Chapter 1255 – Queen Time
John had to place the mildly bloated Eliana in a bathtub before he could pull out. Some of the incredible amount of cum that he had pumped into her came flowing out. Her cunt, stretched after two hours of continuous use, twitched while her belly deflated. It was not as absurd as it could be, but swelling from being filled with semen could never be truly reasonable.
Leaving the tub segment of the wellness area, John took a pitstop in the shower, rinsed himself off, and then returned to his apartment. There, Lydia was waiting for him. The redhead sat in an armchair that the Couch provided for her. Its backrest flattened as he approached, creating a nice surface to place his elbows on. “Slowly taking to technology, hm?”
“I suppose you are influencing me in regards to the usage of electronic utensils,” Lydia responded, lowering the pad she was reading news on. “Albeit the modernization of my administration aids itself in the increased usage of such devices in place of ink and parchment.” A long sigh, then she continued, “I do admit to a fault, however. My magic does not lend itself to increased efficiency in this method.”
“But efficiency overall is up, right?” John asked.
“I would scarcely maintain adherence to a less useful framework. It is a personal bother. I cherished being the fastest worker in my own government. An honour now belonging to the technomancers,” Lydia responded matter-of-factly. With the pad placed on the table, she turned towards him. The armchair seamlessly transformed into a chaise lounge as Lydia presented herself in all her glory. “Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise. My own workload being of less import lends itself to time easier taken off. Such is the reason I’m now here, my love, able to enjoy your gazes.”
“There is much to enjoy gazing at,” John hummed, his eyes gliding over her fully exposed curves. She had not changed clothes yet. Her first opportunity to do so had been when he went to bring Eliana to where she could rest without making an extreme mess of the furniture. “I can’t believe you would give the most valuable resource of your country freely to me.”
“Indulge freely, my love.” Lydia gracefully swung her long, smooth legs off the seat and stood up in a fluid motion. With a finger on his chin, she circled around the segment of the Couch. Once she stood in plain view, no obstacle between them, she removed the digit with a parting tap. The hand was instead stemmed into her nicely curved hips. “It is by your grace that I have been granted this, my best self, after all.”
John stood before her and remembered how she used to look when he first met her until about eight months ago. She had been a little bit shorter, her face a little more angular, and her curves more akin to a lean column with smaller breasts, a wider waist, and thinner hips and thighs. Her hair had been more on the browner side of auburn, now it was most definitely a shade of copper. Even the blue of her eyes had changed into more of a steel grey, although the habit to change depending on her mood remained.
Obviously, she had never been anything short of gorgeous, but now she was absolutely stunning. A heart-shaped face, breasts that bordered on large, a proper hourglass figure that was slightly slanted towards bottom-heaviness, with as much of a bubble butt and thighs as fit her balanced figure. She was the kind of queen who would be eternalized in temples just for their beauty, and her brain capacity was no less impressive than her butt. One was just more outwardly apparent.
“I only provided an opportunity.”
“An opportunity is more than I would have ever requested.” Lydia took half a step forward and grabbed his cock. He was only at half-mast, something her deliberate touch quickly changed. What her hand encouraged, her sensual whisper made certain. Hearing the queen speak softly, that was a privilege reserved to him and the haremettes. “Rare metals, the healer, and time, all of them you provided. What could a woman yearn for, beyond a man that supports and satisfie-“
Lydia stopped abruptly, as both of them noticed a melodic swing under her voice. It originated not from her, but the weapon that was leaning against the Couch – despite never having been placed there. The moment Lydia stared at Strimata, a quiet click could be heard. The rapier sunk completely into its sheath.
Averting her gaze for one moment, an immediate, crystal-clear note, like a glockenspiel, rung out from the obnoxious weapon. Lydia whirled around, grabbed the weapon and pulled a roll of wire out of her personal dimensional storage. Rapidly, the metal bound the handle of the rapier to the sheath, creating an improvised binding on the weapon.
“Of all your gifts provided, I loathe nothing more than this horrifically powerful one,” Lydia exclaimed and tossed the weapon towards the couch.
“Well, you should know better than to leave it unbound,” John responded, amusement swinging in his voice. “Just be happy it teleports with its sheath. Otherwise, you would have no choice but to listen to it accompanying your wonderful voice with music.”
