Chapter 1266 – Masochistic Brat and Devoted Crazy [Erotic Content]
Chapter 1266 – Masochistic Brat and Devoted Crazy [Erotic Content]
“Claire, what do you think about the way I have sex with you?” John asked, in a rather clinical way, as they walked off the teleporter.
“Obviously, whatever you do is flawless, Master,” the vampire maid responded immediately. “I don’t like watching as much but I am starting to see an appeal…”
John was intrigued by that announcement. “And what would that be?”
“Witnessing your perfection at satisfying other women and knowing that I will be next – it brings me much pleasure.” Claire rubbed her thighs together in an overtly horny fashion. “Whatever you do, my John, I think I could find a way to make it euphoric. It’s all because it’s you.”
“Well, let’s reinforce that viewpoint a little bit. You don’t mind being moulded further by my desires, right?” The question was answered by a violent shaking of Claire’s head. John snapped his fingers and said, “Claire, will you watch?”
“Yes, Master!” she responded with incredible eagerness. “Do show me how you take whatever you want. I’ll commit all of it to memory.”
John smacked the red-eyed maid’s ass, while they waited for the wall to open up. Moaning loudly, the already flushed expression of the maid turned into an outwardly erotic panting. “What do we say when your Master gives you nice things?” the Gamer asked, smacking the other cheek.
“Thank you, Master,” Claire responded, biting back further ramblings in an effort to keep her tone controlled and diligent. She failed at the latter. The effort itself was what made it hot.
The various machines that made up the walls of Scarlett’s headquarters had parted wide enough for the two of them to walk through. Like usual, the technomancer’s office was a mixture between industry hall and sci-fi engineering laboratory. The floor and walls were completely modular. Everything was part of one huge network of machines that Scarlett could adjust and move as she desired.
Distanced from the majority of the workstations was a single large desk in front of a one-way panorama window. It overlooked the Hudson Barrier, something that got progressively more interesting as the months went by and the Abyssalization of the territory continued. Behind it, holding an electronic pad, sat Scarlett in her suit.
The androgynous beauty glanced sideways. Courtesy of her choice in clothing and her facial shape, she was less pronouncedly feminine than the rest of John’s harem. Between her full, pink lips and overall gorgeous appearance, however, her attractiveness was beyond doubt. “Took you long enough,” she complained.
‘Stand there,’ John commanded Claire mentally, focusing his mind on a spot right next to the table. Wordless confirmation embraced his mind with all of the love and obsessive lust of a woman that could no longer keep up with his demanding steps. The intensity of pleasure she felt by watching the person of her desire advance slowed her too much.
For his part, John decided to kill two birds with one stone. The crazy maid would have a show that would fervently ingrain in her that she did not have to directly receive his affection to be satisfied in an orgy and Scarlett would get a proper brat breaking.
Now looking directly at him, with a raised eyebrow, Scarlett’s expression stayed stoic even when he gripped her by the collar and effortlessly dragged her over the table. “You’re scattering my-“ she started to complain, but did not get any further. John forcefully pressed his lips on hers.
Scarlett resisted in all ways one could without actually intending to break free. She pushed against his chest, softly kicked him, and bit his lips mid-kiss. He was still holding her by the collar, not the neck, all she would have needed to do was tilt backwards.
A series of popping sounds accompanied John ripping open her shirt. Wisely, the businesswoman had changed to the kind of metal buttons that click together a short while ago. In theory, that would have kept her clothes from getting shredded every time John got a bit rougher. Too bad that he felt like getting really rough with the masochistic brat today.
With superhuman strength, John tore her suit top away in any last way he desired. Bit for bit, he pulled the strips of cloth from her. Mindlessly, he discarded them. Because there was nothing else to hold onto by the end, he grabbed her throat with one hand.
“Fucking Gaia, John,” Scarlett gasped when he finally broke their kiss. “I got you here to put some of your bullshit ‘better than coffee’ loads in me during my break, not to-“
“Shut – up,” John growled at her. Although he made that a command, he forced her to follow it by slamming her down on her desk. The impact was measured to be painful, without actually hurting his somewhat fragile haremette. Scarlett’s eyes went wide, the table vibrated from the force, and she let out a rattling sound. The colour of her face rapidly changed towards red.
