Chapter 221: Scandalous News, a Dangerous Cave, and an Unhealthy Meal
Alex returns to his house, the sun already setting. As he enters, he hears Tereza and Menchi loudly gossiping, while Rishi listens with a blank expression.
Tereza, sipping on some Butterbeer, excitedly tells a somewhat tired-looking Menchi the rumors she picked up. Menchi, despite looking tired, keeps asking questions, clearly intrigued. Alex hears Tereza speak as he enters the cozy living room.
“They really tried to take Harry’s Invisibility Cloak—a freakin’ Deathly Hallow! Did they really think it would be that easy? Corner him alone, beat him up, and take it? It’s so stupid! The Castle turned on him and made him faint or something. Even Dumbledore got involved! That moron is lying in the infirmary, and his entire team is banned from the castle premises. They’re screwed! It’s hilarious! Those stupid Mafia gang members, hahahahahah, I can’t believe it!” Tereza narrates, tears streaming down her face from laughing so hard.
“Usually, you’re not into gossip, Tereza. Are you turning into a schoolgirl? I’d be interested in seeing you and Menchi in uniforms, but I have to admit, that sounds like a juicy story. However, this news presents a brand-new problem,” Alex says as he enters the house and sits down on the couch.
“It’s hilarious! Obviously, you can’t just rob the main character of the story. The system didn’t spell it out, but any idiot could’ve predicted this. Anyway, what problem?” Tereza asks, trying to hold back her laughter.
“We all thought that team was suspicious, but if that rumor is really true, then that means…” Alex begins.
“That it’s another team that’s potentially traitorous,” Rishi casually finishes his sentence, aware of this obvious conclusion for quite some time.
I’m beginning to turn a little weird too… why don’t I feel even a hint of fear? After that mess inside the damn Spider Nest, I really think I’ve conquered my fears. Maybe I actually overdid it. In fact… the only thing I want to do is shoot a storm of Blizzard Arrows into that entire team and see them get frozen into statues full of arrows, only to slowly shatter them down individually with my shield.
“You look like you’re up for a fight, Alex,” Rishi observes.
“Yeah… surviving that whole mess in the Thornback Nest broke me. Battling these Acromantulas after that, and today, taking on three of them at the same time, solo, really makes me wonder what’s wrong with me. If I’m getting too arrogant and careless, tell me, but I feel like I’ve overcome something great, and don’t know fear anymore,” Alex says, not exaggerating.
“Huh, what did you do today?” Tereza questions him.
Alex narrates his day, leaving everyone, including Menchi, looking at him in shock.
“I butchered those things. They’re extremely strong beasts empowered by this corruption energy. Casually hunting ten of them, even killing three at the same time, and doing that nearly instantly is quite the feat,” Menchi says, her expression impressed. She adds, “You better keep that up. I need you to become the strongest player so I’ll have lots of opportunities to visit worlds like this one. I want to make it to the end,” she says, looking into Alex’s eyes, her own filled with hope, ambition, and a hint of greed.
“I won’t worry. Your Nen is insanely advanced compared to the rest of your abilities. It’s almost a miracle,” she compliments him.
“Usually, it would take two skill points to raise my NEN stat by just one. I guess it makes sense that I’m quite strong; my innate skill is just that overpowered now that I’m strong enough to ensure I get numerous stat points after every world,” Alex explains silently, cursing inside his mind.
And I still run out of AURA this quickly! I need even more stat points!
Alex, deciding to be patient, places his hand on Menchi’s shoulder and says, “We’ll get to the very end, trust me! Anyway, what about your days?”
“Classes…” Tereza says, not really able to tell much. “At least I managed to join without a problem, even got some homework I need to do later, hehe.”
“Endless discussions about philosophy, ethics, history, religion,” Rishi says bluntly, rolling his eyes. For once, he’s showing real emotions—clearly annoyed. “That man is smart and educated, but extremely naive if he thinks I’d be susceptible to these childish games. I’m probably more educated in non-magic things than he is. Didn’t think he’d be this naive and childish in his approach.”
“Careful he isn’t brainwashing you and using that nonsense as a distraction,” Alex warns him.
“Hehe, don’t worry. I’ll tell you later, but I chose something against that—one of the perks for reaching 30 SPR,” Rishi says confidently.
Alex smiles and responds to his friends, remembering something important. “...Well, sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you. Ah, yeah, before I forget, Draco told me his father will contact me soon, but I don’t even know what we should do! I only did that because I thought he had the contacts to help you get a wand, but maybe you can just go straight to Ollivanders next Monday, and we won’t need him. Also, what you said to me lately… about preferring the healing arts. Maybe we should forget about that whole Basilisk Horn wand business…”
“No. I’ll use it. In fact, I want something really specific—probably not too expensive—but if he contacts you, let’s meet up with him,” Tereza pleads.
“Yeah, no problem. It’s good you want something; otherwise, I’d look really stupid when he contacts me and I’ve got nothing, haha,” Alex says.
Rishi looks at Alex, seemingly wanting to say something but then shakes his head, muttering, “After what happened today, it’s probably best not to interfere this boldly.”
