Chapter 1267 – The First to Return
Chapter 1267 – The First to Return
“Time for you two to meet formally,” John said, after having summoned Undine back into his world. “Undine, Claire. Claire, Undine.”
“Hello,” the slime girl greeted, her crystal-clear voice tired. A quick exchange of memories confirmed that, even on the final stretch, nothing had happened. With the corruption inside her depleted, it seemed Undine was no longer due for a cleansing. Consequently, she did not create any interest in her peers. A welcome change in all aspects.
Because she had investigated, by means of words and shared memories, the characters of the remaining five haremettes already, Claire was neither surprised nor offended by the minimalistic use of words by the slime girl.
Despite how depleted she was, Undine inspected the newcomer from all sides. “I know about you already,” she confessed, having benefited from memory sharing herself. Before Claire had been taken by Arkeidos and every time Undine had been given respite, she had gotten constant updates on the situation.
“Same,” Claire confessed.
The two eyed each other up, in person. “You look very good in that outfit,” Undine complimented.
“D’aww, thank you.” Claire gave the slime girl a curtsy. “You can keep looking at what little there is to admire.”
“I want to do more,” Undine responded, her tranquil tone compromised by a certain kind of hunger. If the undercurrents of her crystal-clear voice had been an indication, her taking Claire’s face between her hands was overt. Red rose through the slime girl’s golden eyes, as a broad smile spread on her face.
Forcefully, the slime girl pressed her deep blue lips on the pinkish red ones of Claire. The maid was slightly surprised by the suddenness. Undine rarely got the chance to manifest her aggressive tendencies, of the switches in the harem she was the one most content staying in the submissive role. After several days of nervousness and presented a new bottom in the harem, she appeared to have the perfect excuse to assert and vent in the same motion.
Claire obediently let herself be kissed, even moaned as Undine skilfully took control. Observant as always, the abysstide elemental escalated the situation at a pace comfortable for Claire. Which, given the vampire maid’s reinforced inclinations, was rapid. Before long, John could see a bulge in the maid’s neck. Its origin was doubtlessly a tentacle tongue sliding deep down.
John watched the show from a nearby armchair. The deep blue slime girl had manifested into her fully humanoid shape. Bottom to top, she was a gorgeous woman, her appearance reflecting both his own tastes and how she wanted to be seen.
She stood just the slightest bit smaller than Claire, albeit her pitch-black antlers ultimately made her taller than the vampire. Her thighs extended from nicely broad hips. Her ass also almost matched that of the white-haired submissive in size, albeit the shape was less directly round and more heart-shaped, the crease between butt and legs that little bit deeper by consequence. Despite being a slime, and having no muscles by consequence, Undine displayed herself with a mouth-watering set of visible abs, striking that delectable balance between visible and overpowering. Her breasts were round, large, jiggly and firm, currently pressing against and almost entirely hiding Claire’s chest. Black swirls wound their way up from her feet all the way to the right side of her face, ending underneath a hiding strand of deep-sea blue hair that often hid her eye.
Claire was being dominated in every sense by the slime girl. The kiss had broken, allowing John to see the tendril that extended from Undine’s mouth like a thick, dextrous tongue, and fucked the vampire’s throat. The vampire maid let out a muffled shout when a second Undine hugged her midriff from behind. “I apologize if this is sudden,” the second body whispered, her voice reflecting grace and sadistic glee, “I wish to converse with you in a calm fashion, but I crave the pleasure of another woman’s body. I can barely control myself. John chose you well, obedient and adorable as you are.” The second Undine moved the front strand of the skirt aside, and targeted Claire’s clit with the other hand. “You’re one of us, now. Another haremette for our glorious Master.”
A third Undine, forming on her knees between Claire’s legs, grabbed the massive, round ass of the bottom-heavy maid and extended a tentacle tongue of her own. Swiftly, it penetrated Claire’s outer folds and pushed deeper inside. The maid screamed in debauched delight, the sound muffled by the continuous usage of her throat. Behind her, the second Undine gasped, from the pleasure she experienced ravishing the newest haremette and from sucking her Master’s cock.
