psycho to absolutely forget herself in the pleasure.
With his entire body, he shoved her against the wall, slamming the rest of the way inside her in the process. Eliana’s flexible, squishy body was the cushion between him and the stone. Her thighs and tits pushed against his chest; the gushing pussy juice dripped from his balls. Panting breaths brushed over his neck, her fangs mere centimetres away from where those very same teeth had left a permanent scar in a much less erotic context. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her instincts wanting some stability.
John, despite the multiple releases he had had inside Undine, was just about ready to burst. He was also dangerously willing to disable his fertility control. Barely, his reason won out there. Instead, he used the little time he had before those spasming folds massaged him over the edge to pull back and SLAM back into her. Out and then back IN! Gradually retreating and then… shoving it right back into her gushing, greedy cunt.
“What do you want?” he grunted into her ear.
“Cum – I want your – cum. I want – your fucking baby – batter!” Eliana screamed, stopping short whenever the intensity of his plunges fried her thoughts and body control for a second.
John grit his teeth and suddenly accelerated. He was ready to unload, but he could not allow himself to until he had fucked his submissive cocksleeve into a mindless stupor. Only concentrating on her screams, he hammered into her. Went in and out of her, until he felt the gushing transform into intense squirting. Then, he could not hold on any more. His will surrendered. His cock tensed. Semen pumped into her needy womb.
Eliana went quiet, her body as rigid as his. Locked in position, they basked in the unified fulfilment of giving her the stuffing she had been (mostly) silently begging for since they woke up.
“Good girl.” John played with her hair, while his hips pressed against her each time a little more of his diminishing orgasm filled her. “Good girl,” he kept whispering to her. Eventually, she started to giggle, somewhere between madness and love. “Who is a good girl?”
“M-… me?” Eliana’s voice shook from the aftereffects of her climax and the general uncertainty.
“Are you doubting my assessment?” The reprimanding question caused her to swiftly shake her head. “Then who is a good girl?”
“Me…?” she responded, just a little bit more certain.
John sighed, but decided to leave it there. “A very good girl,” he assured her. He moved both hands to her butt. His fingers pressed into the relaxed spheres of jiggle that rounded out her wide hips. “Submissive, masochistic – a lovable little slut for my personal use,” he complimented her in the dirty ways she would accept without cringing. “A good girl that knows her place – by my side.”
“…I fucking love you!” she responded, her feet wiggling next to his shoulders.
“No cursing,” John chided her softly and leaned in. “I’ll have to get those filthy words out of your mouth.”
Obviously, the best way to go about that was to kiss her right on her broad grin. Warm with excitement and the summer heat, she responded to his protruding tongue in the proper fashion. Head tilted back, lips kept invitingly open, she pushed against his advances only to entertain, not to compete. Distantly, John could feel her heartbeat through the decently sized breasts pressed flatly against his chest.
They moaned throughout the kiss. The heated movements of making out caused some minor shifts of the cock still deep inside her. With just how snug his large cock was inside the short blood mage, any little movement was a little lightning bolt sparkling its way up his spine.
Eventually, John broke the kiss and pinned her back against the wall. “You know, Momo has barred me from the office today,” he revealed to her. “Our bratty workaholic wants to take care of all the overdue paperwork on her own. What do you think of that?”
“I think it’s proper that Master gets all the free time he wants,” Eliana responded. Her words were closely followed by a gulp.
John chuckled, fondled her ass and enjoyed that squishy smooth firmness. “You sound like Aclysia.” There was no response to that comment, as she had not been asked a question. “So, since I have nothing else to do until the evening… I guess I’ll need a cocksleeve to entertain me, wherever I go.”
Being of such a compact size made Eliana an ideal candidate for what he wanted to do. Re-affirming his grip on her ass, he took a step back. Her own hands tightly locked behind his neck, letting her distance herself a little bit while staying secure. Thoroughly used to this position, Eliana was well-balanced, grinning until the bounce in his step translated into her delicious curves rising and then falling on his cock. “Ah!” she cried, the corners of her agape mouth curled. Her legs wrapped around his hips to optimize her hold.
With how secure she was, John did not really need his own hands on her at all. He still kept them there for the additional certainty and the privilege of kneading that heart-shaped pillow of an ass. It just meant he could occasionally draw his hand back to deliver a nice smack to the masochist’s bottom. A giggling yelp of pain and ecstasy escaped her, while her drenched cunt contracted gleefully around his cock.
John marched towards the door. Every step had way more energy than he would have needed to actually get around, all in service of making the pretty little psycho bounce. Hanging from his neck, her tits were plainly presented. They jiggled nicely. The purplish nipples drew little circles in the air.