“I would have less reason to be annoyed if Strimata chose its medleys tactfully, rather than in mockery of the situation. It got in the habit of underlying my every move with the same track recently, which I failed to identify.”
“What was it?” John asked, intrigued.
“Are you familiar with a track titled Megalovania?”
John broke out into laughter at the mention of the song alone. Then he laughed even louder when it dawned on him that it had been played in all manners of Lydia’s life. During dinner, when meeting Romulus, alongside important council meetings, and accompanying discussions with foreign dignitaries. All of it underlined by the tune of Megalovania. The song was pretty awesome, in John’s opinion, it was just also a meme.
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Lydia only interrupted her silent suffering to glare at the weapon that had forced it on her. “A further response to the question will not be necessary.”
“O—eh-ehem, okay,” John responded, actually coughing from the intensity of his chortling. “Can we go back to the bit where you were coming onto me?”
“We can attempt to restore that mo-“ Unconvinced by her diplomatic tone, John pushed Lydia over. The Couch caught her, creating a bed underneath, and he immediately got on top of her. “Always a charmer, my love,” the queen purred. Her open arms greeted him.
It was simple love making that followed. No extreme roughness or many words spoken. Just the mutual appreciation of two humans making out on the couch and going through a few positions before he ejaculated inside her. The whole affair only took about ten minutes, and at the end, Lydia, although thoroughly satisfied, recovered quickly.
Playfully, the usually so stern queen let two fingers wander over his chest. “I suppose that was repayment for the help?” John asked.
“I always consider intercourse with you a benefit to myself,” Lydia responded, tapping his sternum before placing her hand flat above his heart. “You are spoiled for choice, my love, and it appears obvious which one of us derives more pleasure from these encounters.”
“I mean, yeah, it’s obviously me,” John said in earnest.
“Hm, I do not care to argue that which cannot be measured.” Her left hand travelled to the Lover’s Will mark. The curved lines peeked out between her spread fingers. “One day your seed will find purchase within me, my love.”
“Oh, don’t tease me with that,” John warned her, already feeling blood rush back downstairs. “I’ve been having a really weak day in that regard.”
“You are wise enough to not impregnate on impulse.”
“You say that – until I’m not,” John insisted. “We are moving dangerously close to the ‘not’. Don’t make me drag you to the roof and impregnate you in front of the public.”
“That suggestion never left the windings of your brain.”
“How could it? Public impregnation of the monarch of one of the strongest guilds on earth, that appeals to all of my kinks.” He could just imagine it. Lydia bouncing on his dick while they sat on her throne together. That the entire world watched mattered a whole lot less than the fact that she knew the whole world watched as she came her brains out, squirting all over the marble floor, as he pumped her full and the load that was in both quantity and quality far above the average found her ovum.
Lydia shook her head in amusement, beholding his rigid erection. “I have an obligation to take care of what I caused,” she stated and straddled him in reverse cowgirl. “To not risk temptation, let us commence with my favourite.”
Slick from the previous engagement, his cock easily penetrated her back entrance. She groaned and gasped lustfully, while his girth stretched her sphincter and filled her asshole. With all the grace of a royal and all the depravity of an anal-loving pervert, Lydia impaled herself on his length. Sitting on his crotch, clearly basking in the sensation, she stopped. Her fantastic ass was relaxed, the squishy cheeks partly flattened on his groin.
“Does it sometimes occur to you how strange the extremity of my enjoyment of this is?” Lydia asked, her voice straining to remain controlled.
“All the time,” John confessed, while grabbing her hips with both hands. “I do quite enjoy the strange though.”
“That is… self-evident.” Lydia moaned, softly oscillating. “Oh… by all… by Mother Metal and… I can’t think of… by your magnificent cock, my love, which fills me so… deeply….” Raising her hips slightly, she curved her spine and presented her ass invitingly. Albeit not masochistic in the proper sense, the queen enjoyed spanking almost as much as the rest of the harem. So clearly enticed, John smacked her rippling cheeks one after the other. “Yes! Oh yes… Master…!” she panted while he turned her backside red.
It was a habit Beatrice had started and that had spread throughout the entire harem in one form or another. Never once had it failed to ignite his lust. With his grip re-affirmed, he thrust up into her. It was the starting signal of a series of movements that were deeply enticing despite their monotony.