Obviously, John would not have sat down had he expected to be just a witness. His voyeuristic enjoyment was strongly tied to whether or not the show was all he was getting or a supplement to service he received. Whether he would have been able to masturbate or not would have made no difference. Whacking it off by himself would not have been his style, no matter how hot the show.
A fourth Undine body, one taking her human disguise, had taken the floor in front of him. The pale, nicely built goth girl was every bit as sexy as her slime girl origin. The antlers were exchanged for properly black hair, her eyes of a dull amber colour, her lips a simple pink, and the definitions of her midriff as unchanged as her large DD breasts and shapely ass. Dense eyelashes made for a dark rim around her eyes that was just one step removed from mascara.
That big-titted goth had stuffed his cock down her throat the moment she had fully formed. The inside of her throat betrayed that the human appearance was just that: an appearance. Past the mouth, her oral hole was a tight, torturous tunnel. Dense folds surrounded him, drenched his cock in oozed slime, and vibrated all around. It was something between Siena’s outright hellish, semen extracting throat and Nightingale’s mouth pussy. Although, had she so desired, Undine could have copied either with remarkable, if not perfect, accuracy.
‘God bless slime girls,’ John thought, while the abysstide elemental meticulously pressured his most sensitive spots with her folds and tongue. As she slowly glided upwards, the massaging bumps moved along, constantly keeping his pleasure at the maximum. A little clump of such prodding tendrils was deliberately focusing that most sensitive spot at the underside of his glans. It came to her naturally to use her shape-shifting gifts to both of their benefit. All the friction she caused made her moan in her own right. Her sensitive areas were just as freely chosen as the texture of her insides.
Claire was no longer standing. Amidst a pile of athletic slime girls, she was being carried by their collective hands. Although her clothes were still on, the tongues, hands and tentacles made it wherever the Undines pleased. The intensity of her muffled screams reflected that Undine had unlocked her secrets too. The tentacles penetrating the vampire maid must have been ribbed for her pleasure.
Receiving attention from Undine, one of them submissive service, the other dominant use, John and Claire joined their ecstatic noises with Undine’s chorus of harmonious gasps. All together, they were closing in on one massive orgasm. Undine bound their thoughts and delight together as closely as she could. She denied herself her release by manipulating her sensitive areas, kept Claire on edge, waited until John could no longer hold on….
…And spurted his cum deep inside her.
All noises rose in volume. A climax of ecstatic cries and groans. John’s sight was compromised by the intensity. Undine sucked and sucked, greedily guzzling down what she had been given every day and still needed more of. Clawing at the edge of the armrests, John had to keep himself from not spasming out of the seat.
All voices crashed in quick succession, leaving only the occasional orgasmic gasp while things calmed down. Halfway through the afterglow, John realized his eyes were closed. He opened them just in time to see Claire drop to her knees and, rambling a myriad of things, compete with Undine over his cock. The slime girl obliged, letting the vampire maid have the final taste.
“Coming back with a bang.” John chuckled, patting the goth woman on the head, while she reverted to a single slime body. Once all their orgasms were probably diminished to a nice, gentle afterglow, he made signs that he wanted to leave. “I have to get the new Creator Puppet running,” he told them.
“That has to… I mean…” Claire cleared her throat to diminish her demanding tone. “Can’t that wait, Master? You have two so willing haremettes here… would be a shame to just… leave, right?” She put her chin on his knee, like she was a very sad dog. “Just one more, Master?”
Supporting, Undine nuzzled against the maid. The two of them made the biggest, most begging expressions possible. John almost gave in. Only reason he didn’t was that he knew that one more would turn into ten more. There was no such thing as ‘holding back’ when Claire got obsessive and once Undine covered him in a mountain of squishy, gorgeous goth babes of all measurements, there was no escaping either.
“No, I have to set priorities,” he asserted and stood up just slow enough that he didn’t knee them in the process. “You delay me here - you prevent me from being able to spend more time with the others. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”
“No…” “I guess not…” They responded simultaneously. One felt guilty, the other had the decency to pretend.