“Master is so hot, masterissohot, master…I love master, love, love, love my John…” Claire whispered obsessively from the side. With depraved eyes and clenched fists, she followed what was going on, overtly struggling not to touch herself. She took half a step forwards, ready to embrace him, but stumbled back into her ordered position when John gave her a reprimanding glare. “Sorry, I’ll be good!” she apologized loudly. “I’ll be a good girl, a good girl that watches!”
‘Even hypnotized she’s struggling not to get involved, huh?’ the Gamer thought. For a moment, he loosened his grip on Scarlett’s throat. She took a couple of desperate breaths. The moment he heard a syllable from her, he clamped back down. Kicking the air, grasping the edge of the table, the topless, flat-breasted redhead writhed on the table, utterly incapable of doing anything against him. Her struggles paused for half a second when he snapped his fingers, but continued when she heard who the command was addressed to. “Claire, half here.”
All of the vampire maid suddenly relaxed. Her fists unclenched, her trembling stopped, and her mouth went from panting and rambling to only slightly open. With sheepish eyes, she stood there, half in trance and half there.
John found it fascinating how effective hypnotism could be on her. Only when her obsessive overtones battled her submissive desires was there a compromise on the suggestions’ effectiveness. For being implanted in her only through the Perk that automatically shared all of them between all the haremettes, that was quite impressive.
Making a resolve, John asked a simple question, “Claire, how would you like being trained as a hypnosis slave?”
“I think I would like that?” the vampire maid responded in a dull, slightly confused tone. The half-awake state removed, in theory, their capacity to lie. Obviously, John’s erotic hypnosis was not actual mind control. If they did not like what was going on, they could and would snap out of it immediately.
‘Alright, let’s word this carefully. If I can marry her submissiveness and obsession here, then that’ll get her exactly where I want.’ “I want to train you so my voice fills you completely, all the way down to your subconscious. You won’t be able to think about anything but what I say to you. Your mind will be filled only with my words. You will obey and you will know that I am always thinking about what I want you to do for me next.”
“I would love that!” Claire exclaimed with greater fervour than a hypnotized person should be able to muster.
“Then let’s start immediately,” John decided. “Lay down on the table.” While Claire slowly followed his order, he removed Scarlet from her desk. Made to kneel in front of him, the technomancer coughed and wheezed, when he let go of her throat.
“Fucking… aggressive… cunt!” she cussed.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it. You must have begged in your mind that I would come in here and ravage you immediately,” John called her out. Before she could retort, he pressed the top of the meticulously clean Skittersteps into her crotch. Slowly, he dragged the smooth leather over her suit pants. Teeth clenched, the defiant masochist tried to not moan, while her overflowing pussy juices added a different kind of shine to his shoes. “Soaked through two layers.”
“Shut… uuuup…” Scarlett responded moaningly. They both loved her resistance crumbling away. “Just give me… my… energy boost…”
“Oh? You want me to head out and buy you an energy drink?” John asked with vicious mockery in his tone. “Or do you want this?” He dismissed his pants. Grabbing his cock, he smacked Scarlett’s face with the iron-hard meatrod. Her mouth went agape as she moaned and instinctively stretched in the direction of his manhood. “What do you want?”
“I want… your… cum…” Scarlett admitted hesitatingly.
“Just my cum?”
“Your delicious, rejuvenating cum,” the redhead confessed, the crack in her brattiness growing wider. “I need it to… work…”
“Oh? Well, then I can just fuck Claire here and only stop to-“
“Fuck no!” Scarlett interrupted him, only to be smacked across the face by his cock again. This time, the precum oozing from the tip left a gooey spot. Panting heavily, Scarlett almost managed to catch the tip of his dick in her mouth. Only taking a fistful of her chin-length, red hair stopped her.
“You don’t interrupt your master,” he warned her. He glanced up, seeing Claire follow the whole scene with envious eyes. He snapped his fingers. “Claire, trance.” Those two words made her head fall down limply, as she was put properly under. “Now, what exactly do you want? Only my cum? That’s all you’ll get unless you are clear.”
“I want to…” Scarlett gulped, the last vestiges of her defiance acting up. All John needed to do to shatter it was to move his cock a little bit closer. He could feel every word on the tip of it. “I want to suck your cock until you pump your delicious load into my greedy mouth!” she exclaimed loudly. After a few seconds of a stern gaze she added, quieter, “…Master…”
“Good girl,” John said and let go of her hair. Immediately, the broken brat took the entirety of his cock deep into her mouth. ‘I love what pain, asphyxiation and humiliation do to this woman,’ John thought as he received a beyond shameless blowjob. While getting serviced, he turned his attention to Claire.