Once they were in the hallway, the march turned into more of a jog. Without a clear destination, he carried her through the corridors, soiling the floor with the dripping love juices. Her screams echoed through the Palace.
“There you are!” a demanding voice reached John.
Immediately stopping, although still thrusting into Eliana as best he could, he turned to Lydia. The queen was slowing down from a previous sprint and came up to him at a constant strut. Her arrival must have been recent, as she was still wearing the golden shirt and practical pants she practically always had on in public. The overcoat and heavy boots had both been ditched, likely in surrender to the local heat.
John was in a bit too much of the mood to even greet Lydia. The way she swung her hips made it clear what she was out for anyway. He snapped his fingers and she suddenly stopped, her rapid approach halted and her eyes taking on a curious and suggestible glint. “Do you love the other girls?”
“Yes, Master!” Eliana eagerly answered.
“I deeply appreciate them,” Lydia agreed, her face flushing immediately with excitement. “What do you ask of me, John?”
“Pants down, against the wall, facing me.” The orders went out and Lydia quickly obeyed, although not in that order. First, she stepped up to the wall of the corridor, then she unbuckled her pants. Due to their practical nature, she did not have the same trouble wiggling out of them that Rave usually faced. A little bit of a tug and they fell past the bottom curve of her balanced hourglass figure. Underneath was a pair of blue panties built more for comfort than for viewing pleasure. Because she was in the habit of changing into decorative lace, her regular underwear sometimes looked like this – especially on days on which she hadn’t expected to visit John.
The Gamer did not mind at all. The dense, uniformly blue fabric was adorable especially because it was so casual. What made it even better was the narrow dark line that appeared just as she started to pull that obstacle to her sex down. An enticing strand drew between her panties and her cunt, breaking halfway down her thighs, and then dripping down in a deliciously gooey fashion.
Once she had disposed of her legwear, kicking it aside, she posed like a model for his viewing pleasure. Arms raised above her head, she raised her yellow-gold shirt just enough that the mark of their love was visible on her lower abdomen. Her thighs rubbed together softly, leaving her cunt exposed. Copper red hair, leaning more towards brown in the low artificial light of the corridor, laid in a decorative braid down her right shoulder, the tip resting on the curve of her perky, moderately to large sized breasts. Her face was slightly turned, but her eyes, a gentle blue replacing the steel grey, were focused entirely on him and Eliana.
John had cum one more time inside the masochistic cumdump already and he was not terribly far away from a third. Eager to continue, he grabbed Eliana’s wrists and made her release her upper hold. It took a few moments of finagling, but soon her sexy little body was a bridge between his sex and Lydia’s. Arms wrapped around the redhead’s waist and legs around his hips, she was as secure as a superhuman could ever be.
“Oh… oh yes…” Lydia mumbled, her hands brushing slowly and sinfully over the wall. All she would have dreamed of in this moment, as suggested by the hypnosis, was for Eliana to eat her smooth pussy and the submissive wanted nothing else than to provide. A sharp cry escaped both of them. John had grabbed Eliana’s hips and resumed fucking her.
With her head stuck between Lydia’s tightly closed thighs, there was nowhere for Eliana to go. The energy of every thrust was entirely taken by her hanging body. As John fucked his submissive assortment of holes harder, her spine soon arched. Constant, muffled screams made it out between the wet sounds coming from Lydia’s cunt. The metal mage herself panted quietly, but gradually grew louder.
Soon she shouted in her own right, although her voice was still overpowered by the constant smacking of John’s hips against Eliana’s derriere. At this point, it was a proper pounding. Every muscle in her midriff was tense, but her tits were swinging and her thighs jiggled as much as they could while pressed tightly against him.
John’s breathing grew heavier, as he raced to the finish line. Harder, always harder he hammered into her. Each thrust was hell. Each thrust was heaven. The dual cries of his haremettes caressed his ears. Constricting folds begged him to fill the eager womb again. Instincts screaming, he obliged. As his balls tightened, his hand found Lydia’s braid and pulled her into a kiss.
Their tongues swirled, their lips barely touched, the excitement was too much to properly coordinate and they were both brought to orgasm by the euphoric sex toy between them. John’s field of view was filled with white light and Lydia’s noble face, distorted by desire. Each time he pumped another spurt of his immense load into Eliana, the queen jolted a moment later.
John released the hypnotic suggestion, once the orgasms started to peter out. Calming her breath, Lydia remained against the wall. Eliana was pulled back up by John, who was not ready yet to pull out of her.
It was just the mood of the moment.
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