“You should get some good sleep anyway, Undine,” the Gamer continued, in a softer tone. “I’ll be here when you wake up and you won’t have to go back. Okay?”
“Okay,” Undine responded, quieter.
“Guess I’ll make myself useful and tuck you in?” Claire suggested. “Maybe make you something to eat? Aclysia showed me how to make oatmeal.”
Undine yawned, her excitement cooling off and the exhaustion coming back in its place. The tired sound was a single, drawn-out note. “That sounds lovely,” she admitted.
John nodded approvingly and headed for the door. Upon opening it, he stood face first to Eliana. Without a word, he moved aside, and the pretty little psycho stormed inside. “Yo, you liquid cunt, let’s fucking cuddle!”
“Hello, Eliana.”
“Don’t fucking hello me; you piss-ants left me all alone! I only had the entire rest of the harem to hang out with!”
“You sound like you need non-elemental friends,” Claire suggested. “Want me to sacrifice myself? I’ll be a good… something… fellow cocksleeve, if nothing else.”
“Fuck off, I love you.”
Snickering, John closed the door behind himself. Whether that was just a random exchange or the start of Claire joining that particular clique in his harem remained to be seen. By his judgement, the latter was more likely. Undine, Eliana and Siena were the definitive concentration of crazy in his harem, each of them coming with their own little anti-social manifestations. Claire would fit right in with them.
As long as the cliques were only the people the haremettes commonly hung out with, John saw no issue with any of this. If they became groups that were effectively isolated, that would have been a problem. Rave was a more than unifying influence, however, with her regular haremette meetings. Further support came from Gnome, who was a leadership figure even if she got bullied 80% of the time, and Aclysia, who had the unquestionable authority in household manners. John himself also mixed things up steadily because he picked who he was hanging out with from a large pool, all of which he had roughly equal interest in.
Even Scarlett, who was one of the more insulated haremettes, was part of several cliques. She regularly hung out with Momo and Lydia, because they all bonded over an appreciation of the practical. Sometimes she preferred to be with Beatrice instead, the two of them just working in the same space, occasionally throwing snide remarks at each other. When Momo wasn’t available, Scarlett, Lydia, Siena and Gnome liked to get into semi-heated debates about anything from tax codes to the optimal shape of fence posts.
Those were just the cliques Scarlett was part of, cliques that were modular by the nature of each of those haremettes being part of further cliques, which then mixed and matched depending on the day. Aclysia, typically, was not one for debating political issues. Her opinion was as simple as ‘what Master wants, goes’. There were some days where she liked to get a bit more in-depth with that, whether it was to try and convince the ever-defiant Siena or to learn more about the values she was standing for when she defended him. The last Aclysia wanted was to be caught off-guard and then be the cause of him suffering a PR loss.
So, all of these things intersected, one way or another. John had a general web of relationships between his haremettes in his head, which he often used to pair those that had been isolated from each other for a bit or to keep in the same room those that got along exceptionally well. It all depended on his and their moods. Being the ‘owner’ of such a large harem required a lot of attention. Dreamy as the lifestyle was, it did have its downsides. Had he not been a superhuman with an erudite mind and endless sexual stamina, spread out over several bodies, it would have certainly been unsustainable.
‘Well, or I could do like Sultans and such rulers did and just keep my harem by decree and force,’ John thought, while he walked towards his Creator Puppet room. ‘A loveless harem does not sound like my style though. Too much potential for women getting in just for a chance of seducing me for political power.’ He shuddered to imagine it. Without Observe, he would definitely fall for it. Not for all of them, but at least one.
The Puppet room had seen some minor upgrades since he had set it up. Various glass containers had been bought, each of them 2 metres tall and 1,20 metres wide, good dimensions to leave a golem of his size behind in. Each of the containers had a space on the side where John could leave the name of the model, its first creation, the purpose of the design, iterative improvements made, and lessons learned from its creation. The goal was to, a few years down the line, have a spread of what he had made and to always have an older version to go back to in case they worked better.