Up and down, Lydia bounced. Constantly, John’s hips pushed off the Couch. Her thighs tensed and relaxed, her bubble butt rising and then plunging back down on his cock. Her hands grabbed her legs tightly, showing the delectable plenitude. One particularly energetic bounce made his cock exit her.
“Put it back in!” Lydia cried, nearly begged, looking over her shoulder. Gone was the royalty and present the lover eager to please and be pleased. “Fill me, my love, please.”
“I don’t know,” John teased even while aiming his cock back at her agape sphincter. Just drumming the head against it caused Lydia to moan. The sensitivity still tingling through her from previous orgasms must have made her extremely sensitive. “What do I get in return?”
“…I will repay you during the gala,”
That was as vague as it was enticing and John pressed his dick back into the tight back entrance. The second the head was properly inside her again, Lydia resumed the wild ride. It only took a couple of bounces for her to cry out in a renewed orgasm. Despite the twitches, she kept on moving. One orgasm became many. Accustomed to this pleasure, yet never resistant to it, Lydia was slouched forwards and desperately tried to keep moving.
It was not the sexiest pose, but the animalistic screams of raw ecstasy more than made up for it. Still, John fucked her from below. With her bliss so firmly established, he could chase his own release without a second thought. The tightness of her asshole made that all the easier. Heat and pressure surrounded him, friction was a constant.
Each and every thrust made his cock vanish to the hilt inside her ass. The smooth, sweat-glistening double spheres jiggled immensely with each impact. Irregular breathing mingled with depraved cries. Sweet notes raised his excitement until he was ready to burst.
Focused entirely on her bubble butt, John came deep inside. The release was as immediate as it was immense and satisfying. Lydia threw her head back. She howled at the ceiling. While he was motionless, she kept bouncing. The tight grip of her sphincter wrung everything out that didn’t shoot into her directly.
“God bless the Abyss,” John groaned. Ever so slowly, Lydia’s desperate bounces came to an end. Captivating wiggles brought her towards the tip, after she had calmed down. Once he was out of her, her stretched sphincter recovered to the healthy closed state. Being superhuman took care of the drawback of anal reliably.
What wasn’t taken care of was the hygienic aspect, so they made their way to the shower soon thereafter.
“Odd thoughts occur during sexual activity,” Lydia stated, while John ‘cleaned’ her breasts.
“Are you going back on the repayment promise?” John inquired.
Lydia smiled slightly, her eyes closed while the water from the simulated, warm rain ran over her. “I intend to keep that promise. No, the thought occurred that the use of a Sylkarion on me could be of benefit.”
“No more hygiene questions during anal?”
“Precisely.” Lydia raised her arms and John explored their undersides. Scrubbing her up and down was both a fantastic excuse to touch her all over and a way to feel useful. No wonder Aclysia got almost offended whenever he told her she didn’t need to clean him. “A waste of such a powerful tool. Albeit, I would appreciate more than the carefree enjoyment of such a form. Rest being unnecessary is a definitive perk.”
“You would be bound to me, though, when it comes to your power increase.”
Lydia guided one of his hands to her lower abdomen. “By your mark, this is already the case,” she responded dismissively. “Similarly, I subsist in no small part of metals already.”
“I guess that’s how you keep your favourite hole so clean all the time.”
“Being but half a human does make that easier.”
“MATE!” Nathalia’s voice echoed from the entrance area of the showers. “I REQUIRE YOUR ATTENTION!”
“Hm, I guess I’ll have to go and see what that is about,” the Gamer hummed and parted from Lydia. The only thing that could make him willing to separate from one of his loves so quickly were the demands of one he had not paid attention to yet. ‘Having only one body does make this a fair bit harder,’ the Gamer complained, realizing just how few of them he had talked to today.
It wasn’t entirely unusual for the words exchanged between him and certain haremettes to number less than fifty on some days. That depended not only on the haremette in question, some were way more autonomous than others, but also the nature of their day jobs. That being said, John preferred having the option to be available to all of them. At the moment, he just did not.
“I will take a gander at Eliana’s condition,” Lydia responded.
“You don’t want to hear what she has to say?” the Gamer asked.
“I had half an hour of you all to myself. Proper is to extend such a privilege to my fellow loves.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I will see you later, my love. I’m staying over for the night.”
In the best of moods, John approached the dragoness waiting at the door.
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