The vampire maid was lying on her back. Slowly breathing in and out, she was in a state of total tranquillity. The trance was so different and yet so similar to the one Scarlett was now in. Breaking a brat was its own kind of hypnosis, just not one brought about by traditional relaxation. One way or another, a mindless state of suggestible haze was achieved.
“Claire, each time I, and only I, hypnotize you or use a hypnotic suggestion on you, and only you, you will feel my love for you in every word of the command.” He was more specific than usual, to prevent these particular effects from spreading through the harem. It was a purely mental effort, using precise formulation just helped him focus it. “The words will sink deep into your subconscious, anchoring themselves in your adoration for me, until I give the command to have them be forgotten. You will find peace in these hypnotic suggestions, knowing that you are doing exactly what I want and that I am always thinking about what I want you to do next. Do you understand?” Claire nodded. “Repeat this command back to me.”
While she did so, John put a hand to the back of Scarlett’s head and supplemented her greedy blowjob with his own thrusts. His quickly rising desire made him fuck her face harder and faster, until he was the only party really moving. Having complete control over two of the most gorgeous women on the planet made his lust boil over swiftly.
Scarlett’s face was pressed into his groin. He took a deep breath, before that and many other parts of his body functions tensed up. Extreme pleasure was followed by a sense of immediate relief. Teasing brats past the breaking point certainly served to get his own lust to unpleasant extremes as well. Spurts of semen guzzled down into the stomach of the abused masochist.
“That’s a good girl,” John groaned. With it, he addressed both Scarlett and Claire, who had finished her recital. While he used Scarlett’s throat and tightly wrapped lips to wring the last drops out of his shaft, he continued the hypnosis, “Claire, I want you to recall your love for submitting to me. I want you to hold it intensely in your mind. Are you doing so?”
“…Yes… my John…” she answered, whispering.
“Good. Each and every time I, and only I, give you, and only you, a command, you will be filled with an intense surge of this submitting love. You will know that it is a true manifestation of this bond. I trust you, deeply, to obey, just as you trust me, deeply, to never use your obedience in ways you would dislike. Repeat this, ingrain the words and their meaning into your mind.”
Claire did as she was told and Scarlett was dragged off his cock. Nearly as badly broken as Metra was yesterday, she instinctively refused to part with his cock. Nothing a bit of manhandling could not fix, however. Breathing irregularly, the broken brat squirmed masochistically as she was forced to stand on her trembling legs.
Turning her around, John put her into a chokehold. Her fingers clawed into his arm, not in defiance, but in pure ecstasy. She almost seemed like she was trying to get him to constrict her windpipe further. The chase of pure pleasure had superseded her survival instincts. Aggressively, John curved his fingers into her pussy. Mouth agape in a voiceless scream, Scarlett held onto his arm as if it was the only thing keeping her from plunging down a dark chasm.
“Whenever you follow my commands, you will feel the pleasure rising inside you,” John continued the hypnosis. “Claire, you feel my hands, my lips, my tongue, and those of my harem all over you, caressing and caring for you. Feel it now.” The breathing, previously calmed by the trance, now accelerated rapidly. Without any external stimulation, Claire writhed on the tabletop. “Remember this sensation. Each and every time you, and only you, follow my hypnotic suggestion, you will feel this universal attention. The intense, romantic and sexual care. Do you understand?”
“Yes… Masterrrrr…” Claire answered, her voice between whisper and lustful cry now.
“Finally, whenever this hypnosis-induced pleasure reaches a highpoint, you orgasm as if I had commanded you to. Feel that now – orgasm!” Claire’s body became rigid, as she moaned. “Harder, cum!” Her hips shot off the tabletop, her moans now a shout of ecstasy. “Even harder, cum!” Claire’s hips rose even higher and a gush of pussy juice created a deeply wet spot in the front strand of her skirt. “Yes, like that. Remember this sensation,” John had to raise his voice to overpower hers, “you will cum just like that when you, and only you, follow my hypnotic suggestions.”