Basically, he was creating back-up versions.
This was made a lot easier and partly redundant by the fact that his Create Skill saved the ‘recipes’ for these golems. Ever one to assemble some trophies, John wanted physical remembrances as well. Another reason to do this was to consider how to create believable misinformation about the Creator Puppets. The existence of his third body was already public knowledge since he had shown it off during the fight against Arkeidos. What he could do now that everyone was aware that the Skill existed was to put previous bodies out in publically accessible museums and label them with ‘Like most previous versions, this body has a structural weak point in the lower abdomen’.
Basically, he wanted to create false flags that made studying his weaknesses either a trap or less efficient.
The cases for the bodies were along the walls. In the middle of the room was another, particularly large vitrine. In it were cross-sections of various kinds of materials that bound together nicely. Some of them were what John had used for the creation of the first model for the Skill, the Golden Boy. Most were alternative bindings that he had gathered from other sources.
Surprisingly, he did not have a lot of experts on the matter of binding layers of different materials together in the fashion one solid body required. Fusion had plenty of arcano-engineers and smiths, but this kind of melding of various materials was more of an alchemical situation. Which meant that John had another reason, beyond the good ones he already had, for giving Delicia her new body.
For the moment, the Golden Boy model would fulfil his needs. He had prepared a second one in advance, before he went into the Kingdom. The aftermath he found himself in was firmly within his predicted range, after all. Even if it hadn’t been, paranoia and opportunity would have driven him to do it.
The glass case was vacuum sealed and only opened upon a tap from the Guild Hall console. ‘Socialite Mode,’ John thought, while he put his hand on the Elementium skin that gave that model its name. As the mana flowed from his hand and established the supernatural connection, the colour rapidly changed to the mild tanned colour he sported. Most of the form of the body remained the same, as it had to be modelled after John himself by the description of the Skill in use. Only the head went through a substantial change. Eyes appeared, the nose went from a merely decorative bump to a proper protrusion with two holes, ears and hair sprouted, and the lips parted.
John rolled the jaw of his Creator Puppet. He inspected himself, while he went through all the usual motions one would when inhabiting a new form. It was like waking up, in its own way. Stepping out of the glass case, the handsome but plain young man stretched. The Gamer looked like he could be one of thousands that sported the front of a Playboy magazine. A clean-shaven guy of northern European descent, with short brown hair and eyes, of a well-trained, muscular figure that was kept from being truly impressive by his lanky bone structure.
“What do they see in me?” John asked himself.
“Eh, it’s not about my looks, apparently. Your girls aren’t as shallow as you are,” he answered himself.
Then he snorted; this was a very effective way of having a solo conversation. ‘Alright, where did I put the secondary suits?’ John thought. The Creator Puppet, much like the Mandala Sphere, copied his current state of dress when it came to its appearance. That was why it was stark naked, and also had the brown colour of his contact lenses appear on a double that could not actually utilize magic items.
The Creator Puppet could ‘refresh’ its appearance to match his when he undressed, and if he covered himself. The process was involved, however. It had to be dismissed and then had the Skill re-cast on it. The Mandala Sphere, after many improvements, could just dress and undress as he wanted via a menu. Ambassador Double also was a level 10 Class Perk, so that much could be expected.
It was much easier to spawn the Creator Puppet in naked and give it its own, purely decorative clothes, especially if it wasn’t clear what he was going to use it for that day. The last thing John wanted was for his Creator Puppet to be in demand by one of his haremettes and for the pants to be in the way. An awkward situation that could not be easily solved by tearing through the fabric.
The Creator Puppet marched towards a closet next to a workbench and opened it to find a bunch of suits that were, on first glance, exact replicas of John’s Suit of the Chosen, with all of the usual additions. Obviously, unenchanted materials could not actually compete with a set of items granted by Gaia herself, be that as birthday presents or Raid rewards. Anyone looking closely would spot the difference. Another drawback the Creator Puppet had over the Ambassador Double.
Those two had their own benefits and drawbacks, after all.
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