Tereza looks at him and smiles. “No risk! Let’s play it safe. There’s enough to do without risking such a fate.”
“Lucius Malfoy isn’t a main character. We could take him out, especially if we do it away from Hogwarts, but he’s still very relevant to the plot. According to what Roja told us, these characters are the hardest to kill, and you’ll suffer a terrible fate if you do it. I think she’s overexaggerating, and I don’t trust a word she told us, it’s all probably spiked or manipulated in a way that makes it seem true. However, I know there are bound to be ways around it. Anyway, we should wait and see. Maybe we can use him. If we want to take him out for whatever reason, we should do it near the end of our stay here,” Alex says.
“This world, despite its corrupt witches and wizards in the ministry, is essentially a world of order. If we kill Lucius, the system will, without a doubt, send Aurors or Hit Wizards to hunt us. With magic, it’s probably impossible to kill someone without getting exposed sooner or later,” Rishi says. “So, let’s wait. It was just a thought… for now.”
Three days pass almost instantly. While Rishi is getting re-educated by Dumbledore, Tereza and Menchi are studying like well-behaved schoolgirls. Alex focuses on taking care of his egg, using up another [Blood Essence] to strengthen his [Blood Mixture], while cleansing the forest and killing Acromantulas with great efficiency.
In fact, Hagrid only offers Alex a few contribution points but can’t afford to buy the [Acromantula Poison]. Alex sighs and decides to dump the butchered Acromantulas anyway—earning a few contribution points is better than nothing. As for the poison, he’s waiting for a certain someone to contact him, offering to sell it directly. It’s useless for him in battle, but it’s a main ingredient for the Armadillo Bile Mixture and the Invisibility Potion, one of the most requested potions by Aurors and criminals alike.
Throughout his journey into the forest, Alex notices a distinct lack of wildlife. His only real gains are more of the very common [Horklump Juice] and [Dittany], along with a few White-ranked herbs not worth talking about. However, deep inside the forest, far away from the Acromantula Nest and with no corruption nearby, he spots a suspicious-looking cave.
If you see a cave, you enter the cave. That’s just gaming 101.
Alex uses Zetsu and slowly enters the cave. To his surprise, he sees dead animals everywhere, crudely butchered. Various bugs and other small creatures are gnawing on the remains and bones of what Alex guesses were once deer.
Deeper inside the cave, Alex spots light and exits into a small, open area with no rocks blocking the view above. It looks like a naturally made outdoor garden within this otherwise dark and dangerous-looking cave. In the center of it sits a huge forest troll, and next to him, a small stack of weird black-looking objects. The troll is easily twice as large as Hagrid, green-skinned, and looks extremely savage and not even remotely intelligent.
Slugs?! No… it’s some kind of plant! That troll is eating them. Anyway, I’m sorry for this, but I’m on a hunt!
Alex uses In on all the Annihilation Grenades he has prepared for today—a total of 10. He walks directly toward the troll, approaching it from behind. As the disgusting, smelly troll stuffs more of the weird-looking plant into its mouth, opening its jaws wide, Alex seizes the opportunity. He activates the grenades, igniting the fuses, and watches as they burn with a bright violet flame. Then, he stuffs all of them into the troll’s mouth and kicks its jaw shut, making sure it swallows its explosive meal.
He takes a few steps back and stares at the confused troll, who looks at Alex like another tasty meal has stumbled into its lair, seeming very happy. As the troll is about to stand up, Alex taunts it:
“Heh, swallowed them like a good boy. How about I teach you some quick math today? Let’s count to three. On…”
“Oops… I guess I should’ve counted from the start… whatever!” he says as countless notifications pop up. The troll’s stomach is ripped open, exploding into hundreds of flesh pieces. The troll looks down at the gaping hole in its stomach, utterly confused, before slowly closing its eyes forever.
Alex only looks at two specific notifications with a huge smile:
You have killed Forest Troll.
You have received Chest (Blue).
Alex searches the area and identifies the black, slug-like plants as Light Green quality [Bubotuber], useful for healing potions. He picks up 20 of them, his eyes filled with absolute joy, unable to believe his luck. He also notes a small field of [Dittany]
growing in the garden, which he quickly harvests. However, while doing so, Alex spots a huge stalk of Dittany, almost glowing in the faint sunlight shining through.[Mutated Dittany Stalk]
World: Harry Potter / Wizarding World
Quality: Light Purple
Type: Herb (Mutated)
Effect: Can be eaten raw or applied to a wound to recover 300 HP over 30 minutes.
Note: A huge, rare, legendary mutated form of Dittany, turning a simple herb into a priceless treasure, best used in potion-making.
Note: This Stalk of Dittany is large and magical enough to be turned into a wand core, resulting in a wand very suitable for casting healing magic.
Jackpot! I better show this to Tereza! This looks far more suitable than the damn [Basilisk Horn], and it’s of a higher quality!
“Time to call it quits for today. I better ask our dear ‘Sev’ what’s taking him so long, hehe,” Alex says with a smile, his inventory filled with brand-new loot.
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