John gave Claire the necessary time to settle back down. Simultaneously, he gave Scarlett a moment to breathe. For the redhead, however, there was no pause in stimulation. While she desperately gasped for air, John kept working her cunt at a rapid pace. He only paused to instead give her tiny tits a nice squeeze. Grabbing her left nipple and twisting only added to the hyper-masochist’s euphoria.
“In a moment, I will tell you to wake up,” John addressed Claire, his arm again tight around Scarlett’s throat to keep her moans from interfering. “When I do, you will be ready to follow whatever hypnotic suggestion I use next. Three… two… one…” he snapped his fingers, “Claire, wide awake.”
The red eyes of the vampire opened wide and immediately focused on John and Scarlett. “Please command me, Master,” she begged oh so sweetly.
Another snap of his fingers. “Claire, will you watch?” he repeated the command he had used initially. The effect was visibly more intense. Biting her lower lip, the vampire maid moaned throatily, while nodding several times in rapid succession. Her short, wild hair bounced as she did. “Show me your pussy – but do not touch yourself.”
“Yes, Master!” the white-haired haremette exclaimed, her voice trembling with satisfied obsession. Moving the front of her skirt aside, she revealed her pussy. Drenched, the swollen sex twitched as if John was working her clit.
It visibly intensified, the spasms spreading through the rest of her curves, while John lifted Scarlett a slight bit and penetrated her ready folds. The broken brat immediately squirted, her entire being had awaited this very moment. Eyes rolled up, she soiled the metal tiles below them. The repeated gushes of pussy juice broke on John’s fingers, rubbing her clit as he pushed into her.
Simultaneously, remembering the sensation of being penetrated all too well, Claire had a hands-free orgasm. Her tongue lolled out, but her eyes stayed focused, entirely unwilling to miss a single second. Her imagination worked in tandem with both her obsession and submission to incredible effects.
John himself felt several aspects of his being rise in synchronized jubilation. This extended experiment in hypnosis created a few more ideas he could test on Claire, pleasing his dominant side. For the mind of momentary pleasure, having a girl orgasm from watching him was a new high. Most intensely, having found the perfect way to integrate Claire into the harem sex life.
Hard, he pounded against Scarlett’s ass. She may not have the most feminine of features in her upper half, gorgeous as she was in her androgyny, but her bubble butt was as round and soft as John could have asked. A cushion to his every hammering thrust, he felt the ripples in it with each renewed impact. Clapping sounds filled the room, competing with ecstatic cries and voyeuristic gasps.
John did not have the mental capacity nor the patience for any more creativity. Mindlessly, he kept on his assault. Broken far beyond reason, Scarlett was in a state of breathless bliss. Every bit of oxygen she was allowed to have was tightly regulated by her dom. Barely, he managed to snap his fingers and grunt one final hypnotic command, “Claire, count from 10 for your release.”
“T-tennn,” Claire moaned, her voice wrecked by pleasure despite her hands only clawing the edge of the table. “Niinnnne… eeeeeeight… s-seven… six… fivvvvvve…” Accelerating his thrusts, John was ready to burst. “Fourrrrr…” Scarlett’s pussy was gripping him tightly. “Three...” Every last fold was resisting his exit. “Two…” Then the entirety of the gaping channel begged him back inside. “Ooooooneeeeeee…!” Claire’s voice rose to a loud scream as the magical-psychological pleasure suddenly spiked. “ZERROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
John thrusted so hard against Scarlett, the two of them stumbled a step forward. Claire first looked down at her cunt, a fountain of pussy juice exploding spontaneously from her, then suddenly had Scarlett shoved down at her. Desperate for any kind of real touch, the vampire maid reacted as John’s mind demanded and wrapped her arms around her fellow haremette, pulling her into as deep a kiss as two screaming women could share.
Repeatedly, John’s balls tightened, pumping a second load deep into Scarlett. Receiving his cum made her pussy hold onto him with such tightness, he couldn’t have moved if he wanted to. In all ways short of words, the redhead was begging him to fill her womb. The Gamer could do nothing but oblige.
“Haaaaa,” he exhaled slowly as the post-orgasmic clarity set in and lifted most of the fog on his mind. ‘She’s not working any more today,’ he decided, looking down at a twitching and mindbroken technomancer. “Alright, let’s bring her to bed and then we bring back Undine.”
“Alright, Master,” Claire swooned.
A yandere made to watch should not have sounded that satisfied.
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